MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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TIME MANAGERS-Highest paid Managers

“Time flies and it is up to you to be the pilot.”  Pr. Elias Ndeda

“If you don’t plan to beat time, time will beat you.” 

Time is one thing that seems to be plentiful in quantity yet it is what we do with it that gives us quality returns. They say time is money, but I wonder how many of us really believe that. I say so because very few people I know would want to waste money the way they waste time. If you want to be a manager the best place to start is to be a time manager. If you can manage your time, you can manage your life. The role of Time Manager is the highest paying role I know and its rewards are countless. I have never heard of a Time Manager that stayed broke all his life. Time management calls for self-discipline, that means being your own supervisor. If you don’t plan to beat time, time will beat you.

If you have to be at your workplace or place of meeting in an hour, you must plan for traffic and all the other things in between. Failure to plan is planning to fail like someone said. So you don’t arrive late because there was traffic, you arrive late because you failed to plan.

If you catch yourself doing nothing and sitting idle, it must mean that you did not plan for your day. Unless your plan was to rest and do nothing on that day. Even when you are jobless, you must be able to do something constructive to make progress in life. That is where creativity and initiative come in, you do not have to wait for someone to give you a job or find you something to do. Think for yourself. Time was meant to be used not to wasted. Time was never meant to be passed. Don’t just let time pass, make sure to put something on its back to carry into your future. While you’re at it make sure you’re not just being busy but you’re being effective as well. There is a big difference in being busy and being effective. In order to derive quality out of time, one has to be effective in the work that they embark on. I see too many people that claim to be busy and yet achieve literary nothing at the end of it.

From the day of your birth to the day of your death is a period of time in which you must be about your father’s business. If it is not your heavenly father’s business then it is none of your business. Your clock starts ticking when you are born and does not stop for anything except your death. As long as you are still alive you have a purpose to achieve, you’re not permitted to die before fulfilling your God ordained purpose in this life and the time that has been apportioned to you is limited. Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.” With the parameters of time, live every day with passion and purpose numbering your days and working while it is still day, for the day cometh when no man can work like Jesus said. Time is of the essence. God desires to use you during the best years of your life, when you are still vibrant and full of energy. Be a faithful steward of the time apportioned unto you by making every minute count. You’ve just been hired by destiny and your new role will be Time Manager. Please don’t let us down. MOVE.