Motivating the Unmotivated by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Lecture 17

Affirmation Of Our Commitment

We have done so little so far but we know that there is so much more to do. So let us commit ourselves to completing our remaining tasks and responsibilities with greater enthusiasm and deeper interest. We need to give a solid affirmation to this commitment.

Commitment is a very powerful tool of human progress. After establishing a strong and clear vision for our future we need to bind ourselves to our dreams and plans. We should develop an unconditional urge and complete belief in whatever we have agreed to do. We cannot be half-hearted but operate at full throttle to honour our commitment.

Very early in life we learn to commit ourselves to many small deeds. We promise to do something or we bind ourselves to perform some work or activity. If we succeed in completing that promised task we fulfil your commitment but when we are unable to do as we promised then we get worried. Our inability to complete our committed activity would never occur if we kept affirming and reminding ourselves of our dreams and visions.

From time to time we all have committed ourselves to various tasks, life styles and activities. We have developed our vision for the future and dreamt of better living standards for us. How can we fulfil our promise to ourselves? Our firm commitment could be our drive to bring success to us in this area. We cannot let our promises turn to dust or fly away. We have to hold them tightly and carefully to understand them, observe them, scrutinize them and cherish them if we want to fulfil these promises. This is our commitment to us.

If we have committed ourselves to working harder,  passing our examinations with better marks, achieving better results and getting a promotion then we need to keep reminding us of these promises until they are fulfilled. Continuous affirmation would help a lot.

I am told that once upon a time all ants were born with wings but as time went by they tore those wings off deliberately. The ants chose to live out as crawling insects when they were given the option to be flying angels. It was almost set by nature that they were given the vast empire of air and wide atmosphere to fly and move freely. They refused. What a shame for the crawling ants!

On their wings they could have rocketed high with their imagination and be fully committed to doing whatever they dreamed about. They did not want to do this and chose to differ. We now