MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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MOVE WITH THE TIMES; The unchangeable law of change

‘The people that this world cannot change, are the people that will change the world’. Ron Luce

Life was meant to be progressive, that means changing from one stage and state to another.

As we go through life we go through a series of changes. This world keeps on changing from day to day. Technologies, economies, fashion and lifestyles are bowing to the law of change. The church has also been forced to move with the changes of the world and congregations that have sought to remain traditional or old fashioned are slowly losing their flock.

The message of the Gospel is a message of change. The Messiah’s first sermon was ‘Repent or change your minds and ways for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.  Matthew 4:17

We can all agree that generally the world right now is in a mess and things seem to be going from bad to worse. We have been called to be world changers. That is to influence our environment with the culture of God’s Kingdom. We are to ride on the waves of change to effect positive change without being swept away by the tides of compromise. To change your life, you need to change the way you think and if you can change the way you think, you can change the world. It takes wisdom to tread along with the changes of this world. We are agents of change, susceptible to change, living in a changing world with the mission to change the world.

I don’t know a lot of things but I know a few things, but what makes me better than some is that the few things I know, I put to use. It’s that which I put to use that brings about change.

Change begins when you become dissatisfied with your present circumstances and decide to do something about it. Someone said you cannot change what you don’t confront. When Dr. Mensa Otabil visited Zambia over 10years ago, he preached his classic sermon ‘Buy the future’ which talks about how that there are ‘Jacob’ and ‘Esau’ nations and individuals. Until the ‘Esau’ nations and individuals become restless and detest their current conditions chances are they will continue in mediocrity and poverty while they complain about and envy the success of ‘Jacob’ individuals and nations.

Each one of us has been given a specific area of operation in which we have to work to our level best and bring about the desired change. Martin Luther King Jr. desired and worked to change the idealism of racism and his work through the Civil Rights Movement brought about a great change not only in his time, because the results of his efforts are still being felt and appreciated today. Today in the US a black man and a white man can share a meal together, ride the same bus and live in the same house. Today a black man runs the US as President, something that was totally unheard of during Martin’s days. What we see as reality today was nothing but a far-fetched dream to him. Martin decided to do something about what others were just complaining about. What is it that irritates you and makes you uneasy? What has to be done to bring about positive change? Purpose is discovered as you identify things around you that need your attention. Business ideas are born when one identifies a solution to an impending problem.

You have power to change the world, better yet you have the power to change YOUR world. Identify your sphere of influence and commit yourself to bringing about a positive change that will leave a legacy for generations to come. Mother Theresa rarely talked to people around the world to drum up support for her work in Calcutta, India. To those that felt helpless because they were too far from Calcutta to be of help, she always said, ‘find your own Calcutta’. MOVE