My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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Atonement is forgiveness on action.



While the decision and intention of forgiveness is a major step towards spiritual/ mental / emotional healing, a physical step is also important.

Like standing in front of the mirror and telling yourself :

Oga - your name- , even though you’ve been too lazy today and you didn’t wash the dishes as every grown up person should do, I still love you.

OR, Like saying to the person who hurt you - directly or in your mind - :

I want you to know that I forgive you -or trying to forgive you-even though it makes me feel bad that you did or said certain thing or things to me.

Remember that forgiveness does not mean you still accept the harm or wrongdoing, you are simply choosing to detach yourself from its negative impact. and in doing that you are opening up your heart and mind to new better and healthier ways of experiencing yourself and others. . even if it means you have to no longer be with that person or no longer do that thing "habit". You gotta take radical steps to make yourself happy and healthy, coz no one else really has that power but you. I am already witnessing beautiful positive impacts of forgiveness in my life. how are you doing? keep me posted on your journey.