Mutual Awakening by Patricia Albere and Jeff Carreira - HTML preview

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 As she and I sat facing each other giving voice to our experience of the   moment, I became enraptured in a vision of a world made of liquid light.   In this world of light golden ribbons of stardust seemed to be falling   continuously from invisible heavens. The light was bathing everyone in   luminosity, or rather we appeared as beings of pure luminous form. I was   held in rapture for a few precious minutes witnessing this world formed   of liquid light.


I had no thoughts about it, but afterward I realized that I had been gifted   with a poetic image of a new world, not as it already exists but as a future   possibility that has not yet been manifest.


Once I experienced how sitting face-to-face could open up portals to   profound spiritual revelation I immediately saw parallels to my individual   meditation practice. These two practices and the depths they open are   different but related. The connection between them, as I said earlier, is   that both rely on our willingness to give up control of our experience and   allow revelation to overtake our hearts and minds.   allow revelation to overtake our hearts and minds.


In meditation, while sitting silently on a cushion, I strive to simply allow   whatever is present to be there. My goal in meditation is to be with reality exactly the way it is without manipulating or controlling it in any way.   As I sit, I keep letting go of all of the subtle habits of manipulation and   control, and I drift ever closer to perfect union with what is. The ultimate   consciousness of deep meditation is one of absolute unity—a oneness in   which we disappear. If you are fortunate enough to experience even a   moment so deep, you discover the liberating truth of who you were before   you were born—prior to your existence here in this body, living this life,   in this world.


Practicing meditation in this way is like removing your hands from the   steering wheel and your foot from the gas pedal while driving down the   freeway. If you are successful in letting go, you discover the way things are   when you are not controlling and manipulating. You discover the truth.   And in this discovery at a very a deep level you have the opportunity to   give yourself over to mysterious spiritual energies that initiate a process   of awakening within you.


Two decades ago I stepped out of a fairly traditional life and reassembled   myself around a spiritual commitment to a community and a teacher.   For twenty years I devoted myself more or less exclusively to spiritual   attainment with very little distraction. My energy during all those years   was devoted to my own ever-deepening awakening and my efforts to   mentor and teach others in support of their awakening. In the space of   this chapter I cannot begin to share the full extent of the spiritual experiences I was blessed with during that time. One of the foundations of my   spiritual practice was meditation, and through that practice I experienced   energetic openings and spiritual breakthroughs beyond my wildest dreams.


I have experienced the sacred grace of having any sense of limitation   fall away. In this experience of spiritual liberation it is as if you had been   wearing a lead suit all of your life. It is a mental straight jacket made up   of all your ideas about what is possible and what is not. In the instant   of liberation it simply drops away. Suddenly you find yourself blissfully   free of constraining beliefs, not knowing what is ultimately possible, and   compelled by the call of a wide-open future.


During long retreats I have had the opportunity to spend days, weeks, and   even months absorbed in meditative unfolding. Many of the awakenings I   experienced had the power to dislodge the source of my awareness from   its habitual attachment to the mind and body. I have abided for days in   states of constant consciousness through periods of both wakefulness and   sleep; experienced the energy of Kundalini coursing through my body   with white light pouring through the top of my head; and had the grace   of merging with others in shared states of collective higher mind that   animated all of us.


These experiences and many more have left me certain that reality will   always be bigger than I can imagine. I know that we are not ultimately   restricted by the limitations of the mind and body, and as long as we continue to surrender the openings and awakenings will go on forever. There   is no end to the mysteries of the inner life.


As with meditation, the goal in Mutual Awakening is to be with reality   exactly as it is, except this practice is done with another in a spontaneous and immediate flow of shared experience rather than an individual   experience. As you look at your partner and repeatedly answer the simple   guiding question over and over, it can initially feel artificial and forced. At   this stage of the practice you are still drawing mainly on your intellect.


If you continue to let go, you will begin to find that you forget the person in front of you, and you forget yourself. Your attention is drawn to   something that is emerging between you. What arises is not appearing   outside of you, and yet it is not arising inside of you exclusively. As your   experience of the practice grows, you begin to attune to the shared space   between you and your partner.


As you continue to let go, words emerge from your mouth more and more   spontaneously. They seem to be describing your experience as quickly as   you are having it. The intellect is no longer the source of what you are   saying. The words emerge from a deeper source of your being, and you   realize that you are saying things you never could have imagined before.


Often in Mutual Awakening practice what emerges is poetry. I have found   that if I follow the words as they emerge and avoid the temptation to adorn   them with meaning, I can follow the trail of spontaneous utterances into   new worlds of possibility.


When you go deeply enough into the practice of meditation, you eventually realize that there is no end. You can follow that practice forever into   deeper revelations. The same is true of Mutual Awakening practice. It   never ends. You and your partner move into ever-deeper openings and   realizations. And because you are together the space you are exploring   is inherently relational. You do experience a kind of oneness, but it is a   oneness that includes you both. You find a oneness that holds relatedness.


Teaching with Patricia Albere in the Evolutionary Collective has opened   another source of awakening in my life, and this is why I am so compelled   by our working partnership.


 I believe in all sincerity that what we need right now is real evolutionary   partnerships. We have all grown tremendously through work that we have   done on ourselves. We have realized so much. And now we can only go   to the next level by coming together in everything that we have realized.   The next opportunity for a major leap in development will be found in   a level of mutuality that we can only achieve together. When we express   our deepest nature with others who are doing the same, we create a new   way of being human.


 As teachers, Patricia and I are committed to cultivating an emergence of   this level of spiritual solidarity. I am aware how rare it is to find teachers   who truly want to work mutually, especially if they have been trained in   different schools and lineages. I have worked with other teachers in parallel—sharing a platform but doing our own thing. Patricia and I share   a commitment to pioneer the possibility of coming together in a mutual   surrender that becomes the source of what we teach. The teaching that   we do in the Evolutionary Collective emerges between us, not from us.


Working with Patricia and the other extraordinary people in the Evolutionary Collective has initiated a new opening in me and given me a new   understanding of what is possible for all of us. I am honored to have the   opportunity of this book to share this opening with you.