No Man has the Right by Ross Jackson - HTML preview

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The actual techniques described in this book are few. The number had been purposely keep to a minimum.

It is a common mistake of instructors, including myself in my early days, to try to impress and show as many variations and escapes as possible. Books that show a great range achieve two things.

Firstly, they display the knowledge and scope of the instructor.

Secondly, they usually cover the range required to attain a standard that only constant practice will allow. So, for a person such as yourself who is not trained, then an abundance of techniques will have the opposite effect of that required by the book in the first place. The choice is so wide that you would not know what to do, you would spend so long thinking about possible techniques, and as a result would not be able to achieve the aim - to make safe. For a technique to be completed ‘instinctively’ then only by repetition training would it be achieved, up to that point it is not ‘natural’.

The techniques in this book are just that, natural. This book will teach you how to use what you already know, what you can already do, and capitalise on that.

For a trained person glancing through this book, please read on, there may be small things, so basic, that you may have been forgetting to teach them as I did, or you may even add to your repertoire. Remember, even the smallest item of knowledge can be of use.

Here is something to ponder:-

Power is strength