Our Destructive Self by John Murphy - HTML preview

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Feelings and their impact

Feelings are much more a personal item than emotions, but are closely related. What we feel is dependent on our sensitivity, fears, experiences and expectations etc. The impact of our feelings is directly related to our physical body and alters how our body works. Feelings change the natural flow within the body and are often the cause of illness and ill-health. As the body is going through natural life changes, our feelings will also change and often create conflict. 

An example of this is when a man begins to lose his hair, that he was very particular about. The man begins to worry about what he will look like or that he may feel less attractive or indeed that he will look much older than he actually is.

An obsession is easily created in relation to his hair, as he tries different treatments etc. When the hair loss becomes a little more visible, it will be noticed by other people, which in turn is likely to create even more stress in the man. 

While these events are taking place, there is a wide range of feelings being generated, which also have a physical effect on the man. It will alter his mood, his concentration, alter the balance in his body, create health issues and can also be the cause of him altering the direction of his life, as he is no longer paying attention to what he should be doing.

To be able to feel, is a natural ability and should be treated with the respect it deserves.