No Man has the Right by Ross Jackson - HTML preview

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Think indignant



There are at least two things that you must now read about if you are to be able to use the knowledge in this book. One is a theo retical application, the other, practical.

The theoretical is a knowledge of PROXEMICS. This is a word originated by a Professor Earnest Hall in 1964 and deals with the proximity of ourselves in relation to others.

See the graph :-

Personal space

8” - 4ft

Intimate Space

0 - 18”

Public space -

over 14ft

Intimate space, 0 - 18”. Is reserved for loved ones, close family and children. How often do you lean away from someone who sits next to you or talks to you closer than 18”? It is most uncomfortable.

Personal space, 18” - 14 Ft. Is reserved for friends and work colleagues. Perhaps you have been walking along a corridor, there is another person who passes in the opposite direction. You are aware of them, they have a right to be there, but you feel uncomfortable, if possible you try to avoid looking at them and you would have redirected your direction of travel if you could.

Public Space, 14 Ft. and beyond. Anyone we don’t know, the rest of the world.