Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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As a junior athlete at kindergarten, I ran the one hundred meters. Sometimes I won and at other times I came second best. During the inter-house sports competition, I was chosen to run the four hundred meters with certain difficulties along the route of the race. It was like a mini marathon for my small legs and the race was even made difficult by the number of heights and tunnel I needed to get over and through. My peers and I ran with zest and gave our best shot but some of us could not get over the heights. Our legs were too short and we were disqualified.

My love for athletics was also seen at high jump. My sport masters would place a height that only those with spirited minds and longer legs would dare. I never dared some heights but there were some of my peers who scaled every height.

I begin this book with a childhood experience because most persons can associate with it. Life is a race that never ends, a hope that never dims, a battle that is constantly being fought and a continuous pursuit. We never seem to get to the end however hard we try. There always are hurdles of limitations on our way. Yes, we paint the big picture and are working hard towards it yet one wonders why there never seems to be an end at sight. There seem to be a hypothetical barrier always helping us find the one big reason why our big dreams and ambitions should not be achieved.

Sometimes, you see your colleagues doing better that you are and you are thinking what it is you are doing wrong. You may even be asking the question “what is wrong with me?”. Guess what? The world is naturally wired for limitations. Everyone however high and well placed face their own burden of limitations. What they’ve leant to do (those who you think are doing well) is to break through their limitations. They’ve learnt to be unlimited.

We often allow the challenges before us stop us from ever becoming the reality of who we should be. Nothing good comes easy. Everything  that has to be achieved requires some level of hard work. This hard work should be equal to the work required to carry the task and that required to break through the limitations that naturally arrives for every challenge.

Yes! You may be familiar with the cliché “a new level arrives with a new devil”, one has to be prepared for both the level and the devil. It won’t be enough to develop all the knowledge for the level and then leave the devil. It’s only a matter of time before the devil raise’s his head and tell you that you aren’t qualified for the level. Failure may soon arrive at the level.

There certainly will be limitations hanging around. Those great men you see and celebrate were men with great limitations. They just fashioned a way around their limitations. They became unlimited. This book is triggered to inspire you to a life of delimitations. You can become unlimited, it’s in this book