Master Tennis by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Perfecting Your Swing

The following are some tips on how to go about perfecting your tennis swing:Getting ready to receive and return the hit will require the player to keep the racquet in a back position all the time. Once the ball is hit by the opponent, the player should immediately react and move to a position that would be ideal to receive and return the ball with a quick and fluid motion.

While establishing the balance in the stance, the player should be aware of allowing the stoke to be played with the non-dominant hand while keeping the racquet pointed away from the intended target at a waist high position. Maintaining enough space between the body and the ball when in the final position to return the shot is important. Always ensuring the ball is hit from a waist high stroke will help to keep the balance and the return stroke accurately placed.

Making contact with ball when the racquet head is positioned at the same height as the hand is important and this should be done while remembering not to bend or straighten the arm. Moving the wrists to accommodate the stroke is also not encouraged as it will change the direction of the contact on the return stroke. Instead the player should be accustomed to rotating the shoulder while keeping an eye on the ball at all times to calculate the ideal return stroke.

Perhaps the best thing that you can do to master your swing is practice. Even the professionals have to practice from time to time to ensure that their game is at its best. You will likely not master your tennis swing overnight, it might actually take quite a long time. Some professionals will even admit that they are still improving their tennis swing.