No Man has the Right by Ross Jackson - HTML preview

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Let me first explain another simple thing.

It is so simple that again most people know of it but are not aware of its great importance to Self Defence.

**** [SHARP PAIN] ****

Sharp pain stops any action dead. A dull pain can be worked against, but not a sharp pain.

Here are two instances:-

You are out shopping, and one of those dreadful persons with a shopping trolley or perambulator catches the side of your ankle, or you even strike the wheel with your own ankle. What is your immediate body reaction?

SHARP PAIN immediately causes the injured ankle to be drawn away, the body sags, the head lifts, the hands open and items held are dropped or fractionally released. A second or two later the brain takes over from the bodies involuntary spasmodic movement, then the verbal dispute begins.

Most people do DIY and at some time......

You are holding a nail in one hand, a hammer in the other. You begin to hammer the nail home, with steadily increasing force. The fourth or fifth strike you violently hit the thumb of the hand holding the nail. What is your immediate body reaction?

SHARP PAIN immediately causes the hand holding the hammer to open, the hand holding the nail opens sharply and is drawn away, the body moves away and the feet move in a spasmodic 18

reaction. You are unable to see where the nail or the hammer are falling, in fact, you have no control over your body as the pain is so violent.