Our Destructive Self by John Murphy - HTML preview

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Do I cause real harm to myself?

That will depend entirely on what it is you do and the frequency and impact that it has on you and the people that are connected to you.

There is a simple question that you can look at here. 

Is this the way I want to live my life?

You do have the choice to stop creating harm to yourself and the decision to stop must come from you. There are occasions, when we do harm to ourselves, by not realising what we are doing, until it is done. That is not a time to give up or lose interest. Instead, it is best to accept what has taken place and make the effort to continue.

Not everyone has someone close to them, to give assistance when life becomes difficult, and in some cases, it is better that way. 

Having too many people around creates confusion and noise; too many opinions and distractions. In this situation, set time aside for yourself. Find a quiet place and do your best to relax and release the stresses that you are feeling.

Some people have developed the need to be in constant contact with other people, therefore, how they deal with their own issues, will need to be approached differently.