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Some Tips

Ganesh:Om Gum Ganapateyi Namaha

This mantra is specifically supposed to help people to achieve their goals by enabling them to focus specifically in what they want to achieve in life. It can be loosely interpreted to refer to a prayer to god to remove all obstacles. There have been many accounts showing that this mantra works. Many people who have used in have managed to be very successful in life.

There are many times when people fail to achieve the goals that they have set in life simply because of the inability to focus. This may be intentional or even because of things that may be out of their control. For instance, people in extreme poverty may not have the means to help them get out of this financial crisis and manage to go beyond these circumstances and make something out of their lives.

However, these people may actually be able to get their heart’s desires and achieve their dreams by using this powerful mantra. It helps the mind overcome any negativity or obstacles and focus on the goals of the person. A person gains the ability to think more clearly without being distracted by their present situations.

Rama: Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama, Jaya, Jaya Rama

If there have been any occurrences of negativity in your life due to karma, you can use this mantra to change the course of your life. This gives you divine intervention to help your life situations to change for the better.

Accounts from History show that this is one of the mantras that used to be chanted by Mahatma Gandhi. He used to recite this for at least 60 years of his life. This mantra has the ability to offer people who recite it some spiritual healing. This gives them purity of mind and body.

Mahatma Gandi used this mantra for spiritual healing and well-being.

Lakshmi Om Shrim Mahalakshimyei Swaha

This mantra is used for a variety of purposes one of which is attracting the right kind of friends. You can also use it to invoke prosperity into your life. If your family has some fall-out, this mantra can help you invoke unity into the family. There are also a number of people who use this mantra to help in health problems. It is believed to have some healing qualities for individuals who recite it with sincerity and deep faith.

To ensure that this mantra is effective, individuals have to keep reciting them several times in the morning or in the evening. You have to ensure that you have your specific goal in mind during these recitations. The mantra may cover a lot of benefits but it can’t help you with all these things. You have to know what you want and focus your energy in reciting your mantra for this specific goal. For example, if you want reconciliation in your life, you have to specifically focus on this as you chant the mantra.

Saraswati: Omeim Saraswetyei Swaha

If you are looking for academic excellence, this is the right mantra to use. It can help an individual to succeed in their education. This can also be used for people who are artistic. It helps in invoking creativity that is required in the making of art.

This mantra can help one in becoming more creative and artistic.

Shiva Omnah Shivaya

This mantra is supposed to help a person achieve their full potential in life. In its loose translation it refers to the ability to be all that you are meant to be. If you aren’t fulfilled by the way that you are currently living your life, this mantra can help you in living according to how you should be living by utilizing your full potential to bring yourself success.

Rama:Om Adamapa Hartaram Dataram Sarva Sampadam Lokha Bhi Rhamam Sri Rama Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham

This is a special mantra that is normally recited to Lord Rama to invoke healing. It is very effective in healing any type of illnesses. Many people

attest to the healing powers of this mantra. However, like it’s the case with all other mantras, for this to works you have to devote yourself to the recitation. You also need to have faith so as to receive your healing.

It can heal you from mental health problems and also physical problems. This mantra is also very effective for anyone who is experiencing chronic pains.

Other Mantras

Life can be very overwhelming at times. You may be overwhelmed by school, work family or worse still a combination of all these three at the same time. If you don’t know how to cope well with these kinds of challenges, you may easily be stressed up. You may also lose your chance of being happy.

There are also life circumstances that can be overwhelming to individuals. These include events such as deaths, breakups, loss of employments and other things that can make one sad. When these events occur, a person may not be able to focus on anything else apart from these. They may tend to wallow in their misery and forget everything else.

However, there are mantras that can be chanted to help someone overcome whatever is stressing them. These mantras are used to draw away the focus point of the mind. It helps one to stop thinking about the issue of concern.

You can recite a mantra to help you get over the death of a loved one.

Mantras to Help With Clearing The Mind

Sometimes a person may not be stressed out but they still have the inability to get any peace in mind. The mind may be constantly in full gear. They may start thinking about one thing only to interrupt them and start thinking about another thing. This make sit every hard to even concentrate in anything. For instance, a mother may be thinking about doing some work, immediately they realize they have to feed the baby and also take out the trash. This person will be in constant thoughts even if they aren’t thinking about one thing in particular.

You can use a mantra as a focus point to help clear your thoughts. This will give you some peace which will make you feel more relaxed and more refreshed to take on your challenges.


Mantras play a very useful role in life. They have so many different benefits to a person. They can help in mental and physical wellness. They can also help one to get rid of stress and also learn how to be happier in life. Mantras can help someone to achieve their goals in life and at the same time learn how to get the peace of mind.

Find the Right Mantra And Know Its Meaning

One of the most important things to know is that different mantras have different meanings and are used for different purposes. If you want the right mantra to help you prosper in life, you have to ensure that you find the mantra that is specifically meant for this. You can’t use the mantra for healing to help you in gaining prosperity.

Use Your Mantras Properly

Even with the right mantras, you may not get any results if you don’t use it properly. If you aren’t devoted or sincere, you will also not get any success. You also have to learn things such as the correct pronunciation and audibility to use to get specific results from your mantras.

Faith and Commitment

Mantras aren’t magic! You can’t chant only once a month and expect to get some results. You have to be completely committed in your quest. Ensure that you meet the frequency requirements for your mantra. You should also have faith and believe that the mantra that you have chosen will work for you. If you lack faith then you will not be able to get the desired results from your chanting and recitations.

All the best!


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