My Golf Swing Stinks! Don't Get Tee'd Off ~ Swing Like This, Not Like That.
"63 Golf Tips & Advice to A Perfect Game for Beginners"...
by Terry Clark
Table of Content
1. Are You Fully Committed To Playing Your Best Golf?
2. Are You Having Trouble Sustaining Energy On The Back Nine?
3. Are You Too Old For Golf Fitness Workouts
4. Are You Wearing The Right Golf Shoes When You Golf?
5. Back Exercise And Golf Are Synonymous
6. Back Fitness For Senior Golfers
7. Baggin It Right...raises Your Game
8. Balance Your Checkbook And Golf Swing
9. Basic Golf Etiquette
10. Basics Of Golf Swing Instruction - Go With Exercises
11. Becoming An Ageless Golfer
12. Before Purchasing A Gift For A Golfer...ask Yourself These 3 Questions
13. Beginner Golf Swing Instruction Tips
14. Beginner Or Novice Golfers: Start With A Pre-owned Set Of Golf Clubs
15. 5 Golf Facts That Will Change Your Game
16. Benefits Of A Golf Fitness Stretch Trainer
17. Big Trouble
18. Can A Golf Swing Video Change Your Game?
19. Can A Golfer Do Without Golf Fitness And Exercise
20. Choosing A Golf Swing Training Aid
21. Choosing The Right Golf Balls
22. Choosing The Right Golf Clubs
23. Choosing The Right Shoes, Golf Shoes, Wedding Shoes And Other Footwear!
24. Controlled Body Movement The Key Essential For Your Golf Game
25. Correcting A Golf Slice
26. Creating A Golf Fitness Program
27. Discover How Golf Schools Can Help You Play Better
28. Do You Dream Of A Golf Swing With Power
29. Do You Fear Golf Weight Training Programs
30. Finish Your Round Of Golf With Birdies
31. Focus Your Focus - How To Ward Off Distraction During Your Golf Swing
32. Gaining The Correct Golf Swing Plane
33. Get Moving And Save Strokes
34. Getting Your Hands Through The Ball At Impact
35. Golf And Life, A Story About Your Future Success
36. Golf Clubs - Your Golf Putting - Use These Putting Practice Tips
37. Golf Drills To Improve Your Game
38. Golf Driving Tip That Will Add Yards Quickly
39. Golf Driving Tips To Correct A Common Mistake
40. Golf Elbow Or Tennis Elbow ? The Tell Tale Signs
41. Golf Equipment ? The Most Expensive Is Not Always Correct For You
42. Golf Exercise Tip ? How To Warm Up
43. Golf Fitness: The Quickest Way To Play Better Golf
44. Golf For Beginners ? What Makes A Good Golfer?
45. Golf Fore Success
46. Golf Grub
47. Golf Holiday - Plan Your Holiday Golf Or Your Ireland Golf Vacation
48. Golf! How To Power That Drive Away
49. Golf Humor Examines Golf Emotions:- Are We Just A Bunch Of Cry Babies?
50.Golf Information Overload?
51. Tips on How to Lower your Golf Score
52. Winning at Miniature Golf
53. The Health Benefits of Golf
54. Know your course: Weather conditions
55. Know your course: Greens
56. Know your course: Fairways
57. Know Your Course: Tees
58. Know Your Course: Hazardous Areas
59. Know Your Equipment: Beat Your Opponent with the Right Stuff
60. Basics of the Game – Putting
61. Basics of the Game – Driving
62. Walking in the Green
63.Golfer Discovers 4 Time-tested And Proven Methods To Lower Handicap!
Golf Resources (recommendation)
#1. Are You Fully Committed To Playing Your Best Golf?
After taking golf lessons and/or attempting to make changes in one's swing, many players have a difficult time fully committing to executing the new swing on the golf course. There are a variety of reasons for this. Some are concerned because of a fear of hitting the ball in a "bad" place- into a hazard, bunker, OB, etc. Others don't swing the club with full commitment because of a lack of faith in their ability to swing it well, and instead end up trying to guide the ball.
The trouble with making tentative swings is that regularly the shot ends up creating a poor result. Here is how the best players in the world handle this problem.
There are basically two ways to approach a shot, each with two basic results. A swing can either be committed or uncommitted, and the result of any swing can have a positive result or a negative result.
1. Commitment with Positive Result--------------2. Commitment with Negative Result
3. Lack of Commitment with Positive Result------4. Lack of Commitment with Negative Result
Situation 4 is the absolute worst feeling in golf. Swinging the club or executing a putt tentatively and/or without commitment and getting a poor result is a double whammy. Here the player is trying to protect against a feared consequence, hasn't really given himself a chance for something good to happen, and had the feared outcome happen anyway. This scenario scores a direct hit on the confidence because of the lack of courage and the poor result.
Situation 3 is only slightly better. In this instance, the player doesn't really "go after it", but gets a positive result anyway. Most golfers in their heart of hearts know when they've "gotten away with one" as opposed to when they've actually "gone after it". Most players don't feel very good even when they have hit a timid shot or made an unsure putt and had the ball go where they were hoping. Essentially, this feels good in the moment, but it has a negative impact on most players' confidence.
For the most part a lack of commitment, irrespective of result, sets up situations that ultimately hurt a player's confidence.
On the other hand, commitment inescapably does the opposite.
Situation 2, where a player makes a fully committed swing or putt and doesn't get the result he'd like, creates mild disappointment. While this is true, competitive golfers know that they've at least given themselves a chance for something good to happen, and have done what they could to create a positive golf shot. Most live well with this, knowing that over time these types of swings and putts will produce the rewards they seek. This is a net positive to the confidence.Situation 1 is the best feeling in golf. It is the situation where one makes a fully dedicated pass at the ball and gets exactly what one was looking for. These are the moments which generate ? even for the casual golfer- the kind of internal response that connect with one's love of the game. Getting a positive result in a situation where a challenge was confronted head on is high on the list of confidence boosters.
Confidence can be built one shot at a time if swings and putts are made with steadfast commitment!
#2. Are You Having Trouble Sustaining Energy On The Back Nine?
Loss of stamina and endurance toward the end of an eighteen-hole round of golf happens to many golfers and can often be attributed to poor nutrition. To keep up the pace and go the distance, there is no substitute for good nutrition.
Good golf nutrition has many of the same characteristics as good general nutrition. Foods that are low in fat and contain balanced portions of lean protein and slow release carbohydrates make the best choices, and the golfer's diet should include lots of these. Lean meat, fish, and poultry are all excellent choices and should be staples in a high nutrition diet, as should carbohydrates containing whole wheat sources and green leafy vegetables.
Golfers should avoid starchy foods like potatoes, white breads, corn, and foods high in sugars. These can serve to make you groggy and less able to react properly. They will rob you of stamina rather than enhance it.
Instead of eating a traditional "three meals per day," golfers can benefit from learning to eat several small meals over the course of the day. This process helps to train the body to take in energy in small doses and use that energy more efficiently.
Golfers need to drink lots of water. Anywhere from eight to ten glasses per day is optimal, and more than that may be necessary when playing ? especially during the summer or in places with an exceedingly warm climate. Phoenix and Las Vegas, for example, are two of the most popular cities in the US for golf and they have two of the most unforgiving summer climates. Hydration is very important.
Two things to stay away from are caffeine and alcohol. Both can adversely affect your play. Caffeine over-stimulates your muscles and increases your heart rate. It makes it difficult to concentrate and can cause you to play with less elements of control. Alcoholic beverages, of course, can significantly reduce your coordination, even in small doses. It's best not to drink any alcohol before or during play unless you don't mind the compromise in performance.
Use these simple tips to gain a competitive advantage over your foursome while preserving your energy and increasing your stamina and endurance. Keep your nutrition sound and you'll reap a lifetime of benefits.
#3. Are You Too Old For Golf Fitness Workouts
Many a senior golfer would not resist the temptation to skip golf fitness workouts, using their age as an excuse. And at first glance age would seem to be a genuine excuse to avoid golf fitness workouts.
After all golf fitness workouts, as most people seem to believe, are supposed to be very strenuous programs where even dumb bells are used.
So how do you tell that you are too old for golf fitness workouts?
The answer to that question is really simple. If you are too old to play golf then you are probably too old for golf fitness workouts.
I regularly work with 80 year old golfers who comfortably go through golf fitness workouts, dumb bells and all. It is also probably appropriate to add here at this juncture that I also regularly work with youngsters barely in their teens.
Both groups of persons are able to dramatically improve on their game with the help of golf fitness workouts.
Golf fitness workouts are not any more rigorous and punishing than the game of golf is. Remember that the work outs are golf specific, meaning that they are specifically designed to help strengthen and condition the very muscles used in golf.
It is definitely not a boxing or body building fitness workout. Workouts for those sports reflect the rigorous and physically demanding aspects of those sports. In the very same way that golf fitness workouts reflect the requirements of the game of golf.
The dumbbells are usually used for strength training because this is the most efficient equipment anywhere for building strength quickly hence their inclusion in the best golf fitness workout routines.
The idea is never to lift heavy weights over long periods of time. Rather the objective to condition and strengthen golf muscles using lighter weights lifted over very short periods of time.
If you are not too old or too young for golf, golf fitness workouts are for you.
#4. Are You Wearing The Right Golf Shoes When You Golf?
For those of you that golf you know that golf shoes are an integral part of the game. Not only do you need the support and comfort for the 7,000 plus yards you have to walk, but you need the right foot traction and grip throughout your swing process for that good contact with the ball. The right golf shoe can make a huge difference in your game.
There are plenty of golf style shoes available in stores and online, from the likes of Nike, Reebok, Etonic, Footjoy and many more. The huge selection of shoes available provides us ? the consumer, with different options for comfort, support and a fashionable look. It all comes down to personal preference when deciding on how you want to look on the golf course in your shoes.
Every golfer has the same needs out on the golf course, which is a comfortable shoe. Remember that if you are walking the golf course you will be looking at 4 to 5 hours of being on your feet, as well as you will be walking 7,000 plus yards. So if you are not comfortable in your shoes you can count on not playing well.
Most golf footwear today is made of high quality soft leather for durability and comfort. Designers have been paying close attention to insoles and how the feet sit in the shoes. Experts have come to realize that overall balance during the golf swing is essential to make good golf ball contact. That is why there is extra support on the heels in the construction of a good shoe - for greater stability. More and more shoe companies are putting in an orthotic style shoe insole to meet the playing demands of today's golf enthusiast.
Another important aspect of the shoe is the grip, whether it is a cleated style that is plastic or metal, or whether it is replaceable or not. Golfers know that foot grip during the walk through the course and even more importantly foot grip that is solid during the swing is extremely important. There is nothing worse than feeling your feet slip on a swing. The most commonly used golf footwear is the versatile, quick and easily replaceable spikes. What that gives the golfer is interchangeable golf spikes on their shoes for any condition, as well as not having to replace or break-in a new pair of golf shoes every time you wear the spike out.
If you are a die hard golfer, weather is not an issue. You just love to play golf even if it is early in the morning and pouring rain, it just doesn't matter! Golfers shoes today are made with your feet's protection and comfort in mind. These special shoes protect against the elements, and most shoes have a waterproof lining such as Gortex to ensure dry feet during an early morning round.
These are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for golf style shoes. Look for overall comfort and support and increased stability for that long day on your feet. Make sure your shoes keep your feet dry on the golf course especially for those early morning tee-offs. For versatility buy a pair with replaceable spikes, it will prove to be very practical.
Choose your golf shoes wisely for an enjoyable and good round.
#5. Back Exercise And Golf Are Synonymous
Back exercise and golf. Doesn't that sound like a common denominator? Of all the injuries in golf, the low back is by far the highest one.
To explain why doing back exercise for golf is important, a golfer needs to understand why.
The golf swing is one of the most (if not the most) stressful movements on the lower back. Picture this. You're in a static position at the start; then you try to rotate your upper body as far as you can go, while keeping the lower body as stable as you can.
This movement all by itself puts tremendous stress on the lower back. If you have a lower level of rotational flexibility, you are at HIGH RISK for low back injuries. You many have one as we speak.
Now picture having the strength to 'uncoil' that backswing, maintaining your golf posture at between 80-100 mph. If you have not participated in a back exercise for golf, you will not be able to generate any power at impact, therefore your driving distance is inadequate.
Does this sound familiar?
It should. I see this all the time on the golf course. Especially with the senior golfers. They have physically declined over the years and have not done any back exercise for golf and can't generate and clubhead speed.
There is hope!
To remove the threat of low back injury and improve your ability to turn back and turn through with power, you just need to do a couple of simple back exercises for golf.
One example of a back exercise for golf that you should be doing several times a day is what I call the Lying Leg Crossover, which is incorporated in all my products.
Here's what you do:
This is a very simple back exercise for golf and no equipment is required.
Just do this back exercise for golf religiously and you'll see a HUGE improvement!
#6. Back Fitness For Senior Golfers
Back injuries are prevalent among golfers of all ages and especially for senior golfers. Age has a way of letting us know subtly that our bodies no longer react like the good old days of 20 something. The back is one area of our body we can't afford to take for granted. Whether you suffer from minor aches and pains, mild discomfort or even general tightness, your back could be at risk as well as your game.
So how can we protect our backs from the wear and tear of age while creating longevity in golf?
The first thing to check is your posture. If you don't know the right way to sit, stand or lift weight, then you are far from learning the complexities of swing mechanics!
The "perfect swing" is something many attempt to learn by watching or reading a book. Yet, it's a motor skill, which also draws upon your 'feel' for things.
When you first learned to swing a golf club, you might think you were learning things from 'scratch'. But were you?
You already knew how to stand. If you tend to slouch while standing, or if your back muscles were poorly developed, you probably ended up trying to create the "perfect swing" by sight rather than by the feel of things.
Maybe your upper back is making up for your lack of lower back flexibility. Perhaps your lumbar pain results from underdeveloped hips or abs. It doesn't matter where your 'weak link' lies. It always kicks in a series of "compensatory" moves.
These wrong moves are not only an open invitation to injury- they can take you years to correct and refine - if you are blind to the underlying postural flaw.
Experts agree that an erect posture with neural spinal alignment can give you an added rotation of up to 30°. Imagine the extra momentum that would lend to your club head!
Three simple ways to Improve your Swing with Better Posture:
1.Stand Tall! When you slouch, you compromise the normal curvature of the back, which is important for proper joint movement.
Try this simple experiment:Sit on a chair in the bent-over posture. Your shoulders are slouched and the neck protrudes outwards. Try to swing your arms. Most of the movement will come from your elbows, rather than your shoulder joint (which has a bigger range of motion).
Next, sit up straight, with your shoulders squared and your neck in proper alignment with the spine. Your arms will swing freely from the shoulder and rotate freely in any direction.
More importantly, the right posture will keep your back healthy and minimize the sheer forces on the spine - which form the root cause of pain.
2.Bend at the Hips (not at the Back!)
When you bend, make sure your back is in a neutral position. That can only happen if you bend from your hips.
To facilitate this position, make sure your lower abs are properly engaged. Strong abs are the very foundation of a powerful, fluid stroke!
3.Improve Stability
Better balance and coordination help to effectively transfer the momentum of your swing to the ball.
Stabilize your torso by keeping your feet shoulder width apart- having them too close or too far apart will affect your balance.
Learn to shift your weight smoothly from one foot to the other. It will greatly reduce the impact on your lower back.
Finally, do not lean on the toes or roll at the heels. A shaky foundation can kill momentum before your club head strikes the ball.
It may take some time to get accustomed to the new posture. But these simple changes will help you play better golf longer.
Doesn't that make it worthwhile?
#7. Baggin It Right...raises Your Game
Even the most casual of golfers needs a golf bag. Having the right golf bag is essential. It is another tool to help raise your game. If your clubs and other equipment are stored in an appropriately sized and organized bag, you can concentrate on your game. Otherwise you can be scrambling to find your rain gear when hit by a sudden shower or for another golf ball to replace the one you just hit into the middle of the lake. For anyone looking to purchase a golf bag, there are several things to consider and brand is not necessarily one of them:
When it comes to golf bags, size does matter. Some tour bags seem like they are big enough to double as a shelter in a rainstorm while I have seen golf bags so small they look like they could hold no more than a putter and a driver. So how big of a golf bag do you actually need? Try to determine your present requirements based on current equipment. Then, consider how your equipment list may change and grow over the projected lifetime of the bag.
The durability of a golf bag depends on design, material and treatment. If you are a casual golfer who stores your golf bag in the house after use, you could enjoy a nylon bag that isn't very expensive.
If you are a more frequent golfer and keep your golf bag in the trunk of your car, then you will probably want a bag made of leather or vinyl. Remember, the golf bag is not just for carrying the clubs, it is also for protecting them.
Depending on how you get around the course, you will want to decide between a carry bag and a cart bag. A cart bag is nice if you use a golf cart frequently. Cart bags are also designed to be used with a pull cart.
When considering a cart bag, consider also the type of pull cart you will use. Test the ease of motion and comfort of the handle at preferred transportation angles. Check if any of the features that help you transport the golf bag are adjustable, as the center of gravity will vary depending on the load in the bag
If you are accustomed to walking, you should look for a golf bag that is comfortable, light weight and ergonomically designed to minimize the stress on your back and shoulders. Many of the new bags have gel carry straps for shoulder comfort.
If you use extended length shafts...ensure that the golf bag you are considering will adequately protect as much of the shaft as possible and comes with the enough club dividers to satisfy your needs.
Color and accessories are really a matter of taste, need and how much extra money you are willing to spend. Some golfers want to make their bags unique. Some just want a place to put their clubs.
It does not matter how often you play golf, at some point that golf bag is going to need to be stored somewhere. Ensure that the size golf bag you purchase will fit in the area where you will be storing it.
#8. Balance Your Checkbook And Golf Swing
We all search for it. Balance in our daily lives. Balance while riding a bike. Politicians are always debating a balanced budget in Washington, and most of us could use a little balance in our checkbooks. Balance is a term used in golf quite often as well. It's a "buzzword" and almost a cliché when it comes to the golf swing. I am sure you have heard numerous times from swing coaches that "you have to stay balanced when swinging your club." Others phrases that I hear when we talk about golf and balance are the following: "When it comes to a sand shot, dig your feet into the stand so you can stay balanced," "If the ball is on an uphill lie and above your feet, make sure you swing through the ball, and stayed balanced," and "Stay balanced when hitting the driver and get to the finish position in perfect balance." The list could go on and on, and I am sure all of you could probably add to the short list above.
Two questions always arise in my mind when I hear the word balance in association with golf: 1) what does balance exactly mean, and 2) how do I create balance in my golf swing? I am guessing quite a few of you have these same questions, or similar ones, when you talk about the subject of balance in relation to the golf swing.
I am going to answer both of these questions. We will first define balance and its relation to the golf swing. Secondly, we will discuss how you develop the balance capacities of your body in relation to the golf swing. So without further ado let's get started.
What is Balance?
This is a really great question and the perfect way to begin. So let's hear it! What is the definition of balance? Think about it for a minute and then write down a couple of your answers. I understand that this is not the easiest question to answer (trust me, I have asked it plenty of times), and it is okay if you are not able to create a good working definition of balance (that's part of what we are going to do with this article). Okay, time is up, what did you write down?
Well, let me tell you some of the replies I have received for this question and we will take if from there. Here are just a few that I hear: "head over your belly button between your feet," "swinging a club on the correct path," "knowing where your body is in space," and "kinesthetic awareness." All of these answers are somewhat correct, but none of them gives us a good sound understanding of what balance really means.
The definition of balance is simply the ability to control your body during movement. Sounds pretty simple, does it not? It really is when you think about it, but let's break this definition down so we understand it completely. Starting with the first portion of the definition: "the ability to control" means what? Well, it is probably easiest to imagine what "out of control" looks like. Take the mental image of a racecar crashing into the wall. We could describe the car as out of control. Now take the flip side of this, and what would this car look like if it were in control? It would probably zoom around the track without hitting anything. The body is the same; if your body is out of control it will, in a sense, crash or fall over. If the body is in control, then it performs whatever movement you are asking of it without "crashing." Take the example of a toddler running. Sometimes they get going so quickly that they get out of control and fall over. Other times they stay in control and are able to run.
Moving onto the second part of the definition: "your body." Pretty easy concept to understand, don't you think? Your body includes your torso, head, arms, legs, and anything attached to the arms or legs, like a golf club. Up to this point we can put together the first two parts of the definition and summarize it as: the body (including your arms, legs, torso, head, and golf club) must be under control. Let us add the final part of the definition into the mix to complete our understanding.
The final piece of the definition is: "during movement." This simpl