No Man has the Right by Ross Jackson - HTML preview

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Without RULE 1 being applied, none of the other rules can be performed. This is so obvious that to put it into writing you may feel that your intelligence is being insulted, this is not the case. It is just that the majority of people do not look at what they are doing, they look at what they are about to do and because they think that they know the eventual outcome, at the precise moment of completion they begin to look away to concentrate on the next action. This is human nature.

The body is reacting in a specifically predictable way to the task it has been set. This is commendable if the action is static, however, in the case of self defence the movements are rarely static.

An easy way to explain this is thus:-

You are standing facing someone, they are in your way. To make them move you raised your hand, placed it against their chest, keeping your arm straight you begin to walk forward. That person will be forced back. If you were now blind-folded and did the exact same thing, and the person in front remained in the same place, then they would still be forced back on contact with the hand. Easy isn’t it?



As before, you are standing in front of that person, you are again blindfolded, you begin to move forward to place your hand on their chest to force them back. They however, move silently out of the way. You continue to move forward, and into possible injury as you cannot see any obstruction, and even if an obstruction was placed in your way you could not take any avoiding action. Why?


Remember what was said before, the methods in this book require no practice, so to look is vitally important.

What’s that I hear you say? “Other people don’t look when they’re doing something but still achieve their aim.”

That is because of only one thing and one thing only, practice.

They are trained in self defence, and a trained person knows where another’s body is going to be without having to look. But not to begin with, they had to practice. You have not practised.

So RULE 1 applies.