MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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MOVE-The Philosophy of Progress

 “Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable...  Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice,  suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and  passionate concern of dedicated individuals.  “ Martin Luther King Jr

Prior to my getting into College, I had been accepted into the University of Zambia countless times, but I could neither get sponsorship to pay my way through nor get myself on the government bursary scheme. For a school leaver with excellent high school results, that can be a very frustrating experience. When dad got a hold of some money it was only enough to get me into college for a limited period.

In 2003 I left college with a not-so-complete Diploma in Business Administration because I could not afford to pay for my tuition for the full Diploma. So I did what most young people do these days, to try and find a job then pay my way through college. I roamed the streets of Lusaka with my papers looking for employment. I would walk extremely long distances just to meet people in hopes that perhaps they could connect me and maybe I could get a breakthrough of some sort.

I stayed without finding a proper job for close to two years. It felt like I was having an early exposure to what Psychologist Elliott Jaques called ‘A mid-life crisis’ characterized by feelings of dissatisfaction due to unrealized goals. It was in that moment of stagnation that the ‘MOVE’ philosophy was born. I realized that no one was going to make things happen for me but myself. I had a choice to make, I could wake up daily to throw pity parties and complain about how life was being unfair to me or I could do something about it.

Thanks to mentors and teachers like Dr. Myles Munroe and Dr. Mensa Otabil I realized I needed a complete overhaul of my mindset if I was going to make any progress with my life. I began thinking of wealth creation as opposed to just looking for a white-collar job. I began to understand that real wealth is not made from a regular day-job alone. I needed to humble myself and do something to better my life or stay in the pits of stagnation longer than necessary. I decided to take life by the horns and go hard in whichever way possible so long it was legal. It was during this period that I started aggressively trying out so many things with an attitude of a conqueror. I was on TV participating in talent contests, I was by the corner in the hood selling popcorns, I was writing material for books and songs, nothing was going to stop me. Regardless of what was going on around me I was determined that nothing was going to stand in the way of my progress. MOVE, was the motto. It eventually developed into my personal philosophy of progress.

I cannot boast of having achieved so many things in this life as I’m still in the great pursuit to leave a lasting legacy, but anything significant I have achieved thus far has been because I have approached life with the mindset of a conqueror. As Paul says “…in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:37 And he goes on to tell me “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” . Philippians 4:13. If God almighty, my heavenly father thinks so highly of me, who am I to see myself otherwise?

"MOVE" is now the philosophy of my life. MOVE is the philosophy of progress governed by the principle that no matter the circumstances, to bring about change or achieve anything in life the key thing is to MOVE. Even when you're stuck dead in your tracks your mind should never come to a standstill, if it does, MOVE it into a different environment, EXPOSE it to new ideas, and new concepts. Even when you're waiting on God and being patient, your faith must be active and on the MOVE. You can BE STILL and still keep your prayer life in motion. Take baby steps, crawl, roll over but for heaven's sake just make sure you MOVE! Learn something new, MOVE. Start something new, MOVE. Make new connections, MOVE. Read a new book, MOVE. There's power in MOVEment. A SHIFT in mindset results in a SHIFT in behavioral patterns and consequentially a shift in lifestyle.

MOVEment commands change, MOVEment increases momentum. Ironically, this principle is in conformity to Newton's 1st law of motion which states; "Every object in a state of rest or uniform motion tends to remain in that state unless an external force is applied to it." Don't just wish for change, CAUSE the change, be the force that brings about positive change. MOVE