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Book Recommendations

Courtesy Expressions

How to Prepare a Self-Development Notebook To be successful in school and exams: 230

recommendations from experts




This book consists of hundreds of

recommendations and experiences for various aspects of life, for everyone from seven to seventy. These recommendations and

experiences were prepared by examining

many books, magazines, articles,

encyclopedias, expert opinions, websites, and scientific research. Due to the translation of the book into many languages, there may be spel ing errors. Wishing it to be helpful. .




1. Always be cheerful and smile, because everyone loves debonair people.

2. Speak clearly when talking, make sure to speak briefly and concisely; don’t speak fast, and always speak with thought.

3. Your life is what your thoughts are. If you want to change the course of your life, change your thoughts.

4. Don't waste your time with unnecessary things; plan your time. Pay attention to what you read, listen to and watch. Choose things that benefit you and improve you.

5. Know that no friend is a real friend until he or she has proven his/her friendship.

6. Don’t laugh at or make fun of anyone's flaws or words.

7. Chose well the environment in which you express your political views and criticisms on a subject.

8. Don’t do business together with people whose general culture and life experience is below yours, because you will not be able to get along.

9. Fol ow accurate, impartial, reliable, non-partisan news sites and news channels.

10. As you read, search and learn new information, your perspective will expand, and you will be able to evaluate life holistically; just like climbing a mountain, your perspective and thoughts will change as you ascend.


11. Think positively about everything; don't be a pessimist. Interpret everything as good, say there is good in everything, and thus, everything in your life will be positive.

12. Learn etiquette and rules of courtesy, and be polite.

Read relevant books to learn more on this subject.

Learn how to behave and talk during house visits, telephone conversations, weddings, condolences, visitations, shopping, in restaurants, Eid visits, in traffic, libraries, parks, trips, meetings, etc.

13. Never make fun of other people's dreams.

14. To improve your native language, buy a dictionary, read the dictionary from beginning to end, and learn the meanings of words you don’t know.

15. Read world history, learn from history. The further back you look the further into the future you can see.

16. Wherever you are, don’t hesitate to ask questions when necessary; you can learn many things by asking questions.

17. Learn the sciences that are useful for you, stay away from useless sciences.

18. When in a bad mood, never turn to cigarettes, alcohol or drugs even once.

19. Take notes of the questions you have, research them on the internet and in books, learn new things every day.

20. When talking to someone, always look at his or her face.

21. Pay attention to the tone of your voice, always speak calmly; don’t raise your voice.

22. A true friend is someone you can call at four in the morning.


23. Really knowing something is possible by explaining it.

If you manage to explain a topic, know that you have understood that topic.

24. Always arrive at your rendezvous place before time.

25. Even the greatest pains that you consider unforgettable will be forgotten and every wound wil heal.

26. Be brave, don't be afraid to take risks every now and then, be confident, be assertive, and don’t be shy. Pay attention to the turtle! He can move forward only when he puts his head out and takes risks.

27. While reading a book, read it thoughtfully.

Remember that reading without thinking is useless and a waste of time.

28. Exchange gifts with your loved ones. Small gifts create friendship and big gifts create love.

29. If you go on a journey with at least three or four people, choose one of you as the leader.

30. If you want to have an opinion on a subject, you must first have knowledge on it.

31. Reading without thinking is blinding; thinking without reading is misleading.

32. Settle in this world like a tenant, if you settle like a homeowner, it will be difficult to leave.

33. First, it is necessary to know the truth. If the truth is known, the wrong can also be known, but if the wrong is known first, it will be difficult to reach the truth.

34. The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the people in your life; never forget that.

35. When making a decision on an issue, be sure to seek advice from experienced people. Don’t make a decision without consulting, asking, and researching 6

thoroughly. Remember that those who consult can cross mountains but those who don’t, will lose their way.

36. Read and research constantly. If you stop reading, learning, researching you will become old whether you are 20 or 80 years old.

37. Don't feel guilty about the past; learn from the past.

Don't worry about the future; plan your future, focus on building a new future.

38. Try to learn at least two foreign languages, search for effective learning methods in language learning.

39. Learn to drive, and to gain experience, get help from expert drivers and watch videos. Also, research and learn the technical specifications of the car.

40. Make friends who are cultured, knowledgeable, moral, hardworking, honest, and who don’t lie. Know that there are three types of friends: The first is like food, you look for them every day. The second is like medicine, you call when necessary. The third one is like a germ, you don't look for them, they find you.

41. Make good friends in your youth, friendships made in old age will not be as strong.

42. Be patient and endure everything that will happen to you. Remember that you are not permanent in this world, but that you are just passing through, like a traveler.

43. Help your family with household chores and act fairly. Don’t put all the work on your mother or sisters; divide the labor among you.

44. Pay attention to your habits, many people are victims of their habits. Habits are a big part of our lives, so try to develop good habits.


45. Don't complain about difficulties; they are a person’s greatest friends, because the difficulties one faces make the person stronger.

46. Don't be a person who objects to everything and don't criticize everything.

47. While doing research on a subject, make use of the results of statistical institutions and of scientific data.

For example: Inflation data, earthquake statistics, population data, election data, death statistics, traffic accident statistics, import and export statistics, environmental pollution statistics, agriculture and livestock statistics, science and technology statistics, meteorology statistics, provinces' quality of life statistics, military statistics, education statistics, crime statistics, unemployment statistics, etc.

48. If you want to learn something, you have to love it first.

49. If you want to embark on an enterprise and start a business, you should climb the stairs one by one, not by skipping a few at a time. Don't think about what you will gain; think about what you will lose.

50. Don’t criticize anyone in public. If you are going to criticize someone, say it in a nice way while alone with him or her.

51. Wake up early, make the most of your day.

Remember that waking up early three mornings in a row wins one day.

52. Never slam the door you have left, as you may want to return.

53. Consider every aspect when making a decision.

Remember that if you button the first button of your shirt wrong, the other buttons will go wrong as well.


54. A person who does not know how to smile should not open up a shop.

55. Marriage is an important event that affects fifty percent of life. Therefore, don’t rush when choosing a spouse, do your research well, marry your equal, choose your spouse with your ears, not your eyes.

56. Remember that four things cannot come back: The word spoken, the arrow shot, the time passed and the opportunity missed.

57. Always set goals for yourself, you can't enjoy working if you don't have goals. Also break your goals into small parts, take one small step each day to achieve your goals. Make a friend who will support you with your goals.

58. Don’t trust people until you see them when they are angry.

59. There is no mortal without mistakes. You can make mistakes but don't make the same mistake twice.

When you make a mistake, do these three things: Admit it, learn from it, and don't repeat it.

60. Travel; embark on trips out of your town and out of your country. Know that the world is a book and those who don’t travel only read a single page.

61. Learn to cook. Read cookbooks, observe experienced chefs and ask any questions you may have, learn practical information, watch cooking videos on the internet for this. Also, be sure to have a notepad, take notes of practical information and after trying a new meal, write down your experiences and note how much of which ingredients you have added.

62. Do everything on time; don’t procrastinate.

Remember that the lazy person, who does not take 9

one step on time, will have to take a hundred steps later.

63. Don’t be financially dependent on someone else, find a job and work as soon as possible. Earn money early, even if just a little, and make sure to gain your financial freedom.

64. Work on speaking effectively and eloquently, read books on this subject, improve your diction, and use your native language correctly. For important meetings, plan what you will talk about in advance.

65. Read books every day; remember that living without books is like living blind, deaf and mute.

66. Never lose touch with your family and relatives even if you are far away.

67. Open your own account at a bank, which no one else knows about, and also save some money in your account for difficult times.

68. Be open to novelties, aim to constantly improve yourself.

69. It doesn't matter if you are superior to someone else.

The important thing is that you are better than you were yesterday.

70. Speak slowly but think fast.

71. Don’t argue with people. If you are forced to argue, raise your words, not your voice.

72. Learn to use the computer and the internet in the best way, improve yourself very well in this regard, make sure to take lessons and attend courses.

73. Get a notebook and name it the Information Book.

Write down the important information in this notebook while reading a book or doing research.

Read the notebook from time to time, because a lot 10

of information that is not repeatedly read is forgotten.

74. Don’t become the boss a job of which you had not been an apprentice.

75. Don’t point out anyone's mistakes. Explain the mistake to the person who made it by using someone else as an example.

76. When you work on some subjects or do some jobs, always put the most important first.

77. Be careful what you say, they become your thoughts.

Pay attention to your thoughts, they become your emotions. Pay attention to your emotions, they become your actions. Pay attention to your actions, they become your habits. Pay attention to your habits, they become your values. Pay attention to your values, they become your character. Pay attention to your character, it becomes your destiny.

78. Learn how to shop online, how to follow news sites, the sites of your school and government institutions, how to use social media and watch videos on useful topics, how to follow the latest developments and innovations related to your profession, and how to do research from the right sources.

79. Do the following in preparation for all exams: Obtain reliable sources, benefit from solved question banks and solved trial exams, solve the questions that have been asked in previous tests, study the topics by taking notes, solve more questions instead of studying the topics, review the newly published books, benefit from the internet, watch the videos of experienced teachers, read the comments of exam winners, take a course, and make daily, weekly or monthly plans.


80. Research popular and new computer programs, learn how to install and use these programs such as, Photoshop, Microsoft Office, Movie Maker Video Editor, Zoom, Format Factory, anti-virus programs, VLC Media Player, WinRAR, etc.

81. Research popular and new applications for cell phones, learn how to use them. For example: Google Play, Whatsapp, Navigation, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, LetGo, Google Drive, shopping apps, Google Chrome, Adobe, dictionary apps, language translation apps, etc.

82. Pay attention to book selection, mostly read books with information content. Prefer books on history, science, personal development, religion, general culture, and psychology. Choose expert, reliable writers.

83. Regret is reaped where anger is sown. Control your anger. Don’t speak when you are angry, you may regret it later if you do. Swallow your anger, for anger is a temporary state of insanity, so sometimes it is best to remain silent.

84. Appreciate these five things before they arrive: Appreciate youth before old age, free time before busyness, health before disease, wealth before poverty, life before death.

85. When anger comes, reason flies away. An angry person will later become angry with himself once he comes to his senses.

86. Unless you are patient with the things you don't like, you cannot get the things that you like, and if you cannot be patient with small events, you cannot realize your big plans.


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remain silent in court, etc.


97. A wise person does not say everything he thinks, but he thinks about everything he says.

98. Set up internet banking and learn how to use it.

Watch tutorial videos for this. You can make many transactions via internet banking, without going to the bank. For instance, money transfers, electricity, water and natural gas bill payments, tax payments, investment transactions, TL top-up for cell phones, rent payments, insurance premium payments, etc.

99. Be careful when choosing brands in all your purchases such as cars, white goods, furniture, kitchen appliances, clothing, electronics, etc. Be sure to research thoroughly. Read users' comments online and choose high quality and reliable brands. Also, research the things to consider about the product you will buy online. For instance, be conscious and research the things to be considered when buying a car, computer, phone, refrigerator, washing machine, oven, combi boiler, carpet, or furniture, etc.

100. It is not important what your country will do for you, but what you can do for your country.

101. Research and learn the duties, powers and services of important public institutions and organizations. For instance, the Social Security Institution, Police Department, Governorship, Municipality, Revenue Office, Mukhtar's Office, Employment Agency, Ministries, Directorate of National Education, Credit and Dormitories Institution, notaries, Supreme Court, Council of State, Central Bank, Competition Institution, NATO, UNESCO, WHO, IMF, etc. Also, research and learn about major holdings, foundations, unions, associations and companies.


102. Call people by their name.

103. When talking to someone, listen patiently, wait for the conversation to end, and don’t interrupt anyone.

104. Know that ignorance is of three types: Not knowing anything, not knowing what is necessary, and knowing too many unnecessary things.

105. Always pay attention to your health while working.

Know that many people first spend their health to gain money, and then spend their money to regain their health.

106. The most important benefit of knowing history is that it teaches us the good and bad deeds of the previous ones.

107. If you are considering settling in a new city, do your research first. For instance, what is the climate of the province? (Annual rainfall amount, average temperature, etc.) Where does it rank in air cleanliness? Is transportation easy? (Is there subway, tram, or high-speed train?) Where does it rank economically? Which district is more developed?

Where does it rank in terms of literacy? What are the places to visit? What are the health facilities? Do they have good hospitals? Where does it rank in crime rates? Is it an expensive city in general? What is the culture of the people living there… and so on. Also, check out reviews, either online or in person, from people who live there.

108. Success is achieved with the right decisions, and the right decisions are reached with experience. Don't be upset when you make a wrong decision, think positively, because most of the experiences are gained through wrong decisions.


109. Be sure to open an e-government account and learn how to use it. You can perform many transactions on the e-government app and access many documents without going to government institutions. For example: Job applications, debt inquiries, scholarship applications,




appointments, population registration sample document, exam applications, criminal records, military status certificates, subscription applications, traffic penalty inquiries, etc.

110. If you are going to visit a city, first learn the following. Watch the promotional video of the city, research the places to visit and learn how to get there, learn how urban transportation is, and find out about the bus, subway and tram routes and timetables. Also, examine the city map, use navigation, and find out where the bus station and airport are. Learn where to find the best restaurants and shopping malls. Check the fifteen-day weather forecast and make your plans accordingly. Learn the opening and closing times of attractions. Get a provincial transportation card, search for suitable hotels, etc.

111. When you are subjected to an injustice, it is not right to take revenge by beating, insulting or using force against the person who did the injustice. The best thing to do is to apply to the relevant authorities and leave justice to the courthouse.

112. Communication is very important in solving problems, never be a person who is closed to communication. Always be open to communication because communication is the key to solving all problems. There is no conflict that good and accurate 16

communication cannot overcome. For good communication, pay attention to the following:

 Be respectful to the person you are talking to, speak thoughtfully and choose your sentences correctly.

 Don’t interrupt the person speaking; listen fully, try to understand, empathize, and be positive.

 Control your temper; don’t talk when you are angry.

 Be open to criticism.

 Don’t engage in other things while talking (i.e.

your phone.)

 Speak by looking at the face of the person you are talking to.

 Stay away from behaviors such as commanding, threatening, warning, diverting the topic, giving advice, judging, and ridiculing.

 Be solution oriented.

113. Learn how scientific research is done and what stages it consists of. Also, find out what sources should be used when doing research. For instance, books, scientific journals, encyclopedias, domestic and foreign websites (i.e. Wikipedia, Google Academy), articles, theses (Master's degree, doctorate), statistics and reports related to the research subject, etc.

114. Prepare daily, weekly, monthly or annual to-do lists and write them down. This will make your life easier, keep you organized and prevent forgetting. You can do this on every subject you wish. For instance, car monthly/annual



weekly/monthly/yearly household items cleaning list, monthly meals to be cooked list, weekly work list, 17

annual books to read list, list of things to buy from the market, list of household supplies, etc.

115. Don't waste your money, be frugal, save money.

To do this, avoid unplanned expenses, set limits on your spending, don’t carry too much cash with you.

Don’t shop haphazardly when going grocery shopping and make a list of needs in advance. Spend less than your income; don’t indulge in luxury. Also benefit from second-hand products, don’t buy more clothes than necessary. Choose public transportation, record your monthly expenses, calculate what you spend in a month, take precautions against unnecessary expenses, reduce eating out, use the products you buy until they are completely consumed, etc.

116. Be careful with your food purchases, learn to shop correctly. For instance, check the expiration date of meat and dairy products that are easily perishable and that need to be consumed in a short time, don’t buy foods with torn or spoiled packaging, check whether each food is offered for sale under its specific storage conditions (Temperature, humidity, light, etc.). Leave easily perishable foods such as meat, chicken and fish for the end of your shopping and make sure to check whether there is any color change in such items, and place them in your home refrigerator as soon as possible. Don’t buy broken, cracked and dirty eggs; don’t buy products without labels or with labels that have been worn out or illegible. Buy quality and reliable brands, and look at online comments. Make sure the fruits and vegetables are fresh, learn how to choose a good watermelon, good lemon, good 18

pepper, good beans. ., choose natural and organic products, etc.

117. Don't do to someone else that you wouldn't want done to you.

118. Whatever you think about all day long, you will experience it.

119. Contribute to a clean environment and especially to recycling as much as you can. Act by thinking about future generations and all living creatures in nature; don’t think only of yourself and be selfish.

For instance, deliver recyclable materials such as batteries, plastics, metals, chemicals, glass, paper, etc.

to relevant facilities. Plant saplings, donate saplings, protect the forests, be environmentally conscious, prevent environmental pollution, reduce your usage of plastic bags and use cloth bags, don’t waste water, use solar energy, choose environmentally friendly products in your home, use energy-saving light bulbs, rechargeable batteries. Don’t pollute the air, prefer public transportation instead of individual vehicles, prefer reusable items instead of disposable ones, turn off unnecessary lights, unplug unused appliances, insulate your house, use both sides of the paper when printing from the printer, give items you don’t use to those in need, etc. Also, educate your children about this.

120. If you constantly change your path, you will hardly reach your target.

121. If you don't know where you are going, it doesn't matter where you arrive.

122. If you love working, you can also learn different job skills. Besides your main profession, you can also improve yourself in a second profession. For 19

instance, you can become an entrepreneur, and examine new and profitable business ideas for entrepreneurs.

123. Always leave pleasure in moderation, never exaggerate pleasure, otherwise the end of pleasure is suffering.

124. Choose a profession that suits your interests and abilities. Then improve yourself in that profession, read all the books written on this subject, try to be the best, watch videos on this subject, learn by doing and experiencing. It is also very important to get help from those who have experience in your profession.

Take advantage of experienced people, know that the more professionals you meet, the more you wil improve yourself in that profession.

125. Don't bring your work to home, or your home to work.

126. Always get feedback from people to correct your mistakes. Be open to criticism, try to become better by correcting your mistakes. Remember that seeing oneself as flawless in every aspect is the biggest mistake.

127. Know and be aware of your strengths and weaknesses.

128. Learn from other people. In fact, every person is a book, if you know how to read.

129. Pay attention to your first impressions; always make a good first impression.

130. Don’t use others for your own benefit.

131. Invest your money somewhere. Make the right investment plans that will make you money in the long term, do your research and get support from experienced people.


132. Know that a friend is the one who comes when called in good times, and when uncalled in bad times.

133. Don't waste summer holidays or weekends. Learn new things, increase the number of books you read, go to courses that will contribute to your personal development, improve your foreign language, exercise, travel, participate in trips abroad, etc.

134. Learn the names of all household items, and also learn how the machines in the house work, especially washing machines, dishwashers, irons, vacuum cleaners, combi boilers, ovens, etc.

135. On days when you leave home early in the morning, prepare your clothes or the items you will take with you on the previous evening to avoid being late.

136. Pay attention to your preferences when choosing a university, research thoroughly and choose the university that meets the criteria that suit you. For example:

 Where is the university located, and how is the campus security?

 What are the scholarship, internship, Erasmus and studying abroad opportunities?

 What services are offered in the dormitories?

 How are the social and physical amenities?

 What are the campus facilities?

 What is the technology infrastructure of the university?

 How are their academicians?

 Where does it rank among the top universities?

 Contact graduates of the relevant department and look at comments online, etc.


137. Analyze what makes you angry and control your anger. Think about how you should react to important situations you might encounter.

138. Meet new people and surround yourself with happy people.

139. Learn what the accommodation types are. Such as, hotel, motel, boarding house, hostel, camping, trailer, holiday village, thermal hotel, boutique hotel, apart hotel, etc. Again, learn the room types and hotel-related terms. For instance, reservation, full board, half board, all-inclusive, ultra-all-inclusive, reception, suite, shared room, etc.

140. If you really want to achieve something, you will find a way; if you don't, you will find many excuses as to why you cannot achieve it.

141. Life is lived in the present, not in the past or future.

We spend so much time preparing for life that we have no time to live our lives.

142. Be mindful of the TV series, movies, documentaries, videos on social media that you watch, and of the time you spend on them. Don't let them ruin your mental health, affect your psychology and leave negative effects, make you addicted, stress your body, disrupt your sleep patterns, damage your eye health by constantly looking at the screen; be conscious.

143. Make sure to copy and back up the documents that are important to you (i.e. photos, videos, documents, programs, etc.) as they might be lost, deleted or infected with viruses.

144. Whatever you want to do, dream about it first. Your imagination determines your future. Don’t postpone the dreams you have and the things you want to do, trust your ideas and make an effort to bring them to 22

life. The biggest obstacle to your progress is your lack of confidence.

145. There is no success for those who don’t have courage. Courage is one of the most important characteristics that a person can have, because other characteristics of a person also develop by dint of courage.

146. Learn how to apply for subscriptions, such as, water, natural gas, electricity, internet, etc. Also, read any contract thoroughly before signing it.

147. If you accept your mistakes, you will grow. If you learn from your mistakes, you will become wiser. If you correct your mistakes, you will become stronger.

148. Learn how the judicial process works. Learn what investigation, prosecution, detention and deposition are. Again, research and learn how to file a criminal complaint at the prosecutor's office, what the types of courts are, which court hears which cases, how to file a lawsuit, how to hold a hearing, in what cases to consult a lawyer, etc.

149. If everything in life is coming out toward you, think well, maybe you are going in the wrong direction.

150. If a person's knowledge is not in order, no matter how much knowledge he has, he will be confused at the same rate.

151. Treat people according to their level.

152. Choose careful y the people with whom you make friends, because behaviors cross over like infectious diseases.

153. When you try, you may win or lose, but when you don't try, you will definitely lose.

154. When deciding on your career choice, don’t rush, think carefully and do research. Discover your own 23

interests and skills, know your strengths and weaknesses, define your goals, examine all professions, read the professions guidebook. Watch videos, make your career plan, look at the comments of graduates, and see if the profession you choose has a future. Find out what the salary situation is, meet with experts in the field and make visits to observe the working environment, ask and research what the difficulties of the profession are, and what problems are encountered, etc.

155. Those who work cannot find time to think evil.

Those who don’t work cannot save themselves from evil. Work saves us from three calamities: Boredom, bad habits and poverty.

156. Fol ow the news on the world agenda, on the agenda of the country you live in, the news from your city, the news about your profession, the news or announcements about your school or the institution you work at.

157. The time when people love you the most is when you are most useful to them.

158. Stay away from fake behavior, be dignified and serious.

159. Be careful with your words in your conversations; remember that it is the language that makes a person look nice or useless.

160. Continue studying patiently; don’t drop out of school. Don't let your efforts go to waste, be sure to study at a university, and if you can spare the time, get a master's degree or a doctorate.

161. Don’t pursue better in every matter, because there is no end to better.


162. To be organized and to prevent forgetting, you can write down your to-do tasks in the notes section of your phone, or you can make a note in the calendar section of your phone to warn you what to do on which day.

163. Don't lose yourself to win others.

164. The absence of those, whose existence does not gain us anything, is not a loss.

165. Don’t give orders to anyone, don’t speak in the imperative mode, speak by asking.

166. Know that, just as a diamond cannot be perfect without being cut, a person cannot mature without suffering.

167. Live your life in an orderly manner, adopt regular living habits for this. For instance, sleep at certain times, go to the bathroom at certain times, eat at certain times, work at certain hours, read books at certain hours, brush your teeth at certain times, work out on certain days, clean the house on certain days, create a list of the meals you will make weekly or monthly, etc.

168. The more you attach importance to a nuisance that happens to you, the more you dwell on it, and the more you talk about it, the greater its impact will be.

169. Be generous to win friends, know that a miser has no friends.

170. Whether he is a king or a peasant, the happiest person in the world is the one who has peace at home.

171. Life is 3 days: Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Yesterday has passed, tomorrow is uncertain to arrive, so appreciate today.


172. If you want goodness to be done to you, do good to others.

173. Always speak nicely, don’t say insulting words to anyone. Don’t engage in discourteous words or in behavior that are degrading, humiliating, insulting, damaging to honor and dignity, offending, or devaluing.

174. Don’t insist to the unwilling.

175. Every friend has a flaw; those who seek a perfect friend will be left friendless.

176. Learn what our national and spiritual values are, adhere to them and protect them.

177. Learning is like swimming against the tide. If you cannot progress, you will regress.

178. The basis of every argument lies in someone's ignorance.

179. Don’t make unfair criticism.

180. Don't tell your secret to your friend, as your friend has another friend to whom he tells.

181. Keep a backup of some of your important items in case they are lost or worn out, or in case of emergencies. For instance, consider having a spare key, spare tire, spare money, spare clothes, spare shoes, etc. according to your needs.

182. Don’t say anything that you don’t know is true, and if someone brings you news, investigate it thoroughly and don’t make a decision immediately.

183. Look at the positive side of everything that happens to you; don’t think negatively. Things that are seemingly good can sometimes bring evil afterwards.

Events that seem like evil can sometimes contain good things.


184. Be compassionate toward animals; don’t harm them, don’t torture or kill them. Protect them, don’t intervene in the living spaces of animals, take injured animals to the veterinarian or inform the authorities.

185. Pay attention to the rules of etiquette and courtesy in public transportation vehicles (i.e. subway, tram, bus, minibus, etc.). For this;

 Don’t talk loudly (Especially when talking on the phone)

 Don’t eat or drink anything.

 Don’t listen to loud music.

 Don’t wait in front of doors but move toward empty spaces.

 Don’t get into the vehicle with sweaty or dirty clothes.

 Don’t get in if the vehicle is too crowded but wait for the next vehicle.

 Don’t get into arguments with the driver or passengers.

 Don’t get into the vehicle with smelly food.

 Make sure to give priority to the elderly, pregnant women, ill people, women, disabled people, etc.

186. Research, learn the things to consider and be conscious of the steps to be taken when buying a house, selling a house or renting a house. Learn concepts such as settlement, zoning, title deed, floor easement, condominium ownership, market value, license, architectural project, ground survey…

187. Learn about the departments in the hospital and about the disease that each department treats. Also, 27

research and learn about the tests performed in the hospital and the functions of the devices used.

188. While you think of getting married, be sure to ask these important questions and more, to get to know the person you will marry. Don’t make a hasty decision. Sample questions:

 Can you tell me your life story?

 Where are you from original y, how old are you, where did you go to school?

 Where are your parents from originally, how old are they, what work do they do?

 Where are the roots of your family?

 How many siblings do you have, how old are they, what work do they do?

 Could you describe your dream spouse?

 When and with whom did you last argue?

 When was the last time you cried, and why did you cry?

 What was your last fight about?

 Do you like cooking?

 Are you happy with your life?

 What do you expect from me regarding marriage?

 Do you have any big secrets that you haven't shared with me yet?

 Why do you want to get married?

 Is there any history of genetic diseases in your family?

 Have you had an extramarital affair?


 Have you ever had a commitment, engagement, wedding or marriage before? What were your reasons for separating?

 Have you always lived with your family until now?

 Is there any congregation, foundation, association or party you are affiliated with?

 How often do you see your friends, how do you spend time together, what do you do?

 What is your political opinion, which party do you like?

 What social activities will we be able to do together?

 What kind of hobbies do you have?

 How is your general health? Have you had a serious illness, surgery or an accident in the past?

 Do you have anger and tantrums?

 Is there any medication you use regularly?

 Do you use cigarettes, alcohol or drugs? Have you ever used them in the past?

 Is there anything you're addicted to?

 If I asked your friends what kind of person you are, how do they describe you?

 Do you have a driver's license, do you know how to drive?

 What colors do you like, which color do you prefer in your clothes?

 What foods do you like?

 Are you a picky eater, how is your appetite?


 Do you like reading books? How often do you read?

 Do you believe in Allah and the prophet?

 Which religion do you believe in?

 What is your sect?

 When did you cover yourself?

 Do you fast during Ramadan?

 Do you perform salaat? When did you start?

 Do you wake up for the Morning Prayer?

 Have you read the Quran?

 Which religious books have you read?

 What do you do in your free time?

 How often do you exercise?

 What kind of books have you read? Can you name some of your favorites?

 If someone gave you a million dollars right now, what would you spend it on?

 Does your job make you happy?

 Where do you follow the news?

 Are you stubborn?

 How much time do you spend on the phone every day?

 How much TV do you watch day?

 What do you watch on TV?

 Do you have a social media or gaming addiction?

 How is your relationship with your family?

 How is your family's relationship with your relatives?


 Do you like listening to music, what are your favorite songs?

 Are you interested in pursuing graduate education?

 What is your favorite movie genre?

 Which cities did you visit?

 Which countries would you like to go to?

 Which team do you support?

 What is your dream life like?

 Which author is your favorite?

 What is your favorite sport?

 What are your favorite fruits and vegetables?

 What is your favorite drink?

 What are your talents?

 Can you tell me about your dreams?

 Are you satisfied with where you work?

 What kind of plans do you have for the future, what do you plan to do in the future?

 Are you happy with your financial situation?

 Do you like children?

 What do you like to spend your money on?

 Do you like your profession, why did you choose this profession?

 Are there any affairs of yours that you would ask me not to interfere with, after we get married?

 What was the last expensive thing you bought?

 When was the last time you didn't sleep until the morning?

 What did you think when you first met me?


 How do you think the division of labor at home should be?

 How do you spend your holidays, what do you do?

 What do you like to do on the weekends?

 What do you think about having children?

 Does your family know that you are seeing me?

 Have you ever had a general health screening (check-up)?

 Do you know and like swimming?

 What are your career goals?

 Do you love your hometown, are you thinking of changing cities, which city would you like to live in?

 Have you ever traveled out of town or abroad?

Where did you go?

 What kind of TV programs do you like to watch?

 Do you gamble or play games of chance?

 Can you tell us some of the TV series you've watched in the past?

189. Read quotes books containing the words of wise people.

190. Know how to keep a secret, and remember that the one who gives away the tip of a secret cannot keep the rest of it.

191. Make sure to consider the difficult side of a job so that you don’t have difficulty doing it.

192. Everyone falls, but the winners are those who always get up from where they fall. Those who don't get up 32

always lose; the important thing is to know how to get up and continue.

193. Be loyal to everyone, such as your mother, father, friend, relative, and neighbor. Don't be someone who is unfaithful, whose love is temporary, who is not loyal to his friendships, and who quickly forgets his friends. Don't forget the kindness people do to you; always respond to kindness with kindness.

194. Saying bad words to your children will encourage them to speak the same way to their siblings and to you.

195. The one who gossips about others will one day gossip about you too.

196. Even if you lose everything, your experiences remain with you.

197. Nothing is difficult, as long as we know how to break it down into small pieces.

198. Experience is a very cruel teacher; it first tests people and then teaches them a lesson.

199. Watch out for opportunities! Opportunities don't knock on one's door twice. Sometimes thinking too long may cause you to miss some opportunities.

Opportunities are like clouds, they come and pass quickly.

200. Learn about the developed provinces of the country you live in, get information about the provinces, then go and visit those provinces. Learn of the location of the provinces, their districts, the city map, population, culture, economic structure, geography, urban transportation, bus, subway, tram routes, bus terminal and airport, etc.

201. Don't say everything you know; know everything you say.


202. Be sure to take advantage of different types of maps; this will help you understand any subject better. Use maps related to the subject you are researching, such as your city’s transportation map, Turkey’s physical map, England’s population map, Ukraine’s wheat map, Iran’s railway map, Russia’s livestock map, Turkey’s export map, the world’s earthquake map, France’s industrial map, etc.

203. Learn how to sew with a needle, enough to sew your own ripped clothes.

204. History is the memory of a nation, learn history. A nation that does not know its history is like a person who has lost his memory.

205. He who rushes either makes a mistake or is close to making a mistake. Don’t rush into your work, don’t make decisions immediately without thinking carefully. If you're going to rush, hurry slowly.

206. Spend some of the money you earn on your education, invest in your education to improve yourself and reach better levels. For instance, get an education abroad, buy the books you need for your personal development, take a foreign language course or a computer course, get a master's degree or a doctorate, attend conferences, do Erasmus, take online courses, etc. Also, do your internship in a good place, contact people who are well educated and experienced in your department or profession, and take private lessons from them.

207. Make plans for life but remember that destiny also has plans. Life consists of what happens to us while we are making plans.

208. If it is cheap, there is a malady; if it is expensive, there is a reason.


209. Stay away from entertainment that will endanger your future.

210. Learn the location, neighbors, history, geography, population, economy and districts of the province you live in. Also, view the map of your district and learn its neighborhoods, street names, hospitals, public buildings, transportation map (Subway, tram, bus routes, if any), places to visit, bus terminal, airport, large shopping malls, etc.

211. It is not the events that make people unhappy, but their thoughts about the events.

212. Don’t laugh too much, the solemnity of those who laugh too much decreases.

213. If you are hopeless, you are the hope; if you are helpless, you are the solution.

214. True friends are like stars, because they are the first to appear when darkness falls.

215. He who does not tolerate the flaws of his loved one does not really love.

216. Never regret in trading. If the result is good, it is excellent, if the result is bad, it is experience.

217. If you want to live better, kil your bad thoughts.

218. If you are going to take an initiative, close the doors of indecision.

219. He who thinks too much is indecisive.

220. Thinking too long often causes one to miss opportunities.

221. Make neighbors at your level.

222. Don’t do things that will disrupt order, peace or stability in society, that wil cause unrest, chaos or subversion. Stay away from and don’t support violence, sabotage, rebellions, riots and illegal protests.


223. Those who don’t remember the past are forced to live it once again. The best teacher of the future is the past.

224. Seek knowledge from your cradle to your grave.

225. The worst type of loneliness is while among those who don't understand you.

226. When conveying a topic or event to people, don’t exaggerate and don’t lie to people by acting as if you have done the things that you actually have not.

227. When a relative dies, learn what needs to be done regarding burial and funeral procedures. Also, research and learn about the legal procedures after the burial.

228. Learn how to write a petition. Examine the types of petitions, look at sample petitions and research the spelling rules and other rules to be taken into consideration.

229. Memorize important information such as your ID

number, home address, work address, a relative's phone number, your date of birth, passwords, blood type, student number, mother's maiden name, graduation date, e-mail addresses, height, weight, etc.

230. Know the tax system of the country you live in.

Learn what are the taxes on income, on expenditures, on wealth, as well as corporate tax, value added tax (VAT), special consumption tax (SCT), motor vehicles tax (MVT), stamp duty, real estate tax.

231. When three people are together, don’t leave one of them and talk secretly to the other, except when necessary, because this will offend your other friend.

232. Anything more than you need is to your detriment.

For instance, eating too much, resting too much, having too much fun, working too much, watching 36

too much TV, using the computer too much, using the phone too much, taking too much medication, going out in the sun too much, consuming too much junk food, sleeping too much, etc. In short, too much of anything is harmful; one should measure well. The essence and healing of life is to stay in balance, to find the middle way away from excess.

233. Take precautions against natural and man-made disasters in advance and be conscious. Research and learn what to do during and after disasters. For example:

 What should be taken into consideration before, during and after the earthquake?

 What precautions should be taken against fire and what should be done in case of fire?

 What should be done in case of flood, avalanche, or landslide, and what are the ways to prevent them?

 What should be taken into consideration in case of nuclear, biological and chemical accidents?

 How to act and what to pay attention to during a storm, hurricane, tornado, volcanic eruption or tsunami?

 What should be taken into consideration in hail, fog, lightning and heavy snowfall?

 What should be done in case of epidemics or terrorist attacks?

234. If you don't want to regret it one day in the future, you should choose three things correctly: Your spouse, your job, your friends.

235. Learn how to plant in soil, have at least some knowledge about it, watch videos, get help from 37

experienced people. If you have a garden, plant trees, plant grass, grow vegetables or grow potted plants at home. Also learn what organic farming is, how to do soilless farming, what is drainage, how to fertilize, what is hybrid seed, what is hoeing and grafting.

236. Learn about bank transactions and basic concepts related to banking. For instance, money order, EFT, deposit and checking accounts, virtual card, contactless payment, credit card, debit card, transfer order, foreign currency and gold accounts, fund, stock exchange, private pension, IBAN, cutoff date, etc.

237. Be a hospitable person. Be friendly toward your guests, speak nicely, give treats, prepare the treats you will serve careful y, host your guests as nicely as possible; don’t be sullen in front of the guest, don’t act in a way that will embarrass or offend the guest, don’t scold your child in the presence of the guest, etc.

238. Have knowledge of the legislation, learn the hierarchy of norms. Read the constitution of the country you live in. Be aware of the laws. Learn the meanings of international agreements, decrees, regulations, directives, notifications, circulars and instructions.

239. Don’t fight with anyone and never be the first to start a fight. If you see people fighting, don’t stand by and watch, separate them by getting help from people nearby.

240. Do your best to prevent air pollution, which negatively affects the health of people and other living things and which causes many people to get sick every day, and don’t cause harm to people. For this, use an electric car or install a filter in your car, 38

prefer public transportation, don’t use your personal car unnecessarily, don’t use poor quality fuel, don’t light barbecues or samovars or at least don’t use them frequently, maintain your chimneys on time and install filters, use solar energy systems, insulate your homes, etc.

241. Improve your self-expression skills. When explaining a topic or event to people, find the best way to express it and then practice it.

242. Develop the ability to empathize, which has an important role in communicating with people. Be an understanding person, put yourself in other people’s shoes and act by considering the situation they are in.

Try to understand the other person's feelings, thoughts, problems and wishes.

243. Assist as much as you can, through non-governmental organizations, the people of countries in need of help as result of war, famine, poverty and natural disasters. Don't be insensitive about this issue.

244. Two people getting along well is not achieved by being perfect, but by tolerating each other's flaws.

245. Don’t remain silent against oppression and injustice -

done anywhere in the world, regardless of language, religion or race- such as genocide, war, occupation, massacre, torture, racism, or tyranny, because remaining silent in the face of oppression means participating in the oppression. Try to do whatever you can against oppression and always be on the side of the oppressed and the victimized.

246. Be conscious when purchasing cleaning products and pay attention to your health when using these products. For this,


 Read the product label, learn the safety information.

 Wear gloves to protect the skin, and protective glasses to protect the eyes.

 Don’t inhale chemicals, wear a mask and be sure to ventilate the environment thoroughly while cleaning.

 Don’t mix cleaning products, as this may cause the release of toxic gases.

 Keep cleaning products away from children, store them out of reach of children.

 Don’t buy poor quality products; Buy cleaning products that are natural, high quality and don’t harm the environment.

 If possible, don’t use bleach; find other alternatives instead, for instance, choose natural bleach brands that don’t contain chemicals may be preferred.

247. Learn the locations of the countries in the world and of the cities of the country you live in on the map and try to memorize them.

248. Be sure to research, learn and comply to traffic signs and traffic rules. Whether as a pedestrian or a driver, be sure to obey these rules in traffic and warn those who don’t. This is vital for both your own health and safety, as well as to protect your loved ones. Some important traffic rules are as follows.

Some Rules That Pedestrians Must Follow in Traffic

 Always walk on the sidewalk when walking on streets and roads.


 When walking in places where there are no sidewalks, walk on the left side of the road.

 Pay attention to traffic signs. Wait while the light is red for pedestrians and don’t cross the street.

 Make sure to use underpasses and overpasses when they are present.

 Don’t play in places where vehicles can pass.

 Don’t pass immediately from the front or rear of a stationary vehicle.

 Don’t run after a moving vehicle and definitely don’t try to get into it.

 When crossing the road, pedestrian crossings should be used, sudden and hasty movements should be avoided.

 As soon as you get off the vehicle, you should not rush to cross the street.

Research for more and apply.

Some Rules That Drivers Must Follow in Traffic

 Reduce speed at pedestrian crossings and especially when approaching school roads, avoid excessive speed.

 Wear your seat belts at all times, obey traffic signs and traffic lights.

 Never drive while drunk or sleepy.

 Have the maintenance of the vehicle done on time and don’t set off without the proper maintenance of the vehicle.

 Don’t overtake incorrectly to pass the vehicle in front.


 Maintain fol owing distance at all times.

 Give way to vehicles with priority.

 While driving, don’t talk or be busy with the phone.

 Use signals before turning or changing lanes.

 Regard pedestrians' right to priority at pedestrian crossings.

 Don’t listen to loud music.

 Be respectful to other drivers, stay calm in case of an accident, and don’t fight.

Research for more and apply.

249. Prepare while others dream. Run while others sleep.

Start while others postpone. Learn lessons while others feel regret. Persevere while others give up.

These are the bases of raising awareness.

250. Don’t engage in political discussions with your loved ones, because politics damages friendships.

251. The person you will be in five years depends entirely on the books you read, the movies you watch, the people you spend time with, the foods you consume, your habits and conversations. Determine your priorities well and focus on them.

252. A person goes to the barber to get rid of his excess hair, and to the library to get rid of his excess ignorance.

253. Constantly do book research. Spend a lot of time in libraries. First, visit the best libraries in the city you live in, then in your country, then in the world; become a member and borrow books. Also, take advantage of bookstores, digital libraries, eBook sites and major book shopping sites.


254. Visit the big markets, stores and shopping malls first in your own city and then in other developed cities, and examine the products. In addition, go and observe places such as factories, fields, dams, farms, large facilities, power plants, etc. to broaden your horizon.

255. Discover major shopping sites. Check them out to get to know the products and to be informed about new products regarding furniture, electronics, accessories, kitchen products, building materials, home appliances, etc.

256. Research countries and popular cities around the world. Be especially knowledgeable about developed countries. Research and learn the economic structure, geography, population, military power, technology, culture, religious beliefs, etc. of countries.




1. While sleeping, one should sleep more to the right side, because sleeping to the left side tires the heart.

2. Don’t drink water while standing; drink water slowly while squatting or sitting.

3. Walk upright when walking, sit upright when sitting; don’t make it a habit to sit or lie down crooked all the time.

4. Change your underwear every day or every other day.

5. Consume less ready-made foods, especially stay away from foods that have a long shelf life and contain many additives. Also, be careful about your junk food habits; don't get addicted and overdo it.

6. Be careful to stand in an upright position after eating, lying down or sleeping is harmful to your health. This can especially cause reflux disease so it is better to wait for at least two to three hours to pass before lying down.

7. Hands should be washed before eating, and after eating, both hands and mouth should be washed.

8. Fill your stomach mostly with natural foods such as, milk, meat, yoghurt, eggs, fish, hazelnuts, walnuts, olives, etc.

9. When purchasing your household items such as cups, plates, trays, pots, jugs, pans, teapots, etc. rather than plastic, aluminum or steel, buy glass ones if available, 44

they are healthier. If glassware is not sold, stainless steel or granite may be preferred.

10. Be very careful about the water you drink, analyze the tap water and drink clean water with a pH value above seven.

11. Change your socks every day or every other day.

Don’t wear the socks that you have worn outside also at home. Make sure that your home socks and the socks you wear outside are different.

12. Choose natural soaps, shampoos and toothpastes.

13. While using the computer, rest your eyes every 30

minutes, make sure that your daily computer use does not exceed three or four hours.

14. Sleeping five to six hours a day or nine to ten hours a day is not good for health; the most appropriate is to sleep eight hours.

15. You should be about three feet away from the computer screen, and about 12-15 feet away from a TV screen. If the text is not visible when looking at the computer from a distance, increase the font size in the settings.

16. Don’t stay in a fixed position for more than 30

minutes; change positions frequently.

17. Teeth should be brushed at least three times a day.

Toothpaste should be applied sparingly to the toothbrush. Brushing should take two to three minutes with gentle movements. Teeth should be cleaned from time to time using dental floss. Teeth can also be cleaned with an interface toothbrush by consulting a physician.

18. Consume less salt and salty foods.

19. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly and don’t eat while standing.


20. Don’t eat foods that are burnt, even if a little bit.

21. When you have a headache, don’t use painkillers immediately and get used to medications; try other natural methods. For instance, taking a hot shower and massaging the head is very good and so is drinking lemon tea or sleeping, etc.

22. Avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs! Don’t use it even once, stay away completely, don’t harm your body.

23. Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands, germs can easily pass into your body from there.

24. Drink at least two liters of water a day, drink plenty of water even if you are not thirsty.

25. Stay away from bad weather and ventilate your homes every two or three hours, both in summer and winter.

26. Make sure that your toothbrush, towel, washcloth, cup and plate are personal; don’t let others use them.

27. Don’t eat too much, don’t fill your stomach to the ful est.

28. Learn the calorie values of foods, try to stay at the ideal weight, be careful of foods that are high in calories and cause weight gain. Also, pay attention to your belly, research the reasons for belly formation, eat consciously, and if you have a belly, learn ways to lose weight.

29. Don’t drink or at least reduce acidic drinks such as coke and soda. These cause some stomach diseases.

Mineral water, buttermilk, fruit juices or turnip juice can be consumed instead, but always prefer more water.

30. Protect yourself from cell phone radiation. For this, keep your conversations short, prefer texting more, 46

use headphones or speakers when talking, use phones with low SAR (radiation value), turn off the phone or put it on airplane mode while sleeping at night.

31. Wash your hair with natural soap or natural shampoos once every two or three days.

32. Clean your feet, ears and nose every day. Don’t use cotton buds for ear cleaning.

33. Don’t urinate while standing, squat down and be mindful of splashes, clean yourself with water and toilet paper.

34. Don’t consume food or drinks when they are too cold or too hot. Don’t rush, especially while drinking tea or coffee; wait for it to cool down and drink slowly.

35. Be careful when lifting heavy items. For this, lift by sharing the weight equally. Don’t bend from your waist when lifting something from the ground, lift by bending your knees, keep the weight close to your body, get support from your body. Don’t lift very heavy items; get help from others.

36. Apply a diet that is mostly based on vegetables and fruits.

37. Brush your tongue, especially the back parts, every day with very soft movements and very lightly.

38. Pay attention to posture disorders and take precautions. Keep your back, neck and waist upright, support the back of your waist with a pillow while sitting.

39. Protect your face from the sun, moisturize your skin with natural moisturizers against cracks and wrinkles.

40. Give blood so that the body regenerates. Donate blood or you can also practice cupping by consulting a physician.


41. Don’t wake up at night and drink water. Drinking water between sleep is not beneficial for your health.

If you are very thirsty, drink a small amount.

42. Don’t eat dinner late; try to eat before eight pm.

43. Protect yourself from radiation. Research, learn and take precautions about devices that emit radiation.

44. Don’t eat meat every day; consume meat at most two days a week.

45. Don’t choose tight clothing, it may disrupt blood circulation and cause vein and nerve compression.

46. Don’t use synthetic fabrics such as polyester, nylon, rayon, acrylic, etc. Instead, choose natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, wool and cashmere.

47. Consume these very beneficial foods in abundance: Milk, honey, dates, walnuts, hazelnuts, fish, cabbage, garlic, quinoa, eggs, yoghurt, broccoli, olive oil, onion, black cumin, ginger, figs, pumpkin, black carrots, almonds, kefir, pomegranate, cauliflower, avocado, turmeric.

48. Pay attention to color choices in your household items, walls, furniture and clothes; colors significantly affect human behavior and psychology.

49. Don’t be addicted to your phone, tablet or computer; use them when necessary. Don’t install addictive games on them, and make sure to rest your eyes while using them; don’t hold them close to your eyes.

50. Don’t eat whatever you want, consume foods that are beneficial for the body. Also, don’t eat the same things every day, diversify your diet, and practice an adequate and balanced diet.

51. Do exercises that activate all your muscles two or three days a week, make it a habit. Some exercise examples are waist and neck exercises, upright 48

posture exercises, walking, running, cycling, swimming, weight lifting, football, rope skipping, basketball, tennis, pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, etc.

52. Sometimes take deep breaths in fresh air; don’t inhale through your mouth, breathing through your mouth is not beneficial for your health.

53. Always have greens on your table.

54. Eat fish once a week, make it a habit.

55. Don’t forget to wash your bed sheets, duvet covers, towels and pillowcases frequently.

56. Be careful about the consumption of these foods, don’t overdo: Chips, canned foods, margarine, sausage, processed meats, trans-fat foods, ready-made soups, candies, dried fruits and vegetables, ice cream, acidic drinks, ready-made pickles, sausages, ready-made cakes, jellybeans, barbecued meats, etc.

57. Stress causes disease, so stay away from stressful jobs, stay away from people who will cause distress, do sports, make time for yourself. Find environments that make you feel comfortable, peaceful and happy.

58. In summer, take precautions against the bites of bees, ticks, scorpions, snakes and especially mosquitoes that transmit diseases. Research and learn what to do in such cases.

59. Clean your nose with water frequently during the day, don’t pull out nose hairs, cut only the parts hanging out and don’t pick your nose.

60. Clean your belly button from time to time using a cotton swab, washcloth or salt water.

61. Take advantage of and use occasionally the natural antibiotics against flu, tooth infection, sore throat and mouth infections. For instance, sage, garlic, 49

pomegranate juice, ginger, turmeric, onion, honey, bee gum, apple cider vinegar, black cumin, etc.

62. Drink a glass of milk every day or every two days; make it a habit.

63. Maintain regular sleeping hours, meal times, rest hours, and bathroom hours.

64. Don’t drive everywhere; prefer to walk more.

65. Don’t lengthen your nails. To prevent ingrown nails, cut your fingernails into ovals, cut your toenails straight, and then trim your nails by filing them.

66. For your health, be sure to read books and gain knowledge on healthy living.

67. Be sure to read a first aid book. Learn what to do in case of internal and external bleeding, heart attack, fainting, convulsion, shock, something stuck in the throat, poisoning, drowning, skin burns, fractures and dislocations, and watch informative first aid videos.

68. Take a shower every two or three days; the water you use should not be too hot, use lukewarm water.

69. Have a health scan from time to time, take blood and urine tests, have your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar measured. See a physician if you have a complaint; early diagnosis of diseases is very important, so don’t postpone your health problems.

70. Research and use the right bed, pillow and duvet to prevent back and neck pain.

71. Replace your rusted, scratched or worn out household items. Be especially careful with the items you use in the kitchen like forks, spoons, knives, pots, pans, plates, glasses, trays, teapots and jugs.

72. Always think positively, be smiling and positive; be a fun person, stay away from anger and bad or negative thoughts.


73. Consume natural, organic, hormone-free, non-GMO

foods, also research companies that produce natural, additive-free products and shop from reliable companies.

74. To protect against infectious diseases such as the flu, avoid crowded places and contacts with people who have symptoms of the disease.

Constantly ventilate your environment and avoid shaking hands, hugging and kissing, especially during winter months.

75. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. If there is no tissue, cover it with the inside of your elbow, but never stop or prevent the sneeze.

76. Pay attention to these places where germs are mostly found: Door handles, money, taps, television remote controls, shoes, elevator buttons, public transportation, ATMs, carpets, showers and locker rooms in gyms, etc.

77. Become a member of a gym, do sports, contact people interested in exercising and sports to benefit from their experiences and to get advice.

78. Never break hard-shelled foods or objects such as walnuts and hazelnuts with your teeth.

79. Don’t consume pork and its products, stay away from such foods for your health.

80. Go traveling, go to spas and saunas, get massages.

81. Consume more vegetable oils instead of animal fats, especially olive oil.

82. Pay close attention to these two disturbing things that you may not even be aware of: Bad breath and sweat odor. Investigate the reasons why these occur, learn and apply ways to prevent them.


83. Don’t forget to brush your teeth after eating also at school or at work.

84. Learn the correct tooth brushing technique; many people lose their teeth due to improper brushing. Be conscious, learn by watching proper tooth brushing videos on the internet, practice it, and don't forget to clean your teeth with dental floss from time to time.

85. Read the ingredients of the foods you buy from the market, research and learn about additives that are harmful to the body. Don’t consume ready-made foods containing harmful additives. Also, always observe the expiration dates of the food before buying.

86. Reduce your bread consumption, choose whole wheat bread or whole grain bread.

87. Use perfume to smell nice. Choose scents that are of good quality, that are not harmful to breathing, and that don’t bother other people.

88. Pay attention to the internal and external cleaning of your shoes, clean them when they get dusty. Clean the inner sides of your shoes you wear outside with a cloth from time to time and also wash the insoles of your shoes once a month.

89. Make sure to wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before consuming them because they contain pesticide residues, which may cause diseases.

90. Research and learn about the most common diseases in humans, the causes of these diseases, and the precautions to be taken. For instance, hernia, arthritis,





pharyngitis, asthma, heart attack, brain hemorrhage, reflux, ulcer, diabetes, etc.


91. Don't overload yourself with more work than necessary. Don’t forget to take short breaks while working, and always think about your health.

Remember that there is no greater wealth than health.

92. There are some occupational diseases related to every profession that occur over long periods of time. Be aware of this, be conscious of the diseases that occur frequently in the long term related to your profession, research and take precautions in advance.

93. If your hair is falling out, be sure to consult your physician; don’t delay, research ways to prevent it.

For example, applying black cumin oil, olive oil or garlic oil may be beneficial.

94. Think, research and apply precautions to protect yourself from the sweltering heat in summer and the freezing cold in winter.

95. Make sure to go to the toilet before going to sleep at night.

96. Rinse your mouth occasionally against germs and inflammation in your mouth and teeth. It can be done with salty water, vinegar water, sage etc.

97. Find out which foods are good for which organ in your body. If you have an organ that bothers you, consume plenty of those foods.

 Some foods that are good for the heart: Fish, tomatoes, olive oil, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, broccoli, pomegranate, etc.

 Some foods that are good for the brain: Walnuts, fish, blueberries, broccoli, turmeric, almonds, eggs, peanuts, etc.

 Some foods that are good for the liver: Garlic, carrots, spinach, blueberries, almonds, turmeric, cabbage, olives, etc.


 Some foods that are good for the stomach: Ginger, mint, yoghurt, cabbage, banana, broccoli, potatoes, honey, milk, peaches, etc.

 Some foods that strengthen immunity: Onion, garlic, broccoli, fish, ginger, almonds, black cumin, turmeric, cabbage, citrus fruits, apricots, oranges, etc.

 Some foods that are good for the lungs: Garlic, ginger, turmeric, eucalyptus, thyme, carob, black carrot, cress, etc.

 Some foods that are good for the intestines: Apricot, bone broth, cinnamon, mint, greens, kefir, yoghurt, fish, garlic, almonds, etc.

 Some foods that are good for the throat: Lemon, ginger, sage, garlic, onion, banana, mint, pomegranate juice, agarwood, etc.

 Some foods that are good for the skin: Apple, tomato, pomegranate, pear, olive oil, carrot, watermelon, red pepper, etc.

 Some foods that are good for the eyes: Carrots, tomatoes, spinach, fish, turmeric, parsley, zucchini, orange, etc.

 Some foods that are good for the kidneys: Pumpkin, parsley, fish, rice, watermelon, garlic, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.

 Some foods that are good for hair: Fish, nuts, carrots, dill, pomegranate, eggs, potatoes, yoghurt, avocado, black cumin, etc.

 Some foods that cleanse blood vessels: Pomegranate, ginger, garlic, turmeric, olive oil, watermelon,




blueberries, etc.


98. Don’t always eat the same meals outside (i.e. flat bread, shawarma, kebab); prefer home-cooked meals and stews with plenty of vitamins and vegetables.

99. Learn the storage and protection methods of frequently consumed foods, how long they remain intact and at what temperature they should be stored.

For instance, meat, milk, honey, eggs, onion, potatoes, bread, oil, tomato, pepper, eggplant, lettuce, tomato paste, etc.

100. If possible, keep the water you drink in glass bottles instead of plastic ones.

101. Research and learn what to do if something is stuck in your windpipe while eating or drinking alone, or if something is stuck in the windpipe of someone nearby. Know the application called Heimlich maneuver.

102. Know a little about medicinal plants. Read books on this subject, watch videos, visit herbalists and examine the products, get advice from experienced people. Don’t use herbal medicine unconsciously.

103. Research, learn and implement the things that need to be taken into consideration to protect the health of your important organs.

 To Maintain Brain Health: Exercise regularly, eat healthy, sleep regularly, avoid stress, think positively, consume foods that are good for the brain, breathe fresh air, do activities that will keep the brain fit, etc. Research and apply more.

 To Maintain Kidney Health: Limit salt consumption, drink plenty of water, protect kidneys from cold, exercise regularly, don’t hold urine for a long time, etc. Research and apply more.


 To Protect Eye Health: Protect your eyes from the sun and other harmful rays, don’t look closely at electronic devices and rest your eyes every 20 minutes while using them, do eye exercises, don’t touch your eyes with your hands, don’t use poor quality glasses, etc.

Research and apply more.

 To Protect Heart Health: Exercise regularly, consume foods that are good for the heart, sleep more to your right side, stay away from smoking and alcohol, avoid stress, consume more fish instead of red meat, etc. Research and apply more.

 To Protect Stomach Health: Eat slowly, don’t eat too much, and chew a lot while eating. Stay away from alcoholic and acidic drinks, don’t sleep immediately after eating, exercise regularly, avoid too much fat and salt, etc. Research and apply more.

 To Protect Skin Health: Take a bath at least two times a week, protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun, protect your skin from cuts, crushes, injuries and burns, keep your skin moist, protect it from chemicals, etc. Research and apply more.

 To Protect Ear Health: Avoid noisy environments, don’t leave your ears wet, avoid using cotton buds, stay away from dusty environments, etc. Research and apply more.

 To Protect Lung Health: Stay away from smoking, clean your carpets with a vacuum cleaner twice a week, stay away from dirty and dusty air, exercise regularly, get fresh air, don’t 56

breathe through your mouth, ventilate your home frequently, don’t stay in places where there is a risk of infectious diseases or in dirty air, wear a mask, etc. Research and apply more.





1. If you commit a sin knowingly or unknowingly, repent immediately, then pray and ask for forgiveness.

2. Never give up hope in Allah, continue to ask Allah for help with patience and prayer.

3. Keep your promises; don’t say things you will not do.

4. Be tolerant, friendly, forgiving, gentle, humble and modest; don't be harsh, rude or hurtful.

5. Take Muhammad (pbuh) as an example in all your words, deeds and morals, and follow his Sunnah.

6. While reading the annotated meaning of the Quran, read it slowly and thoughtfully, and apply to your life what you have learned.

7. When reading the verses of the Quran, don’t stick to the single-volume interpretations. You may understand little or misunderstand some verses, so be sure to read at least five volumes of interpretation books that explain the details in addition to the meanings.

8. Don’t remain angry with your brother in religion for more than three days, be forgiving and reconcile the resentments, because too much resentment causes grudge, hatred and hostility.


9. Don’t talk too much, because those who talk too much make many mistakes, those who make many mistakes commit many sins, those who commit many sins will also be the subjects to punishment on the Day of Judgment.

10. If you see an evil, don’t ignore it; correct it with your hands. If you cannot do this, correct it with your tongue. If you cannot do this, resist it with your heart and pray.

11. Greet and return the greeting.

12. Hold yourself accountable every evening, review that day, correct any mistakes you made, and repent.

13. Believe in the Day of Judgment after death, fear the Day of Judgment, try not to commit the slightest of sins, be pious. As stated in the Qur'an, whoever does the slightest worth of good will face it, and whoever commits a slightest worth of sin will face it.

14. Don’t argue about something on which you have no knowledge.

15. Don't do whatever your ego desires. Maintain balance. Saying that you’ll do whatever your ego desires or whatever you want is ignorance. The ego always commands evil. To be enslaved to the desires, lusts, wishes of the ego is one of the worst habits.

Discipline your ego and look for ways to discipline it.

Your biggest enemy is your own ego, if you control your ego, you will be at peace.

16. Don’t swear at anyone, don’t curse anyone, and don’t wish ill upon anyone.

17. While life is already so short, don’t shorten your deeds and lengthen your ambitions.

18. Don’t point out someone's mistakes in a way that will offend them, also don’t do it in public.


19. Research and learn how the obligatory pilgrimage is performed, and fulfill it without delay when the conditions are met.

20. Don’t slander anyone, always be truthful, don’t deceive anyone, don’t cheat or deceive; be a person whose words and deeds can be trusted. Don’t lie even once; lying is an ugly sin.

21. Never commit adultery, for it is one of the major sins. Protect your chastity and stay away from things that will lead to adultery. Don’t incur Allah's wrath for short and temporary pleasures; get married without delay.

22. Perform the obligatory salaat five times a day and regularly. Give great importance to salaat. Not performing salaat is a major sin.

23. On Eid days, wake up early, wear clean clothes, wear nice perfume, be cheerful, reconcile those who are not on speaking terms, serve guests, visit graves. Visit your parents, friends, relatives and neighbors.

24. Don't make fun of anyone, don't call anyone bad names, don't belittle anyone, be respectful of every thought, don't exclude anyone or engage in racism, and don't be arrogant or consider yourself superior.

25. Don't backbite or talk behind someone else's back.

Backbiting is a forbidden sin. Stay away from backbiting people and backbiting environments, because if you listen to backbiting, you will become a partner in sin.

26. Don’t eavesdrop on anyone, and when you see someone's fault, don’t tell others about it.

27. Don’t perform salaat for show; perform it respectfully and honestly. Perform the salaat on time, don’t delay the salaat or leave it to the end of the 60

timeframe. Learn the meanings of all the surah, verses and prayers you read in salaat and read them thoughtfully.

28. Remember and mention Allah constantly.

Because hearts find peace only by remembering Allah. Our Lord says in the Quran, "Remember me, and I will remember you." In other words, if we mention Allah and remember Him in everything we do, He will remember us, will not leave us alone, and will respond to our needs quickly.

29. Our Lord says in the Quran, "Perform salaat in remembrance of me." Prayer is a great dhikr, we should increase our salaat and we should also perform supererogatory salaat in addition to obligatory salaat.

30. Keep your house clean as if a guest is expected, and keep your heart clean as if death is expected.

31. This world is a place of testing. Everything we do is a test. Whether in wealth, poverty, health, illness, success or failure, remember that these are tests, always be thankful, be patient, endure, and don’t rebel.

32. During Ramadan, keep to all obligatory fasts, don’t break even one fast; not fasting is a major sin.

33. Abandon all kinds of sins and all forbidden things, big or small. Protect your eyes from forbidden images, your tongue from useless words, and your ears from evil sounds.

34. Be sure to read these important books to learn about Islam: Translation and interpretation of the Quran, hadiths, Islamic Catechism (fiqh), the life of our Prophet, basic religious information, history of the prophets, history of Islam, principles of Islamic 61

Faith, Islamic ethics, history of sects, history of religions, kalam, the Meadows of the Righteous.

35. Life is a sleep, a person wakes up when he dies. Act early, wake up before you die.

36. Try to be in ablution most of the time, perform ablution for every salaat, and when you become junub, perform ablution immediately.

37. Give the obligatory zakat in ful every year by calculating the proportion of your property.

38. Research the nations that have perished in the past and suffered the wrath of Allah. Read about them and draw lessons.

39. Give a helping hand to the poor, the orphans, the helpless, and the debtors, give many alms and spend in the way of Allah, invest for your afterlife. If you help others, Allah will also help you and reward you many times over.

40. Cover your private parts, be very careful about your outer clothing, be decent, don’t exceed the limits set by Allah.

41. Don’t let your heart become spiritually hardened, which means unable to see, understand and hear the truth; soften your heart. Especially, the heart of someone, who does not perform salaat and commits sins, becomes hardened, darkened and spiritually ill.

The love for the world settles in his heart and the love of Allah disappears, he cannot enjoy the pleasure of worship, the fear of Allah is not remembered, he does not learn from what he sees, he cannot understand and comprehend what he reads and learns.

42. Get along well with your parents, don't even say

“Humph” to them, do good; avoid bad words and 62

trouble. Meet all their needs when they become old, poor or unable to work, and need help.

43. Don’t investigate other people's shame and secrets, and don’t break anyone's heart.

44. Don’t refrain from testifying, and don’t remain silent in the face of injustice.

45. When you get married, choose a pious spouse.

46. Be careful with your anger, swallow your anger, don’t talk when you are angry, change your environment, because when you are angry, you cannot control yourself and may commit a sin. Also, don’t decide on anything important while you are angry.

47. Don’t miss the morning salaat; take every precaution to get up for prayer. For instance, don’t sleep late, set an alarm on your phone, get help from someone who is also praying at home to wake you up, etc.

48. Be careful about your expenses, don’t waste money; people will be held accountable for their actions.

Don’t resort to luxury, avoid waste in eating and drinking, clothing, furniture purchases, water use, weddings and entertainment. Don't waste your money, don't buy things you don't need.

49. Don’t associate equals to Allah, beware of polytheism, Allah is one, there is no one like Him, no equal. When you pray, ask only from Allah, not from holy people.

50. Be careful when making humor with words, don’t imitate and be offensive, don’t lie or say wrong things to make people laugh, take the Prophet as an example. When our Prophet was making humor, he did it by telling the truth, not by lying, and in a way that would not be offensive.


51. Read the life of our Prophet, take him as an example in every aspect and send blessings and greetings to him frequently.

52. Be careful about the issues you are busy with, know that if you don’t keep yourself busy with merit, falsehood will keep you busy.

53. Go to the mosque whenever you have time; pray, participate in conversations, don’t miss Friday prayers. Enter the mosque with ablution, clean clothes and clean socks. Remember Allah in the mosque, avoid conversations that will disturb people, loud arguments, laughing and making jokes.

54. Don’t hoard goods with the thought that they will not be available in the future or will be expensive, and don’t engage in stockpiling that will cause trouble in the market. Don’t cause a black market especially by collecting goods that the public needs and hiding them instead of selling them, in hope that the prices will rise.

55. Research the four true sects (Shafi'i, Hanafi, Maliki, Hanbali) that guide you and follow one of them.

Research and learn why we should be affiliated with a sect. For instance, one can read a book on the history of sects.

56. Believe and have faith in Allah, His prophets, His books, in angels, and the afterlife. Also, believe in fate and destiny; believe that whatever is virtuous and evil, good and bad, bitter and sweet, animate and inanimate, useful and useless, all comes about through





determination and creation, and that there is no creator other than Allah.


57. Be nice to your neighbors, do them good, greet them, ask how they are doing, don’t maltreat them.

58. Remember Allah and glorify Him secretly, openly, standing, sitting and lying on your side.

59. Don’t cut off your relations with your relatives.

Breaking ties with relatives is something that Allah does not like. Visit your relatives from time to time, ask how they are doing, do good to them, help each other.

60. Don’t be afraid of the devil, consider him an enemy, don’t listen to his whispers and always seek refuge in Allah from the devil.

61. It should not be forgotten that spouses have certain rights and duties toward each other in marriage.

Attention should be paid to attitudes, actions, speeches and decisions to be taken. Some of these duties are below.

Some duties of a wife toward her husband

 Treat your spouse with respect.

 Don’t reveal your husband's secrets and weaknesses.

 Be friendly and sweet-talking toward your spouse.

 Dress up only for your husband.

 Don’t overdo it in jealousy.

 Don’t do any work on your own without consulting your spouse.

 Try to understand your spouse and share his troubles.

 Do your best to make your home a peaceful one.


 Be clean, well groomed and well-dressed in front of your husband.

 Don’t be stubborn with your spouse.

 Force yourself to be patient and tolerant in the face of all negativities.

 Don’t make big expenses without consulting your spouse.

 Don’t go places your husband doesn't want you to.

 Be neat and tidy.

 Know what your husband likes and dislikes, and act accordingly.

 Be content and make do with what you have.

 Don’t attempt to fix your partner or try to make him into what you think he should be.

 Avoid waste and unnecessary expenses.

 Respect your spouse's relatives.

Some duties of the husband toward his wife

 Behave gently toward your spouse and don’t be violent.

 Don’t reveal your wife's secrets and weaknesses.

 Avoid rude gestures and hurtful words toward your spouse.

 Avoid waste and unnecessary expenses.

 Be respectful toward your spouse.

 Be friendly and sweet-talking toward your spouse.

 Don’t be stubborn with your spouse.

 Help your spouse with household chores.

 Don’t do any work on your own without consulting your spouse.


 Try to understand your spouse and share her troubles.

 Do your best to make your home a peaceful one.

 Don’t overdo it in jealousy.

 Don’t attempt to fix your partner or try to make her into what you think she should be.

 Ask for your wishes in a soft manner, not by commanding them.

 Be clean, well-groomed and well-dressed in front of your wife.

 Be neat and tidy.

 Earn halal money, feed halal, buy halal clothes.

 Ensure the life safety of your wife and cover all her expenses.

 Show respect toward your spouse's relatives.

 Force yourself to be patient and tolerant in the face of all negativities.

62. Be conscious; learn Allah's wishes, commands and prohibitions, and all the responsibilities He imposes on humans, and fulfill your duties.

63. Take only Allah, the Prophet and the believers as friends and helpers.

64. Pray to Allah every day and ask Him for all your needs. Learn and memorize the prayers in the Quran and all the prayers taught by our Prophet.

65. Always be grateful to Allah, don’t be an ungrateful servant.

66. Stay away from haram ways of earning. Avoid gambling, games of chance, black marketing, exorbitant prices, trading in forbidden goods, theft, bribery and interest. The cleanest, halal and most 67

abundant money is the one that a person earns by working personally, with sweat and manual labor.

67. Don’t go to soothsayers, fortunetellers, or magicians and don’t verify them.

68. Try to perform salaat in congregation (for men), pray with the congregation in the mosque whenever you have the opportunity.

69. Always be fair in everything; don’t do injustice to anyone, and don’t violate people's rights.

70. Explain and convey the religion to your brothers who don’t know it; don’t make religion difficult and don’t go to extremes in religion.

71. Stay away from cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. A person's own body is entrusted to him, so don’t knowingly harm your own body.

72. Learn what polytheism is, be careful about polytheism; don’t say sentences that will cause polytheism.

73. Don’t attempt things of which you cannot give account, fear the great court where Allah himself, the judge, will be the witness.

74. Fasting is an act of worship that has great rewards.

Fast also outside the month of Ramadan, learn the supererogatory fasts recommended by our Prophet and fast many times.

75. When a relative gets sick, visit them. Keep the patient visit short, talk about nice things in front of the patient, pray for his recovery, ask if he needs anything and help him if necessary.

76. Be careful about the words you use while speaking; some words endanger your faith or even drive people out of religion. Example sentences: This is the place forgotten by Allah, I won't even enter heaven with it, 68

I am the god of this place, Allah oppresses us, the servant does not get help when he is not in difficulty, etc.

77. Be content with Allah's will when a relative dies.

Don’t disobey Allah. It is not right to shout and rebel, to be embittered by life, and to say, “I cannot live without the deceased.” Remember that everyone will die for a reason and if there were no death, life would lose all its beauty.

78. When a relative dies, go to offer condolences. Pay attention to your condolence manners. Express your condolences, give the necessary material and moral support to the relatives of the deceased, don’t joke and laugh during the condolence visit, keep the visit short, don’t eat during the condolence visit, stay away from any behavior that will tire the relatives of the deceased, cause them expense or break their hearts.

79. Don’t postpone the good deeds you will do; immediately do the good deeds you can, before death comes.

80. When a person dies, three things follow him to the grave. His family, his property and his deeds. Two of them return; one stays with him. His family and property return, but his deeds remain with him.

81. Don't stick to just one scholar's books, read the books of other famous scholars as well.

82. Learn and apply our responsibilities toward Allah, toward our Prophet, toward the Quran, toward our parents, toward our siblings, toward our relatives, toward our neighbors, toward our children, toward our friends and companions, toward the environment and living things, toward the homeland and nation.

Some of our responsibilities are the following.


 Some of our responsibilities toward Allah: To believe in Allah and accept His existence and unity, to obey and fulfill Allah's orders and prohibitions, to worship Al ah, to prostrate to Allah, to trust in Allah, to obey Allah, to remember Him in every moment, to be thankful for His blessings, etc.

 Some of our responsibilities toward our Prophet: To believe that he is the last prophet, to follow the path shown by him, follow his Sunnah, to love him, remember him with respect, to send blessings and greetings to him, etc.

 Some of our responsibilities toward the Quran: To believe that the Quran is the word of Allah and the last divine book sent, that the Quran has survived to the present day without being corrupted or changed, that the provisions of the Quran will continue until the end of time, and to try to apply the Quran in every aspect of our lives, to read the Quran and try to understand its meaning, to do what the Quran tells you to do and avoid what it says not to do, etc.

 Some of our responsibilities toward our parents: To treat our parents well, to speak politely and respectfully within the framework of the rules of decency, to be humble toward them, to not even say “Humph”, to be genial, to ask Allah's mercy for them, to meet all their needs when they get old and cannot provide for themselves, to not speak bad words to them, to not go far away from them without their 70

permission, to get their consent, and to remember them with blessings and pray for them when they pass away, etc.

 Some of our responsibilities toward our siblings: Younger siblings should be respectful to older siblings, elders should be affectionate toward younger ones, help them in their lessons, guide them, avoid hurtful words and behavior.

There should be sincere love and unity between siblings; siblings should support each other in difficult times and do good to each other, etc.

 Some of our responsibilities toward the environment and living creatures: To keep the environment clean, to not pollute the water, soil and air, to warn those who pollute the environment, to protect green areas, to not harm animals or interfere with their living spaces, to report injured animals to the veterinarian, to use products that can be recycled, to deliver wastes to relevant facilities, to choose environmentally friendly products, etc.

 Some of our responsibilities toward our relatives: To show love and respect to our relatives, help those in need, to not forget our relatives, visit them from time to time, to call those who are far away and ask how they are doing, to visit them when they are sick, attend their funerals, to speak kind words, show a smiling face, and to end resentments if any, to avoid words and actions that may cause conflict between relatives, to be with them in times of joy and sorrow, etc.


 Some of our responsibilities toward friends and colleagues: To respect the thoughts of our friends and colleagues, to not spread their secrets, to come to their aid in difficult times, to share their joys and sorrows, to visit them when they are sick, to attend their funerals, to be loyal and not forget the good deeds done, to return kindness with kindness, to not call them names, to avoid hurtful words and behavior, to not belittle them, etc.

 Some of our responsibilities toward our children: To feed and raise our children in a healthy way, to protect their physical and mental health, to not feed illicit food to our children, to leave a good name, to educate them well, to teach them good morals, to teach them to pray and other religious duties, to educate them and help them have a profession, to treat children equally without discrimination, to show love to children, to deal with their problems, to marry them off at the age of marriage, etc.

 Some of our responsibilities toward our neighbors: To not to make noise and disturb them, to be friendly, to say nice words, to visit the sick, attend their funerals, to help those in need, to do good, to greet each other and ask how they are doing, to share their joys and sorrows, to protect the neighbor's property, life, chastity and honor as if it were our own, to not investigate their faults, to forgive their mistakes, to not damage or pollute their house, walls or garden in any way, etc.


 Some of our responsibilities toward the homeland and nation: To pay taxes, maintain unity and solidarity, to ensure peace and tranquility, to serve our military duty, to not deal in illegal business, to obey the rules of law, to defend the homeland, protect our language, flag, values and culture, to maintain order as a good citizen. to love and contribute to the country, to obey the laws, to vote in elections, to work for the development and progress of our country, to play an active role in the solution of social problems, to understand the history, geography, culture and history of our country, etc.

83. Love your brother in religion not for any benefit, but only for the sake of Allah.

84. Know that the life of this world is a test, it is temporary, it is a distraction; the real life is the eternal life in the after death.

85. Be curious, always be questioning, sometimes retreat, meditate, question life, question the meaning of living. For example, ask yourself these questions and more: Why was man created?

Why were heaven and hell created? What will happen after death? Why were Adam and Eve expelled from paradise? What will we be held accountable for? Why does Satan whisper to people? Why was the Quran sent down? Why were prophets sent? Why did sects emerge? Why can't we see Allah? Why are people tested?

86. Don’t even think of killing a person for any reason such as revenge, hatred, harassment, theft, debt, fraud, vendetta, arrogance, etc. because our Lord says in the Quran, "Whoever kil s a believer deliberately, 73

his punishment will be hell, where he will stay forever.”

87. Don't be stingy, always be generous, share, give gifts, help the needy, lend money to those in need, sacrifice and distribute animals, host a fast-breaking meal, donate to charities.

88. Don’t create mischief that disrupts people's relations, causes unrest, fights, rebellion and provocation. Stay away and don’t cause it.

89. Preserve your heart when you pray, preserve your tongue when you are among people, preserve your hands when you are at the table, and preserve your eyes when you are in other people's homes.

90. Always say this prayer, "Oh Allah, grant us goodness and beauty both in this world and in the hereafter, protect us from the torment of hell, forgive me, my mother, my father, my brothers and all believers."

91. Research thoroughly, read a lot, learn, and don’t have fixed ideas or prejudices against religion. The only obstacle that prevents people from seeing the truth is prejudice.

92. Everything that comes from Allah is beautiful, either in itself or as a result. The illness that comes from Him is also pleasant, old age is also pleasant, and death is also pleasant.

93. Do everything you do in the best possible way, work hard, make an effort, and take precautions. Then leave that matter to Allah, put your trust in Allah, and expect the result from Allah. Be content with whatever Allah decrees. Always say this to yourself,

"Let’s see what my Allah decides to do, for whatever it is, it will be beautiful."


94. Don’t waste the month of Ramadan, use it in the best and most profitable way. For this, keep to all your fasts, be careful to perform the five daily salaat in congregation and in the mosque, read religious books, read the Quran a lot, perform supererogatory salaat and go to tarawih prayers, take stock of the past, sincerely repent for sins, dhikr a lot, join religious conversations in the mosque, ask for forgiveness and pray a lot, help the poor, the orphans, helpless, sick and the needy, host a fast-breaking mea, go to i'tikaf, etc.

95. Even though you know that it is truly right, don’t insist on wrong or sin, don’t be a stubborn person.

96. Give alms only for the sake of Allah, not for show or for others to see.

97. Help in every way those younger than you, show love, share your experiences, guide and give advice.

98. There is no rematch in life. After we die, we will not be sent back to the world and be tested once again.

Therefore, come to your senses, be careful about your decisions, don’t deviate from the right path, stay away from wrong paths, apply the Quran to your life, fol ow the path of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), don’t do things that you will regret, and be very careful about major sins.

99. Always be respectful to those who are older than you are, look for wisdom rather than flaws in the elders'

words, don’t act pedantic in front of them, make sure to benefit from their experiences.

100. When you are sick, don’t complain and rebel against Allah. No calamity, trouble or disease that befalls us in this life is a coincidence or without purpose.

Everything is created with a certain plan and wisdom, 75

ordained by eternal destiny. A person should see the troubles and calamities that happen to him, the events that his soul does not like, as manifestations of mercy, and should not complain to Allah. One should be patient, be thankful, pray and beg, and ask Allah for well-being. Also, there are good meanings behind the curtain of illness. Some of these are the fol owing.

 If there is no disease, the value of health is unknown.

 One, who is engrossed in the world and forgets the afterlife and death, will be wakened by illness from his sleep of heedlessness.

 Maybe this disease is a divine warning, turning us back from the wrong path.

 Due to the disease, perhaps the sins will be cleansed, the sins will be atoned for, and perhaps our punishment wil be suffered in this world, and will not be left to the eternal world.

 If there is no disease, health and well-being make the world seem pleasant and cause heedlessness.

 Illness makes people feel how helpless they are and how weak they were created, and increases their patience.

 Illness teaches us how much we need Allah and that we should thank Him.

101. Be sincere, that is, seek only the consent of Allah in all your actions and words, and be sincere in your belief and deeds.

102. As stated in the Quran, we must also believe in the unseen. In other words, the spiritual world is the one 76

that is invisible to the eye and beyond the comprehension of the sense organs. It is to believe sincerely and wholeheartedly, beyond any doubt, that the invisible, unknown world, consisting but not limited to Allah, revelation, destiny, time of judgment, what will happen in the grave, resurrection, al-Sirat, heaven, hell, angels, the soul, etc. belongs to Allah.

103. Be content with the opportunities you have, don’t covet someone else's earnings, be a contented person, be grateful for what you have, don’t be greedy.

104. Give gifts to your loved ones, because gifts increase love and affection, and eliminate feelings of grudge and hatred.

105. Allah loves those who do their job well. Try to do your job in the most accurate, most reliable and beautiful way, and give it justice. Because people wil answer for their actions. For instance, if you are involved in trade, don’t cheat, over-praise the goods you are going to sell, lie under oath, hide the defects of the goods, don’t cheat on the measurement and weighing, sell goods at high prices to those who don’t know the market, use poor quality materials or do bad work, etc.

106. The property of the rich is a means of testing. The poor have the right to part of the wealth of the rich.

This right has been entrusted to the rich. There is a debt that must be paid to the poor, the needy, the orphan, in short, the needy. One should give the entrusted to its owner and not hoard property by being stingy or selfish.

107. Don’t swear falsely, swearing falsely is a great sin.


108. Research the history of hadith, and then read many books containing authentic hadiths.

109. Start every task by saying “In the name of Allah.”

110. We are servants of Allah, we will return to Him, He is the owner of everything. We have to act as Allah wishes.

111. Stay away from customs, traditions and folkways that will cause sin and waste, especially at weddings.

112. Don't be a merciless, hard-hearted person. Have pity on those who are inferior to you, so that those who are superior to you will also have pity on you. Forgive for the sake of Allah; forgive so that Allah will forgive you.

113. Our Lord says in the Quran, "Say: Why would my Lord value you if it were not for your prayers?” “Pray to Me, and I will answer your prayers." Don’t forget to pray, ask Allah for all your needs. Read this comprehensive prayer from time to time.


I begin my prayer with the name of Allah and blessings and peace upon the Messenger of Allah, and I seek refuge in Allah from the evil of the devil!

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in you from poverty, stinginess, cowardice, laziness, useless knowledge, eyes that don’t cry, a heart that does not shiver, all kinds of diseases, the mischiefs of life, debt, unanswered prayers, an insatiable soul, falling into need in old age, oppression, grieving for the past and worrying about the future, the poverty that causes rebellion and the wealth that perverts me.


Dear Allah! Enrich me with knowledge, beautify my morals with gentleness, grant me piety!

Dear Allah! Take us from this world with martyrdom and faith!

Make me feel the scent of Heaven and grant me its blessings.

Give us goodness in this world and in the afterlife, and protect us from the torment of hell!

Dear Allah! Make us friends to your friends and enemies to your enemies!

Dear Allah! Forgive me for all my sins, small or big, open and secret, whether I have committed or may commit them!

Dear Allah! Remove the anger and grudge in my heart, protect me from misleading and seductive mischief!

Oh my Almighty Allah, who turns hearts around! Turn our hearts to obeying you!

Make us among those who obey You, and make us a generation of Ummah that obey You!

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from diversion, discord and all kinds of bad morals!

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from the stinginess, wastefulness and delusions of my soul!

Dear Allah! Show us the truth as truth, and grant us the ability to follow it!

Dear Allah! Show us falsehood as falsehood, and enable us to avoid it!


Dear Allah! I hope everything you appreciate for me ends well!

Dear Allah! Forgive the Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh) and cover the faults of the Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh)!

Dear Allah! Protect me from the evil of the oppressors, and keep me away from the tricks of the hypocrites!

Dear Allah! Increase my knowledge, and don’t let my heart stray into superstition after you have guided me.

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from the tyranny of the rulers, the tricks of the devil and the error of my tongue!

Dear Allah! Cleanse my heart from discord and my actions from hypocrisy; keep my eyes away from treacherous looks!

Dear Allah! Make my earnings halal and make me contented!

Don't take me from this world unless you are pleased with me!

Our Lord! Give us patience, courage and perseverance; help us against the infidels!

Dear Allah! Have mercy on Muhammad (pbuh), with whom you ended prophethood and gave him the authority to intercede!

Dear Allah! Don't let our egos lead us astray!

Dear Allah! Soften my heart with repentance; don’t make it hard like a stone!

Dear Allah! We worship only You, and we hope for help only from You!

Oh my Lord! I am weak; make me strong! I am humble; make 80

me holy! I need You; provide for me!

Make my face white and bright with your light on the day when many faces will be white and many faces will be black.

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of my ears, the evil of my eyes, the evil of my tongue, and the evil of my heart!

Our Lord! Don’t let our hearts deviate after You have guided us to the right path! Grant us your mercy!

Our Lord! Don't hold us responsible if we forget or make a mistake!

Dear Allah! I ask You for safety, peace and help! I ask You for protection from hell!

Protect our faith with the blessings of the Great Quran until death comes!

Give me long life, strong body and peace of mind! Give good joy, abundant sustenance, security and peace!

Peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad (pbuh) and accept our wishes!

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from all sins, from approaching sin and from not seeing sin as bad!

Dear Allah! Take my life when I am pleased with You and You are pleased with me! Grant me repentance before death and comfort while dying! Make salvation possible at the place of reckoning!

Make the Quran a cover for us against the fire of hell, a friend in heaven, and a guide to all good deeds!


Dear Allah! Let us trust and turn to You! Because You are the most merciful of the merciful!

Don’t desolate us in the grave on the Day of Judgment, on the Armageddon and on the as-Sirat! Protect us from the fires of hell!

Turn the traps set by the infidels, hypocrites and tyrants onto themselves, and leave their desires unfulfilled!

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from ignorance and being with ignorant people, from chest tightness and various weaknesses of will! I ask You for useful knowledge, abundant sustenance, and healing from all diseases and troubles.

Dear Allah! I have wronged myself, forgive me! Because You are the best of those who forgive!

Make us well from all kinds of troubles, all kinds of accidents and all kinds of diseases!

Our Lord! Make us Muslims who surrender to You! Create such a Muslim Ummah from our descendants!

Dear Allah! Enlighten me with the Quran, make my eyes bright with the light of the Quran, beautify my morals with the Quran!

Oh my only Savior and Helper when I am in difficulty and in trouble! I exalt You from fault!

Dear Allah! Give us the understanding of unity, solidarity and cooperation that befits our brotherhood!

Dear Allah! If we fall into the sleep of heedlessness, wake us 82

up with your compassion; don’t leave us to our own devices!

Oh my Lord! Have mercy on my parents and forgive their sins. Have mercy on them, just as they disciplined me when I was a child!

Dear Allah! Guide me to the truth, keep me away from oppression, keep fear away from me! Include me among those whom you have guided, healed, and befriended!

Protect me from your haram with your halal! Don't make me dependent on anyone but You!

Dear Allah! Remove the ugly and unpleasant odors from us and destroy our sins!

Dear Allah! Give me my book on my right side and make my calculations easier!

Dear Allah! Grant me the grace to hear the most beautiful words and connect to them!

Dear Allah! Protect my neck from the fire, protect me from the chain and ring of hell!

Dear Allah! Make my feet steady on the bridge of Sirat on the day when my feet slip!

Dear Allah! Make my deeds accepted, my sins forgiven, and my earnings eternal! Overwhelm me with your mercy, shower me with your blessings, and shade me under the shade of your skies!

Dear Allah! I ask for heaven and the blessings in it from You, and I seek refuge in You from hell and its fire!

Dear Allah! You are very forgiving and You love to forgive, forgive me too! Open the doors of mercy to me!


Dear Allah! Just as You distanced the east from the west, so remove me from my sins! Forgive all my sins, the minor and the major, the first and the last, the secret and the open! Dear Allah! Make us one of your servants whom You have made sincere!

Make what is in my heart good for me, and make my heart happy with what is good for me!

Our Lord! Give us what You promised through your prophets; don’t disgrace us on the Day of Judgment!

Make us successful in acting with Your book and in following the Sunnah of Your Prophet!

Dear Allah! Give me the fear of Allah and forgive my sins; wherever I am, lead me to the good path!

Oh Lord! Make us love those You love, and keep us busy with the things You approve of!

Dear Allah! May we be able to spread love, peace, tranquility and joy to the world!

Extend a helping hand to al our brothers and sisters in the world who are helpless due to poverty!

Dear Allah! Help me to take my words out of my heart, to speak when necessary, and to remain silent when necessary!

Grant me the grace to be remembered favorably among those who will come after me!

Oh Lord! Make me one of Your servants who is content with Your fate and grateful for Your sustenance! Protect my family and me from the evil of the oppressors and unbelievers!


Our Lord! We believe in the book You sent down and we fol ow the Messenger; so write us down with the witnesses!

You can make the difficult easy and soft whenever you wish!

Make my difficult work easy, Oh Lord!

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from polytheism, doubt, quarreling, bad morals and bad thoughts, Your wrath, the evil of Your servants, and the suggestions of devils!

Dear Allah! Help me against the violence of death and the pain of death! Make death easy for me.

Dear Allah! Make me one of Your sincere servants, forgive me and have mercy on me! Because You are forgiving and merciful.

Dear Allah! I ask You to remove the evil of the enemy community and I seek refuge in You from their evil!

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from being disgraced and humiliated in this world and the hereafter!

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of every living creature, from the evil eyes of every envious person, from blasphemy, poverty, from the torment of the grave, and from the trials of life and death!

Dear Allah! Make the Quran a companion for us in the world, a friend in the grave, an intercessor on the Day of Judgment, and a light on the bridge of Sirat!

Our Lord! Forgive me, my parents, and all believers on the day when we will stand up for judgment!

Our Lord! We believeth. Forgive our sins and protect us from 85

the torment of that fire!

Dear Allah! I ask You for guidance, piety, chastity and wealth!

Dear Allah! Whatever Your prophet, Muhammad (pbuh) asked from You for goodness, I want the same thing!

Oh Lord! Make me the one who turns to You the most, the one who comes closest to Your mercy!

Help me against all kinds of mischief-makers and subversives!

Dear Allah! Give me peace and make my work easier. Make my words effective and strong, and untie the knot in my tongue so that my words can be understood.

Oh Lord! Relieve the distress, feelings of revenge, heedlessness and betrayal in our hearts.

Dear Allah! Forgive me and accept my repentance! You are the merciful one who accepts repentance very much.

Oh my Lord! I seek refuge in You from asking You for things of which I have no knowledge!

Dear Allah! Grant us the opportunity to make the pilgrimage to the Kaaba; forgive Your servants, who open their hands and beg You in Arafat, and include us among them!

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from the deterioration of the health and well-being You have given me, from Your torment covering me, from ugly habits and deeds, from evil desires and excesses!

Dear Allah! Give us abundance in the food we eat and feed us more of Your goodness! Give us abundance in what You have 86

given us as sustenance and protect us from the torment of fire!

Undoubtedly, my prayer and worship, my death and resurrection belong to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of all creatures descending from the sky, ascending to the sky, wandering on the earth and coming out of the earth, from the fitnah of wealth and the fitnah of poverty!

Dear Allah! Resurrect me as a happy person and kill me as a martyr! Strengthen my eyes, show me the tricks of my enemies, and make me victorious over them!

Dear Allah! Place Your hope in my heart, don't let me hope for anyone other than You, don't make me ask for anything other than You!

Dear Allah! I ask You to have dreams that are true and good, not lies, that are helpful, not harmful!

Dear Allah! Make me one of those who obey Your command and make me one of those who fol ow Your advice! Protect me with Your mercy from ugly words, lies, swearing!

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from the wrong deeds of my soul, from ill-gotten gains and all kinds of interest!

Dear Allah! Cleanse me from my mistakes as You clean a white dress from dirt!

Oh my Lord! I seek refuge in You from being caught unprepared for death, from being heedless and from being among the heedless, from vain work and from wasting my capital!


Dear Allah! Grant me good deeds! Make my deeds specific to Your consent.

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from the devil who whispers to the heart, from the confusion of affairs, from the evil of the fitnah of the grave, from the evil of the things that the night brings, from the evil of the things that the day brings, from the effort that does not yield results, from the heart that does not tremble, from the soul that is not satisfied, from the worship that is not accepted, from anxiety, sadness and sorrow, from helplessness, from the bad friend and from the bad neighbor!

Dear Allah! Give us all the good things we know or don't know, protect us from all the evil we know or don't know, make the end of all our deeds beautiful, grant us to worship until we die and let our lives end with good deeds.

Dear Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of my ears, the evil of my eyes, the evil of my tongue, the evil of my heart and the evil of my lust.

Make me one of Your servants who rejoices when he does good, and immediately realizes his mistake and asks for forgiveness when he does evil!

Oh Lord! Make me and my descendants among those who constantly pray. Make me die as a Muslim and include me among the righteous!

Oh Lord! I seek refuge in You from the whispers of the devils and their presence beside me.

My Allah, let us be frugal both in poverty and in wealth!


Our Lord! Don't put a heavy burden on us as You did on those before us, and don't put on us things that we can't carry!

Pardon us! Forgive us! Have mercy on us! Don’t place us among the oppressors!

Our Lord! Accept our prayers with all their shortcomings.

Make us neighbors of our beloved prophet in the afterlife.

Our Lord! Forgive us for the sins we have committed or will commit due to our ignorance; You have full power over everything.

Our Lord! Forgive us and our brothers who have had faith in You. Leave no grudge in our hearts against those who believe!

My Allah, I seek refuge in You from the mischief of evil women, from the evil of the things You have created, from the evil of the night when darkness falls, from the evil of those who blow on knots, and from the evil of the envier when he envies.

My Allah, send down upon us peace and mercy, make our work easier, and always guide us to the best and most correct in our work.

Our Lord, accept our good deeds and teach us what we need to do. Include us among Your true servants. Take our lives when we ful y believe in You and surrender.

My Allah, grant light to my heart, light to my tongue, light to my eyes, light to my ears. Give me light on my right, light on 89

my left, light behind me, light in front of me, light above me and light below me. Grant me light.

My Allah, grant peace, comfort, forgiveness and contentment to our dead ones, and make their new place better than the place they left.

My Allah, protect me from dangers and troubles that will come from my front and back, from my right and left, from below and above me. I seek refuge in You from the troubles that will come to me while I sleep.

My Allah, accept all our fasts and grant us the opportunity to be one of Your servants who fast a lot.

My Allah, I seek refuge in You from every event that will harm me; give me the best of everything. Give us uninterrupted sustenance from what is clean and halal. I want from You the best and most auspicious life in this world and the hereafter.

My Allah, I ask You for all the good things, both in this world and in the hereafter, and I ask You for all the good things I know and those I don’t know.

My Allah, I seek refuge in You from all evil, both in this world and in the afterlife, both what I know and what I don’t know.

My Allah, unite our hearts, make things right between us.

Show us the ways of salvation. Bring us out of darkness into light. Bless my ears, my eyes, my soul, my body, my morals, my family, my life, my death and my deeds. Please accept my good deeds.

Oh Allah, I ask You for heaven, and the words, activities, deeds and actions that will bring me closer to it. I seek refuge in You from hell and from the words, activities, deeds and 90

actions that will bring me closer to it.