No Man has the Right by Ross Jackson - HTML preview

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MAKE SAFE is the finishing touch. It would be a shame to achieve both RULE 1 and RULE 2 and fail to achieve RULE 3.

MAKE SAFE means exactly that, MAKE SAFE

There are no actual rules for making safe. It can only be applied to the situation at that time. If you are in a car, drive away. In a phone box, ring for help. In an enclosed area, get out. On your own, go to others etc. Only you can make the decision that will make safe.

MAKE SAFE can be assisted thus:-

a) Scream at the top of your voice.

b) Make sure you know the attacker's location.

c) Get assistance as quickly as possible.

d) Attract attention to make yourself safe.

e) Under no circumstances remain.

It is the element of surprise that allows the application of the rules.

Do not tell the attacker that you know any self defence. Just do it.

Remember the saying, “Forewarned is forearmed”.

It is no good achieving 1 & 2 and then deciding “I’ll teach that person a lesson.” and stay to inflict what you consider retribution.

Remember sharp pain decreases the more the pressure is applied.

By doing such you may place yourself in a position where you are unable to escape

That is all there is to this book. 3 Rules. The only requisite is that they must be remembered. They do work, very effectively so.