Micha- A Disturbance of Lost Memories by Aimee - HTML preview

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Snow: Familiar theme. Too much snow. Being snowed in.

Struggling through the snow. Being buried under snow. Walking through a tunnel under ice. I have always associated snow with the need to pray, snow representing total lack of life and love (cold; night). These dreams always come when I am struggling spiritually.

Church: I do not go in as I am uncertain and confused about my relationship with God.

Car stolen: Familiar theme. I have dreamt time and time again of losing the car and not being able to find it again. I associate this with the loss of something valuable. This time there is an indication that the car is not lost at all.

Red Sundance: My little red car, which I associated with life and spirit. It was a sort of miracle that I got the financing for it.


Champagne Altima: I associate the Altima with my better life,

‘mon char en or,’ my car of gold.

Backyard: The past.

House: Self.

Locks: Shutting out the past. Double bolts. Double doors.

Bedroom: Usually associated with either rest or sex. Either association indicates unrest and struggle.