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Monday, April 29. 2013

The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion-Albert Einstein

“The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology.”

-Albert Einstein

A quote from a very wise man.


Entries by Category

1. Books

2. Daily Light

3. Mind Power

4. Philosophy

5. Poems

6. Pop Culture


8. Reality

9. Religion

10. Society

1. Books


LuciLight, Year 1 has been on the Web for about 2 years now. It is growing rapidly. The Light shines brighter the more perspectives/people it shines through. Because of this, will release all of its´ writings from itsínception on the Web in the form of an ebook. This ebook will come with a small forward and epilogue and include all the posts from in chronological order. Hopefully, people will print these writings and circulate them to others. Hopefully, by having a hard copy of this knowledge of different perspectives, it will help people access this information more readily.

Know that all donations and book sales will go toward the spreading of the Light. A newsletter, books, and an online community are coming. To all who have been here, I say unto to U, the Light within U knows many things that U do not. It guides U, when u let it, to other places so U can experience the necessary growth. is 1 of those places. Here, your Light connects to an old friend, and recognizes this familiarity. As such, this begins a rapport that gives U strength for your Journey. Know that this is no accident.

To all the Lightbringers I say to U, let Us move forward in changing the world by changing ourselves. Let us accept this responsibility as inherit and let Us Love it, for Love is the highest form of admiration and respect. It is pass desire, yearning, or wanting, it is becoming outside yourself because of another energy in your presence. But now, let us be the energy that we reflect from and get lost in. Let us love the Light, the Light that is within us.

Ready? Hold Fast and PUSH full stead ahead!


2. Daily Light

Daily Light

Faith, Hope, and Love shall be your protection.

Did you know that your attitudes are magnetic? Did you know that your attitudes affect your energy-field around U? Your energy-field is responsible for receiving energy and transferring energy. It is responsible for your entire life being.

Certain attitudes affect this energy protection field negatively, they create holes or interferences which only affect the being negatively by depletion of energy and thought. Our energy field is connected with our mind. This is true. Despair, Worry, and Hate cause disruptions that affect our energy field, thereby blocking or taking from the energy that we could be using to create. This is a problem.

The opposite is true also. Faith, Hope, and Love affect this powerful field also. Faith in what, Hope in what, and Love for what U ask. It does not matter. Each emotion has a vibration rate. This vibration spreads out from your mind, to your energy-field, and through the Universe. Vibrations at this level range enhance your energy-field, thereby increasing your sensitivity to the energy flow being sent from the Sun. With this energy comes, lightness, inspiration, and motivation. All the things that promote growth in life.

There is much more to this subject, but only the principle needs to be understood. Yes, Young 1, keep a healthy attitude. Not because people will like U more, or because U need to disguise your unhappiness, but do it, knowing that you are directly affecting the world around U, but more importantly, U are directly affecting your propensity to the Energy of the Universe. Become Light enough, reach a certain vibration, and the Universe will show U things that cannot be explained.

Daily Light

Don't escape-Integrate!

Hey! Don't escape-Integrate!!! What this means is that, everyone is always trying to escape Reality, to make it into what they want without following the rules of Reality. Now everyone knows that this is senseless. No one can change the basic nature of nature. Instead, I say!, Integrate into Reality. What does this mean? It means that you must think deeper. You must span your thoughts across days, weeks, and months to determine your next best move in this moment, and when you make that specific action, congratulations! You just made an Integration!

Integration is basically like math. You take this and that and add them together to create a chain of actions that lead to your goal. U integrate yourself in the present with your future and past. Get it?

U hold yourself accountable for your action in the moment, because now you have begun to realize your life is The Great Work and almost everything has to have a business edge to it, that is discipline, a bottom line, and reason. So U integrate or add your whims and desires that constantly have U fleeting from moment to moment to your goals, values, and insights. When U do this, all the positive energy inherent in these types of concepts usually help eat away at your whims that leave U helpless.

Do U understand now?


Soooo,.....Don't escape-Integrate!

Daily Light

Be like the Sea

U must be like the Sea, forever changing and absorbing everything, but yet, not affected by anything.

All too often, we react to emotionally to people and events, this emotion in turn clouds our rational judgement about the situation. This is not good. For now, rationality is reduced to bias and subjectivity.

Also emotion carries tremendous energy. If you waste all your energy reacting to frivolous events, there will be no more energy for you to build, create, or grow with, and remember this is the purpose of life, to uplift humanity through our personal efforts that implicitly benefit us as well.

All be well today and remember to save your energy, be like the Sea, Grand and Almighty, Breathtaking in Power, but yet, calm as a Hawaiian breeze.

Daily Light

Striving is the essential quality.

1 must always accept the responsibility that 1 is never done growing. A spiritual insight should be matched with reasonable action that accounts for the responsibility of that insight. All too often people want to horde the light to themselves and make no real commitment to society. For with the light comes responsibility. The brighter the light, the more responsibility necessary. So know that even the Gods were once human and that they strove to reach such a state. Striving is the main and essential ingredient to spiritual growth.

Remember this young ones,

Daily Light

Discipline shall free U forever.

In being sentient conscious being, humans have a choice about the myriad of actions that they can choose to set forth. Mostly everyone knows on one level or another exactly what needs to be done, but few aspire to such heights.

1 must use Discipline as the tool to achieve greater heights. It is through Discipline that 1 can forge their Realities through action. In using Discipline their must be a leap of faith. 1 seldom feels like doing anything, and the actions that bring fruit to onesĺife are Hard Actions, actions that require thought, planning, and tracking of results constantly. So 1 must have faith in knowing these actions are worth doing in spite of feelings. 1 must believe in themselves to pull through.

Just look at Discipline as the axe 1 uses to climb the Great Mountain of Life.

Daily Light

Remember, this is a Journey.

Do not get stuck in the moment, day, week, or month. Everything changes. Too often people feel anchored to their situation and this creates a limited view.

One of the last great arts, Alchemy, rested on the premises that everything is constantly going through a process of metamorphosis, everything is growing only to die, but only to resurface into a greater energy. Do you understand? Life is like that, cycles. Every cycle we are becoming stronger, finer, and re-tuned. Every cycle we learn and become more of what we want, our essence becomes greater.

So know this, that U are in a cycle, not a moment, day, week, or month. Extend your vision into the end of your cycle. Know that another 1 will began and U will be greater because of it.

Know this and gain energy from it.

3. Mind Power

Mind Power

Mind Disintegration and Daily Growth

Is your mind growing or dying? Think about it, ten years ago were you better are worse? In this world, as time progresses, we digress. Is that how it should be? Is that how it has to be? No, it does not have to be that way. We as humans can choose to grow every single day. Do not let this world of distractions take away the time needed for development. Time management and discipline is the key. Be aware of the foggy mind states of others and do not let them pull you down. If you are truly growing, you should awake each day with optimism and eagerness. If each day is not eagerly greeted, then one is not growing. Think about it.

Mind Power


What does one think of when one thinks of the concept control? The term control could be used to describe directing or determining the path and outcome of a particular situation or events. What about controlling ourselves? What is the merit in that and to what extent is it limited? What prohibits control of self and what adds to it? In other words, who is your final authority? Is it you, your feelings or someone else?

In order to control your world, you must consciously control time and your actions within it. Take each day and reduce it to hours. Take the hours and reduce them to minutes. Control the minutes.

Control the thoughts within the minutes. Control the actions within the minutes. As you gain this vital skill, suddenly minutes turn into hours and then next, you will find yourself contolling days at a time, herein lies the real power, the power to turn your thoughts into reality-the greatest power of all.


Mind Power

A New World.

Everything exists in your mind. Control your mind and you seize control of the world around you.

If you have harmony in your mind, there will be harmony around you. The reason people disintegrate, is because their reaction to reality usually only brings more disharmony within themselves.

There are certain actions that are legitimately good for you, short-term and long-term, for the body and the mind. Certain actions solidify your progress towards your goals, others diminish your progress. Pay attention to what you do, but remember, what you do is controlled by what you think, so, more importantly, pay attention to your thoughts. Are they leading you toward prosperity or failure. In today's society, people to often blame others for their lack of control, but one fact remains prominent: each person can seize control of their thought and actions, thus accepting full responsibility for their life. Only then do they truly begin their journey into a new world. A world where each day is full of potential and the mind grows continuously. Such a perspective is alien in today's popular Establishment. But because of this fact, a person grows extremely fast in comparison to their peers, who view the world through old perspectives.

A New World is possible and exists simultaneously with the old one. You can choose at any moment which one you choose to reside in.

Let the Light lead the Way.


Mind Power

Concept of Thought-Seeing

What controls our actions? Our thoughts, our thoughts control our actions. So the process is think and then act. Through this simple system, we can literally see what we think by completing our thoughts through action. This is real power. However, three issues must be addressed in order for this concept to be most efficient. They are, the time from thought conception to action, conscious stamina, and clear mental imagery.

The first issue deals with the time when you first think of the thought, to the act of performing the necessary action for the fruition of that thought. Once one has conceived the thought, one must first then make a firm commitment to oneself to perform the necessary tasks in a allotted space of time. This builds resolve and help narrows the minds' many options. Distractions are far more easily dealt with if you have a deadline and have made a commitment to yourself.

The second issue that must be addressed, is Conscious Stamina. Often when one is working, one eventually begins to feel mentally dreary. Know this "dreariness" is a self-imposed limit you have set for yourself. But the fact that it is a limit, means that it can be broken and a new limit set.

When you feel this mental weakness, be conscious of it and explicitly refresh your mind. Tell your self that there are no limits and that you can think forever. This acknowledgement of your limits, automatically expands one's mind and creates room for new thoughts and limits, which you can use to continue working on your Prime-Thought (The goal you originally set for yourself).

The last issue to aid in Thought-Seeing, is Mental Clarity. The following statement is a fact: The mind remembers through vividness. That being said, it would be fair to say that the more colorful and vivid your thoughts, the easier it will be to remember them and the more exciting it will be. So paint your thoughts with vivid colors and imagery and this will help fight the stamina progression.

From this standpoint of thinking, one merely has to think and it becomes reality (through action of course).So keep this principle in mind and as you complete your thoughts in reality, notice how you are literally "seeing" or "watching" your thoughts come to life! Too many a time, people think what they think has no influence on reality. That is true if thoughts are not followed by action, but add the magic ingredient of action to your thoughts and you have a practical, abundant, personal genie.

Mind Power

The FIZZ effect.

Inspiration. Inspiration comes to us in the form of new ideas. The ideas are often the beginnings of new projects. Inspiration is followed by motivation and you delve deep into your new project. what happens next? You are interrupted or your mental energy needs replenishing. Fine, take a break, but DO NOT lose sight of your project. Too often a time, projects are never finished. but it is those projects that give us life and competence.

So what happens next? If constant planning and energy is not devoted to the project, it never sees completion and is eventually forgotten about. You fizzed-out. In the short-term, you can fizz-out also. If you CAN finish the project the day or week you began the project, you should, don't fizz-out. The rewards of the completion of the project far outweigh the inconveniences of completing the project. You see, we only can step up from our last step. Our last step determines or next. If you can view projects as stepping stones that solidify your vision and concentration, they will gain a friendly, warm appeal that you enjoy wrestling with and they will propel you to your future.

A great man once said imagination is more important than knowledge. Now imagine if you turned every inspirational burst into a project and completed every single project you conceived. Do you think you would feel and be more competent? More importantly, what new inspirations are to follow the completion of old ideas/projects?

There is no limit. Do not limit yourself. Re-shape your mind to value your mental projects over EVERYTHING, only then will you began to sense the awesome power that lies within.

Mind Power

Morning Energy

How do you spend your first few moments of your day? I pose this question because often the potential of the morning is not exploited and the moments of the morning often determine your perspective for the rest of the day. I am here to tell you that great power lies in morning energy.

Your mind is fresh upon first rising. An empty canvas it is, but only for a moment. Soon, thoughts come pouring in to color your experience. In a sense, your hard drive is uploaded with the main program, who you are, your habits and emotions. But, nevertheless, something new is there, an energy, a force, a fresh outlook. Herein lies the power, your power. The power comes in the form of a fresh supply of energy and inspiration, or does it? This power is cut off the moment you betray yourself, the moment you drug your body, or the moment you let the negative energy of another person pull you in. That is why I urge you to be cautious with this power, for it is very fragile, but immensely powerful. The moment you lose it, the moment you lose that "momentum space", you can only acquire it again through conscious effort. You see, it is a gift, given to you by nature. One that you do not have to work for or think for. All you have to do is harness it and guide it.

Morning energy can be used for anything. Projects and planning are easily accomplished with morning energy as well as positive affirmations of your particular vision you have for yourself for the day or weeks ahead. The most important reason why this morning energy is priceless is because it increases your chances for changing the habits of your mind. You see, you can use this energy to think new thoughts and thus form new productive habits and break old destructive habits. Use this gift of nature, utilize, harness it, profit from it, Love it.


Mind Power

Focus on your Breathing.

Whenever you are feeling agitated, focus on the breadth of life moving within you. In and Out the force of life supports your body, filling you with the power of consiousness. Notice this event.

Appreciate it. 10 breadths, In and Out. Notice how light you feel now and how clear your thinking is now.

This little trick works, use it anytime you need strength from within.

Mind Power

Remember, disconnect.

You are a program, a combination of instructions and reactions put into you by your society. In this program, everything is automated. In order to become aware, U must learn to disconnect from your programming. To disconnect from the rambling machine in your mind. Once you disconnect, use your concentration to become aware, aware of everything, your breathing, your thoughts, and your feelings. Once you do this you will began to learn how to steadily become disengage in your created cage of reality. With this new perspective you can look for the causes and results of all your actions. Use this perspective to organize your actions and control your emotions into the future.

Mind Power


We are all programs. Programs are habitual thoughts and actions implanted in us. We acquire these programs as we grow, some are needed in the process of maturation. However, some programs serve no use, and are destructive.

Delete your negative programming and replace it with positive programming. Be aware of your thoughts, most of the time it is just old programs using up all your CPU and Storage. With this wasteful usage, there is little room for inspiration, passion, or honesty.

So listen to your thoughts. What are U thinking about? What should U be thinking about, and What can U think about?


4. Philosophy


Your Power.

You have power. Within you, right now lies the answer to a limiting life. Do not pray to it. Do not listen for it. Do not worship it. Control it.

Each human being is given time, energy, and a conscious mind. Those three forces can combine to create a force that literally moves reality. When you wake up and go to work each day, your employer is paying for your time, energy, and your MIND. They say, "Here, let me borrow you for a second, so I can get some value out of you, even if you can not." And that is exactly what they do; they tell you how to use YOUR resources. You see, they have already done the advanced-thinking and planning in order to control their future. What they need is concentrated energy. You are that energy, that reality-altering force.

I illustrate this point to bring to light the daily discipline that ordinary humans exert over their own lives. I pose a question, however: What if they focused their resources on THEIR ideas and THEIR goals? What if they blocked time out, set a short-term goal, and concentrated on it day after day after day? What if they lived like this from habit? Would the impact be beneficial to their overall well-being?

You see, the system of today sets aside tasks for us to do in order to keep society progressing, and society does seem to progress, regardless of the dogma of the particular century. Reality and society continually move forward through the principles of controlling time, goals, and concentrated energy. Now is the time for this universal power to become commonplace among ordinary men and women. Now is the time for the next human evolution, in which the goal is to awaken to a new world of rich resources to be controlled for greater prosperity.

It is true. You do not have to buy this power. You do not have to learn it. Look at the ceiling now. Seriously, do it. Two seconds have passed since you have looked at the ceiling. How did you use those seconds? If you wasted them?, Can you still use them? Absolutely not! Reality will just give you two more seconds, and now the real question becomes?: "How will you use what nature has given you? Will you let it waste or will you create? If you choose to create, what will it be? A picture from the mind of someone else?, or will it be an original picture only to be seen from the graces of a miracle of nature: your individual conscious choice to create.


Measure of Greatness

What is Greatness? What is the measure of Greatness? Are ideas or actions alone Great? Can Greatness be learned?

Beethoven, Aristotle, Darwin, Alexander, Hitler, Plato. All of these men are Great. Greatness, however, is not synonymous with Good. Therefore there can be beings of Great Evil or Great Good, as the above list suggests. Beethoven, Aristotle, and Darwin were Good. Their creations have benefited mankind artistically, philosophically, and scientifically. Alexander, Hitler, and Plato have destroyed nations, murdered millions, and presented destructive philosophies. The point here is not to determine how Greatness is applied, but it is to see what makes the quality of Greatness to be Great.

Greatness occurs when exceptional thinking is brought forth to reality consistently through action.

Yes, Action. Action is the key here. Everyone shares ideas of Greatness in their mind. Beethoven had ideas, but Beethoven worked consistently everyday to bring his thoughts to reality. Darwin researched and wrote everyday to find the common link between all species. These men had ideas like many of us. But unlike many of us these men had conviction in their ideas, they believed and lived for the ideas in their mind. Do you fight for your ideas everyday, or do you work under the ideas of others?

So Greatness is achieved when supreme thought meets ruthless action. An important point to realize is that Hitler, Alexander, and Plato all thought they were doing supreme good. The question thus arises, How does one know which side of Greatness one is headed? Easy, do your ideas uplift and create life or do they destroy it? Life is the universal standard by which all actions should be judged. Therefore, work to create and not destroy so History will not bear a smudge upon your name.

Ideas and actions together must be formed to achieve in reality. Reality is the ultimate measurement. Actions without thought is robotic and thought without action is lazy. In Greatness, superb ideas, are acted upon. How can you create a superb idea? To begin with, the best ideas, are grounded in reality, they have immediate and realistic applications to the world around them, they affect the world. Secondly, a great idea is composed of many lesser or smaller ideas. For example, to be Great would be to sail all the oceans, to be ordinary would be to sail just one. To be Great would be to explain the evolution of all species, to be ordinary would be to explain evolution of one species. To be Great would be to run in a marathon for 10 years straight, to be ordinary would be to run in just one. The Greater the idea, the Greater time and effort is involved.


So how do you create your Greatness? Think of a goal that spans a considerable amount of time and effort. Next, once achieving the first goal, build another goal on top of that one, which relates to it. Now do that 10 more times. Now your beginning to approach the realm of Greatness. It is a realm with no boundaries and happiness. It is internally driven and motivated. Remember the measure of Greatness is how much action can you sustain behind your Great ideas. You see, Great Men act upon their ideas. This often requires discipline, planning, and foresight. This is where ordinary people falter.

Now you see that in order to achieve Greatness one must act consistently upon a supreme idea.

Now you see that in Great men, their Greatness evolved from the action part of the formula not the idea part. We all have ideas. History remembers the ones who were strong and wise enough to do what it took for their ideas to blossom in reality.


If you do not save yourself, no one else will.

A great philosopher once said, that we are unhappy because we set out expectations to high, meaning by expecting more than is there, we set ourselves up for failure. This can be applied to your motivation.

Motivation is usually squandered by us relinquishing our power and responsibility in the hands of someone else. Once that happens, we become powerless to change the circumstance as long we place that responsibility on something other than ourselves. This is true and does not need to be explained.

We must take total responsibility, total honesty, and total dedication to self mastery. Remember what the sages continually point out, that the Master is within.

Never forget that young disciple.

5. Poems


I am Light...

I am Light, I am free

My Destiny, is up to me

I am strong, I am wise

Time is precious, look how it flies