Millionaire Scope: Secrets of Wealth & Prosperity by Martize Smith - HTML preview

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Approach to Greatness

To reach greatness, you must first establish a reachable target and or objective. Below, you will see a model that illustrates ideas of reaching greatness from the perspective of a typical person assuming these are the person’s general interests. Listed below are ideas to eventually become movements that are accomplished through pure relentless efforts and use of the person’s talents. As you read this list try to in your own way create your own goals for life. This is simply for anyone to use in their own way to build their own ideas and movements. Allow these ideas to make a difference in your life as you shape your future. Furthermore, you may choose to write your own list in favor of what your interests are. This is a general form of a person’s success that they believe would make them great in life and by great; I mean something that will create or add positive things to the earth and its inhabitants. I term this list “THE GREAT 10.”

1) Triple C

The full name is “CREATING CHANGE with CHANGE.” The meaning and purpose are to use the change, coins, and any leftover money from households and firms to save and collect and put toward a meaningful purpose to help improve communities in some form or at least struggling homes. Triple C is the name of this movement to help provide monetary support to communities on a reasonable scale or individual households. The model starts with collecting the change of a citizen then placing it in a safe financial instrument to grow over time. There is too much lose money or money that is being spent recklessly that could be put to better use. Also, if people are serious about change in their lives or society, then people need to put their money where their mouth is and make no excuses. Once a certain amount is reached the money is withdrawn and used for the desired project of interest. For example, let us take a single person who earns $25,000 per year in North Carolina (often low rent averages depending on the area). Let us do some quick math for basic costs broken down before continuing to my Triple C model:

$25,000 annual gross

$21,250 net income (after taxes)

$21,250/12 months= $1770 per month

(Bills are calculated monthly below and are estimates)

Minimum health insurance: $50

Low cost of living resident rent and utilities: $650

Car payment, car insurance and gas: $360

Cell phone: $45

Unexpected expenses: $130

Food and groceries: $175

$1770-$1410 = $360$ left over

Of the $360, let us say just $20 is used to go toward Triple C. It is then placed in an account until the desired amount is reached for the project desired. Let us assume you have almost nothing left over so you only put $1 into the Triple C account that works because money will accumulate as contributions are added regardless of how little. If the Triple C platform is being used for a group or a community, then the account should be made in such a way that anyone at any time can contribute to the account. However, for safety reasons the account will not allow withdrawals of money until the goal is reached and operations for the project begin. I believe it is necessary to hold people accountable for the greater cause. For example, having weekly online or phone conference calls to get updates on the progression of the funds and intending to reach the goal at a reasonable time.

2) Breakthrough Foundations to Control Disease

Develop a think tank to control, minimize, and prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. In general, a person would organize a forever oath and orchestrate a meeting of scientists, economists, researchers, and medical doctors semi-annually to address and implement strategies to combat sexually transmitted diseases. Possibly write up a grant proposal and attempt to get funding for healthcare efforts. If not funded there are ways to enforce healthcare objectives and a think tank would help guide us. A website would be made as well as a blog or some form of a continuous stream of information. The make- up of the think tank would be to collect a large sum of data and have it analyzed. After analysis, a report would be written then submitted to the public and included in the report would be a logical approach to resolve sexually transmitted disease issues.

3) Biblical Intelligence (BI)

BI is a tool to help increase the understanding of the Gospel and to answer the questions that puzzle those seeking the truth. In general, a person would intend to have this tool made available to all so they may find the answers to the questions they are asking. It is important to provide clear responses when talking about the Gospel to enable people to gain a proper understanding. This idea of BI may not satisfy everyone but would accomplish the goal of providing clarity to those in pursuit of the truth. The structure of BI could change to meet the needs of the mission to open a phone line during certain hours of the day or week or month and have people call in to ask questions to creditable pastor’s and experts in the Gospel. Other methods would be simply having pre-selected questions and then use these questions as a basis for conversation as well as proceeding to answer them. The BI tool is not to debate others who believe in different things or things that are not Gospel-related but to provide insights on the Gospel in a question and answer style.

4) International Progression of Blacks to Improve Lives

Throughout history, black lives have faced challenges economically, socially, and politically. Through IPBIL, we can establish new foundations and build on existing ones that promote the well- beings of black lives. The overall goal is to create wealth cycles or large cash flow that bring in money and put out money to strengthen black businesses. An example of what IPBIL would do is to bridge investors to black businesses mainly but not limited to technology, financial, insurance, medical, and food industries. I believe if black businesses are strengthened, they can use the money on a large scale for the cause of improving black lives. When massive amounts of money are generated all that is left is the careful use of money to move an agenda forward. An extreme example is using 100 million dollars donated by black corporations to build state of the art science labs, research facilities, machines for wealth production in areas like agriculture or any activity that generates wealth, obtains land and real estate properties, and builds banks as well as lending institutions. After all the resources are in place then making educational programs to train and hire blacks, both felon and non-felons, would significantly improve black lives. Black lives would be improved because the more blacks are employed, the more the unemployment rates for blacks would decrease, and it would keep blacks occupied so they are less likely to commit crimes. Also, hiring felons would be essential because most jobs do not offer felons employment due to a criminal background. Therefore, hiring felons would keep them occupied and give them the chance to better their lives. Once all of the pieces are in place and wealth is constantly generated then the wealth cycles are established then used for the benefit of black lives.

5) Engagement of Leaders International To Excel (Elite)

The movement termed ELITE is designed to hold conferences during certain times of the year to socialize African Americans in adopting the mind set of contributing to black society. Conferences would be held on black college campuses and would cover a broad range of disciplines, and all majors could become involved. Some believe if blacks are educated and motivated while positive pressure is placed on them then this movement would break the barriers of black culture selfishness and only wanting to keep everything to themselves and not give back to black communities. Obviously, this does not apply to everyone in the black community. The leadership of the ELITE would use proven social and psychological approaches to influence blacks to make it a duty in their career progression to enhance our black society. At some point, the participants would actually write out or sketch a way they could use their passions or skills to advance our way of life. Additionally, the leaders of ELITE would make sure the plans that are shaped have a mechanism allowing their plans to continue after the planner’s death.

6) Poetry/Spoken Word for LIFE

Spoken word is a creative art that for this example of the GREAT 10 the general person thinks is useful in delivering a message in a way that sticks in the heart of the people who listen. In general, a person would dedicate himself to producing poetry in different forms to inspire others to pursue their creative arts to promote positive change. Ideally, the person here is trying to accomplish either an institution or a small local spot where poets and creative arts performers could showcase their gifts. In organizing this, the general person intends to be a participant as well. The hope is to produce skillful, creative art performers and to deliver real-life messages that support social growth. Then the person would create a documentary or record a series of creative arts performances that focus on the major subjects in life such as but not limited to racism, economic inequalities, purposeful living, injustice, history, etc. Competition is suggested or to enter tournaments such as poetry slams are useful. Moving forward, a person may consider writing with a group of Ph.D. professionals to make a black creative arts literature book for educational entities likes school and colleges. Lastly, after formation of the book have it updated with different versions annually or every two years then enter books into the international market to share with the world.

7) Black Peoples’ True Character

Publicity to promote positive change is necessary, so the views of certain groups like black people are not frowned upon or made to be an embarrassment. The idea here is to bridge local news that may over- look black success and intelligence to large media outlets. If contracts are in place with powerhouse news sources this could influence heavy populations on the good and worth of black people. This could be accomplished by organizing time slots into the media production businesses or areas in the newspaper or perhaps gaining the international spot light so positive things are associated with black people. This objective stems from the passion black people and how they notice there is too much negative news spreading about blacks. However, the hope is to make this movement 100% positive. If bad things are mentioned in this movement about blacks, it would be for the purpose of addressing issues in the black community so that our leaders would take more action and the ones already leading continue to improve black community.

8) Captivating Global Arts Society Institute

Building an institution that advocates for the creative arts or combining creative arts with facilities already in the community would be great for community development and act as a motivational force. This assumes the person making this Big 10 list has the skill of writing poetry. This person’s talent is spoken word poetry and believes their words and other peoples’ can reach the minds and hearts of the listeners, so they better themselves or think about different ideas through the artist and interpret their own meanings. Words can be used to build or break down someone but this project would build up and encourage others to pursue their gifts and talents. Also, creative arts are more than just spoken word it is dance, songs, mime performances, skits and plays, scripts, drawings, etc. Even if someone does not have any of these talents being submerged with environments that promote excellence through creative arts, they will uncover their gifts and talents even if it is unrelated to creative arts. This is the beauty of it. Additionally, this project propels people into reaching deep within them to bring out the greatness in themselves. This movement does not have an age group but for the general person would primarily focus on adults. If everyone exercised their talents in a positive manner, this could lead to amazing progress for all comminutes who adopt this or make something similar to this idea or have their own way of pushing an agenda that advances us all.

9) General Person’s Legacy

Preform an act or acts so bold a person is remembered at least one hour or honored on a birthday or any day of the year. This may just be an ego thing and in reality, may not happen. This was a thought that the general person had and desired to either accomplish or do something so spectacular they are honored nationwide or even internationally. The challenge with this goal in the Great 10 list is that there is no sure way of accomplishing this. It is very broad and may be nearly impossible. However, people want to live and serve those who are around them so that impact is great and they become worthy of remembrance. When someone dies, the biggest question is what good or great things did they do for people that can never be forgotten and passed on to endless future generations. Perhaps if a person cannot achieve this great 10 goal as a partial success they may be able to do something on a small scale such as to pass on their philosophy of life and teachings on to those who will come after them and start a cycle, so the information is transferred with no end.

10) Massive Generous Donations

Donate money for a facility to be built in your personal name or any desired person on a college campus that inspires political involvement, global experience, and purposeful living. Many would like to accomplish this before they die. This goal is aimed at creating a concrete plan that will produce other people to strive for greatness as well. This can be created by using all of the money I have accumulated in my lifetime to be given to a particular college that would allow a building or facility to be constructed and named after me. The extension of this would be to include a section, of the person who starts the massive donation movement or any relevant person, in the structure that was built in honor of the person of interest, perhaps a gallery or library section that provides information on my personal, educational, and social backgrounds to those who enter the building. Included in this section also could be a person’s life’s work, teachings, and philosophies to live by. Another idea is to have the blueprint for a building to become made having all but not limited to areas like: Lobby, café or restaurant area for food and refreshments, gym area, hangout spots with televisions, areas for brainstorming ideas of all categories, conference rooms, study rooms, a learning center that displays and promotes political involvement, global experience, and purposeful living, as well as other educational guides. This final GREAT 10 goal would be the lasting desire to showcase contributions to society and inspire others to become great.

This next idea is more of a business venture. It can play a role in the advancement of black society. However, this idea is meant to give an example of ideas to pursue so the reader can create in their own way their own ideas and pursue them. Regardless of how innovative a person is, money often is what determines if the idea becomes practical or stays an idea going nowhere. Below, I will outline the benefits of having a black owned conglomerate or large entities whether independent or collectively working together to fund resources for blacks. Some would say a segment of black society lacks the ideas or skills for their own personal development, but this could be said about any race or group of people. I think financial issues are what hold the majority back from success. Altogether, it is the full belief in someone that triggers hope and confidence in another along with general and financial resources that propel people into becoming their best selves. It hurts to see upcoming black leaders fail or not become their best selves in any realm when financial challenges hinder their progress. Research has shown blacks are not as good at managing their money, which leads to bad money habits and often going further and further into debt. Lack of education in finances is high among African Americans. Data shows that the black purchasing power is approximately 1.1trillion dollars and that is great but if it is squandered and not used effectively then it is difficult for community to grow. I used this example as a point because black society spends that much yet have little to no wealth to show for. The idea was to focus on building black businesses. Even legendary black activists urged blacks to put their money and trust into black banks but sadly people did not fully listen. The idea presented below as number eleven is not originally a part of the “THE GREAT 10” life goals but is still good for thought. If, in general, a person chooses to, he or she could move this into the 10 life goals and remove one from the original 10 to number eleven if necessary. Anyway, the focus is to show how large entities that are pro-black who bring in millions of dollars should play a role in black lives becoming enhanced.

11) Conglomerate or Large Entity Contribution to Improving Black Lives

A conglomerate in the context in which I wish to use it is large institutions that are made up of different unrelated businesses whether organizations, education facilities, or any such thing. My suggestion in forming a conglomerate is by having black organizations, colleges and universities as well as any other large entity form pacts for the sole purpose of raising funds for pro-black projects toward but not limited to greater educational resources, political advancements of blacks, and international relations. The leaders to start the pact should first become discussed with presidents or CEOs of the black institutions on an ongoing basis. Once talks have been completed in the initial stage a written outline of the pact should be documented and a name for this movement chosen. The leaders of this pact from each institution would choose what projects to work on in a time-specific manner and update each other monthly on progress. Before projects begin estimations of projects would need to be calculated and then activity following would reach or exceed estimations. Not all the leaders of these institutions would have background knowledge of finance or rather large funding ideas similar to corporate finance. Therefore, the business schools or business staff must include themselves and if possible mathematicians, experts in forecasting analytics, and tax professionals. This creates a good group of focused talent to achieve the main goals of the pacts. In preparation for the projects to be completed, if we are to continue future projects endlessly having the attribute of every project, including cash returns on investments is ideal and an intelligent thing to do.

Another attribute to incorporate into all these pro-black projects is to socialize blacks who are using the resources given to them. By socialize, I mean to emphasize the importance of giving back to black society and with undying efforts much can become accomplished for black people. Some blacks use what little resources that have and after becoming successful do not reach back to help others. Some blacks, after succeeding in life, will not think to give back and often will not. They either do not care or if they do desire to give back, it is with an attitude of “when it happens it happens.” This is not good. All must be held accountable. If all or the majority of blacks gave back in some form, we as a black race would be stronger. As for the idea of large entity funding or any idea shows that a person is thinking in the right direction. The next thing to do after developing an idea is simply to act on it. These are a few basics of the idea of having conglomerates and or large entities funding projects for black people. My recommendation to give black innovators or anyone desiring to do the same as me here or something similar would include having a universal template structure for the formation of these pacts with conditions, restrictions, or possibility of success involving different organizations working together, unexpected costs or expenses, average cost per organization to perform certain types of projects and much more. Basic to advanced math will illustrate the likelihood of projects being completed. Whether there is a template for the pact formation or not let us assume there is not one then creating one and making it visible to the public domain is great, so if others need a guide they can find one. Also, in this template, if it was written out having ways to communicate to organizations is great and how to present the idea of collective large entity funding as well as show the value and benefits in seeking out an opportunity such as this. It is important to have lawyers too, so there is a complete legal understanding of the agreements by every party involved.

The dynamics of organizational operations easily shift when things happen whether catastrophic or mild in the event this happens, it is important for institutions not to become a part of the pact unless they believe it is appropriate for their own organizational environments. To prevent mishandling of funds, each institution would need to become transparent with others who are in the same pact, so if they need to intervene, they can do so legally and respectfully. What I have learned is that organizations have strengths and weaknesses. To this end, it is ideal for whatever the agreements of the pact or the project that is being pursued based on the organization’s strengths should determine the role they play in the pact’s project. The idea presented here is merely a suggestion and even if implemented would take long periods of time. I also present this idea in hope that even if others who read this believed such an idea would be unrealistic or ineffective, they might present their resolutions with a similar end result. For the purpose of this idea, I used large entities as my framework for funding pro-black projects. However, this does not mean I have ignored the funding power and abilities of medium to small institutions. Concepts for funding are doable for smaller organizations and if from this idea a person desires to run projects in their own way them feel free to pursue it and structure it in a way fitting for the settings of the institutions workingtogether.

I have noticed even if an idea is not workable or realistic or perhaps dull, other ideas can stem from them. I give the exaggeration of an idea not working as planned in someone else critiquing or correcting other forms of ideas or being brought to life. The main goal is clear, which is to be pro-black in supporting black society in all areas but not everyone will agree on how to achieve it. Regardless of the debates on what is the best resolve what is important is the action we take and the lives we impact on a positive note and pushing them to do the same. Research and planning are critical to any movement but there must be a designated time where the action takes places. I think it is safe to say there are flaws in every idea but which one has the least number of flaws. Let that motivate you to create practical steps. A person’s ego can hold them back. I do not think anyone wants their ideas shot down and told their idea is a terrible one. A part of learning is criticism and with it leads to one or two things. A person either makes changes and then restructures ideas and plans or leaves it the same and does nothing. It is impossible to please or satisfy everyone but there are ways of making your ideas stronger and fewer negatives. So, dream then achieve.

In general, all of these ideas and movements, “THE GREAT 10,” are spawned out of the idea that this would impact massive amounts of people and become a model to those who desire to become great. Also, another tactic from these ideas is to within them have platforms that even in a person’s death the vision and work of what was outlined and formed continued on with an imprint forever on this nation and world. These ideas and movements are subject to being changed. However, it would need to be the result of a major shift in a person’s interest but right now I am confident for the most part this is what me or anyone may desire to do in their lifetime. I would like to add that it is possible that if a goal or goals from the GREAT 10 are not specifically accomplished something as close to it as possible will be achieved. I also would like to add that it is possible a better idea can become formed to have a greater impact then suggestions laid out in the GREAT 10 list. Also, branch or side goals can stem from the GREAT 10 goals that were originally made. New goals may come up but it is best a person stick with the best 10 and pursues those relentlessly. New ideas may come to a person’s head all the time but it is most effective when things are clear and concentrated and not always changing.

I will use this as an example, but please do not interpret this as being a part of the original GREAT 10 but possibly could become an extension or substitute for one of the goals. I could organize a network of resources that bridge the communication of all or most of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities or those who desire to be part of it to advance the collegiate experience for faculty, students, and senior management. My example is to imagine if a student who is majoring in biology wants to improve our environment by enhancing recycling systems and practices and can connect with biology major at another institution with the same or similar aspirations to move their ideas forward into practical measures. This is the beauty of connecting and having more transparent tools bridging colleges and universities together. I believe also that teamwork is a necessary skill to have and perhaps in the future colleges and universities linked in communication may adopt not only team projects within people in one school but at others as well. This link or bridge that brings these educational schools together could also benefit faculty, staff, and senior management. In an example with faculty or staff teachers could consult and discuss what teaching methods work best for their students in preparing them for life and the job markets. Also, they could brainstorm ways to build the necessary resources and tools for their institutions so they could become powerhouse educational forces. A small view of what this would look like is in having students already trained. If necessary, certified and experienced before they graduate in career areas they plan to pursue. It is my dream to see black educational institutes become fully socialized meaning they will make it a priority to give back to their educational home in some positive form they feel is the best.

Moving on to how this would benefit administrative people is let us say a certain college is experiencing low retention and one of the main reasons its occurring is because students are not able to afford or have knowledge of the variety of sources that could help fund their education. If one college who excels and has high retention and a skilled workforce in financial aid they could provide suggestions of what may work and tell of how they are successful in an area in which the other college is failing in. Perhaps even go as far as having an annual conference where issues from schools are presented and the intellectuals leaders form solutions. Senior management could have a great impact on the communication of schools being bridged more closely together. My example is if a college is intending to raise money for their infrastructure goals to build new dorms and expand but their expertise is not in finance or economics. By having conversations with other schools that have experience, tools, and resources tied to supporting the school needing to carry out their infrastructure goals could dramatically be assisted by another school. This is not to down play each school being independent on their own or giving the responsibilities to another school but more so to connect a network of people so that positive agendas can be brought to life for the progression of these black colleges or universities.

This next section will include a basic approach to building a business plan, or rather, developing a general business plan to sell or act as a solution to potential startups, new businesses, and existing ones wanting to improve their business. This is relevant to the theme of greatness as it lets a person start a way to help build their own financial lives and empowers skills used that will allow possible financial independence in the future. This business plan idea is subject to possible failure but in so much as if a failure occurs adjustments should become made and a relentless pursuit should still remain in striving to build a successful business. Below is a brief guide to a business plan:

Traditional business plan format

You might prefer a traditional business plan format if you are very detail oriented, want a comprehensive plan, or plan to request financing from traditional sources.

When you write your business plan, you do not need to stick to the exact business plan outline. Instead, use the sections that make the most sense fo