Motivating the Unmotivated by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Lecture 9.

Let Us Be Creative

An important issue that we wish to discuss here is creativity, which is our ability and power to make our own life easier through our own initiative, intelligence and imagination. To be creative is to be able to make things, invent ideas and develop principles that can be used to your advantage.

There are many ways to develop this vital skill but we will look at the best ten methods that can be practiced easily by everyone who is willing and disciplined to do so. Our Creator has given us the power of creativity and we need to open the valve of that instrument.

1.  Have full confidence in your ability to do things on your own.

It has been a proven fact that our brain has vast untapped potential, which can be developed and utilized further.

2.  Use your sub-conscious mind by clearly defining your goals and immediately beginning to work on these. Let your sub- conscious mind chew over these objectives even while you are sleeping or resting. You can then blast all your problems and find the solutions easily.

3. Gather as many effective ideas as you can by being adventurous and forthright. Think clearly and prioritize them. It is believed that often a crazy idea has great potential. The likelihood of finding a solution is greatly increased if we have a large ideas bank or a think tank of people and friends.

4.  Develop the power of persistence and keep returning to your initial goals and objectives. Look at your problems seriously from various conceivable angles and given them your full concentration.

5.  Choose the right time of the day to do all your creative work.

If you are tired and worn out then your mind will not be able to be as productive as you like it to be, therefore, you will probably slog away with very few good results.

6.   Feed your mind with new, fresh and valuable information constantly and consistently. The ideas and thoughts of other people will certainly stimulate your own thinking. Read widely, discuss extensively and seek new information.

7.  Systematize your thinking time. It is a waster of time if ideas are allowed to just free float through your mind and are never properlrecorded in any permanent and useable form. It is suggested by many successful people that you keep an ideas book or a folder to file away all your beautiful and creative thoughts for future reference.

8.  Talk freely and openly to other people because