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Choose the Right Racquet

It is important that you are aware of the fact that there are many different types of racquets on the market and each one is built to be played with a certain way and for a certain type of person. You need to be aware of a few things before you decide to purchase a tennis racquet to make sure that you are making a wise purchase.

Buying a tennis racquet can be a rather confusing exercise, mainly due to the vast variety available in the market today. This is even more difficult, when there is no advice forthcoming in the form of a personal coach or a more experienced player. However all is not lost, as by following are few guidelines almost anyone will be able to make a more informed purchase.

The following are a few tips on how to purchase a suitable and comfortable tennis racquet to suit an individual’s needs:

Seniors and females should ideally focus on purchasing a racquet that can provide added power as these categories of people usually have slower and less powerful contact swings. Therefore, getting a racquet that is light weight and perhaps has a slightly oversized head is better than using one that is longer and head heavy.

The intermediate player who is a little more skilled at the game may require a little less power form the racquet, thus needing one that has enhanced maneuverability. Here the ideal racquet should have a midplus head with a more extended length. As for the more advanced to high level players, the racquets should ideally be heavier in weight and have smaller and more balanced heads, thinner beams and better control.

The general rule of thumb would be the heavier the racquet, the more power and stability it will be able to generate. This will also help to lessen the transmission of shock when in contact with the ball. As for the lighter version of the tennis racquet, it may be easier to swing and maneuver, however may not give the player the added power to create any forceful play action.

The grip of the racquet should also be one that allows the player to be both comfortable and in control of the general direction the ball flight takes. If the grips are unsuitable, these can be changed at the request of the player.

One thing that you want to consider doing is trying many different types of racquets before you actually make a purchase on one. As stated before, there are many different types of racquets on the market. The best way to find the racquet that is best for you would be to try it before you buy it and find one that is comfortable in your hands and fits your budgets.

Do not be one of the people who assume that the most expensive racquet is the best racquet. While it may be true that the more expensive racquets will often times be better than the cheaper ones, you can still find tennis racquets at a reasonable price that will still be very beneficial for your tennis game.