No Man has the Right by Ross Jackson - HTML preview

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In conclusion, I hope that this book has been of some benefit to you, giving you more confidence in yourself and abilities.

If you have females in your family, and you have completely read and digested the facts in this book, then tell them about these techniques. If the little knowledge they gain from you helps them in any way, then the publication of this book has been worth it.

Consider the presentation of another copy of this book to others.

However, even if you don’t present them with a personal copy, I hope that you will show them this book and let them see first hand.

Its a funny thing, but no matter how much you tell some people something, and they say they believe and understand, they don’t.

So let the pictures replace a thousand spoken words. Don’t be afraid to re-read. Strengthen your knowledge.

If, once you have digested the contents of this book, and you feel that you could cope just a little, and would like to learn more about self defence, then make enquiries and join a self defence club.

Even if you don’t wish to continue, then you have done a very wise thing. You have gained information, and that can only help you in your daily life.

As a final note, although the content of this book is about the defence of females, in actual fact, statistics prove that assaults on females are in the minority, but because of the power of the media, it appears to be an onslaught.

The world really is a relatively safe place for a woman. But you never can tell. It pays to be careful.