Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Karma in our actions.

It is simple to see someone in action and then await the results of such an action.  We anxiously await the results of actions that also sometimes excite us.  Results of a school examination, thief caught in action and an accident of a reckless motorcyclist, are all examples of actions that will provide results almost immediately.

Actions definitely create results.  Good actions are good karmas while bad actions are bad karmas, the results are always obvious.  Even a child will be able to provide a definite answer to this.  Complexity arises when good actions create bad karma, while bad actions create good karma.  It is strange but true.  Actions itself does not necessarily show man’s personal views and intentions.  As said earlier, intentions in actions are important and only intentions generate good or bad karma, no matter how much the action is noble or criminal.  Ultimately, man rules his mind and karma with his intentions and not necessarily by his actions, which may be misleading to all.  Therefore, actions do not necessarily show man’s hidden intentions and therefore, actions do not show man’s karma good or bad.  How much man tries to camouflage his intentions in his otherwise noble actions, the bad karma is stuck to him, which will eventually punish him sometime in life.

Karma and nature.

It is strange, nature has made us an autonomous body which commits karmas and binds us with its results.  We are freehand into our deeds.  Nature lets us move around with our good or bad results throughout our lives.  It matters little to nature, if you are the king of any country or a roadside beggar.  Actions in the form of physical activities, thoughts, foods and lifestyle, are all within your jurisdiction and control.  All that goodness and wellness, that you exude, are the results of your good karma and those which put you in misery, suffering and malady are the results of your bad karma.  Man therefore, habitually performs both kinds of karmas.  You will never find one person since time immemorial who only suffered or one who only found peace and happiness.  Each man is a bundle of so many karmas that puts him in the positions, good, as well as bad.

By nature, in our lifetime, we shall perform both kinds of karmas and be rewarded with both good and bad consequences.  However, it is imperative; we try to perform as little bad karma as possible in our lifetime so that our life is free of too many negative consequences.  When we are rewarded with mostly good consequences, our life is filled with bliss and peace.