Mutual Awakening by Patricia Albere and Jeff Carreira - HTML preview

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 An evolutionary relationship is one that leads to the continuous realization of the highest potentials of both partners. The Evolutionary Collective   is a container for evolutionary relationship in which we come together   in a shared commitment to explore how to engage together in ways that   consistently manifest our highest potentials. We move beyond the habit   of trying to control and manipulate the people around us and learn to   create a collective field of spiraling upward influence.


 In order to build a higher field of relatedness, the individual relationships   within that field must be of a higher order—we have to start with a new   way of being together, person to person.


 In the Mutual Awakening practice we turn towards each other while letting go of any limiting ideas about the other or ourselves. To deepen in   this practice we have to find a way to not know who they are, or who we   are, so that together we can discover each other anew in every moment.   When two people enter into this relationship together, they discover both   the profound particularity and uniqueness of each other while at the same   time discovering the same sacred source of being at their core. Two dynamic centers, two souls, intermingle and make contact in this encounter,   simultaneously discovering each other and forgetting each other, as we   encounter something greater together.


 In this experience we awaken to the true boundless creative possibility   that exists in every moment of relatedness. Each instant of relatedness is   a possibility to rediscover each other free from limiting ideas. This connection becomes a source of sacred energy, liberating insight, and divine   love. And the potential of a life filled with such relationships overwhelms   our imagination.


 Here is one practitioner’s description of her experience of Mutual AwakEning:


  The moment-by-moment newness of the mutual awakening process captured my heart.    Each partner exchange was a merging in full nakedness with the always changing NOW.    I watched the peeling of each layer/veil as they showed up and melted into the ever-present vastness in the light of awareness. My partner’s sharing was a reflection of my own experience. We became one. The mind broke free from motive, agenda and influence.    Vastness, Peace, Love and Joy were present.


 The new world that we awaken to in Mutual Awakening practice is a   world of interpenetrating existence. It is a world in which we recognize   that we are fundamentally connected at the deepest source of our being.   And we discover that the wisdom and illumination that emerges through   our connection is the best guidance for human life.


 We have all experienced moments of authentic encounter. Moments when   the veil of separation falls away and the source of our being makes direct   contact with the source of another.


 Can you recall a moment like this? Can you remember meeting someone so   deeply that it opened you to the possibility of a new world of relatedness?   Mutual Awakening is a practice of mutually entering into authentic encounter. In these encounters we make an exhilarating connection with   another and experience real relatedness.   Here is another practitioner’s description of Mutual Awakening:


  In the Mutual Awakening practice I gave voice to my experience, and the space in between us became enlivened like a vortex of consciousness that had a momentum of its own. It was very compelling because it was altering my sense of self, from feeling limited by my body to being draw into a vortex of consciousness in which my partner and I found ourselves united in consciousness. I realized that the experience was totally dependent on my trust in the listening of my partner. Their presence as a listener was very palpable and allowed me to let go in my expression. I kept thinking, “Wow! How can I make it richer? It’s not enough. It’s not enough. I want to make it richer. I want to explore it more. I want to be more grounded in this.”


 In the Evolutionary Collective we are creating a field of relatedness that   is spiritually alive, authentically co-creative, searing with honesty, and   brimming with sensitivity and care. Upon the foundation of this beautiful field of relatedness we have the opportunity to create the world anew.


 Together we continually awaken to higher possibilities through authentic   encounter with each other and enter into a world beyond objectification.   The connections that are made in Mutual Awakening practice are part   of this collective evolutionary process. They are the creative unions that   become the foundation for a new way of being human.