Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Timing To Overcome Limits


Time is a very important asset. Everyone has all the time, but all the time isn’t available to the entire task that is to be done. We each have twenty four hours per day but it’s our choice how much of that twenty four hours will be used for work to get the plethora of task in the day done.

When limits show their heads, they could be around for some time while we struggle to get over them. Some limits have seasonal solutions. These solutions don’t surface until the season arrives so when the season arrives one has to seize it or lose the opportunity till another season arrives.

Realize that as much as one has to get at work now towards the limit, it doesn’t immediately give way. It waits for the right time when work has reached the momentum to get the limit off. We have to get our acts right from “now” in anticipation of the future wen the reality of overcoming our limitations is attained.

Every limit has a time to give up. While some limits give up by themselves naturally because we out grow them, some hang on for the right time when you’ve shown enough consistent action to get it off. We often do not know the right time when our limits will give way. If we did, it would have being an easy ride. The difficulty index we face is actually in not knowing the timing.

When a solution arrives seasonally, it’s just like having rains during the rainy season for planting in order to grow food and solve hunger. If food isn’t planted during the planting season when there is plenty of rains, there will be no harvest and that means no food. The farmers will have to wait till another planting season. Farmers thus have to be on the lookout for when rain will arrive to begin tilling the ground.

When solutions arrive seasonally, you just have to be on the lookout for the time. This could seem easy but it’s not  because you have to prepare prior to the time in anticipation of acting out your action plan. A farmer doesn’t just wake up and decide to plant, he has to clear the farm land and make it ready prior to the planting.

When timing is unknown, you just have to keep working hard in the direction of the limit. One need to build hope and act in faith to keep working till the time arrives for you to break over the limit.

While some limits requires you working till your work is enough to get the limit off, some limits are broken piece by piece with each little work. The man who wants to break a mountain must hit the rocks. The mountain won’t come down at one hit but some rocks will.

I’ve stated earlier that there are limits that have a time bound and you can grow out of them not necessarily because you have overcome them by hard work. The limits just became too small. Like the example of the gutter in the previous chapter, as a child I struggled to cross the gutter but as I grew to adulthood, I did not need to make a run to jump over it, I just stretched my legs over to the other side. Sometimes today I look back at the gutters I once struggled to cross and wonder how so little channel had being a burden.

There are limits that require all you do is just to wait patiently till they pass away. These types of limits don’t necessarily give way because you are working against them, they give way by some forces other than you. They go as they come. When rains fall and there is a flood, the flood limits you. You did not cause the rain or the flood but  it limits you. However soon, the flood gives way not because you acted in any way to move them. The water just naturally returns to its source the ocean.

Realize that there is always a right time for those limits to give way. Whatever you have to work towards them, they leave because there is a season bound around them or you outgrow them.

To everything, there is a time and a season. Limits too know this language. There is a time they poke their heads and situations seem so impossible but sooner in the right time, a solution will arrive.

Malaria was a deadly diseases killing in endemic proportions over a century ago. Today however, there is a cure. It’s no longer as deadly as it used to be.

Time always finds a way to get past a limit. You’d hear people say “it’s only a matter of time”. But it’s not time that does the work, it has no legs or hands. It has no eyes. Time is just an idea in the brain. Those that make time happen is you and I who find the place in time when a solution should arrive for the limit.

The inspiration for doing great things can be the shortest time for which a solution must arrive. People want to know that they were able to create a record time doing what others have done or they want to know they were the first to get it done. This is why we hear achievements like the fastest goal in a tournament or the fastest time to complete a race. We want to create records and it’s often inspiring.

When we set our minds to get over a limit, realize that we can force the timing to answer for us i.e. we can dictate the time if we set our minds with strong will. Some persons will say “ I want to be an icon at such an age, or I want to be an actor at this age in my lifetime. Once we set our minds at big things and set a time for it, a limit immediately forms. The timing become a limit because we find ourselves challenging time too.

The best advice is to get you running against that limit now. Everything is possible in its right time but that time is dependent on your present now action towards it. work towards time now!