My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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We Are The Creators of Our Own Pains & Joys.



You must have once heard or said

"I will never forgive myself for doing this stupid thing "

we always say that ! and it becomes part of our habits not to forgive !!

But I am telling u today to forgetit ..

It’s time to rebel on your own rules Forget this sentence !

Go inside your brain cells and take an eraser and WIPE IT CLEAN ..

And please STOP making up rules !!!

Why do we keep doing that anyway?

Why do we like to contain ourselves and others in rigid borders !

Setting high expectations "or low" , point is! unrealistic, false expectations.. Making gods/devils of ourselves and others! We are such a dramatic species!!!

I mean, really?!

Just BE EASY . Keep flowing ~

See each moment , place, situation and person in a creative new way!

Things are always changing , nothing stays the same .

Embrace the freshness of impermanent nature of things .

Make it like an art project and assign a new color for each moment/place/situation/person in your reality! I know that Sometimes we like certain colors more than others and we keep using them again and again . But what if I told you that you get to create and invent a new color every single time , with all its shades and hues and levels of vibrancy . you can also mix and match colors , or make up gradients and palettes!

REBEL on the habitual ways of black and white .

You are a CREATOR , you were not born to mimic nor to repeat!

You were born to produce NEWNESS to this world .

Show us what you got.