Mr. Super Motivator by Shafiq Sabir - HTML preview

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86,400 SECONDS


Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with £86,400. Every evening, whatever part of the balance you fail to use during the day is deleted. What would you do? Draw out every cent and use it well, of course! Each of us has such a bank - its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Invest the day's deposits well, or the loss is yours. How could you bring the most contentment, happiness and benefit to yourself and others? The key is by understanding self-love.


The best gift you can give yourself at any point in life is exercising self-love and this may sound a simple thing, but many find it difficult. By loving yourself it means you understand how special you are and that you believe in yourself and in your abilities.

There is no way you can love another person enough until you love yourself first. Love is a special thing granted to human beings and it should always begin with us before it expands to other people. Self-love is an essential factor when it comes to good living as it influences a big part of our lives, including the people we pick as friends or partners and also the image we project in any kind of environment.

Self-love is more than a state of feeling good but rather a state of self appreciation that always grows from specific actions which support our spiritual, psychological and physical growth. When you learn to love yourself, it becomes easier for you to accept or embrace both your strengths and weaknesses.

You will never at any point in time feel the need to explain away your shortcomings or even struggle to compete or compare yourself with other people.


There will never be a person in your life that can be able to love you as much as you can love yourself.

It should be in every person’s effort to cultivate as much self-love as possible as this is the only way to make life bearable. It is impossible to connect with someone when you can’t connect with who you really are. A step to the journey of building self-love would include recognizing your own good qualities.

Lack of self-love damages a big part of a person’s life as it affects your confidence which is a necessary tool in attaining satisfaction and fulfilment in life. If you want to wake up every morning feeling great about the person you are and your life in general, then it may help to work on creating self-love. If you can love other people in your life what prevents you from loving yourself? No matter who you are, what you have, how you look, we all deserve to be loved and the most important kind of love to receive is self-love.


Generally speaking, having very little concern for oneself is something that usually arises from feelings of low self-worth, which may be of your own making or may be influenced by the people in your life. This is where we get people pleasers; they never seem to understand that they are just as important as any other person. Their insecurities bury so much good inside them and they only see the good in others but not in themselves. I am sure there are a number of people out there who believe it is selfish to love yourself, but I know they got it all wrong.

The thing is, you are the only one who can take care of yourself in all ways and if you don’t love yourself enough this becomes difficult. When you love yourself, it becomes easier to share the same kind of love with other people. Self-love starts by giving love, care and attention to yourself but if it can’t extend to other people then we can’t call it self-love.



My advice to you is that you need to love yourself at all times and this includes through both good and bad.

This strengthens the inner you, giving you the ability to face all kinds of challenges that come your way and also be enthusiastic about building a better life for yourself.

Without self-love you lack so many things inside that are meant to push you through the bad and good of life. We all know that what we feel inside will always be reflected on the outside. If you do not love yourself, you are likely to attract things and people that are not loving.


Any moment you feel the need to work on building inner peace then you should know it begins by exercising self-love because nothing will ever feel good in your life if you can’t appreciate who you are as a person.

Loving yourself opens you up to a world of understanding and acceptance which is what you need to make your life seem complete. My thought is that self-love gives a person strength and courage to try new things and to pursue their dreams. This is made easier because you understand that no matter the outcome you will still love who you are.


With self-love you will always have your own back and you will also understand that your self-worth is never dependent on your success or achievements. You can have nothing in life but the simple love you feel and share with others will always make you feel great about life. A part of you will always insist on trying more because you have nothing to lose and this always leads to greater heights of achievement. What am trying to say is that success does not bring happiness, but happiness will always bring success. A simple thing like self-love and acceptance is always a foundation of healthy living, career success and love.


Self-love allows every single person to build the best kind of relationship and that is a relationship with yourself. This is believed to be a path towards making everything feel fine no matter how difficult or challenging things are turning out to be.

Make today that day when you decide to love who you are unconditionally. This will definitely have a big impact on all aspects of your life and will give a new beginning allowing you to live the best kind of life.


From Shaf the super motivator

Update and quick word of spiritual wisdom quote I enclose below is very powerful and uplifting. It will give you meaning and purpose to live. What we want to live for and do is to live life, do our best, live now, today, not for yesterday or tomorrow. It is today, the most valuable and precious time and moments that you can live. You can have or be anything you want as long as you focus. Don’t waste time or the day. It’s like credit in the bank.

If you don’t use it or use it wisely, you lose it. The better use of time is like gaining more money - income in the bank, more energy in the body, a better life that is closer to your dreams and success. Happier living more prosperity. Another quote this is very powerful go together with this is that life is for learning because life never stops teaching. If you let it, it can teach you lot. Life can become a lesson, life can be a teacher, school, guide - to be and to stay on the right path, as God would like us to.



Lots of blessing of love and light from yours truly, Shaf the Super Motivator.

Shaf here. Congrats to me for completing my bronze package after just passing my psychic dev exam. I now have the exams completed from the bronze package. I’ve got tarot reading to do that I paid for a few months ago. It’s lot of effort for me. If you can imagine being blind, living with mental health and multiple health problems.

I spent the last 15 years studying therapies, including holistic massage, reflexogy, Reiki, NLP, life coaching and EFT. I have now completed bronze, which includes angel healing, Feng Shui, psychic.

I haven’t been able to use much of these therapies for career as my health has been poor and declining - quite sad. Otherwise I could be in a professional field and earning good money - the kind they charge for therapies these days.


I am also not young now almost sixty, but feel a lot older due to my health. I still count myself lucky to be alive. I keep my faith in God and myself in the Universe and law of attraction.

I pronounce myself on Facebook as Shaf The Super Motivator, as I mostly rely on myself and God for motivation. I live alone with no help or support. No family, no friends and I still survive - what a super miracle. I feel like I lived and died many times over again, recently had another emotional breakdown due to a crisis and being a victim of circumstances. Bless you all. Please check my videos on YouTube and like and subscribe.

Bless you all.

From Shaf the Super Motivator.



This book is my first and the start of many to come with your best wishes. I hope to, with God’s help, write my super big life book. eBooks on my travel experience, me as a tutor, 12 personal lessons. Live videos; my own self-help strategy and positive thinking.


Lots of blessing of love and light.

The Super Motivator.


Shafiq Sabir Copyright. 2018



For more info and help or to book an appointment:


Shafiq Sabir Copyright. 2018






God bless you all my readers and hope this has inspired and motivated you with my true life history of battles. The good thing is I might not have won the war against the evil but I am fighting and winning the battle of life With God on my side…



Copyright 2018