No Real Estate Broker Needed; Things to Do Before You Sell Your House - 100+ Tips by Terry D. Clark - HTML preview

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Section 1: Information is Power


Tip 1: Before anything else, get a giant dose of knowledge

Tip 2: Learn to Listen, and be a GOOD one

Tip 3: Primary rule: don’t get closed out of the market because you’ve over-charged your house

Tip 4: What are the ads saying

Tip 5: Play detective

Tip 6: Study and take-In all that you can

Tip 7: FYI - my house is really worth

Tip 8: The Real Estate Game Isn't A Joke - Take It seriously

Tip 9: Get only what you need -- just enough to get you started


Section 2: Know thy Regional Area/Community


Tip 10: Outstanding schools? But of course

Tip 11: It’s the health and fitness thing, you know

Tip 12: And what about events and that type of thing

Tip 13: Will I fit in the neighborhood

Tip 14: Is there a physician in the house

Tip 15: How is the transit system

Tip 16: No gossip-mongers allowed

Tip 17: Help, my car’s been snowed in

Tip 18: Cavities?


Section 3: Know thy Abode


Tip 19: Getting to know your house…for the last time

Tip 20: Did you say an in-ground heated pool

Tip 21: Put romantic endeavors back in their lives

Tip 22: See, this garage entrance is really easy to operate

Tip 23: I never promised you a green house garden

Tip 24: You will have a roof over your head for years to come

Tip 25: Wow, a house spa

Tip 26: A house that’s secure and sound

Tip 27: What? No hot h2o again

Tip 28: Someone didn't remember to look up the ceiling


Section 4: Your Purposes for Selling: Closely Observe the *Psychological Effect*

Tip 29: Why am I selling

Tip 30:This isn't the time to be fickle

Tip 31: Appreciation for the past is a powerful sensation

Tip 32: I’m in a Financial bind

Tip 33: My house isn’t a motel or hotel

Tip 34: Pay attention, but remain with your convictions

Tip 35: I’m marketing and selling my house, no matter what

Tip 36: Even well-meaning buddies can destroy you


Section 5: Getting Serious and Being Ready


Tip 37: Time to go “pro”

Tip 38: The radon analyze test

Tip 39: This isn’t a several option analyze test

Tip 40: The well’s run dry

Tip 41: Pee-oh What’s that smell

Tip 42: Actually, now that you ask

Tip 43: Display that you mean business

Tip 44: If I were purchasing this house

Tip 45: Is there an professional around

Tip 46: It’s the law, sir

Tip 47: You and I are different

Tip 48: Did you acquire these doorknobs from your grandmother

Tip 49: That disturbance is driving me bockers

Tip 50: Is this doorway entrance going to drop on me

Tip 51: So, how many bugs do you have here

Tip 52: For you or the buyer

Tip 53: Wait just one minute 

Tip 54: I wish you hadn’t done that

Tip 55: It's time for he specialist (contractor)


Section 6: Category 6: Advertisement: Getting the message out: “I’m Selling my House!”


Tip 56: Get the word-out; Advertise

Tip 57: Reach out far and wide

Tip 58: Telling your friends, neighbors or cashier at the grocery store  is just as highly efficient as advertising

Tip 59: Can the company organization help me

Tip 60: Ah, the old reliable never fails - the message board

Tip 61: Adding a little sugar

Tip 62: Have you been negligent

Tip 63: How much do YOU really want

Tip 64: Will the customer/buyer ask for flexibility

Tip 65: Is this the right time to sell my house

Tip 66: The facts will show it's ugly-head, if not worded correctly

Tip 67: Huh, how will I construct this ad

Tip 68: Can you just state the primary factor here please

Tip 69: Get your thought's in order before picking up that phone

Tip 70: Wait and see what happens

Tip 71: Where should I place my advertisement

Tip 72: "1" is enough

Tip 73: The World Wide Web: Do I really want Jones purchasing my house

Tip 74: Do you want to create a house story? Try the home section, not the classified ads

Tip 75: What should add or say in the ads

Tip 76: This is EXACTLY how I want it

Tip 77: Monitor cellphone calls

Tip 78: Add “Or best affordable offer or fair offers only”

79: It’s my preferred day of the week

Tip 80: Would you say that again please?

Tip 81: How do YOU sound

Tip 82: Jot it down

Tip 83: Are you a (phone) grouch or grinch

Tip 84: Let’s get serious here


Section 7: Displaying Your Home


Tip 85: It concerns me

Tip 86: Dirt collectors

Tip 87: Encompass yourself with beauty

Tip 88: I thought you’d ask that

Tip 89: Kids OK, creatures NO

Tip 90: Who’s that standing by the front door entry


Section 8: Discussions, Agreement and Contracts


Tip 91: Can we discuss your price

Tip 92: There's nothing wrong with being honest

Tip 93: My house is your house now

Tip 94: How easily will he or she negotiate this issue for me

Tip 95: This includes just about everything

Tip 96: Can we modify this a little bit

Tip 97: It comes down to the money

Tip 98: Traversing the T’s and covering the I’s

Tip 99: Say What, you’ve changed your mind

Tip 100: You’re willing to pay more for my house

Tip 101: Eliminating tire-kickers or the curious

