My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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Allow yourself to feel deeply.



… to surrender to the most essential natural flow of your existence .

Allow yourself to BE as you allow others to BE . as is. Unconditional y.

It’s been a tough one for me , I catch myself sometimes still demanding of others to be, act and even see things exactly as I do.

It’s irrational, we are meant to be diverse and yet equal.

It’s really beautiful to vibrate with such harmony, and operate in such harmony, we are a symphony of colors . A rainbow.

we are meant to compliment and sometimes contrast one another rather than abiding by or disappearing into each other.

Be fearless, Be bold . . . and praise the fearlessness and boldness of others .

I now try to embrace those who oppose me, they do make me see my own colors more vibrantly.

We are meant to bring out either the best in each other to use it and celebrate it OR the worst to heal it and learn from it . rather than just shadowing each other and dimming down our unique light!

Though it’s a risky business to let our guards down to be naked.

For what’s inside us to be seen , as is . .

To be outspoken, for what’s inside us to be heard, as is.

It is risky to FEEL too much , to CARE too much and to GIVE too much . .

But remember, my dear ones, that nothing ever made in the name of love wil ever be vain .

As there is bad karma , so there is good karma .

Invest in your good feelings, and be generous .

Whatever you seed with love, you MUST reap with love .

So , go Forth and GIVE . with love .

Without hesitation,

in full faith.