Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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The mind of mankind

There is no doubt, as I said; man is the highest specie amongst all the known species we know of.  Mankind is gifted with a mind that can create material products out of nowhere.  Spiritually, man seems to be very superior and versatile, but we cannot for sure establish this fact because we unfortunately, never interact with other species in this matter.  Since childhood, man has a free hand to his mind.  Like an artist, man is able to draw, paint, build and bring alive whatever he thinks and imagines. He has limitless hand to what he can do with his mind. Unfortunately, mankind  can utilize his mind to any unlimited journey he may undertake but his mind can function and imagine all that is within the 7 colors of the spectrum, three dimensions and  the five senses, he has been gifted with, beyond this, man cannot imagine or arrange any of his thoughts.

With your mind you may be free to create your own kingdom of  colors, heights, people, animals and birds  of different  kinds and  create new living beings that you would want in your kingdom of the mind.  You could even have your kingdom up in the sky or down below in the ocean, where people would not drown or one which could be shifted on demand.  You could have a kingdom full of mafia with shootouts and killings or one with angel like people who shun violence and preach brotherhood.  You could even have both in one kingdom.  Why man?  You could have a kingdom of talking animals that could have intellect and abilities of mankind.  You could romance living or dead legends or the most beautiful person that you idolize.  You could even go ahead and kidnap any of the most beautiful person in the world and  take that person on a trip in your very own  well equipped jumbo jet, all these at no cost and all these while you may never have a penny in your pocket for your next meal.  Imagine what you want and it will happen instantly.  It is legal and leaves no proof of your misdeeds.  You are the king of your very own kingdom, your mind, and you have the full right and honor in using your mind the way you would want to, like the way you steer your car.  Remember, for your deeds, you will need to pay a price.  Even when you control the kingdom in your mind, you find it all free.  Nature is smarter than you are, for the time you spend in meaningless thoughts building a kingdom that never exists or that may never exists ever in reality, you are paying for that much time from the balance of your existing life left in this world.  Secondly, if you keep building your kingdom which is not meaningful and purposeful for you as well as for others, you go all out in underutilizing and providing a bad training ground for your mind.  This bad training ground will one day be the cause of your worry, frustration, misery, stress, and suffering.  So what we learn from unproductive and useless imaginations and thoughts is; it is a two way sword.  One, it keeps eating into the limited time span we are available in this world and two, it underutilizes our ability to think and perform.  Always, we need to remember, thoughts that are easy to come and easy to imagine are generally useless and unproductive.  Good thoughts necessarily need the power of your inner mind to perform.  When you energize the core of your mind even though it may not necessarily be a good thought, you are using your mind in a meaningful way.  This part of your mind is necessary for the utilization into this material world.  Either you can use this part of your mind to build a school or hospital or you may plan a bank robbery.  Either way you are exercising and straining your mind into doing something that may keep your mind active and alert.  This part of your mind, which utilizes its ability in taking decisions, planning, calculating, and reasoning logically, is also influenced by the thoughts from your kingdom, where you drift into various imaginations.  If you spent the major portion of your life in ruling the imaginary kingdom in your mind, you would be left with little time in exercising your mind for progressive and productive thoughts and actions.

Mind, as we all know, is what rules our thoughts, actions, words, and behavior.  This is when our mind needs to be taken seriously and the ability of our mind respected.  Each one of us, since time immemorial, has been gifted with a mind that can think and reason logically.  It is a different matter, if we use our mind in constructive or destructive work.  The mind is your very own and the decision to utilize the mind, in ways you want, is your very own!