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Do ascetics do works like house wiring, planting, and col ecting money? House wiring is done by the electricians. Planting is done by the farmers. And the col ecting money is done by the lay people.

Why do some ascetics wear tiger skins? It is because when staying in the forest for a long time, the astringent robe made of cloth gets decayed. Then he has no other option than to wear dead animal skin that can easily be found in the forest.

On Karma:

Our next question is, what is actual y astrology? Astrology is a science that was invented by ancient sages. The signs like Sun, Moon, Mars, and Jupiter show his or her current status of karmas at the time of birth. Then in life, things happen according to karmas. So we find out astrology is true. However, some people do high meritorious karmas or high sinful karmas. Then what happens is his or her status of karmas at

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birth time, which creates consciousnesses for this life; changes. Then in life, things happen according to new karmas. Old karmas go down. So people find out astrology is false. This is the secret behind it. It is not Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Venus, Moon, or any other sign that gives things. It is karmas that give things. Those signs such as Mars are mere symbols only. They just symbolize one’s own status of karmas. Another thing I should mention is more than 95% of things in a life happens because of karmas. Yet people have no idea of it.

What is Karmic Debt? It is a synonym for bad luck and sinful deeds done in the past.

Are victory and defeat, results of causes? Yes. They are effects of karma also known as formations. One needs to have meritorious karmas for victory. Otherwise, no matter how hardly tries, they al fail to win anything. I should state that, everyone has what they real y should have and everyone doesn’t have what they should not receive.

If someone cried in the world, it is because they gave tears to someone on a past date. If someone found what they wanted and came to happiness, it is because they gave happiness to someone on a past date. Karma creates consciousnesses. Karma creates knowings.

According to it creates feelings. Everything may not happen due to the karma. But more than 95% is due to karma. I was born in this beautiful country because my karmas were for it. I became a monk because my karmas were for that. Karma divides beings.

There are many rich and powerful people who do many sins. We cannot see karma giving results to them. Why is that? No. What is happening there is their previous meritorious karmas are high. So til it is powerful, they wil stay in richness and power. If a person who does not has many meritorious karmas do a great sin, then his part of sins

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instantly goes higher. Then within a short time, he wil have to go to a jail. That’s why politicians often stay without any problem even if they col ect many sins. This is the secret behind it. There is also another mechanism of karma. I wil show you it now, let’s say there is an ordinary person. Now he does a high sin like blaming falsely for a virtuous person. Then day by day he becomes rich, day by day he also blames falsely against that virtuous person. People wil think why there is no problem to that sinful man who blames to that virtuous person.

But what happened here is this; the sinful man became rich and powerful because of the sin he col ected. He becomes more powerful to col ect more high sins and to directly be born in a great hel world that is ful of flames after his death. Because of his power, he thinks nothing wil happen to him and do as much as high sins. His sinful karma gives him more chances to col ect more sins. Because that is the type of sinful karma he added to his consciousness. But his luxury, richness, and power are of course due to his previous meritorious karmas. But the last great sin he did came mixed with those merits to lose his sanity and letting him add more powerful sinful karmas and to be born in a hel world without giving any chance to him for going to a heaven world or to a human world in the next life. The high sin he committed blocks his path to col ecting new meritorious karmas or to be righteous again. But it comes mixed with previous merits. Al pleasures that sinful man received of course due to the past merits.

This is a complex thing. Can you understand. Also, a person becomes a thief or a serial kil er or a mafia member because of his sins. One receives a profession by Karma. The king became a king because he did many merits in his past lives. Karma divides beings.

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If a person worships a statue or a tree or a relic; does he col ect a meritorious karma? Typical y no. It is because those objects do not have a consciousness element. Nevertheless, if someone worships them with a reverent heart in the name of the sages; he col ects a great meritorious karma. The cause for that is, that his motive was about great sages. Sages are living beings. They have consciousness elements. So the worshiper just did set his intention on the consciousness elements of sages. This is how the worshiper adds a great meritorious karma into his consciousness element. Those sages may have used those objects or may not have used those objects.

Those sages may be stil alive or dead. It does not affect the result. He remembered sages by his mind and worshiped the stone and col ected a powerful meritorious karma into his consciousness element. This is a difficult thing to understand. Try to understand it. This is another mechanism of the universe.

Holy sir, how should we practice giving also known as generosity?

Giving and truthfulness are the base of al other virtues. A person who speaks falsehood can do any sin. So such a person is the most dangerous sinner. Besides, it is not a manly quality. Not a masculine quality. It is a feminine quality. Talking about the generosity I should say this. Let’s think there is a man who has greed for 1000 rupees. Now he resolves the 5 virtue precepts of a lay person. Later a man comes and tel s him this “look, several people are chasing me, if any person came here and asked you, ‘did you see a man who went on that road’

then tel them you didn’t see such a man”. Then the man who is protecting 5 virtue precepts of a layman may say “No, sorry, I vowed to abandon falsehood. Sorry. I can’t do that. I am protecting 5

components virtue”. Then the other man may say “forget it, I’l give you this 1000 rupees. Take it. Tel them you didn’t see me”. Now the man who was protecting virtues wil break his precept and tel the lie.

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Because he was greedy about a 1000 rupees. This what I showed you is an example. Therefore know that the generosity and truthfulness are the base of al other virtues. If anyone who does not have these 2

things; they have no solid foundation for their virtues. Generosity is something one must practice. A person should make it a habit. You do not need to give mil ions if you do not have. If you have 1 rupee you can give it away abandoning craving for it. 1 rupee of a poor man may be equal to a mil ion rupees of a rich. The size of the karma is not decided by the value of the thing. The size of the karma is decided by the thought. Intention, volition, and motive are synonyms for that.

Because the giver gives long life span, beauty, pleasure, power, and wisdom; he receives long life span, beauty, pleasure, power, and wisdom. If there is anyone who is greedy out there, their money wil not stay in their hands. Somehow their money wil leave them. Either because they become sick and for medicines or because someone took their money by cheating or by any other way. It is the karma. It is the nature. King became a king and beggar became a beggar due to their own karma. King has practiced giving and also not stealing in the past.

The same applies to rich business people also. If someone has practiced giving, even by any mistake if he is born in the ghost world he wil be the king of ghosts. Such is the power of generosity. Even I practiced the giving in my lay life. I was often a generous man. I remember once when I was a boy when I had a girlfriend I gifted her 1000 rupee mobile phone reload. It happened like this; I wanted to give her a gift. But before entering the communication center I thought

“the nature of women is unstable. A woman cannot be trusted. She may either stay with me or leave me. It is the nature of women.

However I give this reload to her by thinking about my karma”. And I did it. She, to this date never know what I thought before gifting a 1000 rupee reload. I was a boy at that time. Also, I should say stil to this date while I am a monk now yet I give a very smal amount of rice to animals. Be it where I am in a temple or in the forest. I haven’t

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stopped it. When I was a lay person I gave every day to living beings.

You too practice generosity. By giving to an animal one receives high life span, beauty, pleasure, power, wisdom typical y in 100 folds in the rebirth circle. Giving to Sangha gives its effect in uncountable amount of folds. It is immeasurable. It wil give its results in thousands of kalpas without any reduction. Giving to Sangha generates highest karmas. It is because the purity of consciousnesses of Sangha. Because they are Aryans. The purity of the receiver’s consciousness also makes the size and the power of the karma which the giver adds into his consciousness. It is another nature of the universe. Give as much as you can. Reduce your greed. It is a merit. If you have nothing to give, then at least worship virtuous people. It is also a giving. It is a merit.

But you should know al karmas, al formations end in someday. It is the characteristic of karma.

When talking about generosity, I like to know about timely givings.

What are the timely givings? There are general y 5 timely givings. They are; giving to the visitors, giving to the travelers, giving to the sick people, giving in the famine, giving the first harvest – first fruits firstly to the virtue precepts protecting people. Those who give timely givings adds a karma to their consciousness which gives its result when they meet a necessity for something. Due to their karma, they wil get the necessary things at the exact moment when they need them. Let’s think, a person who gave a timely giving to a traveler in the past life straggles in an area where he does not know or arise a necessity to go somewhere. Now within a short moment someone wil arrive at him by a vehicle asking where are you going. And then he goes by that vehicle to the destination he wished. Do you understand what I explained. It is the mechanism of karma. Meritorious karma is power.

Is it true by respecting elders a person receives life, beauty, pleasure, and power, In this present life? Yes. It is true. Not only in this present life but in the next lives too. Not just in one life. It wil give its effect

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according to its power size. Those elders are elders either by renunciation which means keeping sense-organs away from sense pleasures or by wisdom or by virtues or age. The First 3 are typical y ascetics. What you have heard is a truth. Therefore; respect elders.

You said karmas create consciousnesses. If a person has a high uncontrol able sexual need, that no matter what he does; he cannot control the mind, how does that happen? If a person did many sins related to sexual passion in previous lives then it can happen to any man or woman. For example, a person who has such high sinful karmas becomes a woman, and when she comes to like age of 15, in her genital area, in her sexual organs there become high sensations that throw her to sexual activities. That sensations, feelings becoming unbearable, she goes into such sexual activities uncontrol ably. After several years a situation may occur making her a whore and giving her no chance to have a normal female life. Uncontrol able sexual sensations are due to karma. Such a person must do meritorious karmas which directly weakens the power of such sinful karmas. Like giving Dharma to people, giving dispassion, doing meditations that are about the impurity of the body, spreading Dharma which is related to the impurity of body, and protecting 5 virtues.

Can you explain more how formations create consciousness? Okay.

There is a person. He feels a great pain in his heart. But he refuses to go to see a doctor by saying something against it, he says I do not need a doctor, or I wil be fine in a while or I do good things I wil not die from this. But after 2 days he dies. Now why there were knowings in his consciousness formed to refuse doctors and medicines? Because he needs to die sooner by his own karma. There were such karmas behind him. This is an example of formations creating consciousnesses. Also, listen to this. There are 7 students in a high school classroom. A

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teacher comes and asks them whom you want to be in the future? The first student says “I want to be a politician”. The second student says “I want to be an army commander”, the third student says “I want to be a pilot and ride high-speed jets, to control things that need a clever mind”. The fourth student says “I want to be a businessman and be a rich man”. The fifth student says “I want to be a doctor and heal people”. The sixth student says “I want to be a scientist”. The seventh student who was in the corner looks down and shows signs that he cannot make a decision. After a few moments of silence, he says. “I don’t know”. Here what happened is except for the seventh student, al other students possess karmas related to a high profession in this life. In the seventh student currently, he either does not possess karmas related to a high position or they are very weak. He must strengthen himself in meritorious karma col ecting. This is another example of the creation of knowings also known as consciousnesses by karmas.

What karmas are more powerful. Are they karmas do by bodily actions or by speech or by mind? Karmas do by the mind are more powerful normal y. I wil show you how it happens. Let us think you give a food to a poor man but hating him. When you gave him the food you did a merit as a bodily action. But when you hated him you did a sin by the mind. If you formed 1 thought on the food giving, you formed 100 thoughts for hating him. This is how it happens. Therefore know that formations do by mind are the most powerful formations.

Holy sir, can you teach us more about karma? Okay. Motive is the karma. The intention is karma. Thought is the karma. A person col ects karmas by using the body, by using the mouth, by using the mind.

Similarly, I can explain that a person col ects karmas by actions, by words and by using the mind. He adds a karma into his consciousness element. These karmas create a new consciousness for a next life and

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also give results in the future. Results may be either in this present life or in an after-death life. The above 2 things happen due to karma.

There are 2 types of karmas as; demeritorious karmas and meritorious karmas. Also, demeritorious karmas are cal ed sins. There are 3 types of meritorious karmas as; giving, protecting virtues, and meditating. By these, protecting virtues generates higher karma than giving. By these, meditating is the highest meritorious karma generating action. I can show you some real-life things to realize how karma works. Do you see those three buffalos over there. These buffalos have been debtors in their past lives by dereliction to others. They had not done their duties properly. Also, they may have taken loans from others but didn’t pay them again. Such karmas have a high probability of giving lives like this.

If someone doesn’t find any trustworthy person to keep trust or to talk about any of his troubles, for that also there is a reason. The reason is, in this long rebirth circle, he or she has broken the trust of other people, he has become a traitor to his friends. If someone in this world receives some salary it is due to his meritorious karmas. What we gave in the past; today we receive it. In this world, there are people who give something per year or there are some other people who give something per month but do not give outside his time table, such people do not give even to a beggar who came to his house on another day, there are some people who give something daily, and he is always searching for opportunities to give. Also, there live some other people who give nothing at al . Let’s think they be born as humans again. Then they receive jobs according to their karmas. The person who did not practice giving receives no proper job at al . The person who gave per year wil receive an ordinary job and takes a low monthly salary. The person who gave per month wil receive a high job with high salary.

But he has to wait for a special day of the month to take money into his hands thinking “oh when wil my salary day come, oh I have no money to buy those things right now, alas I receive money only on that day, oh there is no other way I can earn more money outside my this

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job or that dates”. The person who practiced giving everyday, who was in a good heart looking for new opportunities for more giving, wil be a rich businessman or a politician. Even if he takes a monthly paying job, he receives various promotions, various salary raises often, he may also have several other income ways. In his hands, there wil always have some money. He wil win lotteries. When he walks down on the road he wil find some money. A giver gives long life, beauty, pleasure, power, and wisdom, these 5 natures. And what he receives again are above 5 natures. Giving away is the path to take above 5 natures. It is the mechanism of karma. What you give is what you receive. But if the receivers consciousness is more powerful due to his virtues, then the karma you add to your consciousness is also becomes higher. It applies to both; sins and merits. One’s profession is completely decided by karma. A king becomes a king due to the karma. A thief becomes a thief due to the karma. A whore becomes a whore due to the karma. A businessman becomes a businessman due to the karma. A celebrity becomes a celebrity due to the karma. If someone changes his profession again and again it is also due to the karma. If you received a good or bad lover in this present life, that is the perfect one who fits into your own karma. The person who plunders other’s things finds someone who plunders from him. The person who defeats others wil find someone who defeats himself. The person who deceives others wil find someone who deceives himself. The person who blames others wil find someone who blames him. The person who hurts others wil find someone who hurts him. Because karma circles back; the person who destroyed others wil be destroyed by others. As milk does not become curd instantly, karmas stay hidden til they meet a chance, til they meet an appropriate environment. Like an ember covered by ashes. The karma comes up and gives effect in appropriate situations and environments. Fools doing sins behaves like an enemy of self. If by doing any karma one can come to a happy effect and smile; should do such karmas. If one kil s beings, steals other people’s things,

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if goes to other people’s wives and has sex with them, if uses liquor and other intoxications, if speaks falsehood; sages say he is destroying himself. The man who did many merits come to happiness both in this present life and after death. Gold, silver, gems, wealth, grains, lands, titles, strengths, authority, crowds, parents, wives, children, friends, servants, vehicles, and al else; do not go beyond the death. One has to abandon these al when he meets the death. If someone does any karma, by mind or by speech or by the body; that is the only thing that goes with him beyond death like a shadow. Therefore one must col ect as much as meritorious karmas. The universe exists according to karma.

Living beings are bound by karma. Karma divides beings.

Is it okay to do a good karma and do a wish? No problem. It is fine.

We can make meritorious karmas work according to our wil by that way.

Is it possible to share meritorious karmas? Yes. It is possible. By becoming happy at a meritorious action of another person one shares that karma. But not as complete as the doer. By becoming happy at a person’s sinful karma; one shares that karma. One obtains that particular karma. The result wil be equal. But not by the size.

There are some people who do many and high meritorious karmas yet often something bad happens to them. Why is that? There is a clear reason for that, which the ordinary people can never see. Often such a person who does many and high meritorious karmas often, targets or wishes for a permanent pleasure or to the end of al grief or the end of rebirth circle, or to come to the extinction of existence.

Then of course such situations happen. Because their high karma is moving them or trying to take them to the path to the extinction of existence element. But ordinary people have no intel igence to recognize this. In order to end al grief one should attain the supreme

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enlightenment. In order to attain the supreme enlightenment one should disgust and have a great disappointment about forms, sensations, perceptions, formations, and consciousnesses. He must disgust the universe. Only by coming to that status, one may move on the path of the permanent pleasure. Do you now understand why that happened.

What are the karma results of protecting virtues also known as the second highest merits col ecting action? Yes, protecting virtue gives higher karma than giving. Also, I should mention if one protects 9

components virtue he adds more powerful formations to his consciousness element than those who are protecting 5 components virtue. There are such differences also, which you need to understand.

I now tel you the answer. But first I tel you what happens when not protecting virtue precepts. According to that, you should understand the benefits. When breaching these precepts and doing; kil ing living beings, stealing, having sex with other people’s wives and other men, saying false, saying slanders, saying harsh words, saying useless words, and using liquor and narcotics very highly, these formations cause to be born in dangerous hel worlds, then in animal worlds and in inhuman beings worlds. I wil now show you several results that happens to a being when he came out from above dangerous worlds and became a human being later in a human world. This happens when he spent much of his sinful karma. Few results of kil ing living beings are; getting hurt by others, receiving many sicknesses, happening dangerous accidents, receiving distorted limbs and the least result is receiving a less life span and dying soon. A few results of stealing are; poverty, getting attacked by thieves, not happening the wish according to his wil and the least result in a human world is the destruction of wealth. A few results of having sex with other people’s wives and men other than the husband are; getting attacked by

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dangerous sicknesses, receiving disgrace, becoming unpleasant to others, happening dangerous accidents, becoming an eunuch, becoming a person who has distorted sexual organs, becoming a woman, not receiving a pleasant wife or husband and the least result in a human world is having many enemies. Few results of saying falsehood are; receiving insults, becoming unpleasant to others, receiving many sicknesses of mouth, getting a stinky mouth, not receiving children or if receives children receiving only female children, those women children also becoming disobedient, if receives any son due to another meritorious karma; he leaving the parents, becoming foolish, getting deceived and the least result in a human world is receiving insults and disgrace due to things that he or she never did and getting punished due to thing that never did, which was done by other people. Few results of saying slanders are; receiving no crowd –

companions, becoming lonely due to lack of friends, having a very few friends and the least effect in a human world is the separation of friends unthinkably – the friends becoming separated without a proper reason. Few results of saying harsh words are; becoming unpleasant to others, receiving a rough unpleasant voice, receiving unpleasant sicknesses – special y skin diseases, becoming ugly, people dislike to see him or her, becoming an ignoble person and the least effect in a human world is wherever he or she goes; have to listen to unpleasant sounds. Few results of saying useless words are; getting disgusted by others, becoming stupid, becoming unpleasant to others and the least effect in a human world is his or her words wil not be trusted by others. Few results of using liquor and narcotics are; becoming stupid, receiving very weak 6 sense organs, inability to think properly, receiving many sicknesses, getting disgusted by others, receiving weak children, receiving no shame – he or she does anything without shame, destruction of wealth and the least effect in a human world are receiving mental sicknesses or receiving no proper sanity. I said to you the having sex with other people’s wives and men other than the

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husband is a cause to be born as a woman. There are also another 2

reasons. Now listen to them. They are having the wil to be born as a woman and high lust. Of these 2 causes, high lust is an indirect cause.

The women who became women due to the wish to be a woman; do not receive many enemies. I can also explain about 3 sins does by mind.

If you are interested.

Oh yes, we are interested. Please enlighten us. Wil you holy sir? The 3 sins do by the mind are craving, hatred, and having a wrong view about the universe. For the high craving; results are poverty, receiving an unpleasant body colour, inability to use col ected wealth according to the wil . For the high hatred; results are becoming unpleasant to others, becoming ugly and receiving dangerous sicknesses like leukaemia. For the wrong view; results are becoming less intel igent, receiving no proper sanity, receiving sicknesses that cannot be healed, bewilderment in death moment. There are 3 types of wrong views.

They are; Causeless view, inaction view, nihilism/annihilationism view.

The person who has a causeless view thinks “there is no cause to the purity of a being or to the impurity of a being. The purification or freedom or supreme enlightenment happens automatical y without a cause”. The person who has an inaction view thinks “there is nothing as merit, there is nothing as sin, there is nothing as karma, there is no result of karma, a karma does not have an effect”. The person who has a nihilism/annihilationism view thinks “there is no karma, there are no special things as merits, there are no special things as sins, there is no result in doing meritorious activities and sinful activities, there is no special person as mother, there is no special person as the father, there are no spontaneous beings, there are no sages who came to supreme enlightenment about the universe and preach it to the world, beings do not come to this world from another world, beings do not come to this life from another life, we have only one life, there is no after-death life, there is no reincarnation”.

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Is eating meat a sin? No. What becomes a sin is if the action was done with 3 roots of demerits. Also known as 3 roots of sins. If any action by mind, by speech, by body was done with 3 roots of demerits it becomes a sin. This is the nature. This is a mechanism of the universe.

The 3 roots of demerits are love, hatred, ignorance. However, I should tel you another thing. Some people not eating meat and showing mercy to animals, harass and hate other people who eat meat. By doing so, those vegetarian people col ect a high sin because the birth consciousness of any human being no matter how sinful he is, it is extremely higher than animals. The birth consciousness of animals is very weak. And also not eating meat is not a virtue or a virtue precept.

And also because of the arrogance of such vegetarian people; they col ect another sin. As they think and state, a world without production of meat is not a reality. Also, I should mention, Sages eat whatever is received to the begging-bowl. A piece of meat is only a form. A col ection of 5 elements only. That died living being has born somewhere in the universe already. When a sage goes to a house of a hunter when the hunter gives only a piece of meat, sages do not refuse it. It is just a food that supplies energy to the body. A food bal means an energy bal . When the Lord Buddha accepted meat by the army commander general Siha at his house, the fol owers of Jainism and the Jain prophet protested on every road saying “look! a sage accepts meat!”. After hearing their actions the Lord Buddha said an incident that happened in a past life between him and the man who is now born as the Jain prophet. At that life, the Lord Buddha was a hermit, a rishi. Jain prophet was a layman. One day when the hermit came to the vil age for alms with his begging bowl, he also went to the house of that man. That man having seen the hermit, thought to annoy the hermit. Thereafter he invited the hermit into his house and gave a chair to sit. When the hermit sat, he fil ed the begging bowl by meat and told this to the hermit; “O holy rishi, I know you come for begging alms. So I went to the forest and kil ed some animals. Here is that meat.

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Now when you eat this meat you too receive that sin. Let’s share our sins, holy sir”. He told like this to the hermit. The hermit then replied to him as fol ows. “Such a thing does not happen. The sin of kil ing animals is only for you. Even if you kil your wife and children and give that meat to eat to me, I eat that food with a loving-kindness mind.

Nothing happens to me”. After replying like this the hermit came out of his house with the meat he offered in his begging bowl. Understand the reality that such an action does not add sinful karmas into your consciousness element. Eating meat is not a sin. Sages eat meat. That is nothing but a portion of food for them.

If someone is a wise but poor man what may be his karmas? He became a human being to spend previous meritorious karmas did according to 5 components virtue. Powered by the virtue precept merits; he received a human body. He became wise due to going to virtuous sages, priests, teachers, wise men and learning from them what is correct and what is wrong without having arrogance. He became wise because he taught what he knows to others. He became wise because he did not become jealous about other people’s education. He became wise because he helped others with their education. He became wise because he did not insult others as “fools, fools” by arrogance. He became poor because he did not practice giving. He became poor because he disturbed others who practice giving. He became poor because he did the stealing. He became poor because he was jealous of other people. I said to you many reasons students.

If someone is a learned but a sick man what karmas are spending by him now? He became a human being to spend previous meritorious karmas did according to 5 components virtue. He became wise due to going to virtuous sages, priests, teachers, wise men and learning from them what is correct and what is wrong without having arrogance. He

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became wise because he taught what he know to others. He became wise because he did not envy at other people’s education. He became wise because he helped others for their education needs. He became wise because he did not insult others as “fools, fools” by arrogance.

But he became sick due to karmas related to harming or kil ing other beings.

What are the karmas of a skinny dog who get foods to eat rarely?

Right now the dog is not spending karmas related to the 5 components virtue. Not protecting 5 components virtue made him a dog. It got a dog body. Also, high arrogance made him a dog. It finds food rarely because he did not practice giving, he disturbed others who practice giving, due to stealing, and because he was jealous of other people. It did such karmas when it was a man in a human world.

What are the karmas of a dog who lives in a luxury house? Right now the dog is not spending karmas related to the 5 components virtue.

Not protecting 5 components virtue made him a dog. High arrogance made him a dog. It lives in a luxurious house because he did practice gifting, he did not disturb others who were practicing giving, due to not stealing, and because he was not jealous of other people. It did such karmas when it was a man in a human world in a past life.

What karmas are currently spending by a lion? Right now lion is not spending karmas related to 5 components virtue. Not protecting 5

components virtue made him a lion. But it became the king of the forest and feel no fear of other beings and received a majestic nature because he did practice gifting, he did not disturb others who were practicing giving, due to not stealing, and because he was not jealous of other people. It did such karmas when it was a man in a human world.

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What is the reason for various people to be born in various countries or in various environments on earth? This is related to karma. Karmas

– formations decide the appropriate environment for the consciousness element in the universe. Then karmas give a birth there and receive perceptions and sensations according to the formations.

(Birth-consciousness which is the first consciousness in any life is always created by a single karma. Also, the birth-consciousness is always a mind consciousness element without contacting 5 sense organs. And one consciousness always takes one objective only. But the consciousnesses chain is so faster generating tril ions of consciousnesses in a second. In the future in consciousnesses chain; it gets to feel various other karmas did in the past) What karmas are currently spending by a lion in the zoo? Right now lion is not spending karmas related to 5 components virtue. Not protecting 5 components virtue made him a lion. But it became the king of the forest and feel no fear at other beings and received a majestic nature because he did practice gifting, he did not disturb others who were practicing giving, due to not stealing and because he was not jealous of other people. But he limited others. You may not understand what I said by he limited others. I wil show you an example. Let’s think there is a businessman who do not protect 5

components virtue but practice giving and doing charity. And in his businesses and companies he makes no holidays for his employees, he limits the freedom of his servants in various ways. Such a person may be a lion in the zoo. Because he limited the freedom of others he lost the freedom in the lion life. It did such formations when it was a man in a human world in a past life.

What happens to a mother or a father who unnecessarily harasses his or her children with a hateful mind? Due to their own sinful karmas

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that mother or father wil not receive children in their next lives. That is the main effect such a karma gives. They wil not come to happiness by seeing their own children. They wil be childless in many future lives.

Do everything happens according to karmas? No. But birth consciousness and more than 95% of things in a life of a living being are due to karma. Some things like profession are certainly decided by karma. Also, the environment is certainly decided by karma.

What about a human being who lives in a desert country that has a harsh climate? Certainly, he is a person who destroyed nature in a previous life. A living being even believed it or not adds formations to his consciousness element by bodily actions, verbal actions, and by mental actions. Motive attribute of consciousness element is what becomes a karma when associated with either 3 roots of merits or 3

roots of sins. These 3 roots of merits category and 3 roots of sins category are also various attributes of consciousness element. The motive if does not associate with the above 6 attributes of consciousness element in the consciousness element; then it becomes only an empty action that gives no effect in the future. An example of such an action is walking.

What are the meritorious karma effects of giving water? Al giving aways – al giftings give life span, beauty, pleasure, power and wisdom typical y. However, some giftings give special effects too. Special karma effects of giving water are; not receiving mental and physical burning sensations, receiving activeness, receiving water wherever he is.

What are the meritorious karma effects of giving light? Special karma effects of giving light are; receiving light, receiving good eyes, receiving majesty, receiving the divine eye, receiving intel igence.

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What are the meritorious karma effects of giving belts? Special karma effects of giving belts are; receiving various meditative levels, receiving the charming of trances, receiving friends that cannot be separated by others, others trusting the words of him, receiving a good sanity.

What are the meritorious karma effects of giving a needle? Special karma effects of giving needles are; receiving no suspiciousness, receiving a none-distorted body that has limbs correctly, receiving wealth, receiving a superior deep penetrating intel igence.

What are the meritorious karma effects of giving umbrel as? Special karma effects of giving umbrel as are; not getting hurt by heat and cold, receiving a fine skin that does not get smeared by dirt easily, receiving the honour of others, receiving a birth in a high cast of a high family such as royals, receiving a good mind.

What are the meritorious karma effects of giving garments? Special karma effects of giving garments or cloths are; receiving various good garments, receiving a beautiful skin, receiving a beautiful body, receiving a fine skin that does not get smeared by dirt easily, receiving discipline over sense organs, receiving shame attribute of consciousness element. If the gave thing is a robe to an ascetic he also receives a chance to become an ascetic.

What are the meritorious karma effects of giving food? Giving food wil give almost everything to the giver. Special karma effect of giving food is receiving power. Those who want power, should give foods.

What are the meritorious karma effects of giving a house? Giving a house is equal to giving everything. So he wil receive al the necessary things. Those who want al material things, should gift houses with equipments.

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What are the meritorious karma effects of giving a medicine? Special karma effects of giving medicines are; receiving courage, receiving bodily pleasure, receiving mental pleasure, receiving protection from dangers, not receiving the grief of separation from dear ones, receiving good health or not becoming sick.

What are the meritorious karma effects of giving nice scents? Special karma effects of giving nice scents are; receiving good scents, receiving a wide famousness, receiving a super intel igence that realizes things instantly, coming pleasant things to him, he becoming pleasant to others.

What are the meritorious karma effects of giving crutches? Special meritorious karma effects of giving crutches are; receiving many sons, not receiving fear and intimidation, receiving al protections, receiving the inability to be overpowered by force by others, receiving many helps when he needs a help.

What are the meritorious karma effects of giving shoes? Special meritorious karma effects of giving shoes are; wherever he is – he receives the traveling comfort to go to the destination he wishes, receiving various comfortable shoes, not receiving sicknesses like paralysis, receiving comfortable vehicles, receiving supernatural powers if he someday become an ascetic due to another meritorious karma.

If I am angry for a smal time what wil be my karma? It may be a cut on your finger or a smal injury that causes bleeding. The effect depends upon the motive.

In how many lives karma gives its effect? It cannot be said exactly. It depends upon the givers and receiver’s greatness of consciousness elements. A high powerful karma wil give its results in 100000 great kalpas. Even in one great kalpa normal y a being wil have lives of more

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than a mil ion. Even giving food to an animal gives effects approximately in 100 folds. The subject of karma is one of the 5

subjects that one should not think too much about. Only a reverend Omniscient One can know it ful y. Because if another person thinks too much; there is a probability of he becoming insane. Omniscient Buddha himself has told about it.

One sees some ants in a sink and he knows if he washes dishes the ants wil die, also he is unable to save the ants. Wil he commit a sin when washing dishes? No. Because his intentions are for washing dishes but not for kil ing ants. Karma happens due to intention only.

How do the Sujata’s alms giving and Cunda’s alms giving give equal high results? Because the Buddha’s consciousness element attained many various trances and attainments after Buddha ate that food. Due to the power of attained various trances and special attainments in those 2 days the, Buddha’s consciousness element became extremely powerful than on other days.

On Black Magic:

Is black magic true? Yes, it is true. Black magic is a real thing.

What are the meanings of the pentacle used in black magic? In Black magic, the five corners of the pentacle represent the earth element, water element, fire element, air element, and the invisible inhuman being.

In Black Magic why do wizards and witches use blood and the name of the enemy or some thread or a piece of cloth used by the enemy?

The inhuman being who goes for the mission needs a gift. Blood is the gift. The inhuman eats the smel of blood. The name or thread or a piece of cloth that was used by the enemy is for the identification of the target by the inhuman being.

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Holy sir, how much of sinful karma is col ected by a person who harms others by using black magic? It is a sin. They wil be born in 4

categories of hel worlds to pay for their sins. Also using black magic is involved with other dangers. Taking a help from an inhuman being is like taking a help from a mafia member. Or it is like taking a help from a tiger or a venomous serpent. The person who took the help from inhuman beings wil be used on various things by inhuman beings. Also at the death bed when that wizard or witch dies, these inhuman beings wil appear to him or her and take him or her to their world. Inhumans know that when his or her final thought was placed on inhuman world, then after the death, certainly he or she comes to live with inhumans in equal form like them. Then inhuman beings make him or her a servant of them in the ghost world. Black magic is something often practiced by many sinful women. It is extremely dangerous living with these inhumans and taking their help. Inhumans are not like gods or goddesses. Inhumans have no fear or shame for doing sins. When these inhumans were human beings in their previous lives, that was the same nature of them. As humans they did sins. Now also they do sins. After this life because of their high sins; they go to great hel worlds from current living world.

If black magic is true, can you tel us how black magic works? Black magic is a secret art. A secret science. A dark art. Often those books which contain methods of black magic are cal ed book of Shadows or use another similar name. Do you understand what is the meaning of shadow here. A shadow is an inhuman being. But some wizards and witches even do not know about it properly. Black magic uses inhuman beings by gifting them blood, meat, dead body parts, women’s menstruation dirt or fragrances for revengeful purposes. These are foods of most inhuman beings. They eat the fine odour that comes from those gifts. Black magic is an art that manipulates living beings of

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invisible worlds, invisible planes and takes their help to manipulate actions in visible world.

Can a charm powered by black magic damage the way of thinking of a person? Yes. It is possible. Black magic can influence a person’s mind.

This is done in an indirect way because it is not possible to contact the mind by an inhuman. However, as fire has water for its cessation, there are ways for the cessation of the power of black magic. Concentration and wisdom meditations are such a way. The man who practices a concentration meditation can save himself from black magic and inhuman beings.

How does black magic manipulate the human mind? It happens when the wizard or witch gave the gift to the invisible inhuman being with a command. Then the inhuman being goes to the man that he should manipulate and give his body various pain. Inhumans can see our human plane because our plane is grosser than their plane. By giving various pains to the body of the human man and also changing the environment around him and also manipulating events; that inhuman being manipulates the mind of a human man. By using these indirect methods; the inhuman being tries to accomplish his mission that was commanded by the wizard or witch. If someone knows how to live without getting affected by these external things; he cannot be manipulated by inhumans. An example is a yogi.

How can we live without getting attacked by black magic? It is a good question that you asked me. Water causes the fire to extinct. The medicine causes the sickness to heal. Food causes the hunger to extinct. Like that, everything has an opposite thing in the universe. Do as much as meritorious karmas. Give those merits to tree gods, gods in that area, and to al other gods. Say may the gods wil take my merits.

Then gods help you in essential times by being grateful. Be highly virtues. Then primary gods give the security that they can give in the

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invisible worlds. Gods live in more finer planes than inhumans. Practice meditations. Do not take anger. Anger is something that inhuman beings love to see. Especial y practice loving-kindness concentration meditation. Spread loving-kindness in al 10 directions. Practice it often.

Then inhuman beings dislike to attack you. They neglect if some wizard or a witch gave a command to attack you. If your loving-kindness meditation is extremely powerful, then maybe inhuman beings instead of attacking you, they wil attack the person who gave that sinful command by using black magic. Touch the consciousnesses of inhuman beings by your loving-kindness thoughts. Then they give you back loving-kindness to you. And they cannot come in front of you with a hateful thought.

What is the danger of reading black magic books? There are dangers.

The first danger is the reader’s mind inclines to sinful actions. The second danger is the reader can harm himself or herself. I wil tel you a true story to understand what I am showing you. Once a girl who was in her twenties did read a black magic book containing spel s and various other things related to black magic. Then one day she uttered a spel that was in the book and went to sleep. She was in her room.

Suddenly when she was on the bed she felt something entered into her or something fel on her and then immediately went away.

However, she slept in that night. When she waked in the morning she discovered that smal papers and some smal lite garbage attracts to her body as they come by the wind. Like a magnet attracts iron nails.

She could not stop this no matter what she did. Later she went to a Buddhist monk with her mother and father and somehow he cured her ful y. What was happened in this incident is when she finished uttering the black magic spel , an invisible inhuman being took possession of her body. These are the dangers of reading black magic books.

What things can happen to the body of a man if a demon took possession? If a demon took possession of a human being these 4

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things can be seen typical y. They are; hardness of body, excess of water, heat, and lightness of movement.

Then, where wil be the consciousness element of that man? If a demon took possession then the human man’s consciousness element comes and stays in a tiny area in the middle of the heart associating with the blood in the heart.

How many types of inhumans are there? There are many types of inhuman beings. I can name a few; ghosts, demons, spirits, goblins, gnomes, devils, fiends. Gods of darkness is a synonym for inhuman beings. Inhuman planes are either completely darkness fil ed or have less light conditions. The term gods of darkness is often mentioned in Black Magic Grimoires.

How to recognize if someone is attacked by a black magic charm or any other method related to dark magics? Such a person shows signs like; in his life time he has become sick due to a skin disease or has got a skin rash, there is a high heat around his stomach area, a hotness comes out from his mouth, sometimes when he walks he feels hard to move properly or the leg moves not to the intended place, anger comes to his mind without a proper reason, he becomes angry often, when he tries to go out from the house he feels a weird bodily pain, weird sounds come from his stomach, without a proper reason he dislikes his own house or staying place, he feels a stomach ache often, he may easily become sick, his body has a high heat, he feels a heavy sleepiness often, he feels a high abnormal weakness, his mind is always restless, he gets tired easily, he feels fear in front of humans or crowds, he dislikes to see others, in front of others he feels like he is trembling, when he walks he feels like he is going to fal , he has less memory, other people dislike him without a proper reason, he receives only bad luck in his many actions, sometimes he cannot understand his surroundings or sayings of other people clearly, he gets high lustful

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thoughts, he feels high lust, he feels he wants to awake in night, he may sleep in the noon often, he cannot think clearly, he feels no enthusiasm, he feels he cannot make a proper decision, he may like to eat meat often, he cannot concentrate his mind easily, he feels he is not in control of his own body, his mouth may stink, he becomes active when night comes, he feels no happiness, his mind troubles him, his tiredness has no reasons, he feels like he wants to go somewhere, if he faces an easy exam which is very sure about good results then he receives bad results only, he feels a weird feeling always like he needs to go to the toilet, he has to go to the toilet often, his mind likes darkness, he loves the darkness, he may sometimes show the behavior of an insane man. These signs signify if he is attacked by a charm that is powered by black magic and invisible inhuman being. Black magic almost always takes the help of invisible inhuman beings. The charm is created either by using blood or impurities that come out from vagina of a woman. These are main ingredients. Also, mix with other dirt.

Sometimes they use a body hair or a head hair or a thread from a cloth that belongs to him. And often gives to a person through a food. Such charms with black magic are often done by enemies, jealous relatives, jealous neighbors, and women. Indeed it is often women who are almost always behind a black magic charm or hex. These charms are poisonous. Also, they stuck inside the stomach. These charms are often used to harm or to take revenge or to manipulate or to destroy his ability of working or thinking. Those people who use black magic are great sinners.

On Medicines:

Holy sir, can you tel us a medicine to remove a black magic charm which is inside the stomach? Okay. If signs signify such a problem, then you should drink fine sandless mud by liquefying it with water.

The best fine pure mud for this medicine is the mud stuck to the furrow or plough. Drink continuously for 7 days til it gets removed

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from the body. You can create this medicine at your home. Take some soil from your garden. Then fil half of a vessel with that soil. Then add some water. Then mix them wel by using your finger. Put your finger into it and draw lines in it, mix up wel . Al types of big or smal stones and things like tree roots should be removed from the vessel. Then keep it closed for a smal time. Now, most of the heavy mud has gone deeper and fine mud is staying on the surface level. Now get a cup, fil with water and then put your finger into the mud vessel and take creamy fine sandless mud by your finger and then put your finger into the water cup. Liquefy the mud into the water. And drink that water.

For 7 days. The tiny earth element particles wil remove the black magic charm in your stomach. I recommend taking one litre per day.

And also to strengthen the weak body; start using the medicine of sages after 7 days of using this medicine. Another thing I should mention is nowadays many people take medication for mental sicknesses. But half of the amount of them do not have a mental sickness but they are attacked by an enemy by using black magic or by an inhuman being who is hateful. They do not have mental sicknesses.

Also, a mental sickness can only be properly healed by a mental medicine, not by using physical medications. If something can be healed by resetting a physical thing, isn’t that sickness a physical sickness then. But also it is true that; according to body – mind works.

And according to mind – body works.

What is the medicine of sages? Okay, I wil give it too. If you have a very great pain in your body or if you are unhealthy; use the finest medicine of rishis, sages. This is it. After you slept when you wake up in the early morning the urine you out is the medicine of sages. This is how you need to use it, drink neither the first part nor the final part.

Drink from the middle part, not more than 3 mouthfuls. You need to know the reasons. That is, because the first part cleans the urine tube you should not drink that part. The final part includes wasted particles,

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so do not use it too. It is the middle part which is clean. You can use the medicine of rishis for many sicknesses. This is a very powerful medicine. Use with faith. This is a panacea. For example, say you have a tooth disease, then keep urine in your mouth like 10 to 20 minutes.

Do this for several days. More the time, it is better. You can use this medicine in various ways. It is also okay to rub this medicine outside of your skin if you have a skin disease. Use this wisely. You can use this medicine everyday. Another benefit of this medicine is it strengthen the body. If you use this everyday; you wil not be sick. This medicine is the greatest medicine of al medicines. This is the panacea.

There are some of my friends who are addicted to masturbation while watching porn videos. Do you have any message for them for their goodness? Semen is the very essence of the foods and drinks we take. 1 drop of semen is made of 40 drops of pure blood. 45.2 litres of nutritious foods produce 1.1 litres of pure blood. That amount of blood produces 23.3 mil ilitres of semen. And every enjoyment of having sex means a loss of 17.4 mil ilitres of pure semen. Now it must be clear how irreparable loss you do to your body. This is a scene saw by the divine eye. It contains no fault. Too much sexual enjoyment steals your body strength. It makes your body weak. Know that. Also, porn videos are like a mirage. Do not be a fool. Strengthen your karma on dispassion by col ecting merits related to dispassion.

Can you give us a powerful natural medicine to improve our memory and intel igence? Okay. I wil give you a medicine that improves not only memory and intel igence but also concentration and immune system and unblocks nerves and heals nerves. To prepare this medicine you need the fol owing ingredients. They are; Almond seeds in 600 grams, dates in 1 kilogramme, ginger in 200 grams, pure bee honey in 300 mililitres and pure olive oil in 300 mililitres. This is how you should prepare the medicine. Firstly you should crumble almond

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seeds or should make almond seeds like a powder. Secondly should remove the seeds in the dates. When removing seeds of dates you must be careful about not giving them any water or wetness. Thirdly you should crumble ginger or make a powder of ginger. Now take a vessel and first put dates and then almond and ginger into it and mix wel . Be careful not to let enter any water drop or a wetness.

Thereafter add bee honey and olive oil into the mixture. Now close the vessel tightly without letting in any moisture or air and keep it in a dry place for 40 days. After 40 days open up the vessel and start eating 2

tablespoons of the medicine 1 hour before you take the breakfast. I advise you to continuously take this medicine for 3 months for great results. There is no problem even if you use this medicine in your whole life.

Can you teach us another good medicine that we can use daily for good health? Okay, I understand what you are asking for. This medicine now I give to you is a good medicine that improves strength, durability and reacting against poisonous chemicals in the body. Take these 4 ingredients in equal amounts. They are; ghee, butter, either honey or jaggery or sugar made from sugar cane plant and bee honey.

Put al these into an air tight container and mix wel . Moisture must not go inside. Do not use a wet spoon for mixing. This mixture is that medicine. Once created you can keep it for a very long time. It is not necessary to use a refrigerator. Must use genuine ghee and bee honey.

If do not use genuine ingredients; this medicine cannot be kept for a long time. In the morning, before the breakfast, take only 2 table spoons of this medicine daily. Never overdose this medicine. Overdosing this medicine may harm the body. After taking this medicine you must drink a cup of hot water. This medicine is cal ed ‘Chathu Madhura’. Also, this wil prevent you from some other il nesses.

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I have asthma. Can you teach us another natural medicine for asthma?

If you have asthma drink goat milk daily. Asthma wil be gone. Never to return.

What is the medicine for indigestion? Water is the medicine for indigestion. Drink more water.

What is your advice to a man who is addicted to alcohol? Tel him to go to an asylum and look at people who do various things by insanity.

It is the thing that happens to him as the minimum effect of drug addiction when he came back to a human world from 4 categories of hel worlds. Not in one life but in thousands of lives. Those al insane people he sees did that same thing he is doing now. After living a very long time in 4 categories of hel worlds; now they are in this asylum.

What is the importance of a strong body? Because body and mind are interconnected, if the body is weak, the mind cannot be strong. You cannot develop wil power. Therefore developing a strong body and establishing a sound physical health is an important duty. Any hard work is possible only if your body is strong. Rishis advise a man to have a strong body.

On Gods:

Do gods exist in the universe? Yes. Gods exist. But none of them are almighty. Gods are nothing but living beings who did as much as meritorious karmas in their previous lives. They have luxurious mansions and vehicles. A chariot of gods works according to the mind of the driver god. Normal y one god has at least 100 goddesses. Semen is created in the bodies of gods. They have sex with goddesses.

Nevertheless, semen is not created in the bodies of brahmas and in the bodies of reverend Arahant monks. Because they live in dispassion in their entire lives.

How finer are the bodies of ghosts? They are very fine.

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How finer are the bodies of gods? Very fine. Finer than ghosts.

Who is a brahma god? They are brahmas. Brahma gods is a synonym.

They are a special type of gods who has finer forms, finer bodies than gods who live around earth or in 6 heaven worlds. Because of the exceeding fineness of their bodies; they have an extremely high life span. Also, the brahmas are extremely powerful than gods. Al brahmas have supernatural powers. Brahmas were either rishis or none-returners in their previous human life.

Are there animals in god worlds? Yes. There are heavenly animals in god worlds. But they are not like our animals. They are extremely beautiful. They have a high life span, high beauty, high pleasure, and high power. These divine animals are people who practised giving away too much but did not care about protecting at least 5

components virtue. But in brahma worlds, there are no animals.

Brahma worlds are pure worlds.

Can gods see brahmas? No. Bodies of brahmas are more finer than gods. Not even gods can see them. Also, their planes are different, finer and have a high distance between them. Because brahmas’

bodies are extremely fine; gods cannot see brahmas by their normal eyes.

Why there are 2 kinds of brahmas as form and formless? Form brahmas have a recognizable body. But formless brahmas do not have a recognizable body. Therefore they are cal ed formless brahmas or bodyless brahmas. The fact is, they have a body. Consciousness element cannot exist without a form. However, bodies of formless brahmas are extremely fine. Their bodies cannot be recognized. Only by using the divine eye one can see their bodies. Their bodies are extremely fine and are created like from a mist or a smoke. With that mist-like body; they continuously meditate from their moment of birth to their death. They are unaware of anything else. They are in

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meditation posture and never change that posture til their death. That is their birth posture. They are spontaneous beings. They cannot do any other action besides the meditating. Also, they have no idea about their form and their world. Their consciousness element is always concentrated on the formless meditative level. And because of the extreme fineness of their bodies; they have the longest life spans in the universe.

In some photos we take, we see abnormal lights, what are they? On earth’s sphere, there live primary gods and inhuman beings who spread light from their bodies. Their bodies are il uminative. Light is a rare thing with inhumans. But al gods blazes in light. They are sometimes captured by cameras. That is the body light of them. That light’s most gross parts are captured by the camera. Like infrared light.

But other things cannot be captured. The more finer parts cannot be captured by a human camera. Only by the divine eye one can see them perfectly. I can also explain the creation process of such primary gods.

Let’s say there lives a person who does merits but an ayurvedic doctor who goes to forest for medicine plants or a furniture maker who searches for the core of any tree. When such a person comes to death most likely his final thought wil be about a tree. Then instantly he dies and is born as a primary god in such a tree. He lives in a tree thinking this is mine. They are cal ed tree gods.

Can we have some help from a tree god? It is possible. If you want a help from a tree god first thing is you should be a virtuous person by your normal nature. You cannot deceive a tree god. Then resolve 5

virtue precepts of lay men and start protecting precepts. Now go to a forest or an area where there is a huge tree that makes you feel “in this entire area this is the king of trees”. Normal y such trees are the residence of a powerful god who has dominance over other tree gods who are living in that area. Then when you found the correct tree go to that tree. Clean around that tree if you can. You should first make the

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mind of the tree god happy. Then give a food to an animal in front of him. Thereafter go to the tree and knock the trunk of the tree respectful y 3 times and say “benevolent tree god! I am while protecting 5 virtue precepts gave foods to an animal. You take al merits, meritorious karmas I col ected from this action. And please help me”. Then tel your problem to the tree. Do this continuously for 7 days and the tree god wil definitely help you. If you suspect you are under a black magic attack, you can seek the help of tree gods.

How to be a god? Fol ow the doctrine of gods also known as theology.

Which is; the shame for doing sins and the fear for doing sins. This is the doctrine of gods. Those who fol ow theology are sons of gods.

How to be a brahma? Attain form plane meditative levels or formless meditative levels. Also keep them with you without losing the ability to attain, til your death. I wil tel you simply like this. If you want to be a god; practice correct theology which is the fear for doing sins and shame for doing sins. If you want to be a brahma; practice concentration meditations and attain form and formless trances. If you want to vanish from the universe and to end al woes; practice wisdom meditations and touch the extinction of existence element.

Can you show anything to prove the existence of invisible living beings? Okay, I wil teach you an experiment. Do you see the light over there. That is a form. A form means it is created by 5 elements. Which are; the earth element, the liquid element, the heat element, the air element, and the space element. Now that light over there is visible to our eyes. Why. Because it is gross enough to be captured by our eyes.

But do you think our eyes can capture al the lights in the universe. Do you believe that there exist lights which our eyes cannot capture. Yes, there exist lights that our eyes cannot capture. The lights which are more fine. Finer than the range which our eyes can capture. That

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means that form is finer. I now tel an experiment. When you went the home take your TV remote control er. On the head of that TV remote control er you wil see a transparent LED bulb like thing. Keep pressing volume up button and watch the LED at the top of the TV remote control er. You wil see nothing. Certainly. But take your mobile phone and open the camera app. Do what you did the same as before. But this time watch the LED bulb at the top of the TV remote control er through the mobile phone camera. Now you wil see a light. When this happens you may come to the conclusion of the existence of other invisible worlds. That light you see is existing in the invisible world. You can never see that Infrared light by your normal eyes. Because that light form is finer than our world plane. Another thing I should mention is your mobile phone antenna can recognize mobile tower signals. But can you recognize those signals around you. If someone who never saw a mobile phone comes and says to you there exists nothing as mobile phone signals, is he correct. Therefore know that if anyone on earth refuses and does not accept the existence of invisible worlds and invisible beings because he cannot see or recognize; he is nothing but a fool. This same principle applies to the divine eye and al other invisible things.

What are the 6 heaven worlds where live gods? The sphere of 4 god kings also known as Chathummaharajikaya, the sphere of 33 god kings also known as Thavathinsaya – god king Shakra is the emperor here, the Yamaya heaven world – the god king Suyama rules this world, the Thusitha heaven world – the god king Santhusitha rules this world, the Nimmanarathi heaven world – here gods has many supernatural powers. They create what they want and take pleasure from it. For an example, if they want some special god or a goddess as a lover they create him or her and have pleasures as they want. The god king

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Sunimmitha rules this world. The final and most luxurious and most finer heaven world is Paranimmitha Wasawaththi. This world is ruled by god king Wasawarthi. God prince sinful Mara also lives there. Here gods are the most powerful gods in al heaven worlds. No other god in lower heaven worlds can see them. They have the finest bodies among other gods. The above gods and goddesses who live in heaven worlds are not primary gods and goddesses who live on earth or around the earth atmosphere. Also, I should mention no god is finer than a brahma. Okay. I taught you the heaven worlds systematical y according to their body fineness.

In god worlds do gods become jealous of other more powerful gods?

Yes. They become jealous. Sometimes the high jealousy cannot be tolerated by their fine light-like bodies and they instantly die due to the jealousy or hatred. Also, there are another type of gods who dies instantly when they forgot to take their food. They forget food time sometimes when they play without sanity. And their fine bodies cannot tolerate the loss of food for a long time, then they instantly die.

The body vanishes without a remainder.

Are gods capable of changing their own bodies? Yes. Gods are capable of changing their own form. They have that supernatural power by birth.

What is the life of a god and a goddess? To be a god one should add high meritorious karmas into his consciousness element. I wil tel you about a life of a god world named Thavathinsaya. In any god world; no woman can be a god king. A god king cannot be kil ed by enemies. He has the command over the god world til his death. Sometimes it can be changed due to an attack of another god king. Even then these gods cannot be kil ed. Gods are spontaneous beings. Gods have mansions.

They either be born in empty mansions or receives a mansion with birth. I can show you an example for your understanding. Gods are

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born like extremely beautiful 20 years old young men. Goddesses are born like 16 years old extremely beautiful young girls. The beauty of gods and goddesses is unthinkable, unimaginable to a human being.

This what I said is an example only. When a god becomes spontaneously; he receives garments, jewel eries, crowns, and al else instantly at the moment of his birth. They have very fine bodies. Due to the fineness of their bodies, they are invisible to us and have a very long life span. These female goddesses only live in god worlds. There are no women in brahma worlds. Al brahmas are men. Gods and goddesses live in passions. But brahmas live in complete dispassion.

Gods and goddesses behave as groups. Brahmas behave in solitude.

They either walk alone or sit alone and attain and stay in meditative levels. They do not even waste their time by talking with another brahma. If they talk to another brahma, it is always because of an important thing. Otherwise talking is rare among brahmas. But gods and goddesses are playful. They even have sex with each other. One god has at least 100 goddesses. These goddesses have no trouble on bearing children. Al garments or anything of gods and goddesses; never become unclean. Heaven worlds are always fil ed with bright light. Gods and goddesses have the supernatural power of changing their form. They have divine foods. Also, they have a limited type of divine eye that can show past upto 7 lives or future upto 7 lives. Also, their divine eye can see distant things. They get a divine eye by birth and it is not as powerful as the divine eye distinctive intel igence or the divine eye of a brahma. Also, their normal eye can penetrate wal s.

Also, they can do mind reading. Also, they have teleportation. When they ate that their divine foods, they are absorbed completely by nerves, by bodies, and nothing is left as excrements. Their bodies have no such problems as us humans. Another thing I should mention, there is another thing if a god thinks about a particular food he instantly receives that food's flavour. There is nothing for them as going to a shop and buying a food. What they think is received to them instantly.

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Also, vehicles of gods work according to their minds. The extreme pleasures of these heaven worlds are unimaginable. Unthinkable. If one compares the pleasure of a human emperor with a servant god of a high god; the human emperor’s pleasure is like a smal pebble and the pleasure of that servant god is like this great earth. Now understand the difference between us and them. Al god worlds have parks and various places for fun. What they often do is playing with each other or loving each other or playing with musical instrument that they like or do any kind of fun activities. Because they do not need to do a job like us humans. Celestial worlds of gods are fun worlds.

What they want is instantly received. Also, gods and goddesses in high heaven worlds have superior supernatural powers compared to lower-level gods. By those powers, they can create mansions as they like, lovers as they like, other various things as they like. And they take pleasure from created things by supernatural powers. Lower heaven worlds gods and goddesses who do not have that supernatural powers have to take pleasure from things which they received at the moment of their birth. If you acquire the distinctive intel igence of the divine eye; you can see the truth.

Do aliens exist? Yes, aliens exist. There are extraterrestrial worlds. It is possible to see them by using divine eye intel igence.

How developed are their technologies? The technology of some alien worlds is higher. Some are lower than us. It is true that they have high-speed ships.

Can some highly developed aliens influence our earth with their technology? Yes. There is a probability. It is a possible thing.

On Ghosts:

Is it true. Do invisible beings protect human beings? Yes. Primary gods around the earth and inhuman beings normal y protect those who are dear to them. Often they are mother or father in a previous life or in

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this present life of the human being. Or grandparents. Also, they may be dead any relative who had a connection to the human being in this present life or in a past life.

Are there ghost animals such as ghost cats? Yes. There are ghost animal kingdoms and there are even ghost mosquitos.

At what times ghosts become active? Al most al inhumans love darkness. Therefore they are natural y active at the night.

What is meant by the word “world”? What blemishes, what comes to destruction, what gets damaging; is the world. The eye blemishes, comes to destruction, gets damaging. Forms, the eye consciousness, the touch, contact of eye, any good or bad sensation due to the touch, formations, perceptions, consciousness; blemishes, comes to destruction, gets damaging. It is the world. Also in a simple way, I can say as; the place that happens unthinkable things is cal ed the world.

How a spontaneous being is created? The universe is vast. In the universe everywhere are these 4 elements which are the earth element, liquid element, heat element and air element. Now let’s think an animal becomes a ghost. Then animal's consciousness goes from here to an environment of a ghost world which means a place where ghosts live. A place where ghosts receive appropriate sensations according to their karmas. And in that place because of the extreme power of consciousness element and its karmas; 4 elements around that area becomes like a cyclone and circulating around the consciousness element creates the form of the ghost. These things happen instantly. It is an extremely unthinkable speed. That is why it happens like instantly. As we place an object in front of a mirror and then instantly mirror shows its image; these spontaneous beings are created instantly with a complete grown body, with al limbs. Only a person with the divine eye can see this. Consciousness is like a power, an energy, a speed. Something like AC current if I can show as an

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example. But electricity is created by heat element and other 3

elements. That is why we feel the electricity to our limbs. Truth is; there is nothing in the visible world to compare to the consciousness element. Truly consciousness element is a speed.

Is it possible due to a ghost, one may not improve his health? Yes, it happens. It is possible. For example, a ghost may lick an injury of a human being every day. Then the wound wil not heal.

Is it true inhuman beings do not like it if a man acquires psychic powers? Yes. Inhuman beings are very jealous if a man obtains supernormal powers. Special y they are afraid if a human can see how and where they live by divine eye. Therefore they sometimes disturb a human being who tries to go forth on the spiritual path. But why we humans should care about these inhuman beings and their thoughts.

We must do what we should do because we are stronger than them.

Never show fear to ghosts and other inhumans. Fear tactics are their greatest weapons.

Are these al human beings were humans in their past life too? No.

Not at al . Most people come from hel worlds into a womb. Most people come from ghost worlds into a womb. Most people come from animal worlds, they were insects, worms, birds, ants, and various other animals. Most people come from Asura inhuman worlds into a womb.

Their consciousness element came into a human woman’s womb. Very few humans come back again into a human woman’s womb. An extremely few gods and brahmas come into a human woman’s womb.

So the being who came from a hel world shows the nature of his previous life style, because of the long time he spent in that world now somethings have become like habits. Such a human wil show a wil ingness to fire, high anger, and wil ingness to sinful actions. A being who came from a ghost world wil show habits like wil ingness to darkness and high greed or passion. A being who became a human

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coming from an animal world wil show habits he formed in that world.

In the world’s entire population; it is extremely a few amounts of humans who became humans coming from al human worlds, god worlds and brahma worlds. I calculated al beings together that came from al the above 3 categories of worlds. That is another reason to be this human world very distorted now. Earth’s human world’s environment is getting bit by bit bad, making it suitable for beings who have less merits to be born as human beings to become humans. Such humans do not have high human qualities. There is another thing I should mention. Children who were born after year 2000 have many distorted natures.

Can you tel us the size of an embryo? Okay, put a hair into an oil pot and take a tiny drop of oil. It is the size of the embryo. It was the size of your body before. And after some weeks there become 5 tiny muscles in the embryo. By those 5 tiny muscles one becomes the head, 2

muscles become hands and the other 2 muscles become legs. That was the nature of al human beings before they grow. And they have no idea about it later. Also, there is another thing that I should mention.

The size of the embryo at the time of consciousness element’s coming, is extremely micro. Then it can only be seen by using the divine eye.

Does a baby feel what the mother thinks? Yes. The baby is connected to the mother by umbilicus. What she eats goes to the baby by umbilicus. If she eats a spicy food that would hurt him. If she drinks extremely cold water that would hurt the baby. If she spends those days with lustful thoughts, that affect the mentality of the baby wrongly. Such a baby when grew up may have high lust – high lustful thoughts. If she spends those days with dharma that affects the mentality of the baby goodly.

There are some people who faced deadly accidents and survived.

Some of them say I saw a great white light, I saw a great yel ow light,

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I saw a great rose light. What is that? It is a divine perception shown by their own meritorious karmas. If they somehow died at that moment, their consciousness elements were ready to go to a god world. That means to receive a form of a god. That’s it.

On Friends:

What is the importance of having many friends? It is extremely important for lay people. Friends help us in our calamitous situations.

How to recognize real friends? It is a good question. I wil teach you a few things about friends. There are 4 types of bad friends. They are; the person who becomes a friend just to take something from you, the friend who only treats you by the words, the friend who agrees with other’s both bad actions and good actions, the helper to the hel .

These 4 are them. These are not real friends but they are disguised as real friends. The first one becomes a friend with you to take from you and not to give something to you or to give you a very smal thing and take something big from you. The second one treats you by words only.

If you asked him or her for something they wil tel you something like

“oh I could give it to you if you asked for it yesterday”. Such a disguised friend wil not give any real help to you but wil cover themselves by words. The third bad friend who poses like a real friend says yes to whatever you do. The fourth friend helps you only for sinful and wrong actions. He is unrighteous and helps you to be born in a hel world.

Now, you should abandon these 4 persons who are posing like real friends. If someone helps you in need, if someone stays with you equal y in your good and bad situations, if someone teaches you the path to progress, if someone has mercy for you; they are, there latter 4

are your real friends. The wise man associates with these 4 real friends.

If one gives to the friend things which are hard to give, if one does hard things for the friend, if tolerates wrong sayings said by the friend due to anger or mistakes, if tel s his secrets to the friend, if conceals secrets

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of a friend like his own, if does not abandon the friend in any calamity, if does not demean the friend because he is poor; if anybody has these 7 qualities; he should be associated with by the searchers for friends.

What are the signs of a fake friend? The fake friend signifies these characteristics. They are; when sees the other; the fake friend is unhappy, when the other talks; fake friend does not talk as an encouragement, the fake friend associates with the enemies of the other, when the other looks at him; the fake friend looks away, when the other talks; fake friend opposes, the fake friend does not associate with the real friends of other, when others blames to the friend; fake friend praises them, when others tel goodness of the friend; fake friend opposes or disturbs them, the fake friend does not tel his secrets to the other, the fake friend reveals the secrets of the other, the fake friend does not tel the goodness of other’s actions, the fake friend does not praise the intel igence of the other, the fake friend likes the decline of the other, the fake friend dislikes the progress of the other, when received some rare or a delicious food; the fake friend does not remember the other, when received something good; the fake friend does not think about the other as “it is better if my friend too receive this” by mercy – he has no mercy to the other. The fake friend has these 16 characteristics. The wise man seeing these characteristics; recognizes the fake friend.

How to recognize a silent enemy who poses as a friend? There are 4

signs. They are; when sees you he or she does not chat with you pleasingly – does not ask you how are you doing, on seeing you does not come a smile onto their faces, when sees you does not look at you pleasantly by bright eyes and on seeing you they are unhappy. These 4

signs signify the hatred in the mind, therefore the enmity.

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What is the danger of becoming an enemy of many? It is this, even the biggest elephant can be destroyed by a multitude of smal animals.

It is dangerous to be an enemy of many.

What are the effects of becoming a traitor to a friend? The great sinner who became a traitor to the friend receives skin rashes and skin diseases in this present life. Later, that sinner is born in a hel world. If one does not become a traitor to the friend; he receives many foods even though he is far away from his home, many people depend upon him, he is adored whatever country or wherever he goes, enemies do not attack him, even the king does not consider him as a low man, he overcome al his enemies, the man who is not a traitor to the friends goes out and listens to the talks of others talking about his goodness and comes back to the house with a happy mind, he becomes high among his relatives, if someone does not become a traitor to the friends, he by treating others; gets treated by others, if someone does not become a traitor to the friends, he by adoring others; gets adored by others, he receives many praises in front of him and receives a wide reputation, he comes to many companions. The sinful man who became a traitor to the friend, does not receive them.

What is the most dangerous threat to a friendship? It is listening to slanders. Do not listen to slanders.

On Wisdom:

Did you practice wisdom before you become an ascetic too? The worldly wisdom! Yes, I did. Not only that, I developed physical bodily strength. I wil share some information with you about my lay life. The life when I was a much younger person. A real man must have high body strength. It is a must. A man can easily acquire up to 3 times the strength of a woman if he has not a special sickness. He should know how to develop strength and endurance. Weight lifting is one good way to develop strength. Having a strong and healthy body is essential

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for a active wisdom. It was a part of my own self explorings into Intel igence. I wil show you some secrets that give wisdom and help to progress wisdom. A wise man must have providence. He must see a long-range, a long distance. This is the 1st mechanism of a wise man.

Before he does anything he should consider 4 things careful y. They are; the ability of his body strength, the ability of his knowledge, the ability of his power, and the ability of his Intel igence. If he lacks any of them, he should develop it to the necessary level, and then at the perfect time; he should act according to a careful y considered plan. This is the 2nd mechanism of a wise man. In order to be wise; a man should know nature and natural laws and also recal them often. He can armour him on this matter by learning scriptures and their teachings of wise ancient men and Dharma. This is the 3rd part of a wise man. Again, in order to be wise; have wel disciplined 6 sense organs. He can armour on this matter by avoiding what should be avoided like music, and by protecting virtue, and by practicing meditations. Things like music distract the mind and destroy sanity and wisdom. Even if one wants to listen to music; have sanity on its true nature and keep a limit. This is the 4th part of a wise man. Again, in order to be intel igent; see, learn the methods of other wise men, examine closely their paths. This is the 5th part of a wise man. Again, in order to be intel igent; behave in a middle ground neither becoming tough always nor becoming soft always. This is the 6th part of a wise man. Again, in order to be wise; do not overly attach to anything or any person. This is the 7th part of a wise man. Again, in order to be wise; avoid excessive thinking and be calm and be fearless. This is the 8th part of a wise man. Now there is a thing I should mention, one must not be fearless as a fool. Indeed there are things in the world that one must have fear of. Remember, scrutiny ends fear. A fool may be fearless due to his foolishness. I do not mention such a fearlessness here. Again, in order to be wise; have a healthy strong body. This is the 9th part of a man. Again, in order to be intel igent; learn to read people. Learn to read the minds of men

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and women. As an additional help, I wil tel you a few things. You can check a person by his or her past and present actions. See many areas of that person. That person may behave similarly in other areas too. By scrutinizing how did that person behave or does behave in many areas, many duties, and many actions of that person’s life; it is possible to know and calculate that person’s hidden nature and the way of dealings, methods of acting, and abilities. Knowing minds is a key thing for a wise man. This is the 10th part of a wise man. And again, in order to be wise; seek the counsel of other wise men. Take their advises. This is the 11th part of a wise man. And again, in order to be wise; one should learn many arts and sciences. This is the 12th part of a wise man. And again, in order to be intel igent; avoid fools and befriend wise men. This is the 13th part of a wise man. And again, in order to be wise; live in a clean environment as a clean man with clean garments and other things. And again, in order to be wise; have a concentrated mind. Concentration meditations help for this matter. This is the 14th part of a wise man. And again, take foods and medicines that help wisdom. This is the 15th part of a wise man. And again, col ect as much as meritorious karmas, special y wishing for wisdom. And again, maintain a mind of dispassion and non-hatred. This is the 16th part of a wise man. And again, think. Special y think deep matters and also do al actions after careful y thinking. This is the 17th part of a wise man.

In these ways, the worldly wisdom can be developed. Knowing perfectly as it is, knowing from al sides, knowing both the outer and inner, knowing even the finest thing by coming to finest and deepest places; these 4 are the characteristics of wisdom. However only a man who has a powerful birth-consciousness which is created by a ful y 3

rooted karma can develop supramundane wisdom to its ends. Even in the worldly wisdom; a man who has such a powerful birth-consciousness goes beyond the other people. Wisdom can be divided into 2 categories as mundane wisdom and supramundane wisdom.

Also, there are other ways of categorising wisdoms. I wil now teach

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what disturbs the wisdom. Mainly 5 dark covers of the mind disturbs the wisdom. They are; the cover of love aka feasting sense organs, the cover of hatred, the cover of drowsiness and laziness, the cover of uneasiness and repentance, the cover of uncertainty. From them, the cover of love and the cover of hatred are the most disturbing things to the wisdom. Also, there are other factors that disturb wisdom too.

They are; having unwil ingness, becoming late, doing actions inefficiently, laziness, excessive attachment to associate with crowds and friends, excessive sleeping, not examining each and every situation and thing, not trying to develop intel igence, thinking wrongly, taking wrongly, not asking or taking advises from wise others, not using body correctly, having an uncalm mind, associating with fools, not associating with wise men, disrespecting himself by himself, having already decided various facts wrongly, numbness of mind, excessive body heat, karma. These 20 factors also disturb one’s wisdom. One should use intel igence continuously in life to develop intel igence. The salient characteristic of wisdom is seeing as it is. The manifestation of wisdom is not becoming ignorant. The function of wisdom is il uminating what should be known. The near cause of wisdom is concentration.

Does it help putting a natural oil onto the scalp for the development of wisdom? Yes. Put a good natural oil and massage the head perfectly for about 10 minutes. This action unblocks and refreshes nerves. This action helps to the progress of intel igence.

What is your advise to a king who rules a country? Okay. The king who rules a state must abandon these 6 qualities. They are; untruthfulness, anger, high gaming, high sleeping, unchecking and not knowing limits. These qualities if not abandoned brings danger upon a king. Also, he should try to do these 2 things. That are; continues trying on obtaining prosperities that are not yet obtained and securing what

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is already obtained. The statecraft is a vast subject. The man who wants to keep himself in a high position without letting ruination come upon him must neither be soft nor be rough. He should maintain himself in the middle, in a sober state. He should be neutral. In this world, the man who has a great soul has these 5 powers. They are; the power of body strength, the power of wealth, the power of ministers also known as the power of fol owers/friends, the power of having a birth in a high family generation, and the power of wisdom. I told you the powers systematical y. Hence the 2nd power is a great power than the 1st power. The 5th final power is the highest power of a man who has a high soul. The man who has these 5 powers is magnificent.

Which man can defeat his enemies? The man who has truth, subtle fine wisdom that shows the real status of each thing, unstoppable effort, sacrificing self; wins over his enemies. And again, the man who has skilfulness, fearlessness, wisdom; defeats his enemies. Also, the man who has many friends can defeat the enemies.

How should a man live on earth? Cleverly and appropriately to be behaved on earth a man must have wisdom. If he does not has wisdom he should go to wise men and learn from them. Special y learn the laws of nature. If you are a householder never make your wife common for other men as she is for you. Do not eat very delicious foods without giving to others. Protect 5 components virtue. Never be late for everything. Do not easily trust people. Have many friends.

Having many friends is essential for a householder. Do not be arrogant but be humble. Avoid from doing sins. Speak sweet words. Abandon base ignoble people. Do not believe in slanders. Try to get understanding and to be wise. Know how to do things properly. Finish what you start. See a long distance always. Do not see a close range.

Know how to treat parents. Know how to treat wives and children.

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Know how to treat friends. Know how to treat relatives. Know how to treat teachers. Know how to treat ascetics. Know how to treat the government that protects you. Know how to treat gods and invisible beings. Give alms to ascetics. Col ect as much as merits you can. Do not associate with the wrong persons. Do not associate with false friends.

Do not associate with people who do not have gratitude. Associate with virtuous persons with respect. Associate with wise persons with respect. Ask what is correct and what is wrong. Behave according to Dharma. Dharma protects the man who behaves in Dharma. Dharma brings pleasure to the man. He who behaves according to Dharma wil not be born in a woeful state. Protect yourself.

Whom should one trust? If you see someone then instantly feel that person is trustworthy; you can trust that person. However, trust neither who can be trusted nor who cannot be trusted. Because of trust; fear arises. Do not trust the person who did a wrong once. Do not trust the liar. Do not trust the highly selfish person who cares only about self. Do not trust the person who is in undue calmness. Do not trust persons who change their minds often. Do not trust persons who befriend with you, to harm you later. Do not trust persons who do wrong actions, who destroy everything if get a chance, who do not give certain talks, who are like a concealed double-edged sword. Some people come with sweet words, try to be your friend wishing to cause you some harm. Do not trust them too. Do not trust women who are beyond morals. Do not trust women who arouse lust in the minds of fools. Indeed! Never trust al women. Do not trust the old friend who is now a thief due to that old friendship. Do not trust the king or your superior thinking he is my friend. Do not trust a woman even if she is a mother of 10 children. Do not trust the wife thinking she loves me much. The man who deals with fire, tusker, serpent, king, and al women; must always do that with a high sanity. It is very hard to know their minds/ways.

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Whom should one tel secrets to? It is always better to keep the secret as a secret. Uncovering secrets is not praised by wise men. The wise man tolerates without tel ing the secret, becoming unbreakable. He may or may not tel the secret when he achieved his wish. Should not uncover the matter that should be covered. Protect it as a treasure. Do not tel secrets to women. Do not tel secrets to enemies. If someone can be influenced by using gifts or fear; do not tel secrets to him either. Do not tel secrets to the person who talks to others posing as a friend and attracts their minds while having some other ulterior motives in his mind. Indeed! Do not tel the secret to anyone. If told the secret out to another person, then have to tolerate everything of that person like a servant of that person. If knows the secret of a man by a number of people; he has fears according to that number.

Therefore wise men do not praise revealing secrets. If talks a secret discussion; do it in the daytime in a place where al directions are empty from people and clear to see an enough long distance. There are people who listen to secrets in the nighttime in the darkness.

Therefore do not talk secret discussions in the nighttime. Such a secret discussion may not work.

In a business who should be promoted to a management position?

The person who has these 5 qualities is suitable for a management position. Those qualities are; protecting 5 virtue precepts of a lay person, cleverness in actions, perseverance, intel igence appropriate for each places, loyalty.

My mother and father are very old, how should I take care of them?

By teaching them the path of entering heaven. Taking care of your old mother and father and also feeding them when they are old is a path to acquire many meritorious karmas. So help them. Feed them. They are our first teachers. Mother and father are the ones who raised you.

Also, teach them Dharma. Give them Dharma books. Make sure they wil be born in one of 6 heaven worlds after their death. I wil now tel

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you the advices of king Janasandha, who lived thousands of years ago when the human life span was 10000 years long. These are his advises; the person who when young didn’t earn money comes to repentance when he is old by thinking “o when I was young, when I had strength, I could not earn or save money. Now I am not strong, now I am unhealthy, alas! I was late”. The person who didn’t learn something when he had time, when he could, comes to repentance later by thinking “alas! When I was a child, when I had time to learn, I didn’t learn anything necessary, alas! Now it is hard to live”. The person who did wrong things comes to repentance at his death bed by thinking “In the past I was so cunning, I deceived people, I stole other people’s goods, I spoke slanders, I took bribes, I was cruel to beings, Alas! I was wrong, I did sins”. The person who did high sins comes to repentance at his death bed by thinking “In the past, I kil ed living beings, I did many sins, I was very cruel, I didn’t keep a good heart towards beings.

Alas! I was wrong, I did high sins”. The person who had sex with other people’s wives comes to repentance later by thinking “There were many women without husbands, but I had sex with other people’s wives, Alas! I was wrong, I did sinful deeds”. The person who had the capabilities to give, comes to repentance later at his death bed by thinking “I had necessary things for giving, I had foods, yet I did not give anything to anyone, Alas! I was wrong, I was a miser, I did not col ect merits”. The person who did not take care of his parents comes to repentance later by thinking “In the past I had strength, I had money, yet I did not feed my old mother and father while I could, Alas! I was wrong”. The person who was disobedient to his father comes to repentance later by thinking “o I was disobedient to my father who was my teacher, my adviser, who gave me many tasty things which I liked, who fed me when I was a smal child, Alas! I was wrong”. The person who did not associate with ascetics while he can, comes to repentance later by thinking “When I could I didn’t associate with learned wise virtuous rishis, monks. I had time. It would be good if I

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could listen to their words, Alas! I was wrong”. The person who did not do meritorious karmas comes to repentance later at his death bed by thinking “o it is good if I behaved in Dharma while I could, it is good if I associated with wise and virtuous people, it is good if I did many merits while I had time, Alas! I was wrong, I did none of them”. The person who did not complete these 10 facts comes to repentance later. These were the advises of king Janasandha.

Holy sir, what are the qualities of a wise man? He who is prepared for the future and he who deals cleverly with any situation that may arise are the both happy persons. But the fatalistic man who whol y depends on luck is ruined. He whose actions are disorganised has no happiness either in the midst of men or in a jungle. A real man has 19

qualities. They are; having disciplined 6 sense organs, having superior Intel igence, having a huge knowledge, truthfulness, generosity, tolerance, confidence, virtue, incapability to be charmed by women, not becoming a slave of women and passion, high body strength, not becoming a slave of sleep, fearlessness, having no sorrow, kindness, extreme perseverance, sanity, finishing the started task and if he is a layman then having many friends are qualities of a real man. Also, I can teach you a teaching of an ancient very wise man. That is; Understanding what ought and what ought not to be fol owed, and what is good and what is bad, is most excel ent. And when understood, it leads to an understanding of things in their proper perspective.

Those men who are happy in this world are, who are generous towards their relatives, kind to strangers, indifferent to the wicked, affectionate to the good, shrewd in their dealings with the base, frank with the learned and wise, courageous with enemies, humble with elders and stern with the wife. The unthinking spender, the homeless urchin, the quarrel monger, the man who neglects his wife and is heedless in his actions – al these wil soon come to ruination. Those who are destitute of learning, penance, knowledge, good disposition, virtue, and

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benevolence are brutes wandering the earth in the form of men. They are burdensome to the earth. He who possesses intel igence is strong.

How can the man that is unintel igent be powerful. The wise student should completely renounce the fol owing eight things – his lust, anger, greed, desire for sweets, sense of decorating the body, excessive curiosity, excessive sleep, and excessive endeavour for bodily maintenance. One destitute of wealth is not destitute, he is indeed rich if he is learned; but the man devoid of learning is destitute in every way. We should careful y scrutinize that place upon which we step, we should drink water which has been filtered, we should speak only those words which have the sanction of the wisdom, and do that act which we have careful y considered. What good can the scriptures do to a man who has no sense of his own. It is as a mirror to a blind man.

The beggar is a miser’s enemy, the wise counsel or is the fool’s enemy and her husband is an adulterous wife’s enemy. Low-class men desire wealth only. Middle-class men both wealth and respect. But the noble lay people, honour only; hence honour is the noble man’s true wealth.

Moral excel ence is an ornament for personal beauty; righteous conduct, for high birth; success, for learning; and proper spending, for wealth. Beauty is spoiled by an immoral nature; noble birth by bad conduct; learning, without being perfected; and wealth by not being properly utilised. A wise man should not reveal his loss of wealth, the vexation of his mind, the misconduct of his own wife, base words spoken by others, and disgrace that has befal en him. The happiness and peace attained by those satisfied by the nectar of spiritual tranquil ity are not attained by greedy persons restlessly moving here and there. One should feel satisfied with the fol owing three things; his own wife, food given by providence, and wealth acquired by honest effort. An elephant is control ed by a goad, a horse by a slap of the hand, a horned animal with the show of a stick, and a rascal by a punishment. Accumulated wealth is saved by spending just as incoming fresh water is saved by letting out stagnant water. The life of

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an uneducated man is as useless as the tail of a dog which neither covers its rear end, nor protects it from the bites of insects. Those born blind cannot see, similarly blind are those in the grip of lust. Proud men have no perception of evil. And those bent on acquiring riches see no sin in their actions. A father who is a chronic debtor, an adulterous mother, a disobedient wife, and an unlearned son are enemies in one’s own home. A thing may be dreaded as long as it has not overtaken you, but once it has come upon you, try to get rid of it without hesitation.

Charity puts an end to poverty; righteous conduct to misery; discretion to ignorance; and scrutiny to fear. The chaste women are envied by the adulteresses; beautiful ladies by ugly ones; rich men by the poor and the learned men are envied by the foolish men. A single son endowed with good qualities is far better than a hundred devoid of them. For the moon, though one, dispels the darkness, which the stars, though numerous, can not. A stil -born son is superior to a foolish son endowed with a long life. The first causes grief for but a moment while the latter like a blazing fire consumes his parents in grief for life. They alone are sons who are devoted to their father. He is a father who supports his sons. He is a friend in whom we can confide, and she only is a wife in whose company the husband feels contented and peaceful.

Wise men should always bring up their sons in various moral ways, for children who have knowledge of natural laws and are wel -behaved become a glory to their family. Those parents who do not educate their sons are their enemies; for as is a crane among swans, so are ignorant sons in a public assembly. Many a bad habit is developed through overindulgence, and many a good one by chastisement, therefore beat your son as wel as your pupil; never indulge them.

Avoid the person who talks sweetly before you but tries to ruin you behind your back, for he is like a pitcher of poison with milk on top. Do not put your trust in a bad companion nor even trust an ordinary friend, for if he should get angry with you, he may bring al your secrets to light. Do not reveal what you have thought upon doing, but

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by wise council keep it secret being determined to carry it into execution. He who befriends a man whose conduct is vicious, whose vision impure, and who is notoriously crooked, is rapidly ruined. The friendship between equals flourishes and it is good to be business-minded in public dealings. Even a learned man comes to grief by giving instruction to a foolish disciple, by maintaining a wicked wife, and by excessive familiarity with the miserable. Learning is like a cow of desire.

It, like her, yields in al seasons. Like a mother, it feeds you on your journey. Therefore learning is a hidden treasure. Learning is retained through putting into practice, family prestige is maintained through good behavior, a respectable person is recognized by his excel ent qualities, and anger is seen in the eyes. Scriptural lessons not put into practice are poison, a meal is a poison to him who suffers from indigestion, a social gathering is a poison to a poverty-stricken person, and a young wife is poison to an aged man. Consider again and again the fol owing: the right time, the right friends, the right place, the right means of income, the right ways of spending, and from whom you derive your power. As long as your body is healthy and under control and death is distant, try to save your soul; when death is imminent what can you do. As is the wil of providence, so functions one’s intel ect; one’s activities are also control ed by providence, and by the wil of Providence one is surrounded by helpers. As gold is tested in four ways by rubbing, cutting, heating and beating; so a man should be tested by these four things; his renunciation, his conduct, his qualities, and his actions. The poor wish for wealth; animals for the faculty of speech, communication; ordinary men wish for heaven; and godly men for supreme liberation. Conciliate a strong man by submission, a wicked man by opposition, and the one whose power is equal to yours by politeness or force, conciliate a covetous man by means of a gift, an obstinate man with folded hands in salutation, a fool by humouring him and a wise man by truthful words. It is better to be without a kingdom than to rule over a petty one, better to be without a friend

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than to befriend a rascal, better to be without a disciple than to have a stupid one, and better to be without a wife than to have a bad one.

Knowledge is preserved by diligent practice; a king by conciliatory words and a home by a dutiful housewife. Learn one thing from a lion; one from a crane; four from a cock; five from a crow; six from a dog; and three from an ass. The one excel ent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort. The wise man should restrain his senses like the crane and accomplish his purpose with due knowledge of his place, time, and ability. To wake at the proper time, to take a bold stand and fight, to make a fair division among relations, and to earn one’s own food by personal exertion are the four excel ent things to be learned from a cock. Union in privacy with own wife, boldness, storing away useful items, watchfulness, and not easily trusting others; these five things are to be learned from a crow.

Contentment with little or nothing to eat although one may have a great appetite, to awaken instantly although one may be in a deep slumber, unflinching devotion to the master, and bravery; these six qualities should be learned from the dog. Although an ass is tired, he continues to carry his burden; he is unmindful of cold and heat and he is always contented; these three things should be learned from the ass.

The man who wil practice these 20 characteristics wil become invincible in al his undertakings. By means of hearing one understands Dharma, malignity vanishes, knowledge is acquired, and liberation from material bondage is gained. A man is born alone and dies alone; and he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone; and he goes alone to hel worlds or the heavenly abodes. These are some advises of ancient wise men. And also know that; he who blasphemes wisdom, who blames scriptures, who ridicules the life style recommended by the rishis and wise men, and who derides men of peaceful temperament; come to grief unnecessarily. Those who seek wisdom should look at tal , high places.

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What else on wisdom? The wise man who earns wealth should divide it into 4 parts. 1 part should be used for his necessary things. Another 1 part should be saved for a calamitous situation. The other 2 parts should be invested wisely. Should learn things related to wisdom.

Should behave cleverly on earth. Should be shrewd. Should learn dharma. Should behave according to Dharma. A householder considering necessities of mother and father, wives, children, servants, relatives; should make them happy. A householder should treat his friends wel and make them happy. Should treat dead relatives (those who special y went to inhuman states) and gods and invisible beings by giving them merits. By doing so, he should make them happy too.

Should use the wealth without being a miser. Should pay the taxes of the government. Should treat visitors. Should help virtuous persons.

Such a man is cal ed a man with wisdom. And again listen, what is done by the man’s own wisdom may often bring good results. What is done by the wisdom of clever teachers may often bring excel ent results.

What is done by the wisdom of women may often bring ruination.

What is done by the wisdom of people who are visible here and there often brings death. Learn natural laws.

What can you tel about anger? From anger comes delusion. From delusion; the loss of memory. From loss of memory; the destruction of discrimination. From destruction of discrimination he perishes.

Therefore, saints advise not to be a slave of anger. Furthermore, those who come to anger often; be born in lower realms, woeful worlds in the universe.

On Women:

Why do women have many enemies? It is due to their own karma. If someone is born in the female gender it is due to 3 facts. They are; high lust, wil for the female gender, having sex with other people’s wives or men other than the husband in past lives. Because of these 3

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facts; one becomes a woman. The high lust factor affects indirectly.

The wil ingness to be a female and having sex with other people’s wives affects directly. If any man has sex with other people’s wives he must like to be born as an eunuch or a woman in the next lives. Even if he became an animal he wil be a female. This 3rd factor now I said to you is the reason for women having many enemies. They gave enmity.

Now they receive enmity. Another thing I should teach you is, a living being becomes a human by a merit. Not by a sin. It applies to human women too. What happened here is due to the sinful karma they did, the merit that gave a human life was weakened. Then karma created a birth-consciousness accordingly and the birth-consciousness created the form of an eunuch or a woman. The birth-consciousness was unable to create a form of a man due to the effect of the high power of that sin created a weak birth-consciousness that only gives the form of an eunuch or a woman.

What are the wrongs of women? Women have the nature of instability. There are many wrongs of women. Only the man with dispassion and wisdom can recognize those wrongs. 14 natures are the main wrongs of women. They are; creating discord among friends, untruthfulness, high speed by imagination, high jealousy which means disturbing or blocking other people’s profits, unclean body than a man, high avarice, high hatred namely cruelty, high sexual passion, the dirty mind, stupidity, thinking many thoughts, the thought to charm men or thinking to charm men, unceasing deceiving and ungratefulness. Also, I can show you these things too, women are inclined to arousing sins, sinful by nature, they have that nature, women are like a pointed stick, like a glue, like a dirty adhesive, like a muddy swamp, like a sickness, like an abscess, like an injury, like blinding eyes. Women are a thorn to a righteous man, because of women; wisdom is lost, what is learned is lost, the virtue is lost, the shyness and fear for sins are lost, doctrine of friendship is lost, friends are lost. Women are like a poison. Women do

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not care if the man is whether high or medial or scurvy at the sexual pleasure. They are like a wind that goes through both a forest that is fil ed by the fragrance of beautiful flowers and an open excreta pit, cesspool. If a man gives this entire earth fil ed with gold to a woman thinking this woman wishes no other man except me, yet if receives any chance; that woman goes beyond him to other men. Therefore in this world women are cal ed by sages as ungrateful traitors. Also, another thing is many women love to have sex with handicapped men.

The power of the king is correct leadership, wining without damage is the power of the army commander, fragrance is the power of flower, engine is the power of a motor vehicle, explosives – range – chasing are the powers of a missile, speed is the power of wind, sanity is the power of those who do secret things, youth is the power of the whore, the power of the thief is weapons, the power of the ascetic is tolerance, the power of the buddhist monk is trying to attain arahantship, the power of a man is intel igence, the power of a woman is hatred.

Women take power by hatred. Also, I spread authority; this is the thought of kings, may no one recognize me; this is the thought of thieves, I should earn wealth; this is the thought of householders, Also I charm men and may there not be any other woman in this house who has any authority more than me; are thoughts of women. Also traitor to the friend is another name for women. Now, listen to the 3

shameful facts in the world. If any man wil ing his own pleasure if hurts other living beings that man is shameful. This is the 1st shameful fact.

If there is any country in this world that is ruled by a woman that whole country is shameful. This is the 2nd shameful fact. If there is any living being who is charmed by women then that al living beings are shameful. Know that sons. Thinking even a smal amount of thoughts about the subject of women causes many sins. Sages say a man who is charmed by a woman is defeated by women. Also, listen to this; women are a thorn for the man who protects celibacy. Know that.

There is another fact I should mention, in ancient times when human

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life span was unthinkably large, when human life span was larger than a mil ion years; then among men on earth, there was this philosophy.

That is; if anyone of us fel to the charms of any woman creature –

women, who are unable to trust, who are extremely cunning, who are dangerous and sinful; shame on that man among us, he is ignoble among us, he is low among us. In those ages, men were extremely wise, virtuous, and strong giants. Due to the sins of modern men; these modern men are very weak and foolish. If you acquire the distinctive intel igence of the divine eye; you can see this. If you acquire the distinctive intel igence of knowings others’ thoughts then you can know the minds of women, also. Therefore, if you associate with women, associate with perfect sanity like you associate with a serpent.

What else can you tel us about the subject of women? In the 2nd black serpent sutra, the reverend Omniscient One shows the 5

dangerous qualities of a poisonous serpent and shows that same qualities equal y exist in women. The 5 dangers of a poisonous serpent are; becoming fast to anger – fieriness, having a tendency to seek revenge – revengefulness, high poisonousness, having 2 tongues, becoming a traitor to the friend. These 5 qualities of a poisonous serpent have equal y in women also. High poisonousness of women means intense lust of women. 2 tongues of women means creating discord and separation among friends. Women becoming a traitor to the friend here means the wishing for many men while having a husband or a boyfriend and going against him who helps her. I can teach you more truths about women. When you want to deceive someone seek the advises of women. A woman knows how to deceive anyone perfectly. Also, untruthfulness is the greatest quality of women.

Their truth is like a lie. Their lie is like a truth. If someday a woman speaks a truth, it is also mixed with lies. The mind of women is shaky.

Ask an old lady who walks looking down why are you walking looking down like a saint. And she may reply, oh fool, don’t you know, my

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youth is now not with me. It is advised by ancient wise men as we should always deal cautiously with fire, water, women, foolish people, serpents, and members of a royal family; for they may, when the occasion presents itself, at once bring about our death. Among many wives, the most obedient wife is the real wife. Constant travel brings old age upon a man, a horse becomes old by being constantly tied up, garments become old through being left in the sun and lack of sexual contact with her husband brings old age upon a woman. A wicked wife, a false friend, a saucy servant, and living in a house with a serpent in it; are nothing but death. Do not put your trust in rivers, men who carry weapons, beasts with claws or horns, members of a royal family, and al women. Knowledge is lost without putting it into practice, a man is lost due to ignorance, a country is lost without a wise king, an army is lost without a wise commander, and a woman is lost without a husband. Also if any woman is quarrelsome, if shows arrogance to the husband, if disobedient, if eats unnecessarily too much, if goes here and there without informing; even if she has 10 children, she must be abandoned by a wise man. If a woman knows her housekeeping duties wel like a teacher knows his subject, if clever in duties like a clever servant, if likes dharma, if behaves according to dharma, if be equal with a mother by affection, if be equal with a whore in the bed; she can be considered as a correct wife. Do not trust a wife thinking my wife loves me very much. For the mind of women is uncertain. A woman becomes very happy if received sex or if saw a man she loves.

On that day she is very happy and therefore obedient. But on other days this her nature changes. Penetrate into her mind and you wil see.

A very wise man once said; the eating of tundi fruit deprives a man of his sense, while the vacha root administered revives his reasoning immediately. A woman at once robs a man of his vigour while milk at once restores it. There are more things you should know. A woman may be married but talks with another man lustful y while looking at another man lustful y. Sciences and arts are the wealth of ordinary

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men, wars are wealth of kings, shame is the wealth of young girls, youth is the wealth of whores. Also should know that those who associate with fire, water, thieves, serpents, kings, and women carelessly; comes to ruination. There are 8 methods by which women bind men. They are; a woman binds a man by figure, by laugh, by talking, by singing, by crying, by attitudes, by gifting, by touching. This final binding method is the toughest one. Also, there are 64 methods by which women try to charm men. And again listen, Courtesy should be learned from princes, the art of conversation should be learned from wise men, a special subject should be learned from a wel learned skil ful teacher, lying should be learned from gamblers and deceitful ways should be learned from women.

How a wise man should deal with women? A woman is nothing but a straw to him who has subdued his senses. Even women are happy or unhappy; wise men deal with women in neutrality, in detachment uncaring their waves of shaking mind. Have sanity on the nature of women. Women are like bridges common to al . Never trust al women.

Keep a safe distance. Know the limits in association with women.

Understand you are dealing with a poisonous vengeful serpent. You deal with women with mindfulness, wisdom, and cleverness. Be watchful for her hidden motives. Do not be deceived. Women are like a dark cave that is fil ed with al il usive cheats. When dealing with such a creature, be very wise and alert. The wise and clever man cannot be charmed or deceived by women. The man who clearly knows the true nature of women; never keeps women in a higher position.

What husbands are degraded, humiliated by women? Women degrade husbands who are either poor or sick or very aged or stupid or addicted to alcohol and narcotics or who is unalert or who behaves in al things according to the woman or who gives al wealth to the woman. These are that 8 facts.

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On Past Lives:

What can you tel me about past life experiences? The being who became more than 500 lives in the same creature type continuously without even a single change of the creature type; makes habits according to that creature type. So later even if he becomes a human being, there wil be some habits, tendencies of him related to the past habit formed lives. Let’s say he was a ghost for more than 500 lives, then after he became a human also he loves the darkness more than the light. Let’s say someone became a hel world being living in fire-fil ed environments for more than 500 lives continuously. Then after he became a human also he loves to play with fire, and work with fire.

Let’s say someone became an animal or another inhuman being for more than 500 lives continuously. Even after he became a human being; he wil love impure things. At least 500 births in the same type without a change in the creature type in the reincarnation is necessary to form such a Sansaric habit. By the changes of creature type often; a Sansaric habit is not formed. And also listen, the man who is extremely afraid of death often has a past life painful death experience. Often it may be an accidental death. Also, I can say you this information too.

Love at the first sight is a certain feeling of a previous life lived together. Those souls have loved before. It could be in more than one past life. Therefore they feel it as if they had met each other before.

Such loves are seldom broken off. Once the Maharishi Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was traveling with a group of monks inside a vil age, a vil ager man came after him faster and spoke these words “Son, son, where are you going? Come to my home son. Your mother is also waiting. Please son.” Hearing his words monks astonished. Because monks knew the Buddha’s father and mother were a king and a queen.

But the Buddha silently went to his home and sat on a seat. Seeing the Buddha has visited this poor house the wife of that man also cal ed him as “my son”. But the Buddha never disturbed them. Later, monks asked why they cal ed the Buddha as “my son”. The Omniscient

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Buddha replied to monks as “in this great reincarnation, that poor man and poor woman were my father and mother in many thousands of lives continuously, and also they were my relatives in many thousands of lives continuously. Therefore they felt me as their son in this present life too. Seeing the truth, I did not disturb them”.

Do we meet our enemies of past lives, in this present life too? Yes.

Sometimes it happens.

What is death? Consciousness element’s abandonment of the current form and taking a new form somewhere in the universe is cal ed death.

Can we talk about some worldly things. First I like to know this. How does hypnotism work? The mechanism of hypnotism is when the hypnotizer tries to hypnotize a person then he, the second person himself hypnotizes. This is the first thing. It is not the hypnotizer who hypnotizes the person. The second mechanism is there becomes a somewhat high focus level in the subject’s mind and he sees what the hypnotizer says and acts upon it. It is a high level of imagination. When someone is in concentration, he can see unreal things as real things if he wants. But this focus level is not a powerful concentration level where the meditation practitioner has ful control of his mind. I can give an another definition for hypnotism as self-fooling.

What can you say about past life regression hypnotism. Is it true? Yes, it is true. By using that method, can recal memories of up to 7 past lives. Because of the weakness of the concentration; cannot recal many memories, cannot go beyond 7 lives.

On Nature:

What can you tel about dreams? There are 6 causes for seeing dreams. The person whose air in the body became distorted sees dreams like walking in the sky, going through air. The person whose choleric, choler became distorted sees dreams like fire and living in a

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high heat place. The person whose phlegm became distorted sees dreams like playing in water, doing water sports. Inhumans or gods who either like to do a good or a bad to a man; shows dreams too.

What one person thought in day time sees in the night as dreams too.

A sign of a good or a bad thing that happens to a person in the future also sees as a dream. From these 6 causes the final cause that I stated can be trusted. Others cannot be trusted. That divine message appears to a man when he is neither awake nor in deep sleep. It appears when he is in the half sleep. There is also a science cal ed dream-science. If the dream shows signs of a future effect; by analysing signs can say what wil happen in the future. And also sometimes gods and inhumans shows dreams to a human being. Let’s say there is an enemy relative who died and became a ghost. Now he wants a revenge on a certain man. Then he may show a place where there is a treasure that is hidden inside the earth. Now the man may think about it and try to get it and may fal into a trap of the ghost. Such dreams cannot be trusted. Dreams that appear in day time also cannot be trusted.

Dreams that appear early in the morning can be trusted. When a man is in half sleep; he is not in an ordinary human state.

Can a human live by eating happiness but without any gross food?

Yes. Living by eating happiness is possible. This actual y means arousing happiness in the mind and living by it. This high happiness comes from practicing meditations. Also, there are other ways of living without eating gross food.

Is there a connection between mind and breath? Yes. Mind and breath are interconnected. The cessation of one is the cessation of both of them.

How a mantra gives the result? He who does this work first comes to a great faith about the mantra. Faith is an attribute of the consciousness element that softens the consciousness element and is also capable of

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doing magical things. With the repetition of a mantra, the mind gets concentrated. Then even if it is a very little concentration, it is capable of giving the desired results by the utterance of the mantra.

Holy sir, I have a sickness that gives me a great pain. Can you please tel me a method to abolish the pain? When the mind is deeply fixed onto one single objective in the concentration; the pain cannot touch you. Therefore you feel no pain. Hence, I advice you to practice a concentration meditation. I recommend you either Anapanasathi meditation or one of the Kasina meditations. Color kasinas are easy to practice if you are sick.

Are plants living beings? Plants do not have consciousness elements.

Therefore plants are not living beings. Plants just work according to the mechanisms of nature.

What are the characteristics of a fool? He shows the opposite signs of an intel igent person. His main characteristic is he sees things wrongly and holds onto them very toughly. He wil not easily change his wrong view. And also he thinks something is good because other people say it is good. Also, he thinks something is bad because other people say it is bad. He doesn't analyze.

How to deal with a rascal? The rascal does not have a reason. The rascal has no Dharma. The rascal does not have a good word. By showing what is correct and what is wrong or talking Dharma or speaking with good words; one cannot survive from a rascal. He or she does not like what is good. Therefore a rascal should be conquered.

This is righteous. This is how one should deal with a rascal.

Does the mind work according to the body and also the body work according to the mind? Yes, it is true.

This may sound funny. But I like to know the answer of you. Who came first to earth, is it the hen or the egg? It is not funny. Here’s my

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answer. First came the hen, then the egg. I wil explain how it happened. Al living beings in the universe are born according to 4

methods. They are; by egg, by womb, by things and environments that have fertility to form a body, by spontaneously. These al 4 methods of birth can only be known by the divine eye. There are no other methods for that. A very long time ago when a living being becomes on this earth they became either by spontaneously or by things that have fertility. However when they grew up and saw the living beings of other sexual group, thoughts of lust aroused in their minds for the first time. Then they came near and touched the body of the other gender.

Again passion raised more. Then becoming unable to control themselves, they had sex with the other gender. Now semen went out and combined with ova creating a zygote. When they were having sex they felt a great pleasure. So they continued it. This is what happened on earth. So now spontaneous beings or beings who were born by things which have fertility; having sex with the same kind beings created new living beings on earth by eggs and by womb. Those things that have enough fertility to create a form for a being are places where there have dead flesh, heaps of garbage, wet dirt, excrement, flesh mixed with water. If you have time, check what I said now. To this date al 4 methods are active. It wil be the same in the future. You wil find beings created from such things. Do some research if you want and find the truth by yourself. Consciousness element comes to such places according to formations and creates a form there. Therefore know that; hen came first. This is my answer to you.

What are the roots of merits? They are; non-craving, non-hatred, non-ignorance. Non-ignorance means wisdom. It is a synonym.

What can you tel me about wil ingness? Wil ingness is an attribute of the consciousness element. It is not smeared with greed, hatred, or any other sinful attribute on the side of desire. It may look somewhat similar to the desire. But it is not the desire. By the powerful

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wil ingness attribute of the consciousness element a person goes forth on the spiritual path and one day destroys the desire completely. Also, I should mention wil ingness attribute and motive attribute are 2

different attributes. The characteristic of this motive attribute is doing actions. The characteristic of this wil ingness attribute is liking.

What is a religion? Religion is something created by human beings. A religion is not nature. However, a religion may contain some truths and morals. But a religion never contains the ultimate truth. A religion does not contain the mechanism of the universe. Nature cannot be created.

Nature can only be found.

Are al religions same? I have studied many religions many years ago.

Al religions are not same. One should study religions and philosophies and then should compare them with truths and nature. Then he wil find the truth.

What is a view? A religion or a philosophy or a view that already hasn’t been labeled by people is general y cal ed a view. A religion and a philosophy are not 2 different things. They are same things but people have given them 2 different labels.

What is the most delicious flavour in the world? Al flavours’ utmost position is trust. If someone eats with very trust; that food is extremely delicious to him.

What are the qualities of a man who has faith in Dharma? A man who has faith can be recognized by 3 qualities. They are; he likes to see virtuous ascetics and men, he likes to listen to the dharma, and he likes to give alms.

Is the universe finite or infinite? The universe is infinite. And also it is a problem that one must not try to think too much. Because he can go insane.

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What is the highest speedy thing in the universe? The consciousness element. Its birth and death is the fastest action in the universe. The consciousness element can die in this galaxy and become in a new galaxy that is far away from a mil ion light-years in the next moment.

And also due to the extreme fineness of consciousness element; it can penetrate, it can go through a closed room that is even created by 1

kilometre thick iron wal s. It goes through the space element at an unthinkable speed. Light is not the fastest thing in the universe as scientists say. Scientists are ordinary people. They do not have the distinctive intel igence of divine eye. Nor do they have the Omniscient intel igence which an Omniscient Buddha has.

Can you teach us more about elements? Okay. The universe has 6

elements. There are no elements other than that in the entire universe.

If al 6 elements are in one place then we cal it a living being. A living being is nothing but these 6 elements. And also if there exist only 5

elements then we cal it a form or an object. That extra element that is found inside the form is what makes a form a living being. Now I wil explain to you al 6 elements. They are; the earth element, the liquid element, the heat element, the air element, the space element, and the consciousness element. What makes the whole difference is consciousness element. With it in a form that is a living being. That form is cal ed a living being. Without consciousness element, that is just a form. The earth element’s characteristics are solidity, softness, roughness. The liquid element’s characteristics are flowing and bonding. The heat element’s characteristics are hotness and coldness.

The air element’s characteristics are distending and puffing. The space element is the momentary space that occurs in between these 4

elements when the rise and fal happen. If I say clearly, the space element is the space which occurs when origination – existence –

deterioration of earth element, water element, heat element, and air element happen. You may also recognize the space between things as

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the space element. If there is one element in a place then al other 4

elements are there. They exist as a bundle. They cannot be separated by any means. Now I wil teach you about the consciousness element which makes al the difference in the universe. The consciousness element goes from one form to another form. Inside what it is currently; is cal ed a living being. This is a complex thing but try to understand it. The consciousness element’s characteristic is knowing.

Actual y, consciousness means knowing. Al things in the universe can be divided into 3 kinds as objects, features, actions. Objects can be seen. Features differentiate one object from another. Actions cannot be seen. The nature of actions is not staying stil for a long time. Al actions vanish; when they finish the task. Nothing is left for the future by an action. Also, I must speak; al elements are actions. Not things.

Therefore they are speeds only. This is a very complex truth. This is the nature. Only a few can see this. Like the general theory of relativity was only seen by the scientist Albert Einstein but not by any other person. This is an example. This thing I said to you is an example of how not everyone can understand this complex nature. Do the experiment of Aryans and see for yourself. Truth can be seen.

What is name-form? Form, sensations, perceptions, formations, and consciousness. These are cal ed name and form. Except form, other things are name. Those other things are cal ed name because it has no form and can only be recognized by hearing the name. Here formations special y means al causes. For example when the being born there his bodily formations start. What are the bodily formations.

It is breathing. I think you can understand me clearly sons.

Some people think the brain creates the consciousness element.

What can you tel me about that? The brain does not create the consciousness element. If it is so, the brain-dead person must be a truly dead person. But it is not.

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What is the definition of element? What cannot be taken as a being or a person is cal ed an element. This is the definition of element.

What is the most essential thing to a man who likes or tries to think about the nature or to realize the nature of the world? Nothing but the solitude.

Is the universe created by someone? No. It has been like this since in the past with 5 elements and consciousness elements running and taking various forms upon 5 elements. This is the process of the universe; in the past and in the present and in the future. Why do you people think someone needs to create something always. If someone created the universe who created him, where did he live before the creation of the universe then. Do not think foolishly. Those 5 elements are the earth element, water element, heat element, air element, and the space element which occurs inside the other 4 elements when their origination, existence, and vanishment happen.

Are we created by a god? No. It is a false thing. Don’t believe in lies.

Are we created by the greatest Brahma? No. My reply is the same as before. There is no almighty creature in the universe.

If a god didn’t create us how can a god punish us after our death? It is also another false thing. There is no almighty god to punish you. Don’t be afraid. The only things you need to be afraid of are the rebirth circle and your own karmas which you add to your consciousness element.

What happens to the water in space? In the space, water gathers to one single point; making a water bal .

How many worlds are in the universe? The subject of worlds is another subject that is uncovered ful y only to the reverend Omniscient One. This is another subject that if someone thinks too much that can make him insane. There are 136 types of hel worlds,

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many inhuman world types, 4 types of human worlds, 6 types of heaven worlds, and 20 types of Brahma worlds in the universe. A col ection of these things are cal ed one galaxy. According to the categorization of planes, there are 11 passion planes, 16 form planes where form brahmas live, and 4 formless planes where formless brahmas live. According to the categorization of planes; a col ection of these 31 planes are cal ed one galaxy. And what I above said is types of worlds or planes of worlds. So know that there are an immeasurable amount of worlds where living beings live/exist in the universe. These things can only be seen by using the divine eye distinctive intel igence.

There is no other way to know about al these types of worlds.

Telescopes cannot know these.

Is it possible to create a time machine? It is not possible to create a time machine. Even by supernatural powers one can neither go to the future or past nor can create a time machine.

What more can you tel about formless brahmas? Formless brahmas are also beings. But they are not sentient beings. Their minds are fixed onto the formless meditative objective by birth. They are unaware of anything else. Unconscious brahmas are also beings. But they also are not sentient beings. Their minds too are fixed onto the meditative objective by birth. Therefore, they too are unaware about anything else. Other than these creatures; al other creature types are sentient beings.

You said there are 4 types of human worlds. What does that mean?

That means there exist other human types also in this universe. We are one of them. One type of them. Acquire the divine eye. Then you wil see.

What is a black hole? A black hole is a hel world that exist in between 3 galaxies. That is the only world outside of a galaxy. I wil tel you

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about the nature of that world. It is extremely cold in that hel world.

There is no fire there. There is no light there. The light of a star cannot penetrate the darkness of that world. The environment is fil ed with a smoke. Those are the darkest worlds in the universe. Living beings who were born there have eyes. But their eyes do not work due to no light.

It is covered by complete darkness. On the inside of it, there are flowing stones. Hel world beings are born spontaneously on those stones which are flowing here and there. They are like bats; stay on the stones hanging on that flowing stones. They go here and there inside the black hole hanging on the flowing stones. This world is very large. In the middle of it, there contains extremely cold water. When another stone comes closer those living beings feel it. Then by thinking it is a food, they jump. Then both of them are dragged into the middle which contains extremely cold water and their bodies bursts due to the high cold like hot oil fries flour on earth. As long as they have to spend their karmas they are getting born again and again inside the black hole in a flowing stone.

Do hel worlds real y exist? Yes. They do exist. It is a simple thing that happens here. I wil explain it to you. A being adds high sinful karma into his consciousness element. 3 roots of sins have the nature of giving sensations like restlessness, pain, and burning. 3 roots of merits have the opposite nature. That means giving sensations like calmness, pleasure, and coolness. For example, let’s take this. A man hit an ascetic by using a weapon. An ascetic is a virtuous person. Therefore he has a powerful consciousness element. Now let’s see what kind of thought was in the consciousness element of the man who attacked the ascetic. He did that bodily action due to high anger. Now let’s examine closely this incident. 2 roots of sins were presented in his consciousness element. 2 roots of sins were associated with his motive.

What are they. They are hatred and ignorance. What is the nature of the roots of sins. You know it is giving sensations like restlessness, pain,

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and burning. That are opposite natures of 3 roots of merits. Also how powerful the consciousness element of the being whom he did attack.

Yes. Very powerful because it was a virtuous ascetic. Now that man added a karma to his consciousness element. What kind of karma is it.

A karma that gives a high restlessness, high pain, and high burning. The typical nature of the karmas is coming forth the most heavy part; if the heavy part is sins, then it comes forth. If the heavy part is the meritorious part then it comes forth and gives results. Now this man did a powerful sin. He dies and his karma creates a birth consciousness in an appropriate environment in the universe for appropriate sensations. Now you tel me where his birth consciousness wil be created in the universe. Which environment it wil be. Of course, an environment that gives extreme restlessness, extreme pain, and extreme burning. There exist such dangerous environments in the universe. Some environments are always burning due to fire, some environment are fil ed with lava, some environments have unbearable heat or cold. So, after his death consciousness, there creates a new birth consciousness in a new environment where fil ed with fire and pain by his karma and according to the birth consciousness; name-form is created. And he feels burnings sensations. This is cal ed; a birth of a hel world being. This is a mechanism of the universe. This is how great sinners receive great pains in the universe. Do you understand this. I taught you in the simplest way. Hel worlds exist.

Can you explain more about what is a hel world? Hel worlds are special environments that exist in the universe which has unbearable conditions for a living being. A living being whose consciousness element contains karmas that are for giving sensations and perceptions in such an environment; wil be born there with a new form. And according to its karmas, it wil receive appropriate sensations and perceptions. Those environments contain either extreme coldness or extreme hotness. The ground is burning with

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flames due to chemical reactions. For an instance, I can tel you about many hel worlds that exist in the mantle and the core of the earth.

That hel worlds are fil ed with extreme hotness. There are powerful gas winds. There can be seen flames always. Lava rivers flow everywhere. Lava makes a ground that is burning. Chemical reactions make that environment unbearable to live by any being. There can be seen special plants also. They have grown suitably to that environment.

Have sharp leaves. Piercing pricks. It is like cactus plants that grow in deserts on earth’s surface. But due to the power of karma of hel worlds beings; they live there coming to grief. Dies and reborns again and again there as long as they have their sinful karma to be spent.

What can you tel about truths? Truths are universal.

Is it rare the birth of a man in the universe? Yes. In many worlds even in heaven worlds; the female population is higher than the male population. Birthing as a human being is a rare chance. It is even rare to be born as a man. So those who have it now; must not waste it on sinful activities.

Why in brahma worlds al brahmas are men? The merits created by form and formless trances are extremely powerful. Therefore those merits create only a male form. Even a woman who practices meditations and acquires trances and die wil be a man in her next life.

The powerful karma changes the gender. It is a natural thing.

Is protecting virtue beneficial for both present life and life after death?

Yes. There are 5 main profits that come by protecting virtues. They are; he receives wealth, he receives a reputation and becomes a celebrity, he can go to any crowd without any fear, he dies with good sanity, and after his death he is born in the heavens. These are only the main profits. There are more profits than these.

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Is there any permanent atman? Atman, a self or a soul there is not.

There is nothing like that as people believe. The consciousness rises and has a momentary existence and dies. Consciousness sometimes goes to the eyes, sometimes to the ear, sometimes to the nose, sometimes to the tongue, and sometimes behaves al over the body.

When your hand touches you feel that. That means consciousness came to that place. Consciousness rises and dies fast. How can there be a permanent atman or a soul. Such a thing there is not. There is no permanent atman. I wil explain why people feel the consciousness element as a one thing. It is because of its high speed of rising and dying and because the last consciousness touches/contacts the next consciousness. The last consciousness knows the next consciousness due to touch, due to contacting. Because of these 2 natures; people think of it as a one thing. But it is not. Also, al elements too rise and have a momentary existence and die. When it dies it dies giving birth to similar elements. Hence creates chains, generations. Therefore form too cannot be taken as an atman or a soul. Besides, we always see great changes in form. So understand that there is no eternal atman or a soul.

What things are taught in the distinctive nature science; the Abhidhamma? In the distinctive nature science which is cal ed Abhidhamma is taught about the mechanisms of the universe, how the universe works, what is nature or the mechanism of nature. In the Abhidhamma, the mechanism of universe is completely examined and explained. How the universe work is perfectly exposed there. It is something uncovered by the omniscient intel igence of the reverend Omniscient One. It is a fact that shows how great is the Omniscient intel igence. It is deeply complex. Therefore it cannot be understood by a person who has an ordinary intel igence. Which means, by a person who is not born by a 3 meritorious roots karma. And also who does not special karmas for high wisdom.

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On the basket of policies how to know if something is correct and according to the policies. Is there any mechanism? Yes. In those days when the reverend Omniscient One was living in India monks suspect each and everything as; is this correct to do – is this wrong. On hearing this uncertainty, the reverend Omniscient One advised like this “if I have not taught about something as this is wrong and also if it is consecutive accordingly with the wrong things and also if disturbs correctness; then it is a wrong thing for you. If about anything I have not taught this is wrong and also if it is consecutive accordingly with the correct things and also if disturbs wrong things; then it is correct for you” This is the mechanism. You can read it in the segment of medicines in the basket of policies. Also, he has said the intel igence that is appropriate for each place is the highest intel igence.

Sometimes even our prophet al owed to a monk who had a skin disease to apply perfumes. That is a clear change of a virtue precept according to the situation. If any healthy monk uses perfumes it is a breaking of a virtue precept. The above mechanism and the real situation and the thought of the monk decide the policy. Motive is the karma. So now you may understand the truth. One must never be quick to judge a monk. What more I can tel about these.

Among Buddhist monks who knows the nature perfectly? The Buddhist monk who has wel learned the distinctive nature basket and who has attained the final stage of supreme enlightenment with 8

sciences; knows the nature exactly as it is. We can say his wisdom is perfect.

Is Mahayana Buddhism true or false? Mahayana Buddhism is a false thing. It was created by god Mara to destroy the truths.

What is the religion or philosophy of Mara? Vepacitti Asura god king, Bali Asura god, Virochana Asura god, and their fol owers, Divine Prince Mara, they al say; “eat, drink and merry and do not think about future,

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have maximum enjoying.” They think a combination of matter and body creates thoughts. They have no discipline. They hate Dharma.

They hate saints. They are materialistic. But the god-king Sakra and his fol owers have the correct view about the universe and he helps saints and also he worships saints.

Are god kings eternal? There is no creature in the universe that has an eternal life. Brahmas have an extremely long life span in the universe.

But they too are not eternal creatures.

Are mantra meditations powerful? No. If does not take the help of a form, then it wil bring concentration slowly. Instead; use the kasina meditation mechanism.

There are many Android and iOS apps for music meditation. Can I use them for a real meditation experience? I don’t think so. I as an ascetic avoid music because it distracts the mind. How can one start a real concentration process by listening to music. Do not do useless things.

Instead, use the kasina meditation mechanism where a yogi takes the help of a sound and a form for acquiring concentration.

What are the 5 faculties? The faith, the perseverance, the wisdom, the sanity, the concentration. These 5 facilities give nirvana, the extinction of existence element.

Can the extinction of existence be touched by argumentation or by thinking? The extinction of existence element cannot be touched by argumentation or by thinking. That means supreme enlightenment which stops rebirth cannot be achieved by the above 2 things.

What are Sankhara? The word Sankhara means simply either causes or effects or both. Mainly its meaning is causes or reasons. It is a synonym for formations.

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What are the causes of desire? The sensation is the cause of desire.

Sensation becomes with contact, touch. Touching or contacting becomes with 6 sense organs.

What are the 6 sense organs? The eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, the body, and the mind.

How to close the doors of 6 sense organs? The yogi person sees a form then he does not take its special signs, attributes, characteristics which are necessary to recognise and think about it later. Now he has closed the door of eyes. For example, let’s say he goes to the vil age for alms-food and there comes a beautiful girl in front of him when he is walking on the road. He sees her. But does not take any special signs, attributes, characteristics as she is smal , she is chubby, she is short, her hair is long, she has big breasts, she has nice thighs, her dress is beautiful, her nose is like a neb of a parrot, her dress is green colour or her lips are nice. The same principle applies to the ear sense organ, nose sense organ, tongue sense organ, body sense organ, and mind sense organ. He shut the mind sense organ by not thinking such thoughts which cause to arise demeritorious states. He abandons such thoughts. He abandons passion and hatred. He keeps his mind on concentration. By those methods, he closes the mind-door. The tongue is al about the tastes of foods. That’s it.

What are the seven enlightenment factors? The sanity, the wisdom, the endeavour, the bliss, the lightness, the concentration and the equanimity. When meditating these factors becoming powerful, help to attain the supreme enlightenment. Therefore they are cal ed factors of enlightenment.

How can I know if I am on the wisdom enlightenment factor? When you are listening to Dharma careful y; you are on it. When you think about the universe according to Dharma; you are on it. When you read

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a Dharma book; you are on it. When you are seeing the universe as it is by meditation; you are on it.

How to know if someone has attained the first level of concentration?

Anyone on earth, when comes to the first concentration level knows it.

He feels a strange change of his mind by suppression of 5 covers of consciousness. Which are the cover of lust for giving pleasures to six sense organs viz passion, the cover of hatred, the cover of drowsiness and laziness, the cover of uneasiness and repentance, and the cover of uncertainty. He feels a strange sensation. He feels a great pleasure that he never felt before. He feels the steadiness and unification of mind.

He may think, that “now I am like a brahma”. And also the sign becomes visible in between eyebrows.

When concentrating and closing eyelids for that, does it feel like concentrating on to a dark room? No. No. The first concentration level makes the sign visible in between eyebrows and when attains the 2nd concentration level he wil see a light. When concentrating; a person sees the divine mind light. Concentration generates light in the mind.

From 8 meditative levels, al 4 form meditative levels are extremely il uminative. He sees bright divine mind light. Because he now concentrates on to a form, it is cal ed a form meditative level. The bright light is the form. It is the light of concentration. And 4 other formless meditative levels where a person concentrates onto an intrinsic nature are neither light nor dark. Therefore know that concentration is not dark. The meditation practitioner can experience it. Try it by yourself and see the truth of nature. The truth of Dharma.

What colour is the divine mind light of concentration. Is it white or silver? It can be vary according to the meditation and practitioner’s thought. Normal y it is white.

What is meant in sutras by the word Abhibhayathana? It means high-speed ways of entering into a fixed trance. The jhanas. Using those 8

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methods mentioned in those suttas; one surpasses the grasped sign which is the first concentration level and directly comes to the second concentration level, then from it, he quickly comes to the first meditative level. Just like that, he directly comes into any other fixed trance, cleverly. Read the Abhibhayathana sutta slowly again.

What are the best kasina meditations for beginners? Systematical y, The fire kasina, the light kasina, and the white kasina are suitable for a beginner. Of these 3 kasinas, the sign is easy to grasp.

Later in my life, I like to go to a mountain cave for practicing meditations. What do you think about it? Okay, but listen to my advice first. There are many people who live in caves yet who have not even the first concentration level. It is not the mountain caves that help you. If you have a good room that has a door to be closed and be alone; that is your cave. Think about it son.

Can I use my closed eyelids when sunlight hit on them for practicing colour kasina meditations? No. Don’t do it. It wil be a waste of time and energy. In order to practice any kasina meditation properly, we need a clear sign with a boundary. This applies to al form kasina meditations except for the consciousness kasina meditation which is formless.

How to know the perfection of the virtues of a yogi? His mind either can achieve the concentration easily or his mind becomes concentrated like automatical y. By these signs can know it.

What are the four legs of supernormal power? Here by the

‘supernormal’ means the happening of something. What causes it to happen is a leg. These are those 4 legs. They are; the supernormal power of leg ‘wil ’ powered by a strong trying, the supernormal power of leg ‘determination’ powered by a strong trying, the supernormal power of leg ‘endeavour’ powered by a strong trying, the supernormal

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power of leg ‘intel igence’ powered by a strong trying, These 4 natures helps to attain meditative supernormal powers.

Is there any arahant monk who has used or showed his supernatural power? There are many. Not one arahant monk. At the time when the reverend Omniscient One was living in India, there was an arahant monk whose name was Pilindiwachcha. He also had a title of a highest monk among al other monks and nuns as the most beloved of gods.

Once upon a time when he lives in a forest monastery, there was a family who helps the monastery. One day when he goes to the vil age for alms he saw a girl was crying. He asked her mother why is that. Her mother told him it is because she requested a beautiful jewel ery when a jewel ery merchant went on the road just before the reverend Pilindiwachcha thero come and we declined her request because we don’t have money. On hearing this he thought to make the smal child happy. He said take that grass leaf over there and wrap it around her body. Then her mother did as the reverend Pilindiwachcha arahant monk said. Now as she wrapped the grass leaf around her, he by using his supernatural power, made it a royal jewel ery. Then her crying stopped. And he went away. After a few days, king’s men came and arrested the family because someone said to the king this family uses a stolen very beautiful royal jewelry. Then after some other days when he goes to that area didn’t see that family and asked other people where are they. People told him king’s men came and arrested the family due to the jewel ery thinking it is a stolen one. After he heard this he immediately went to the king’s palace and met the king. King said how can such poor people have such a royal jewel ery, they must have stolen it, hence they were arrested. On hearing this the reverend arahant monk Pilindiwachcha immediately made the entire palace gold.

It was like made from gold completely. And after a moment he

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changed it back to normal. And looking at the king he asked “do you know how did this happen now?” and the king replied, “O! Lord, I understood. I wil release the family”. This is just one incident only. I can also say another thing about the same monk. One day some thieves attacked the vil age and plundered the 2 children of a family who helps the reverend arahant monk Pilindiwachcha. He by knowing this case, using his supernatural power released and brought them back to the house. Hearing this other monks complained about the reverend arahant monk Pilindiwachcha to the Buddha. And the Buddha said he did nothing wrong.

Who can develop meditations to extreme cores? In this world there are some people no matter how hard they try; they cannot develop practices of meditation. For that, there is a reason. His consciousness is unable to touch the fine things – fine natures. The person who became a human being on earth by a 3 things reasoned karma can develop it til neither perception nor none perception meditative level and also can attain the supreme arhantship. It is a karma that was done in a past life by 3 roots of merits which means a karma done by none-craving and none-hatred and none-ignorance. This is the normal status.

But it can be changed if he has done a high sin in this present life. Or if he has a wrong view about the world. Those high sins are; hurting a reverend omniscient one, kil ing an Arahant monk, kil ing his own mother and father, making disunity in the Sangha community, raping a Buddhist nun, insulting or disrespecting an Aryan, and having a wrong view.

What is the main quality that should be had by someone to take proper results from a meditation? To attain either concentration levels or supreme enlightenment he must have certainty about the teacher and the about the nature and about the meditation method.

Without certainty; nothing happens.

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What happens if someone is slightly weak in virtue but if try meditations? Even if you are weak in virtue; start practicing meditations. The meditation wil cleanse your nature. And eventual y, you wil certainly surpass virtue and come to concentration levels.

Can someone acquire the divine eye? Anyone can do that who has a birth consciousness created by a 3 rooted karma. Most people have such a birth consciousness. Only by practicing meditations one can know about their birth-consciousness.

The scriptures, they show it, the divine eye as a science. Is it correct?

Yes. The divine eye is a special intel igence. It belongs to 8 sciences and 6 intel igences of an ascetic.

How to acquire the divine eye? It needs the 4th form plane meditative level. It is the 6th concentration level. In that level consciousness is in equanimity and high concentration. Then consciousness is very powerful. It can do anything. One may acquire divine eye science easily via Fire Kasina, Light Kasina or White Kasina meditation. If he is in the 4th form plane meditative level by Anapanasathi meditation then he can come to a Kasina meditation by changing the perception.

Can someone who sees inhuman beings like devils, demons, goblin by using divine eye be afraid of them? No. He feels no fear. Any person who is in the meditative level does not feel fear. He may feel fear if he came out of the trance later.

In order to see gods or to hear their voice or to listen to the divine music should someone must attain the 4th meditative level? To have the divine eye distinctive intel igence or the divine ear distinctive intel igence one must enter into the 4th form plane meditative level which means the 6th concentration level. Also, there is another thing I should mention. Any time when a person’s mind is not covered by the 5 dark covers then there is a chance of seeing gods or to be heard the

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voice of gods. But then he is not using divine eye or divine ear distinctive intel igences. Therefore it is unsure. But there is a probability.

What meditation gives great merits that becomes a cause for receiving al worldly pleasures? The none-hatred meditation. The meditation famous by the names as Metta meditation and loving-kindness meditation. Also, I advise you, that if you have too many troubles in your life then practice the loving-kindness meditation.

Should a Buddhist monks worship any nun? No. It is because the monk is higher than the nun. A Buddhist monk never worships any woman. Because they are higher than al women. Also, I should mention if there is a woman gem who has al the greatest virtues, qualities and a man gem who has al the greatest virtues, qualities; then from these 2 persons the man gem is higher than the woman gem.

They never become equal. Also, I should mention currently the community of Buddhist nuns does not exist on earth. The community of Buddhist nuns vanished many ages ago from the entire earth. And according to the perfect commands given by the reverend Omniscient One as on basket of policies; the re-establishment of community Buddhist nuns is impossible. Therefore it never happens again and only the community of Buddhist monks wil exist til the last day, on the earth.

In near future on earth do you the reverend see a raise of 7 types of rishis? In our lifetime, we can never see 6th and 7th rishis. But society is stil open til the 5th rishi.

Do rishis live on earth stil to this date? Til the 5th rishi there live rishis to this date on this earth. Which you are now sitting on.

How someone, let’s say a layperson should associate with a monk?

What is the proper way? For al laypeople, I give this advice. Hermits,

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ascetics, monks are a fire. The more their virtues are the more powerful their blaze of fire. The person who associates with fire, electricity, King, wives of the king, members of the royal family, serpent, elephant, poison, al women, his boss, and al ascetics without sanity comes to ruination. By associating wrongly with ascetics, a person comes to ruination maybe in this present life or if not, definitely thousands, mil ions of lives after his death. Therefore, when you associate with hermits, ascetics, monks know what is before you and associate with a mind of either reverence or equanimity.

Who is the real monk? The monk who walks cleverly on noble 8-fold path, who is trying to destroy al sins and end the rebirth circle. He or Arahant monks. These are the real Buddhist monks.

Do you agree with the Darwin’s theory of evolution? No. Darwin’s theory of evolution is wrong. There was an evolution of humans on earth. But it is not an evolution like in his theory. Often a theory may be or may not be practical and true. We humans never evolved by apes.

That is a false thing. I should remember another thing sons, that is; we see many apes those who are described as ful y unevolved in his theory. This thing is described in many infographics which shows the evolution of mankind. And also we see evolved many human beings who are completely evolved as mentioned in his theory. Then I ask you this; where are those other creatures who are in the middle of the process, who are neither apes nor completely evolved humans, who are stil in the process of evolving, tel me where we can see them on this great earth.

As a forest monk, what do you think about the modern world? The modern world, it is a complete distortion. The reason is their own karmas. Should know that, there is nothing wrong in the kings, ministers, countries, environments, relatives, thieves, neighbours,

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enemies, sun signs, astrological stars, planets but the wrong is in own sinful deeds did in the past and its present effects.

What happens in the future? The main thing that happens in the near future is spreading of a wrong view around the earth like a virus. That wrong view is this, there are no gods, there are no invisible worlds, there are no heaven worlds, there are no hel worlds, there is nothing as a sin, there is nothing as a merit, there is nothing as karma, everyone is equal, there is no mother, there is no father, should not respect elders, it is okay to do anything as someone pleases and it is the freedom, there are no spontaneous beings, there is no reincarnation, there are no sages, should not respect teachers, there is nothing as virtue, a living being is only a biological thing. This is that wrong view that spreads around the entire earth like a virus.

Tomorrow wil not be better than today. There becomes many mental y sick people. This happens in the near future and gives a great destruction to the earth.

If in any country some unvirtuous people do not let a saint to live with ease, what wil happen to that country? Also, without letting other people to live; that whole country comes to a great ruination.

All other FAQ:

There was a person whom I know, who had a dangerously painful sickness. But he never showed even a slightest pain. Why is that? If someone who is in a great mental or bodily painful condition shows no signs of pain or if says nothing about the pain it may be due to these reasons; he may be a person who had practiced concentration meditations, he may be a person who had any concentration level. If he was a person who had practiced wisdom meditations maybe he surpass pain by using wisdom meditations. Also he maybe a person with a damaged neural. Because of a neurosis sickness also one may not feel pain or even high electricity.

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Is worry a sin? Yes. Repenting is weak hatred. It becomes from the root hatred which is a root of sins.

How should a person treat to himself? A person should take care of himself wel . If a person thinking, that things are lovely to me or that person is lovely to me and abandons himself; he comes to ruination as a drunkard who drinks a poisonous alcohol. Nothing should be more pleasant than self. Therefore know that nothing is better than yourself.

Protect it careful y.

What is Dharmic delight? The happiness that occurs in doing activities related to the Dharma is cal ed the Dharmic-delight.

Is it possible to die at wil by a yogi? Yes. Those who have the required concentration power can die at wil and be born in a world of brahma, in pleasure. If he had the Arhantship he dies in the extinction of existence element.

I have heard a saying of a Buddhist monk. He said I spread the bony perception al over the earth. What does that mean? How could that be? It is like this. The yogi monk who practices bony perception recognizes the white bones set in human beings. When his perception gets developed he sees white bones even in animals. It is somewhat like a X-ray vision. He sees the truth which ordinary people can never see. What he means by “I spread the bony perception al over the earth” is this; knowing every human being has a white bones set inside their bodies, he did spread that which he sees and understands by his imagination to al human beings’ bodies on the entire earth. And saw that al humans only in their white bones set. By the wel -developed bony perception powered by his wisdom and imagination. That’s it.

How does something become high or low? Whether it is a person or an object; its high or low status is decided by the innate natural characteristics of it. A certain person, a certain group of people, a

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certain object, a certain col ection of objects if consist of high innate natural characteristics; they are high. A certain person, a certain group of people, a certain object, a certain col ection of objects if consist of low innate natural characteristics; they are low. This is how the gold plate becomes higher than a plastic plate. This is a universal truth.

What are the 5 Maras? The death, defilements, god prince Mara, name and form are cal ed 5 Maras. If you have mastery of concentration, then there is no way these 5 Maras can penetrate your mind or do any harm to you.

Are sign and divine mind light a same thing? No. They are 2 different things. The sign becomes visible in between eyebrows in the 1st concentration level. When a person’s 5 dark covers vanish more and his mind comes to the 2nd concentration level this divine mind light arises. It occurs in between eyebrows. At first, it is like a bright star. In some cases, a person's mind automatical y gets concentrated and he sees that light for a very short time with an exceedingly fine pleasure.

And they mistakenly think about it as the god. Also in many religious texts, verses about this light can be found. When you practice meditation exercises, you too wil see it. In between your eyebrows.

And this light stays according to your wil . It behaves according to your wil .

What kind of garments one should wear when practicing meditations?

A meditation practitioner should wear soft and loose garments. So that becomes an extra help for his yoga meditation practices.

Should one always have a person as his teacher? If one has a high intel igence, if knows what ought to and what ought not to, what should do and what should not do; then he does not need any other person as his teacher.

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What is the goal of a wise man? The goal of the wisest man is always one. The extremely wise man always chooses to obtain the supreme liberation as soon as possible and die in peace. For such a wise man, there is no other goal.

What are the most dangerous desires that disturb the yogic path?

The love for women, the love for parents, the love for his own life are the 3 most dangerous desires that disturb the yogic path.

How to live without remorse? Let al outside external things to exist as they are. You control your own mind which is internal. Then al external things wil not damage your mind. In fact, external damages cannot penetrate the internal mind.

What is the manliness? The unstoppable courage.

Who does a heroic action? The man who is not afraid of death does heroic actions.

What is perfection? In the absolute sense, the true formless nature is not the birth of a formless brahma but the extinction of existence element. That is the perfection.

What is a kalpa? A kalpa is a measurement of time. A kalpa is actual y a very long time. It is unthinkable. Immeasurable. I can say a parable for understanding. In an area, there is a huge black stone mountain. Its measurements are; height and length and width are 16 miles.

Someone comes to the top of a mountain by the sky and rubs its top very softly with a soft cotton piece of cloth for every 100 years.

Someday this entire black stone mountain wil decline completely by that rubbing. Yet one kalpa is not finished. It is a very long time. Living beings die and birth again and again by bil ions of turns in one kalpa.

How should we speak the truth? Truthfulness is a great virtuous thing.

Truth should be spoken at the correct time with the correct sanity and

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with sweet words. And according to the precept. If the truth is not suitable to give out because some damage can happen; then give out neither true nor false.

Holy sir, there are some people who act like they have the divine eye.

How can we know if are they true or false cheaters to the world?

Very simple. Hide something and ask him or her what is that you have hidden. If they have the divine eye; they wil tel you what is that hidden thing. If not, they wil not be able to tel correctly. Remember this smal experiment.

How can we increase wil power? In order to strengthen resolving power which means wil power; resolving some time range get into your meditation posture and stay there in that resolved time limit no matter what happens, no matter how painful it becomes. If could stay according to the decision made by you; increase the time range bit by bit.

Who is your prophet? The reverend Omniscient one is my prophet.

That who knows al , who came forth in mil ions and tril ions of lives by giving blood and flesh and kingdoms and everything, col ecting the essential amount of meritorious karma to attain the omniscient intel igence in this final life for the benefit of other living beings. That who is the teacher of gods and humans. The Blessed One. The Shakyamuni Sidhdhartha Gauthama Buddha is my prophet.

Did the reverend Omniscient One teach everything he knows? No.

Even a reverend Omniscient One acquires the omniscient intel igence and comes to know al , he only teaches what is essential to the extinction of existence element which means ending of rebirth circle.

He does not teach anything else due to various reasons.

Where was the birthplace of your prophet after death? He didn’t be born again. He finished the reincarnation. Just as a flame of an oil lamp

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extincts; he finished the rebirth circle. It is cal ed the great parinirvana of the reverend Omniscient One.

What are skil ful actions? Things without wrongs, what is right, give pleasant results and what brings the practitioner into the correct liberation is cal ed a skil ful action. Things with wrongs, give unpleasant results and what separates the practitioner from the correct liberation is cal ed an unskil ful action.

What more can you tel about life? We should think about the reality of life. Life is dangerous. Life is impure. Pleasures of life are tiny. Life is bent toward doing sins. Life is an empty thing. Life is indeed a burden.

Life is a useless thing. Life is a meaningless thing. Life is spending previous karmas and col ecting new karmas. One should fix his mind on getting supreme liberation.

My mother and father do not like me being an ascetic? Your past life parents also did that same thing to you in your past lives. This thing happened to you in many lives. That is why you are here now. Do you want to repeat the same mistake again and again. No one likes you getting liberation. Finding liberation for you is your own decision.

I see today unrighteous parents who are unrighteous than their children. Why does this happen? This is the nature of the world. Not every time parents become higher than children. If every time parents become higher than children, then King Suddodana does not worship several times to the little Prince Siddhartha. It is a natural thing for foolish or sinful parents to have wise and righteous children sometimes. I have seen that too. And also it is not good to harm any child by saying I am a parent or I am an elder. Such parents who harm children col ect many sins and get heart deceases. And also often die from a heart attack sickness. Also in their future lives, no matter how hard they try; they do not receive children. Al those couples who you see today are couples who treated children cruel y in their past lives.

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Is it wrong to speak about someone’s higher spiritual intel igences to the world? What's wrong in there. Wrong is in concealing higher spiritual intel igences. If someone conceals them how would other people know about them and come to liberation. In Vera Bhaya sutta in Anguttara Nikaya and Lohicca sutta in Digha Nikaya Buddha himself has said that one can express his higher spiritual intel igences to the world and also those who conceal them unnecessarily do great damage to the world.

What is your advice to young people? For al under 20 years age, I tel now is the time to gather knowledge. Learn everything as much as you can. Do not depend upon school education only. Also, study religions and philosophies. Learn almost everything as much as you can.

Because there comes a day when you become older, then as an assistant to your intel igence, knowledge is essential. Human life is a harsh thing. If you have intel igence and knowledge it wil be somewhat easier. Also, have good manner. Have tolerance. Protect 5

components virtue. Speak truth. Admire truth. Be truthful. Also do not hurt your fel ow students at the school. Respect elders. Never forget that you also someday become like them. Do not be jealous of other students. If you are a boy then have the qualities of a real man.

Sharpen your intel igence in various ways. Think careful y and also read many none-fiction books. Be a real friend of everyone. Worship rishis.

Do not always stay with electronic devices. Do not do sins even because your mother and father say so. I know life is harder to exist without doing sins. But avoid al sins as much as you can. Practice Dharma.

What is your advice to a person whose life is fil ed with many sorrows? Shut the world up and practice yoga.

What more can you tel me about the isolation? It is tiresome maintaining connections with people. A yogi always prefers the

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isolation. Isolation is free from troubles, fights and arguments. The isolated person does less sins and also unifies his mind easily.

What is your advice to ascetics? I should say, as ascetics you always remember why you became an ascetic. Do not forget your task. Always be strong in virtue as much as you can. Always practice concentration meditations and wisdom meditations. Without practicing meditations you are nothing. Have a high tolerance. The utmost asceticism is tolerance. Try not to depend upon others. Do not think maintaining a temple or a monastery is the most important thing. Stay away from women as much as you can. Abandon various useless tasks and various useless things. Real dharma vanishes in the near future. Also in the near future society never become good for ascetics. There emerge many great sinners in the near future. Our tomorrow wil never be good. So it is now you should endeavour. Always stay in the state of dispassion. Remember dharma facts often. Do not be afraid to go to the forest alone. Try to attain the extinction of existence element as soon as possible. Your mission is attaining the supreme enlightenment.

Have sanity on that always.

Is Buddhism a philosophy? No. Buddhism is neither a philosophy nor a religion. Buddhism is nature. The mechanism of the universe. The scientist who found out this, is Lord Buddha.

Is this Dharma simple to understand? Dharma is nature. What sustains its own characteristics is cal ed nature. The Dharma is wel explained by the reverend Omniscient One. Easy to understand. But Dharma is very deep. Isn’t nature deep. Because of its deepness, it is hard to realize. That is why living beings are trapped inside the existence, the rebirth. That is why they cannot realize nature or abandon desire. Therefore I say in those both ways. Easy and hard. Do you understand this.

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What can you tel about the Arahant ascetic? "It must be said that in giving up everything, he came to the complete calm."

If we take this spiritual path how long wil it take to give us results of the spiritual path? Sons, if you practice meditations continuously according to the instructions with earnestness; within 3 months you wil obtain the results.

Thank you the reverend. We learned many new things from you.

Blessed be. The most important thing is taking actions.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

[Note: Due to various problems that came from the organization of Buddhist monks, the forest monk has now stepped out from the organization of Buddhist monks and has become an independent rishi.]

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Chapter 27: On extra learning. 卐

In the long journey of reincarnation, one has cried about if his al tears col ected that would fil the great ocean and also even more. So why repent? So why become late on attaining liberation? There is no time for the remorse for the wise man.

To learn more about virtue, meditations, concentration, wisdom and attainment of the supreme enlightenment; read fol owing 2 books.

PDF books are available also.

The path of freedom – Vimuttimagga

The path of purification – Vishuddhimagga

You can download above 2 books from below web page in PDF format.

English translations. To learn suttas and other Dharma facts go to below website.

Below books are books that can be trusted about truthfulness. You can read them too.

1) Shasanavataranaya – compendium of Bhikkhu Vinaya by Rerukane Chandavimala Thero

2) Four noble truths by Rerukane Chandavimala Thero 3) The explanation of the factors of enlightenment by Rerukane Chandavimala Thero

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4) Hand book of the buddhist by Rerukane Chandavimala Thero (This book contains many information that should be learned by a Buddhist lay person.)

5) Question of king Milinda (This book contains a debate and a discussion between a greek king born in Alexandria in the Caucasus named Menander I Soter and a reverend Arahant monk named Nagasena. The king asks very complex questions and put forth intricate problems to the Nagasena thero. The reverend Arahant monk solves al that problems. Later king himself become a Buddhist monk.

Menander I Soter was an Indo-Greek King of the Indo-Greek Kingdom who administered a large empire in the Northwestern regions of the Indian Subcontinent from his capital at Sagala. Menander was a king of Bactria. 165/155–130 BC)

6) The life of the Buddha by Venerable Ananda Maithree Thero You can download free Dharma e-books from the below web site.

Below are websites that provide 2 Dharma book libraries.


MONK’ should be read by everyone, then please share this book everywhere you can.]

Giving this book is giving Dharma and Wisdom. Giving Dharma excels al other gifts. The Dharma giver wil receive wisdom, dispassion, meditative levels, high life span, high beauty, high pleasure, high power. Most importantly the Dharma giver sooner or later comes to the extinction of existence element and ends al griefs.

May your dreams of becoming a meditation practitioner come true!

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For the benefit of many human beings; this book was written by the Rishi Brahmadeva. Rishi Brahmadeva is an Asian ascetic. Rishi Brahmadeva uncovered the ancient secrets and true dharma by mercy for the living beings. Mercy is given to you. This is a limitless help to the blind world.

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[It is worth noting that he reached the complete tranquil ity by letting go of everything.]

Glory to the rishis!

Saints, praise be to you!