Our Destructive Self by John Murphy - HTML preview

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Do other people have an effect on me?

It is usual to have some type of contact with people and it is rare to find a person that has cut themselves off completely from society. There is a general expectation in society, that wanting to be alone is not correct, even though every person will have that same want or feeling on many occasions during their life. 

When the want to be alone becomes very strong and is becoming a focal point, or in some cases an obsession, then we should pay more attention, as to why this is taking place. 

The instinct to run away, or hide from what we do not like or are unwilling to accept, may well cause even more harm and push a person beyond a point where there is no way back. This, in turn, adds more pressure to the current situation. 

There will be occasions, where the personal safety of the individual is important and then there may be no choice but to find a safe place to be. That is not running away.

Bad relationships are a very unpleasant experience, as they are closely related to everything we do. Living in the same house or locality, where regular contact cannot be avoided, can become very stressful. Being unable to find a solution, a person may have little option but to withdraw into themselves. A sense of despair, desolation or abandonment, can easily develop which can become all-consuming. This is an important time to have patience and to wait for the best time, to make a change.