No Man has the Right by Ross Jackson - HTML preview

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When kicking, the correct way in self defence is to strike with the sole of the foot, using the padded area just below the toes known as the ball of the foot. Having shoes on will give extra support to your feet and will also allow a harder strike.

Never, unless you are trained kick with the instep. The top of your foot is very sensitive to pain, and if struck, will cause you to have the same reaction that you wish your opponent to have.

The instep can only be used to strike fleshy areas such as the groin or leg muscles. Also, if the instep is used then the kick becomes high and the position of balance is lost, unless you are trained then you may fall over. Another thing to consider is the mode of dress, a tight skirt will inhibit a high kick, thus limiting the amount of power to be exerted, the skirt may split, the possibility of falling over is increased many fold. There is a distinct possibility of the toes being broken if the kick is not exact.

So, do not kick like a footballer, remember, it is specialised, and to be specialised you have to train.


RULE 2 is applied at the same time as a verbal command “NO”

This is part of the same rule and should be done at the same instant that the SHARP PAIN is administered. Shouting intensifies any action, it also makes you concentrate more fully on the action in progress and allows a more solid completion of the strike than would otherwise occur. The shout of “NO” should be done as loud as is possible. It has the effect of causing the attacker to pause momentarily in an a startled manner. Martial artists call this shout Kiai, translated it means ‘Super Power’. Not only does it startle the attacker, it gives you extra power and strength. Do no be afraid to shout. You must mean what you say, scream it at the top of your voice.





In recap

It is very hard to apply RULE 2 unless RULE 1 has been applied.
