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2) Supernatural power caused by mind science: This has been explained in the Chapter 15 – About supernatural powers. Read it.

3) Supernatural power methods science: This has been explained in the Chapter 15 – About supernatural powers. Read it.

4) Divine ear science: This has been explained in the Chapter 15 –

About supernatural powers. Read it.

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5) Knowing other’s thoughts science: This has been explained in the Chapter 15 – About supernatural powers. Read it.

6) Recol ection of past lives science: This has been explained in the Chapter 15 – About supernatural powers. Read it.

7) Divine eye science: This has been explained in the Chapter 15 –

About supernatural powers. Read it.

8) Intel igence of destroying cankers science: By this science, a monk destroys al sins, al defilements, and becomes an arahant monk.

Scenes saw by the divine eye segment:

A Buddhist monk whom we know wel , once sees a vision by the divine eye intel igence. This is a group of extremely beautiful goddesses who lives in a luxurious heaven world. These goddesses were created by flowers. Their bodies were created by flowers. As body hairs exist al over our bodies; these goddesses' bodies were fil ed with flowers. This is an unimaginable nature. The flowers were like beautiful dark rose colour orchids and light rose colour orchids. Think about some transparent polythene bags created in a female human shape. Now think someone perfectly fil s according to a pattern, these transparent human women form polythene bags with dark rose color aromatic orchids and light rose color aromatic orchids. Now what you see and feel is equal to those bodies of that goddesses. They are living in a luxurious heaven world.

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Chapter 17: About wisdom

meditations. 卐

Wisdom meditations are used for realizing the nature and to obtain the supreme enlightenment. By using only concentration meditations, a yogi cannot obtain the supreme enlightenment.

Than concentration; wisdom is superior. Wisdom is far superior to concentration.

But concentration meditations are extremely supportive to wisdom.

That man who does not have a concentrated mind cannot come into wisdom. This is the truth even about worldly wisdom.

The more powerful the concentration of the mind of a man, the more powerful wil be his wisdom. If the concentration is weak then his wisdom is weak.

In this matter, concentration can be compared to a light. Wisdom can be compared to an eye. Light decides the range of eye that can see.

■ 1st concentration level can be compared to a fire of a match stick.

The light of a match stick is weak.

■ 2nd concentration level can be compared to a light of the morning star.

■ 1st form plane meditative level can be compared to the moonlight.

■ The 4th form plane meditative level can be compared to the sunlight.

Therefore you may realize now the connection between concentration and wisdom.

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In order to practice wisdom meditations, the yogi must have some dharma knowledge. The mechanism of practicing wisdom meditations is ful y covered by this book.

This book is not a dharma book. Therefore in this book, only brief or short dharma facts are shown. This book is a self-study meditation book. Only the subject of meditation is ful y covered by this book.

Intel igence of origination and deterioration is the key to supreme enlightenment.

And it is the mechanism behind al wisdom meditations.

Scenes saw by the divine eye segment:

A Buddhist monk whom we know wel , once sees a vision by the divine eye intel igence. It is about a special extraterrestrial place in the universe. Outside of the earth’s atmosphere, from space, or from another planet. It was a very bright place. He saw an area nearly equal to 10 acres. There were no trees. There were some buildings which are not tal but short. Their shape was like boxes. They were made of some artificial materials. It was a place like a children's park or like a school.

There were 25 dwarfish children. Their colours were black and white.

The height of those al children were 2 feet as maximum. Their bodies seemed very equal. Those al children showed a hyperactive nature. Al children were wearing the same colour garments. Their shorts were purple in colour and their upper garments were rose in colour. It was a garment woven from a thick thread. There were smal empty spots from square to square. On the back side of the top, there were 2

horizontal strips that were woven. These al dwarfish children were wearing same kind of garments. And there was one elder with those

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dwarfish children. His height is 4 feet only. There was a road nearby from the place where these children were standing. Its width is 30 feet.

On that road was moving an elephant. That elephant was a completely grown elephant and its height was 5 feet only. The elephant looked like a wel -disciplined dwarfish elephant on earth. There was something like a tale of a peacock on an ear lobe of that elephant. It was like a peacock spreading wide its feathers. That thing was on the edge of the ear lobe of that elephant. It was a natural condition. With the elephant, there was a man who seemed like a lofty person. He was walking with the elephant. He was white in colour. His height was 4

feet only. He was like a grown man at age 55 on earth. He was wearing a garment like a coat and a long trouser. Also, he was wearing a hat.

He walked behind the elephant in a very calm and majestic nature.

And there was another man who was walking with the elephant. He was black in colour. He was control ing the elephant. He is 4 feet in height. These al extraordinary humans were dwarfish but hyperactive.

Also, they had a powerful nature. This area was an artificial y built city without any trees or plants. When those 25 dwarfish children were standing there, came a vehicle. By that vehicle stepped outside some other dwarfish children same as those who were standing in the park.

The vehicle was stopped at the road where the elephant was walking.

That road was like a flight path or a super-express way which is very clean and extremely even, created by unimaginable artificial materials.

The vehicle which brought other dwarfish children into the park was like an octagon box or like an octagon lantern. Such a vehicle does not exist on earth. These dwarfish hyperactive humans are some human beings who are living in another world outside of the earth’s atmosphere – from another planet.

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Chapter 18: The nature of the

universe. 卐

Everything in the universe happens due to one or more causes.

Without one or more causes nothing happens in the entire universe.

Is the universe finite or infinite? The universe is infinite.

Universe and al of it are interconnected in abnormal ways.

What things universe is created from? The universe is created of 5

elements. Namely; earth element, liquid element, heat element, air element, and space element.

What things being is created from? There is no being. There is no creature. Only a col ection of 6 elements are cal ed a being. Namely; earth element, liquid element, heat element, air element, space element, and consciousness element.

It is the consciousness element that makes al the difference.

What is the consciousness element? Knowing is consciousness element.

3 types of truths:

There are 3 types of truths. They are;

1) None-absolute truths.

2) Absolute truths.

3) Ultimate truth.

■ What are None-absolute truths? If you say your mind belongs to you, that car you see real y exist, that phone real y exist, such truths;

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these truths are None-absolute truths. In the absolute sense, these truths are not true.

■ What are Absolute truths? The inability to take something as it real y belongs to you, impermanence nature, elements in the universe, such truths are cal ed Absolute truths.

■ What is the Ultimate truth? The Ultimate truth fal s into the category of Absolute truth and also it is a truth that specifical y shows the nature/mechanism of the universe. Therefore Ultimate truth means the nature of life or the mechanism of universe. And the Ultimate truth is always one. There are no 2 Ultimate truths.

Religion and nature – more details:

What is a religion? A religion is something made by a human. It is a created one. Nature cannot be created. A religion does not contain the pure truth about the universe.

What is the nature? Nature is the natural way of the universe. Nature is the natural way things happen. What sustains its own innate characteristics is cal ed nature. Nature is the truth. This; cannot be created. This; can only be founded.

What is the truth? This universe exists same like this since a very long time. In al actions of the universe; there are one or more causes behind it. Without a cause, nothing happens in the universe.

There are 6 elements in the universe. Namely; earth element, liquid element, heat element, air element, space element, and consciousness element.

If only 5 elements are in one place, it is cal ed an object. If al 6

elements are together; it is cal ed a living being.

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From the first 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) except the consciousness element, from those 5; if one element exists in one place al other 4 elements too exist with it. Al that 5 elements are always together. But this mechanism is different with the consciousness element.

Consciousness element does not behave like that. There are no 2

consciousness elements in one place.

However, by the way of existing; al 6 elements are same. An element originates – exists – vanishes. The time that is taken by an element for these 3 actions are extremely short. That existence is momentary. And for these 3 actions elements take an equal time.

However, the origination – existence – vanishment of consciousness element is 17 times faster than al other elements and extremely fine than form elements. Consciousness element is untouchable and invisible.

When the element vanishes, it creates an element equal to that element. Then there become element generations. This is the mechanism behind al elements and can only be seen by/in the 4th form plane meditative level with the aid of a wisdom meditation.

Therefore elements create an extremely fast generation of elements.

This is why we can touch and feel our body and things like our mobile phone.

The extreme speed of origination – existence – vanishment and creating an element equal to the previous element; Because of these 2

causes; we can feel and touch things. We can think for an hour. We can run on earth. We can eat foods. We can press keys on the touchscreen.

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5 elements become unable to create an equal element generation continuously when it is attacked by another 5 elements. For an instance, you scratch your skin or a wal . Since then, you caused a change to the previous generation of elements and now they produce distorted generations of elements.

But consciousness element cannot be attacked like that. Because of 17

times higher speed than 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and extreme fineness; consciousness element cannot be attacked like this.

You can see this nature, this truth; in the 4th form plane meditative level with the aid of a wisdom meditation.

Now you have learned what is the nature of elements. The universe is made of these elements. No one created these. Elements come from a long time. We invite you to see the truth by yourself in the 4th form trance with the help of a wisdom meditation.

No matter how powerful is the 5 elements generation; someday it wil be completely destroyed. An example for a powerful element generation is this earth. After a very long time, this earth completely vanishes. You can see it when you acquired the divine eye.

Consciousness element:

Let’s go deep into the consciousness element. This consciousness element is extremely fine, extremely speedy, an untouchable thing.

The other 5 elements are coarse. They are unlike consciousness element.

Consciousness element is knowing. This consciousness element exists inside the body of a living being. By body parts which have necessary softness like skin; consciousness element gets information, knowings.

By body parts which are like nails or hairs or injured skins;

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consciousness element may know a little or may not know anything at al .

These consciousness generations come like this in this infinite universe since a very long time. They were not created by anyone. It is not necessary to have a creator for everything that exists. They, themselves exist without a creator. Such things are present in the universe.

Create a fire torch with a long piece of wood rod. Now circle it around you at a high speed. Now what you see is a line of fire. But it is not the truth. There is no such thing. But why do you see a line of fire, it is due to the speed.

Create a cardboard disc and divide it into 7 parts each part like a triangle. Then colour it with seven colours of the rainbow. Fix it to a high-speed motor and turn it on. What now you see is not the previous disc you painted. You see something extremely different than you painted. That is not the truth. This is due to the high speed.

Like that, elements ‘originate – exist – vanish' in an unthinkable extreme speed and due to that; we see an il usion in the universe that is not the truth. The truth can only be seen by a wisdom meditation.

Therefore know that; the universe is an il usion.

Let’s talk about the consciousness element again. This consciousness element is extremely powerful than other 5 elements which are earth, water, fire, air, space.

■ When you see something it is not your eye that sees. It is the consciousness that sees.

■ When you hear a sound it is not your ear that hears. It is the consciousness that hears.

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■ When you eat something it is not the tongue that feels the taste. It is the consciousness that knows the taste.

■ When you touch something it is not the body that knows it. It is the consciousness that knows it. The same applies to al 5 sense organs which are eye, ear, nose, tongue, body. This is a complex matter.

When you see something the consciousness element comes to the eye-bal .

When someone touches you, the consciousness comes to that place.

There are no 2 consciousnesses in one body. But due to the extreme speed of consciousness element generation; we feel many things like instantly.

When the consciousness was inside the eye it was not in the skin, when the consciousness was inside the ear it was not inside the eye.

When the consciousness was thinking it was not in al 5 sense organs taking information related to those 5 sense organs. (Eye, ear, nose, tongue, body)

That is why when you are deeply thinking about something, then you see nothing or hear nothing.

Thinking happens when the consciousness element touches the consciousness element generation itself. Mind is also a synonym.

When the consciousness was in the right hand it was not in the leg.

When it was in the left hand’s index finger it was nowhere in the body.

At that moment it was only in the left hand’s index finger. Now understand how faster is this consciousness element generation.

Mind faculty is created inside the consciousness. By using it, we think.

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The mind becomes when the consciousness element touches the consciousness element generation itself.

The place of mind consciousness element is the other 5 sense organs.

(eye, ear, nose, tongue, body)

Yet, when mind consciousness element exists, eye consciousness element or any other sense organ consciousness is not existing.

When mind is working, consciousness does not take knowings from 5

sense organs but it works inside one of 5 sense organs without making a connection to the outside information through it. This is the mechanism there.

Often the mind consciousness element becomes in the heart and its blood. But since the mind consciousness element becomes in other sense organs too, you should understand that it is not limited to one special sense organ for becoming. In short; the mind becomes everywhere inside the body of a being.

Contacting of consciousness:

To happen a complete touching, contacting; 3 things should be connected. When these 3 things contacted and made a connection; consciousness element knows.

■ When contacted; external forms – eye – consciousness in the eye, al together; you see.

■ When contacted; sound – ear – ear consciousness element, al together; you hear.

■ When contacted; odour – nose – consciousness of the nose, al together; you scent.

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■ When contacted; savour – tongue – consciousness in the tongue; you taste.

■ When contacted; a tangible – body – body consciousness element; you feel.

■ When contacted; thought – mind – mind consciousness element; you think.

This is what happens there. Understand these things clearly before starting any wisdom meditation wishing for your liberation. If unclear; read the chapters again and again.

Consciousness element only does one duty at a time. One consciousness cannot do 2 tasks. Also, there do not become 2

consciousnesses in a body. This is the nature of consciousness element.

Consciousness is something like an electronic current. Al animals, microscopic level beings, al gods, al brahmas, and al living beings have consciousnesses. This is why they are cal ed beings and they behave like that.

You may now understand the situation; when the previous consciousness vanishes it creates a new consciousness. Also, there is another thing to mention. There is a connection between the 2


When the previous consciousness vanishes it creates a new consciousness and also it knows the new consciousness, it feels the new consciousness wel .

Because of the extremely high speed of consciousness’s origination –

existence – vanishment and knowing the next new consciousness; we feel like we have one steady, stil , immobile, a thing like; consciousness.

But the truth is different.

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A simile for consciousness element is electricity. Truly consciousness element behaves somewhat similar to the electricity. Yet electricity is made of coarse 5 elements. So we can feel it by the consciousness element.

The world of living beings is vivid. This vividness is due to the vividness of birth-consciousness element. The birth-consciousness is created by one karma. (Birth-consciousness is the first single/one consciousness in a new body, new life)

The consciousness becomes vivid according to the objective. The consciousness that takes its objective as a mango tree is different than a consciousness that takes its objective as a coconut tree. The consciousness that takes its objective as a jack tree is different than the above 2 consciousnesses.

The consciousness that takes its objective as a stone is different than the above 3 consciousnesses. Like this, consciousnesses become vivid according to various objectives. There become unthinkably vivid consciousnesses in al beings.

Also, the consciousnesses of 10 persons who think about the same object become 10 different kinds. For 100 people; They are 100

different kinds. For 1000 persons they are 1000 different kinds.

Also, the 1000 consciousnesses that become in the same person about the same object are 1000 different kinds. Therefore know that; there is nothing as vivid as the consciousness element.

The vividness of living beings is due to the vividness of birth-consciousness. This is the secret behind it.

And the vividness of the birth-consciousness is done by their own karmas. Therefore know that; karma divides beings.

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Even cannot see or touch this consciousness element; it has an extreme power. Also, al woes are due to this consciousness element.

If it does not exist in the universe; it is peace, it is a pleasure!

If someone can carry (move) his own consciousness element into the 4th form trance; that consciousness element becomes exceedingly powerful and therefore receives supernatural powers that work according to his mind, his thoughts.

Consciousness cannot originate without grabbing an objective. It always arises by grabbing an objective.

The origination – existence – vanishment of consciousness; these 3

actions have equal time periods. It is an extremely momentary time even combined the times of al 3 actions.

No matter how quickly consciousness element vanishes; new consciousnesses arise taking various objectives. (thoughts, intentions) Truly, the consciousness – the knowing; is not a thing. It is an action. In the universe; al elements are actions. Not things. They are kind of speeds. Like an energy.

Al elements mean al 6 elements. Al elements are actions. Not things.

Al things in the universe can be divided into 3 categories as; objects, features, actions. Objects can be seen. Actions cannot be seen.

The nature of an action is not staying stil for a long time. Al actions vanish when they finish the task. Nothing is left for the future by an action.

The objects which help to keep various features as circular, height, width, rectangular, etc. are made of elements. Elements are not things.

Elements are actions. Elements are speeds.

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Therefore in the absolute sense; there does not exist any object.

Ordinary people who do not have wisdom, who did not fol ow the path for wisdom; think they can see actions. That is their ignorance.

Truly, Truly, they have not realized the nature. Truly, they are ignorant.

Actions cannot be seen. An action should be known by seeing objects and their movements.

As an example, say, someone lifts his right hand. When he lifts his hand, it goes one inch upwards, goes 2 inches upward, 3 inches upward, 8 inches upward, and final y comes to the final place.

We did not see the action there. We just saw the hand and its movement. He lifted his hand; we think we saw an action. It is not an action, it is the movement of objects. It is a speed only. Al actions that exist in the universe are nothing but movements of objects except the origination – existence – vanishment of elements and al actions related to the consciousness element such as knowing.

When the hand moved 1 inch; that action vanished. When moved 3

inches; that series of actions vanished there. When moved 8 inches; that series of actions vanished there.

An action does not exist for a long time. It vanishes quickly when finished the task.

What is considered by ordinary people as actions that exist for one hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, 5 days, or 3 years are nothing but chains of actions. Generations of actions. Series of actions. Ordinary people take it as one action and express it in that way.

The reality is, there is no action that exists even a mili second. In a mili second there become mil ions and bil ions of actions and vanish; without leaving anything to the future.

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Now you should learn what is the cause for the creation of consciousness. Consciousness is created of karma.

A karma first creates a birth-consciousness and upon that, karma gives various feelings. This may be a complicated thing to understand.

Consciousness has another thing that is untouchable, invisible same as consciousness. They are cal ed ‘attributes of consciousness’. They are something like limbs of the consciousness element.

One attribute of consciousness element is motive. This attribute creates a karma. That energy rises creating a karma and hides in the consciousness and gives its effect at a suitable time. (in the future) What is death:

In the world, when a consciousness leaves a form; it is cal ed death.

Death is nothing but the consciousness element going somewhere abandoning that form where the consciousness element was to that date. (that is what we see as the death of a friend, child, relative, mother, father, etc)

A form is 5 elements without the consciousness element.

The speed of light is very slower than the speed of consciousness element. Also, light is coarse and it is created of 5 elements. Heat element is high in light.

Another fact I should mention is, that the consciousness element cannot stay alone in the universe without getting inside a form.

Consciousness element always needs a form to exist.

■ This is what happens in the universe. In the universe there exist these 6 elements. Consciousness element generations get new forms according to their karmas. Due to the high speed; the consciousness where that dies here, takes not even a mili second to take a new form

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in somewhere else, say Andromeda galaxy. Due to the karma, the new birth consciousness is created, and according to that new first consciousness; a new form is created. This consciousness element is completely powered by karma. And then; 6 sense organs are created.

Remember, karma was behind al these things. Therefore 6 sense organs (eye, ear, etc) wil be created according to the karma.

The Birth-Consciousness is like a mirror. According to the polish of the birth-consciousness; the mind becomes clear. The polish of the consciousness is decided by the karma.

If the polish of the birth-consciousness is high, it creates an extremely clear mind sense organ in the consciousness element generation.

To be created an extremely polished birth-consciousness; a 3 reasons karma is essential. A 3 reasons karma is a karma which was done by al 3 roots of merits together. (3 roots of merits are: none-craving, loving-kindness, wisdom)

A person who has such a birth-consciousness is cal ed an extremely wise man. His consciousness element generations can know things that others cannot know. Only such a person can develop meditations.

Such a person’s mind can touch the concentration levels. Others cannot.

Such a person’s mind can touch and manipulate psychic powers.

Others cannot.

Such a person’s mind can touch the extinction of existence element.

Others cannot.

(fortunately, most of the human beings have such birth-consciousnesses)

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■ The polish of the birth-consciousness is what makes the differences of the wisdoms of various people. This is the secret behind it.

Not only that, the polish of the birth-consciousness is what makes the differences of the wisdoms of ghosts, gods, animals and al other beings.

The karma generated new birth-consciousness’s polish decides what things that consciousness element chain can know. Also, karma energy decides what kind of form that consciousness element chain wil create.

(the next life’s body)

For an instance, say, a man does a sin. Now his that karma is capable of creating a consciousness of a dog only. That karma can create a consciousness of neither an ant nor human nor god. It wil only create a birth-consciousness of a dog.

(an important thing to remember is, a karma creates not only birth-consciousnesses, it also creates normal consciousnesses that give 3

feelings. Which are; pleasure, pain, equanimity) Let’s think somehow that karma created a birth-consciousness of a dog.

Then that birth-consciousness wil never create a form of a god or a human or an ant or an elephant. It wil only create a form of a dog slowly. Then al people cal it as ‘the dog'. This is the mechanism of the universe. There is no creator. This mechanism can only be perfectly seen in the 4th form plane meditative level with the help of a wisdom meditation. The person who saw that wil come to the supreme enlightenment.

Karma influences earth element, liquid element, air element, heat element and space element.

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Karma manipulates al 6 elements. (including the consciousness element)

Karma is an unimaginable energy.

Karma is the heritage of al living beings. Karma is the shadow of al living beings.

Karma energy is the fate. Karma is the relative of al living beings. Good Karmas mean good luck. Bad Karmas mean bad luck.

Karma is the refuge of al living beings. Karma is the friend of al living beings.

However, there is a way that sometimes can manipulate the karma. It is cal ed the wisdom. Yet, this wisdom is received by the karma.

■ Karma is a seed-like energy inside the consciousness element. It goes life after life til it finds a suitable environment to give its effect.

This is the nature. This nature has no creator.

When karma found a suitable environment it gives its results and vanishes. It may be in 1 life, 2 lives, 3 lives, or 1000 lives or 10000 lives or 100000 lives, or in mil ion lives. That amount of lives is uncertain. It depends upon the powerfulness of karma.

If the generated karma energy was very high; it wil give its result in mil ions or even more lives in the future.

Karma energy seed:

I can show you a simile. Doing a sin is like planting a bitter-gourd seed inside a hole in the soil.

Doing a merit is like planting a grape seed inside a hole in the soil.

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The seed is wel concealed by the soil around it. It needs a suitable environment like water supply and fertilizer to be a plant. Also, it does not give fruits instantly, it takes some time. Karma works like such a seed. It is the nature of karma. Karmic energy is also a synonym.

Think about a jack seed. What do you think causes from it to give jack fruits someday? What power does that seed have; to give a jack similar to the seed at a later date? Why that only give a jack tree and jack fruits?

Why does not it give grapes? Why does not it give rice? Why does not it give brinjal? Why does not it give coconuts? Why does it only give a jack fruit without giving anything else? What is the reason for that?

It is an energy that contains in the seed which creates an exactly same generation of seeds. The fruit is a by-product of the seed. This mechanism of nature – this mechanism of universe is same with al elements and karma.

One seed gives its effect and decays, goes to vanishment. This mechanism of nature – this mechanism of the universe is same with al elements and karma. This mechanism of the universe can only be seen correctly perfectly at the 4th form plane meditative level with the aid of a wisdom meditation.

There are 5 things that manipulate the universe. They are cal ed the 5

universal laws. Things happen according to these 5 universal laws.

They are;

1) Law of seasons.

2) Law of seeds.

3) Law of karmas.

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4) Law of natures.

5) Law of consciousnesses.

Because this book is not a dharma studies book, these al things wil not be explained here. Those who wish to learn more about the subject of universe must use other dharma resources.

Karma is created by an attribute in the consciousness element. These attributes are something like the limbs of a body.

According to the simile, understand the consciousness element as a main body and attributes in the consciousness element are like the sub limbs of the main body. Such as hands, legs. Attributes in the consciousness element are such.

Attributes of consciousness:

There are many attributes of consciousness. Each attribute has its own characteristics.

For an instance, wisdom is an attribute. The characteristics of this attribute are penetrating vision, clear vision, knowing things very wel , knowing the pros and cons of each thing, recognizing wise ways, coolness, uncovering things, dispel ing the darkness of ignorance, a root of merits, etc.

According to these attributes; consciousness element’s nature becomes various at that moment.

The motive attribute becomes in every consciousness that originates –

exists – vanishes. There is no single consciousness without it. (in the entire consciousness generations, chains)

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There are 7 attributes that become in the consciousness element always. Consciousness element does not become without these 7

attributes. The consciousness element chain wil become with or without al other attributes.

The 7 attributes of the consciousness element that becomes always in every (single) consciousness in the consciousness chain are mentioned below. They are;

1) Contacting.

2) Sensation.

3) Perception.

4) Motive.

5) Unification of mind.

6) Life faculty.

7) Memory.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Contacting attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute helps the knowing (the consciousness element) to contact the knowable objective by making a connection. Due to the connection, this attribute makes; the knowing knows.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Sensation attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute takes the taste of the objective that contacts the knowing. That taste of the objective may be painful or pleasureful or an equanimity taste.

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■ What are the characteristics of ‘Perception attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute special y recognizes the objective that contacts the knowing. And this attribute differentiates one objective from another objective. Say someone look at a yel ow color chair. The eye consciousness element that becomes in the eye just know there is something. But this attribute special y recognizes that it is a chair and its color is yel ow.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Unification of mind attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute helps the knowing to take the objective in only one way by abandoning al other knowable ways.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Life faculty attribute’ of consciousness element? As long as the knowing has the desire, the life faculty attribute keeps the chain of knowings by not letting it to vanish from the universe. (begetting one after another)

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Memory attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing to know objectives one after another, again and again continuously.

Consciousness element is knowing. The only action it does is knowing.

It just knows there is something. It cannot do anything more than that.

Other things are done by the attributes which are like limbs of the consciousness element.

Motive attribute:

Now let’s learn more about the motive attribute. The characteristics of this motive attribute are doing actions. If that attribute does not come forth powerful y, we may not see a visible action from a creature. By the power of motive attribute, a person does actions; by body, by speech, by mind.

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If the motive attribute is associated in the consciousness element with either 3 roots of sins or 3 roots of merits; a karma is generated by taking the shape/manner of the motive.

For 3 roots of sins and 3 roots of merits, there fal many attributes. An example is the jealousy attribute of consciousness element. The jealousy attribute becomes from the hatred and ignorance. There are also special attributes such as attachment attribute, hatred attribute, and also as ignorance attribute.

In the 3 roots of sins category, there are 13 sinful attributes that become in a consciousness element. They are powered by 3 roots of sins. At least by one root of sins. They are; 1) Ignorance.

2) None-shame.

3) None-fear.

4) Distraction.

5) Attachment.

6) View.

7) Pride.

8) Hatred.

9) Jealousy.

10) None-tolerance.

11) Repentance.

12) Drowsiness and laziness.

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13) Uncertainty.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Ignorance attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute covers the true nature of the objective and makes the knowing unable to know the objective.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘None-shame attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing having no shame for doing sinful actions.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘None-fear attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing having no fear for doing sinful actions.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Distraction attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing unable to stay steadily on an objective. (if this attribute becomes powerful, the unification of mind attribute which becomes always in consciousness; becomes very weak)

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Attachment attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute causes attachment to the objective. Love, lust, passion, craving are also synonyms.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘View attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing to know the nature wrongly.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Pride attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute measures the self wrongly.

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■ What are the characteristics of ‘Hatred attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing against the objective. The nature of this attribute is very coarse.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Jealousy attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing against the pleasures of other beings.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘None-tolerance attribute’ of consciousness element? The nature of this attribute is not tolerating other beings using his own (that belongs to him) pleasures and declaring the ownership of self about those pleasures.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Repentance attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing regret about various things.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Drowsiness and laziness attribute

of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing and the attributes of knowing; weak and lazy.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Uncertainty attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing uncertain about the true nature.

On the 3 roots of merits category, there are 25 meritorious attributes that become in a consciousness element. They are powered by 3 roots of merits. At least by one root of merits. They are; 1) Faith.

2) Sanity.

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3) Shame.

4) Fear.

5) None-attachment.

6) Loving-kindness.

7) Equanimity.

8) Tranquil-feature.

9) Tranquil-mind.

10) Lightness-feature.

11) Lightness-mind.

12) Soft-feature.

13) Soft-mind.

14) Capable-feature.

15) Capable-mind.

16) Tendency-feature.

17) Tendency-mind.

18) Direct-feature.

19) Direct-mind.

20) Speech-correctness.

21) Action-correctness.

22) Living-correctness.

23) Compassion.

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24) Appreciative-joy.

25) Wisdom.

■ What are the characteristics ‘Faith attribute’ of consciousness element? The nature of this attribute is making the knowing pleasant about saints, their words and nature.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Sanity attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute blocks the knowing from running into al other attributes that belong to the 3 roots of sins category.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Shame attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing disgust doing sins.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Fear attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing fearful about doing sins.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘None-attachment attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing not to attach to the objective. Generosity is a synonym.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Loving-kindness attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute’s nature is contra to the hatred.

None-hatred is also a synonym. This attribute can be pervaded as a meditation.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Equanimity attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute’s nature is equalizing al . That means equalizing attributes of consciousness element and/with the consciousness element. This attribute can be pervaded as a meditation.

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■ What are the characteristics of ‘Tranquil-feature attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the attributes of consciousness element tranquil.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Tranquil-mind attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing tranquil.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Lightness-feature attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the attributes of consciousness element light.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Lightness-mind attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing light.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Soft-feature attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the attributes of consciousness element soft.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Soft-mind attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing soft.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Capable-feature attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the attributes of consciousness element capable of doing merits.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Capable-mind attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing capable of doing merits.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Tendency-feature attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the attributes of knowing dexterous.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Tendency-mind attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing dexterous.

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■ What are the characteristics of ‘Direct-feature attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the attributes of consciousness element direct.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Direct-mind attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing direct.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Speech-correctness attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute disturbs doing 4 types of sins by the speech.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Action-correctness attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute disturbs doing 3 types of sins by the body.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Living-correctness attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute disturbs doing sins for the existence.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Compassion attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing merciful.

This attribute can be pervaded as a meditation.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Appreciative-joy attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing to be happy when other beings are in pleasure. This attribute can be pervaded as a meditation.

■ What are the characteristics of ‘Wisdom attribute’ of consciousness element? This attribute makes the knowing to know the objective accurately and deeply and penetratingly without a cover. None-ignorance is a synonym.

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Since this book is a meditation book, I do not explain everything about attributes of consciousness element and how they work. That information is vast.

If the motive attribute did not associate with either 3 roots of sins or 3 roots of merits; no karma is generated and it wil just be an action.

No results wil be given in the future.

I can show you this in an example. Lift your phone. When you did that action, were there either 3 roots of sins (craving, hatred, ignorance) or 3 roots of merits (generosity, non-hatred, wisdom)? No. There were none of them. Your motive attribute did not associate with any of them. So it is just an action. Empty of karma.

I can take another example. When you walk you trample an ant. But you did not see it. You were not aware of it. Did your motive at that time associated with either 3 roots of sins or 3 roots of merits? No.

Therefore you did not do any karma. It was just an empty action.

Nothing wil happen in the future by that action.

The subject of karma and consciousness element and universe is vast.

If you like to learn more, you must go to other dharma resources. This unimaginable nature was found by the Buddha the most merciful by his special omniscient intel igence.

■ If the motive attribute becomes in the consciousness with the roots of sins; that consciousness owner has to feel pain in the future due to his col ected karma energy.

■ If the motive attribute becomes in the consciousness with the roots of merits; that consciousness owner has to feel pleasure or equanimity in the future due to his col ected karma energy.

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I wil show you a comparison. Take a vessel and put 1 litre of water and 1 kilogramme of chil i powder. And take another vessel and put 1 litre of water and 1 kilogramme of sugar.

Now you tel me what is the colour of the 1st vessel’s water? What is the scent of it? If you taste a bit of that water, what wil be the taste?

Again, you tel me what is the colour of the 2nd vessel’s water? What is the scent of it? If you taste a bit of that water, what wil be the taste?

Of course! You can understand the difference between 2 waters in both vessels.

Now prepare 2 pineapple curries each separately. Take a spoon and taste the curry made by using the 1st vessel’s water.

Again take a spoon and taste the curry made by using the 2nd vessel’s water.

1st curry is painful to eat. 2nd curry is sweet and a pleasure to eat.

Now student, look careful y at my comparisons. I compare consciousness element to water. I compare 3 roots of sins category attributes to the 1 kilogramme of chil i powder.

I compare 3 roots of merits attributes to the 1 kilogramme of sugar. I compare the taste of 1st curry to the effects of sinful karmas.

I compare the taste of 2nd curry to the effects of meritorious karmas.

Truly, truly, this is the nature.

■ 3 roots of sins have these characteristics. They are; pain, suffering, inability to tolerate, burning.

■ 3 roots of merits have these characteristics. They are; pleasure, no suffering, joy, pleasantness, coolness, calmness.

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Exercise 1: Think about when a person worships a sage what attributes are present in his consciousness.

Exercise 2: Think about when a person hit to a dog with a stone what attributes are present in his consciousness.

Exercise 3: Think about when a person helps an old sick man what attributes are present in his consciousness.

Exercise 4: Think about when a person does not give anything to anyone what attributes are present in his consciousness.

Now recal what I said about seeds. And understand the nature of the universe. In the 4th form plane meditative level with the help of a wisdom meditation you, yourself can come to the supreme enlightenment. If you fol ow the path with earnestness; you wil come there soon in this present life itself.

Enlightened sages are stil on the earth. Dharma is present.

Other mechanism:

Now let’s learn about another secret. There is another mechanism of the universe. That is; the other consciousness which takes something from a consciousness, if powerful; the giving consciousness adds a karma into it which is powerful. If the receiving consciousness is weaker than the giving consciousness; the giver col ects a weak karma.

■ A consciousness becomes powerful due to the attributes that associate with it.

Student, I can simplify what I taught you above. Let’s say a person gives a food to a dog. Now that person col ected a meritorious karma.

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Another person gives a food to a mouse. Now he too added a merit to his consciousness. Who do you think added a powerful karma in these 2 actions? It is the giver to the dog who col ected a more powerful karma when compared with the other person.

The reason for this is, the dog’s birth-consciousness is powerful than the mouse. Dog’s birth-consciousness was created by a higher karma.

Let’s think the dog was angry and the mouse was friendly at that moment. Then the dog’s current consciousness associated with attributes which are with roots of sins but the mouse’s current consciousness associated with roots of merits. If it was like that at that moment, then the person who gave a food to the mouse col ects a powerful karma than the giver to the dog. Understand this mechanism of universe.

This is why either helping or hurting a virtuous sage delivers an extremely powerful karma that lasts for mil ions and tril ions of lives.

Giving to an animal gives a karma about 100 fold.

And also a karma done towards a rishi wil bring forth its results in this present life itself while a karma done towards a dog wil not give results in the present life.

In the absolute sense, the entire universe does not truly exist. It is an extremely fast generations of actions only.

■ Therefore know that – the universe is created by the waves.

■ Therefore know that – the universe is created by the energies.

■ Therefore know that – the universe is created by the speeds.

Everything belongs to the inability to keep according to the wil and impermanence.

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Space element:

You may be unclear about the space element. If so, I can show it to you.

Space element is the space that occurs inside the other 4 elements ( which are; earth, liquid, air, heat) when the origination – existence –

vanishment of them happens.

I can show an example for that. Place your hand above a desk about 1

foot. Then fold al fingers except the index finger. Now lowering the hand touch the desk by your index finger and lift it back to the place where it was before. Do this repeatedly. And do this as fast as you can.

Now tel me what do you see.

This is what happens when origination – existence – vanishment of elements happen. There exists a space when al that 4 elements do these actions. As now when you touch the desk and take back your hand upward there exists a space.

When origination – existence – vanishment of earth element, liquid element, heat element, air element occurs in an extremely fast unthinkable speed; that space that occurs in between them is the space element.

Al electromagnetic waves go through this space element. Fineness of electromagnetic waves and the high speed of space element’s origination – existence – vanishment; makes the electromagnetic waves can go through things like wal s.

This is nature. This is the truth. These are the mechanisms of the universe. They were founded by the sage of sages by his omniscient intel igence. Without that supreme intel igence; attributes of consciousness element and al secrets of the universe cannot be found.

(The divine eye cannot show these things. The divine eye may show

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other secrets, but not these extremely fine secrets such as attributes of consciousness element, etc.)

Exercise: Observe fan blades and the space between fan blades in your electric fan. Now turn the electric fan on. Now, do you see the space between fan blades? By this observation, you wil understand a truth about the nature and the universe.

What is the science? Modern science is a subject that does experiments and invent secrets of nature.

What was the necessity behind al religions? There are many reasons for this. For an example, wise people wanted to unite people or teach them morals. For some people when they go to distant countries beyond the ocean they wanted something to keep their faith because lives on the ocean are very unstable. Some people wanted to teach good things. Such reasons created religions.

How many ultimate truths can there be? There can never be 2

ultimate truths. Ultimate truth is always one.

Who is the creator? There is no creator. Natural things exist according to the nature and its laws.

Where does live an almighty God or a Brahma? There is no place in the universe for such a creature. Because such a creature does not exist in the universe.

Does everything happen according to the god’s wil ? No. Nothing happens according to a creator. There is nothing like that. Be wise, do merits and you yourself make your fate. You are your own fate creator.

Who controls the universe? No one controls the universe. There is no such living being as the creator of the universe.

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What is more finer; radio waves or consciousness element? Radio waves are created by 5 elements and therefore coarse. That is why we catch those radio waves. Consciousness element is unthinkably finer than al other elements. It is a different kind element.

Spontaneous being:

Are there spontaneous beings in the universe? Yes. Spontaneous beings exist.

Inhumans, gods, brahmas are a few examples of this type of creatures.

But there are more… (Ghosts are just a one kind in the inhuman beings category.)

Is it possible to be born as a spontaneous human being in a human world? To be born as a spontaneous human being, one should col ect high meritorious karmas and then he should wish a spontaneous life as a human. Also, he can directly be born as a 16 years old spontaneous man. Unification of karma and wish are essential to do this. (a large amount of merits are necessary)

How a spontaneous being is created? The karma of his, creates a birth-consciousness somewhere in the universe. Then that birth-consciousness in an extreme speed, col ects; earth elements, water elements, heat elements, and air elements in that place and forms a body according to the karmas. That speed is extremely faster –

unthinkable. So the body of the beings is created like instantly. We can say instantly.

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What is so special about the death-consciousness?

The death-thought also known as death-consciousness is the final-thought of a life that makes the connection to the next life. It is the connecting bridge between this world and the next world. If the final thought became a good thought; he wil be born either in 6 heaven worlds or in any human world. If the final thought became a bad sinful thought; he wil be born in 4 categories of hel worlds.

The 4 categories of hel worlds are;

1) Asura Ghost worlds.

2) Various other inhuman worlds.

3) Various animal kingdoms.

4) 136 Hel worlds.

What are the good thoughts that connect to a good world? Any thought that contains None-love, loving-kindness, wisdom.

What are the bad thoughts that connect to a bad world? Any thought that contains Love, hatred, ignorance.

At the time of death, al creatures feel or see one of these 3 things.

They are;

1) A karma did by the creature in the past. That could be even a one did in a distant past life.

2) A sign that was created by one of his most powerful karmas. (karmic sign)

3) The nature of the next world. (environmental sign)

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At that time, when the creature feels or sees one of the above three things, then the creature's mind immediately clings to it and goes to the next life accordingly.

If he is a man who did many sinful deeds throughout al his life, then he may see one of the fol owing signs at the time of his death.

1) The fire. (certainly connects to a hel world fil ed with fire) 2) The flames. (definitely connects to a hel world fil ed with fire) 3) Hot water. (connects to a hel world) 4) Dreadful devils. (connects to a hel world or an inhuman world) 5) Dangerous animals. (connects to a hel world or an inhuman world or an animal kingdom)

6) A crowd of ghosts. (connects to an inhuman world) 7) Stolen goods. (connects to any world in 4 categories of hel s) 8) Weapons or anything used in doing sinful actions. (connects to any world in 4 categories of hel s)

9) Kil ed animals. (connects to any world in 4 categories of hel s) 10) Embers. (connects to a hel world)

11) A forest. (connects to an animal kingdom) 12) Eggs. (connects to an animal kingdom) 13) A limitless darkness. (connects to an inhuman world or an animal kingdom)

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These are a few examples only. There are many karmic and environmental signs.

If he is a man who did many meritorious deeds throughout al his life, then he may see one of the fol owing signs at the time of his death.

1) Divine vehicles. (connects to a heaven world) 2) A celestial white light. (connects to a heaven world) 3) Astral colors. (connects to a heaven world) 4) Divine mansions. (connects to a heaven world) 5) Saints. (connects to a heaven world) 6) Celestial trees. (connects to a heaven world) 7) Heavenly gardens. (connects to a heaven world) 8) Divine flowers. (connects to a heaven world) 9) Womb of a human woman. (connects to a human world) 10) Human muscles. (connects to a human world) 11) A worshiping to a saint did on a past date. (connects to a heaven world)

12) A crowd of gods or goddesses. (connects to a heaven world) 13) Divine cloths. (connects to a heaven world) 14) Divine foods. (connects to a heaven world) These are a few examples only. There are many karmic and environmental signs.

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Advise of the rishis: The man who came to death bed, should recol ect his meritorious actions did by him in past dates and be glad. That is one way of thinking meritorious thoughts. Then he can go to a good world. Therefore, a man should col ect as many as meritorious karmas every day and should make a habit of recol ecting his good deeds.

Formation of universe:

The universe is infinite. There contains various worlds and environments.

■ The universe contains 6 elements. These elements were not created by someone.

Some worlds are visible to the ordinary human eye. Some worlds are invisible. Such invisible worlds can only be seen by using the divine eye.

Some human cameras capture forms that have necessary coarseness that the camera can capture but cannot see by the human eye.

(Example – infrared light)

■ The visibility or the invisibility depends upon the coarseness of earth element, liquid element, heat element, air element of that plane.

■ If the 4 elements become finer than the current plane, then a being who has a form that can interact with the current plane cannot see the finer plane.

There are various worlds where the coarseness of the plane is different for each. Any being who is in a more coarse plane cannot see a being in a finer plane. Yet, the beings in the finer plane can see the beings in the coarse plane.

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(Therefore know that – even we humans cannot see ghosts and other fine bodied creatures; they can see us. Same applies to the sound) Therefore the fineness of the plane decides the visibility of the world.

Because of this fact, gods who live in lower worlds cannot see the gods in finer planes. Nor they can hear the voice.

Sound is created by 4 elements. Earth element and air element are high in sound waves.

Light is created by 4 elements. Heat element is high in light.

Electromagnetic waves are created by 4 elements. Heat element and air element are high in electromagnetic waves.

Electricity is created by 4 elements. Heat element is high in electric current.

Because of this fact, ghosts who have coarse forms cannot see other ghosts who have finer forms.

■ A living being can only interact with elements that have equal or higher coarseness to his form. There is no living being in the universe who can interact with planes that are finer than his form, except using supernatural powers.

In the universe, some environments have extreme heat. Some environments have extreme cold. Some environments have no light of a star and they are in complete darkness.

■ If a consciousness element takes a form in such a dangerous environment; it is cal ed a birth of a hel world being.

Origination – existence – vanishment of elements formed the universe.

This comes like this from a long time. This nature wil be the same in the future too.

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Origination – existence – vanishment of elements is an action.

Therefore it is a kind of speed.

There are 5 things that manipulate the universe. They are cal ed the 5

universal laws. Things happen according to these 5 universal laws.

They are;

1) Law of seasons.

2) Law of seeds.

3) Law of karmas.

4) Law of natures.

5) Law of consciousnesses.

In the universe, there exist many consciousness element generations and they, by a karma, take various forms in the universe.

■ A form with consciousness is cal ed a living being. Without the consciousness element; it is cal ed an object.

In the absolute sense, there are no objects. Because al elements are actions. What we see is an il usion.

Karma is a very powerful thing.

Karma influences earth element, liquid element, heat element, air element.

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If a consciousness element contains necessary karmas to give a form in an environment where a bright star is nearby; it takes a form in such an environment.

■ Of al elements consciousness element is the most powerful and most speedy element. There is no element equal to the consciousness element.

These consciousness element generations flow in the universe as long as they do not attain the supreme enlightenment which is the extinction of existence.

Analysis of kalpas:

There are 3 types of kalpas. A kalpa (aeon) is a measurement of time. It is an unthinkable amount of time. The 3 types are shown below.

1) Amid kalpas. (The period of earth’s human beings life span starting from 10 years and growing up to 10¹⁴³ years and again going back to 10

years is cal ed an amid kalpa. This is an unimaginable large time. Not a smal time. When earth’s human life span became 10 years as maximum, there becomes a great destruction on an earth and survives an extremely few humans. From the survivors, new human generations are created.)

2) Long kalpas. (20 amid kalpas are equal to a long kalpa.) 3) Great kalpas. (80 amid kalpas are equal to a great kalpa.) There are 4 kinds of long kalpas. This categorization is according to the destruction, emptiness, creation and existence of galaxies in an area in the universe.

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1) Either by fire element or by water element or by air element an entire area of the universe is destroyed after a very long time. The destruction happens slowly taking one long kalpa. This is one long kalpa. (the long aeon of destruction)

2) After the ful destruction of the universe’s that area; it stays completely empty for a very long time. This period is equal to the above period. This is one long kalpa. (the long aeon of emptiness) 3) After that, in that empty space; bit by bit worlds are formed by 4

elements. This natural process also takes a very long time. This period is equal to the above period. This is one long kalpa. (the long aeon of creation)

4) When the worlds were completely created by 4 elements, it takes a very long time to the ful destruction of that worlds again. This existence period is equal to the above period. The galaxies exist one long kalpa. This is one long kalpa. (the long aeon of existence) 3 destructions of an earth:

When the human life span on an earth came to a maximum of 10 years; there becomes a great destruction of society that makes many dead bodies. Only a very few humans survive from that destruction. New human generations become from them.

1) Due to a war by weapons; the society is completely destroyed.

(Happens when the hatred of society becomes high. Due to extreme hatred; many who die by weapons is born in hel worlds.) 2) Due to a dangerous virus; the society is completely destroyed.

(Happens when the ignorance and wrong views of society becomes high. Many who die by this kind of destruction be born in good worlds due to kindness to each others.)

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3) Due to a great famine; the society is completely destroyed.

(Happens when the greed of society becomes high. Many die by hunger. Many who die by this destruction is born as ghosts due to the love for foods.)

The cause for lowering life span and great destruction of human society is due to doing sins by many people by body, mouth and mind.

Life span grows when they again behave in meritorious actions and in righteousness.

This time, spreading the hatred, the great destruction of current society (on this earth) happens by weapons.

4 types of human worlds:

There are 4 types of human worlds.

1) The earth world. (This is the world we currently live in. Life span is uncertain. Sometimes humans of this world have 10 years as the minimum life span. Sometimes life span grows up to 10¹⁴³ years. The life span of humans of this world depends upon their virtuousness.) 2) Eastern Videha world. (Life span is 700 years. When the sun appears above the eastern horizon for the earth world, then the sun is at meridian for this world. The distance between the earth and this world is about 96,000 kilometres.)

3) Northern Dwarfish world. (Life span is 1000 years. When the sun appears above the eastern horizon for the earth world, then the sun is setting for this world. It is their evening. The distance between the earth and this world is about 96,000 kilometres.)

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4) Western Goyana world. (Life span is 500 years. When the sun appears above the eastern horizon for the earth world, it is midnight in this human world. The distance between the earth and this world is about 96,000 kilometres.)

God worlds:

Gods live not only in these 6 heaven words. Gods also live in various places including on the sphere of the earth. But the gods who live in the 6 heaven worlds are more powerful than al other gods. According to the plane; the fineness of the body changes. So a god who is in a lower plane cannot see other gods who have finer bodies than them.

1) Nearest heaven world to the earth which is ruled by 4 god-kings is located far away approximately from 504,000 kilometres. The life span is 9,000,000 human years – 500 divine years.

2) The heaven world Thawathinsa is located approximately 1,008,000

kilometres far away distance from an earth. The life span is 36,000,000

human years – 2,000 divine years.

3) The heaven world Yamaya is located approximately 1,512,000

kilometres far away from an earth. The life span is 144,000,000 human years – 8,000 divine years.

4) The heaven world Thusithaya is located approximately 2,016,000

kilometres far away from an earth. The life span is 576,000,000 human years – 32,000 divine years.

5) The heaven world Nimmanarathi is located approximately 2,520,000 kilometres far away from an earth. The life span is 2,304,000,000 human years – 128,000 divine years.

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6) The heaven world Paranimmitha Wasawaththi is located approximately 3,024,000 kilometres far away from an earth. The life span is 9,216,000,000 human years – 512,000 divine years.

From this Paranimmitha Wasawaththi heaven world, the nearest Brahma world is located at a distance of approximately 66,096,000

kilometres away. A powerful god who has supernatural powers can move around 10,000 galaxies in the universe as maximum. A Brahma can do more. But they too have a limit.

The earth element is high in human beings. The fire element is high in celestial beings. Therefore their bodies blazes. (Emit light) 20 types of Brahma worlds:

In the universe there are 20 categories of Brahma worlds. They are; 1) Plane of Brahma retinue. (Life span is ⅓ of a great kalpa. Those who practiced very less of 1st form trance are born here. This is the closest Brahma world to the highest god world. Located far away approximately 69,120,000 kilometres from the earth.) 2) Plane of Brahma ministers. (Life span is ½ of a great kalpa. Those who practiced 1st form trance at a medium level, are born here.

Located far away approximately 69,120,000 kilometres from an earth.) 3) Plane of great Brahma. (Life span is one great kalpa. Those who practiced 1st form trance perfectly, are born here. Located far away approximately 69,120,000 kilometres from an earth.) 4) Plane of delight and joy minor. (Life span is 2 great kalpas. Those who practiced 2nd form trance at a lesser level, be born here. Located far away approximately 135,216,000 kilometres from an earth.)

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5) Plane of delight and joy medium. (Life span is 4 great kalpas. Those who practiced 2nd form trance at a medium level, are born here.

Located far away approximately 135,216,000 kilometres from the earth.)

6) Plane of delight and joy. (Life span is 8 kalpas. Those who practiced 2nd form trance perfectly, are born here. Their bodies have a powerful y glowing brightness. Located far away approximately 135,216,000 kilometres from the earth.)

7) Minor degree plane of joy. (Life span is 16 great kalpas. Those who practiced 3rd form trance at a lesser level, are born here. Located far away approximately 201,312,000 kilometres from an earth.) 8) Medium degree plane of joy. (Life span is 32 great kalpas. Those who practiced 3rd form trance at a medium level, are born here.

Located far away approximately 201,312,000 kilometres from an earth.) 9) Highest degree plane of joy. (Life span is 64 great kalpas. Those who practiced 3rd form trance perfectly, are born here. Complete gold colour bodies. Blazes with light. Located far away approximately 201,312,000 kilometres from the earth.)

10) Plane of great fruit. (Life span is 500 great kalpas. Those who practiced the 4th form trance are born here. These brahmas are extremely powerful. Located far away approximately 267,408,000

kilometres from the earth.)

11) Plane of unconscious Brahmas. (Life span is 500 great kalpas.

Those who practiced the 4th form trance and thereafter practiced a special way for the abolition of perception by thinking about the perception or the mind as an annoyance are born here. These brahmas are very different than other brahmas and are like statues. Therefore

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cannot move, hear, see, feel and know anything. Located far away approximately 267,408,000 kilometres from an earth.) 12) Plane of unfal ers. (Life span is 1000 great kalpas. Those who attained the 3rd supramundane fruit and have a powerful faith faculty are born here. They never fal back to any sense-plane in reincarnation, such as a human world or a god world. Therefore this world is cal ed a Pure Abode. A place of Anagamis. This is the first Pure Abode. Located far away approximately 333,504,000 kilometres from an earth.) 13) Plane of untroubled. (Life span is 2000 great kalpas. Those who attained the 3rd supramundane fruit and have a powerful mindfulness faculty are born here. A Pure Abode. Located far away approximately 399,600,000 kilometres from an earth.)

14) Plane of beauty. (Life span is 4000 great kalpas. Those who attained the 3rd supramundane fruit and have a powerful perseverance faculty are born here. A Pure Abode. Located far away approximately 465,696,000 kilometres from an earth.) 15) Plane of clear-seers. (Life span is 8000 great kalpas. Those who attained the 3rd supramundane fruit and have a powerful concentration faculty be born here. A Pure Abode. Located far away approximately 531,792,000 kilometres from an earth.) 16) Plane of no-insignificants. (Life span is 16000 great kalpas. Those who attained the 3rd supramundane fruit and have a powerful wisdom faculty are born here. This is the fifth and the last Pure Abode. Located far away approximately 597,888,000 kilometres from an earth.) 17) Plane of infinite space. (Life span is 20000 great kalpas. Those who practiced the 1st formless trance are born here. The body is like a mist, smoke. Located far away approximately 663,984,000 kilometres from an earth.)

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18) Plane of infinite consciousness. (Life span is 40000 great kalpas.

Those who practiced the 2nd formless trance are born here. The body is like a mist. Located far away approximately 730,080,000 kilometres from the earth.)

19) Plane of nothingness. (Life span is 60000 great kalpas. Those who practiced the 3rd formless trance are born here. The body is like a mist, smoke. Located far away approximately 796,176,000 kilometres from the earth.)

20) Plane of neither perception nor none perception. (Life span is 84000 great kalpas. Those who practiced the 4th formless trance are born here. The body is like a very fine mist. These Brahmas have exceedingly fine bodies. Located far away approximately 862,272,000

kilometres from an earth.)

Note: A Brahma in the plane of none-consciousness has consciousness element in his body. But he lives like a stone statue for a very long time.

He cannot move, hear, see, feel and know anything. Nor he is aware about himself. Their minds are fixed in the meditative objective. In their former life, they acquired the 4th form trance and also disliked the perception. They considered the perception is an annoyance and kept their mind on the abolition of perception. So they got this birth. These special brahmas can be compared to a brain-dead man or a man who is unconscious (sense, cognition) due to a high amount of chloroform.

Another fact I should mention is Brahmas in lower planes cannot know higher Brahmas who have finer bodies than them by using their normal eyes.

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Formation of earth:

See this by acquiring the Divine Eye.

After a destruction period either by fire or by air or by water; an extremely vast area in the universe becomes empty.

At an extremely slow speed, taking an unthinkable amount of time; that area is fil ed by particles of 4 elements. Slowly they build up.

At first, the earth was a smal bal of hot water in the space.

With an unthinkable amount of time, more water was added with particles of 4 elements.

Slowly with the time, that hot water bal became bigger and bigger.

After another very long time, the hotness of the water faded and water slowly became cool.

When this vast water bal in the space became cooler and cooler; a scum, a cream was created on the surface of the water in various places.

By colour; this cream was similar to light yel ow colour. And it had a pleasant scent.

Then after an extremely long time, the cream became vast and water abated, flowed down.

That cream later became the soil. When abating; water gathered in low locations. That is how lakes and oceans were created.

These everything happened in an unthinkable amount of time, very slowly.

Trees were created by elements when beings became on earth due to the karma of beings. Karma influences al elements.

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Due to the influence of karmas of beings; plants became on earth slowly. No one created earth or plants or anything.

If someone wants to see this; attain the 4th form plane meditative level and acquire the divine eye. He can see this truth.

Formation of living beings on earth:

See this by acquiring the God’s Eye. The origin of species: When the earth was just a somewhat hot water bal in the dark space and stil without the yel owish cream on the surface of the water; a brahma was born on earth.

Brahmas are born spontaneously. He had abilities of a lower level brahma. Yet he was not a human being. He was a brahma.

He went here and there; through the sky. His body il umines. His own body provided a light aura. His body was very fine because he is a brahma.

His food was happiness. By happiness of his consciousness; he lived.

He had a very fine body. He had an extremely long life span.

Like this, he stayed alone for a very long time on the earth which was just a water bal . He was the first creature on the earth. He had beautiful garments. He moved in the sky. And after some time, again other brahmas equal to him were born on earth spontaneously.

In those times the earth was only a great water bal in space. This water bal was in complete darkness. There was no sun. There was no moon. There were no stars to see in the sky.

There was neither nighttime nor daytime. There was nothing as months. There were no 4 seasons. There were neither men nor women.

There were neither male gender nor female gender.

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Just “creatures! Creatures!” was the way they cal ed to each other.

These beings moved by the sky. They didn’t walk on the ground, water surface.

After a very long time, when the water bal became cooler and cooler; there became a cream on the surface of the water like a cream that you can see on a hot milk vessel when it becomes cooler slowly.

Then with time; the cream spread largely on the surface of the water.

It was very colourful. It had a very pleasant scent. Its colour was light yel ow, like ghee.

After the cream which had a pleasant scent became larger and spread in vast areas of the water surface; a creature, a brahma saw this and thought “what could this be?” and he came down and pressed his finger into it, took some cream by his finger and tasted.

To the brahma who did that; the taste was very delicious and very pleasant. Its taste was like pure bee honey. By tasting the cream craving aroused in his mind.

He did it again and again. Other brahmas also having seen his actions; came down and tasted this cream. It was pleasant to al . The sinful craving aroused in al their minds.

And again they broke the cream as big bal s and started eating it.

When doing so for some time, their bodies lost some fineness and became a little coarse; then they lost their body aura light bit by bit.

After a long time, the sun and the moon were visible in the sky. After that; stars were visible. The body light aura of these beings completely lost.

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When those things were visible in the sky; daytime and nighttime were visible. Waxes and wanes of the moon were visible. Then, months were visible. Later seasons were visible. And years were visible.

Then beings abandoned living by arousing happiness in mind with concentration and they ate the cream as their only food. For a very long time, they ate the cream on the water surface. And in this large period; their bodies became coarser and coarser. Fineness slowly reduced. Also, bodies got special holes to remove excrement due to eating a coarse food.

The equality of bodies which was before; slowly reduced. Body brightness reduced. One being was bright while another being has a less bright body. Inequality aroused. (that is the day inequality came forth)

Now the beings who had bright bodies thought “we are brighter than them, they are mean” and they aroused arrogance in minds.

Due to this arrogance which is a sinful karma; slowly the cream vanished. It was due to the influence of karma on elements.

Then when the tasty cream vanished, beings gathered in various places on earth and said “oh pleasant food! Oh pleasant taste! Oh pleasant earth!”. (Today also people behave like this when they received a tasty food) Beings said that again and again.

However, because of their karma, they received another food. A kind of mushrooms became on earth after the cream vanished. Those mushrooms also were tasty like honey. Their colour was yel ow. They also had a pleasant scent.

Then beings started eating those mushrooms as their food. Like this, another very long time passed.

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With the mushroom food; their bodies became more coarse and the brightness of body reduced much. Some beings were bright. Many other beings were not as bright as them. Body lightness vanished. And their ability to go through the sky vanished.

Beings who had bright bodies became arrogant again and again. And they insulted the beings who are not as bright as them. Due to the arrogance about the body brightness; with time, the pleasant mushrooms also vanished.

When mushrooms vanished a creeper became on water due to the karma of beings. This is also was delicious. Yet was not as delicious as first foods. Then beings gathered and started eating it out. They depended on the creepers for a very long time. And bodies became even more coarse and inequality due to the body brightness became higher.

Again beings with bright bodies thought “we are brighter than them, they are mean, we are noble than them”. And they insulted other beings. With those sinful actions the creeper also vanished slowly.

Then beings gathered in various places on earth and said “the pleasant creeper became for us and lost for us”, “oh became for us and now lost for us”. And they came to sorrow about the delicious creeper.

After that, there became a kind of paddy that gives a delicious rice that has no impurities, that has no husks. It gave rice if they cut in the evening for eating in the evening and also again in the morning for breakfast from the place they did the cutting. In the morning it appeared as if it was not cut.

It had a pleasant scent. However, it was not as delicious as the first foods. And also this rice was grosser than the first foods. Then beings

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ate that food for a very long time. That rice was not necessary to cook.

They could eat it without cooking.

A very long time passed as their only food is that rice type. Their bodies became very coarse. Their bodies lost good brightness.

Inequality grew too much. Like this, a long time passed.

And now, there became female organs for some beings. There became male organs for some beings. The female gender and male gender became visible. Humans became on earth for the first time.

The beings who had female organs were looking at the beings who had male organs. The beings who had male organs were looking at the beings who had female organs. They were looking at each other for a long time and thought “that is attractive! That is nice!” and caused the arising of lust. Lust became for the first time.

Because of lust, because of love, some beings who now have become men and women; did having sexual intercourse. Other humans seeing their actions insulted them saying “woe unto you! curse unto you!

How does a being do an action like this to another being! Go away! Get destroyed!”. And they took either soil or ash and hit upon the man and the woman who had the sexual pleasure.

Beings in those days, confirmed by various insults; the sexual intercourse is unrighteous. Which is now confirmed by beings as a righteous action. Also when they started having sex; the spontaneous birth of humans disappeared.

Then humans who loved the pleasure of sexual intercourse wanted to do it safely and secretly. Therefore they started building special houses for them. First humans' sole purpose in building houses was the concealment of having sex.

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Because in those days if anyone had sexual pleasure; they were not al owed to enter into areas where other beings live either for one month or for 2 months or 3 months. That was their law. First humans considered sexual intercourse as an unrighteous action.

In those period, other animals also were born either spontaneously or from places like dead meat, dirt, piles of rubbish, and places that have enough fertility that provides a consciousness element to form a body.

By these 2 methods, the first animals on earth were born.

When animals did having sex with each other, animals from the womb and animals from eggs were born. On earth first animals were worms.

And again a human who was lazy thought “why should I go twice to bring rice in the evening for the evening food and in the morning for the morning food. I can bring a big amount and stock it”. Then he went and brought a large amount of rice and stocked it in his house.

Then another human came to him and said “friend, come, let’s go together to the paddy field to bring some rice to eat”. Then he replied,

“never mind, I already brought rice enough for both evening food and morning food at one time”.

Then the other human said, “yes, good, what you did is correct”. Then he too imitated the action of the lazy human. He brought rice enough for 2 days.

Then some other human went to meet the 2nd person and invited him to go to the paddy field to bring rice. He replied already he has rice enough for 2 days. Then the other human replied, “yes it is a good idea”. And he went to the paddy fields and brought rice enough for 4


By seeing his actions some other humans went to the paddy fields and brought rice enough for 8 days and stocked.

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At any period if those humans started stockpiling rice; thereafter dust started covering the rice. Thereafter bramble started covering the rice.

And also the place that was cut; did not grow up again. The emptiness was visible. And slowly paddy became bushes.

Then human beings gathered in various places on earth and discussed like this “friends, certainly, unrighteous actions did spread among us.

In the past, we lived by mental happiness. It was our only food. We were born spontaneously.”

“We could walk in the sky. We could go through the sky. We had a body light aura. It was our only light. In the history, we had a long life span. We were always happy. Then after a long time, the delicious cream became on the surface of the water.”

“We ate it as cream bal s. Then our body light lost. Then these sun, moon, and stars were visible in the sky. We ate that delicious cream food for a long time. Because of our childish sinful actions we lost it.

We lost our cream food.”

“Then became mushrooms. They were colourful and delicious. Then we started eating it as our only food. Then because of our sinful actions, we lost our that food too. We lost mushrooms and thereafter we found out pleasant creepers.”

“It was delicious and for a very long time, it was our only food. Again because of our unrighteous actions we lost it too. Then again the paddy which is not necessary to do anything to grow; became.”

“It gave us food in the evening and in the morning. We did not need to cook it. We could just eat it. The place we cut disappeared soon.”

“It grew so faster giving rice in the evening and morning from the same plant. There had neither dust nor bramble. That pleasant and delicious rice was our only food for a long time.”

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“Because of our childish unrighteous actions, dusk became, bramble became. Now we cannot eat rice as in the past. Also, it does not grow up faster.”

“Now if we cut a place it does not grow back within a short time as in the past. Wherever we cut it is now visible for a long time. Nor it gives delicious rice as before. Also, now they grow up as bushes.”

Then after some time humans thought and discussed “it is better if we divide paddy fields among us, it is better if we mark boundaries for each person”. Then those humans divided and marked the boundaries of paddy fields.

Then again, a human who had a greedy nature wanting to save paddy in his land; went to another person’s land and stole paddy.

Others came and captured him and they said “you, by protecting your part; took something that does not belong to you, you did a childish thing. Do not do such actions again”. And that human who did the wrong action replied “yes”.

But he did that wrong action for a second time. Others came and captured him and they said “you, by protecting your part; took something that does not belong to you, you did a childish thing. Do not do such actions again”. And that human who did the wrong action replied “yes”.

Again for a 3rd time he did the same wrong action. And others came and captured him and they said “you, by protecting your part, took something that does not belong to you, you always do this childish thing. You sinner. Do not do such actions again”. And they insulted him highly.

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And they attacked him by hands. And they attacked him by sticks. And they attacked him by stones. In the world, thereafter became; falsehood, hurting others, stealing, using weapons, high insulting, and harming others.

After that, many humans gathered and discussed “oh what a grief! oh we can see stealing, disgracing, humiliating, speaking falsehood, using weapons!”. “Among us childish sinful actions aroused!

Unrighteousness aroused!”.

“It is better if we adopt a person among us who wil speak to us what is righteous, who wil condemn those who should be condemned, who wil banish those who should be banished! It is better if we adopt one person for that duty, for his this duty we everyone wil give him a part of paddy from our paddies”.

Then those first humans went to a man who was beautiful, who was strong, who was pleasant, who was wise, who was magnificent among them.

Then those groups of humans told him “dear friend, come here, tel us what is right, speak to us what is righteous, condemn those who should be condemned, banish those who should be banished. We wil give your a part of paddy for your this duty”.

Then that man replied “yes”. Thereafter he told what is right. He spoke what is righteous. He condemned those who should be condemned.

He banished those who should be banished. Other humans gave him a part of paddy from their paddy fields.

His name was “Manu”. Because he was adopted (elected) by people; there became another name for him as ‘the great adopted’. Because he had dominance over the lands; there became another name for him

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as ‘lord of lands’. Because he speaks what is righteous; there became another 3rd name for him as ‘the king’.

He declared the reign of Manu. Mahasammata, Maha Samrat, Khattiya, Manava, Man, are synonyms for the first human king Manu. He is the father and the root of Solar dynasty, Lunar dynasty, other dynasties and al other kings on the earth. Emperor Manu was very compassionate to al creatures. Righteous Manu never did any harsh punishment.

Like this, for the first time on earth; a king became among humans.

This is how the Royal caste became on earth firstly.

Then after some time, some other humans thought “oh certainly there became unrighteousness on earth. We see now stealing, saying falsehood, humiliating beings, harming beings, using weapons, condemning and banishing. We better destroy this childish unrighteousness. It is better, it is better”.

Then groups of men started protecting virtues. They tried to stay away from sins. And there became a name for them as 'Brahmins' by the meaning of ‘destroyers of sinful states’.

Some of them went to forest areas, built smal temples and started practicing virtues. They protected celibacy and other virtues. Some of them started meditations (in their past life, they were brahmas, so had the habit of concentrating) and attained meditative levels. They did not care about cooking rice. Then went one time to vil age areas in the morning or in the evening searching for foods. Through meditations, they acquired trances and supernatural powers. By using supernatural powers such as the divine eye, they acquired various knowlegdes about various things. They could see past, present, and future. Also, they kept their mind on the liberation. Thus became ‘rishis’ for the first time on earth. Sages, ruesis, isis, munis, saints are synonyms for them.

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People seeing them, said “these men come into the vil age, take foods, and go back to the temple in the forest. They always meditate.” Then people cal ed those men again as “meditator. Meditator”. It was the second name of Brahmins. Since Brahmins stay away from sins, people started considering Brahmins are higher than al .

From those groups of men who were in the forest practicing virtues; some men could not tolerate living inside the forest, some men could not acquire trances, some men could not protect virtues continuously.

So they came back to vil ages from temples where rishis were living, and created Veda, various other scriptures and books. And taught to people as teachers.

People, by seeing this said, “these men do not do meditations” and people cal ed them “none-meditator. None-meditator.” In those days teaching and memorizing Veda mantras was confirmed as a low thing (compared to the meditating and protecting virtue) by the people. This is how the Brahmin caste became on earth firstly.

In those days, most people who had lust built houses and because of sexual desire they started doing various jobs like looking after cows, doing businesses, growing plants, etc. They were cal ed as

“householders, house-holder”. This was the beginning of householder caste.

Among those humans, some men and women were very unrighteous and cruel. They did many bad things. They did many low things. They were sinful and did sins without shame and fear. They had no shame.

By the meaning of ‘low doers, ignoble doers’ they were cal ed the

‘lowest caste’ by the people. This is how the lower class became on the earth for the first time.

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Like this. 4 main classes of society were created on this earth. Classes were created according to the natures, characteristics of the men and women. (Royals, clergies, general householders, servants) (Kshatriyas, Brahmins, Vaishyas, Shudras) (upper class, holy class, middle class, working class)

Should know that, for happening al of these things; a very unthinkable amount of time went. And with time, slowly human population grew up and spread to various continents on earth.

Anyone who acquires the divine eye by practicing meditations can see this truth even today.

The evolution process:

The evolution of human beings was told before. First, there were no humans, they were brahmas who had extremely fine bodies. They had the capabilities of a brahma.

They moved through the sky and they had a huge body aura light.

Their food was happiness. (they arouse happiness through concentration) It was enough for their extremely fine bodies. And they did not born by a womb. As a mirror shows instantly whatever object brings in front of it; they were born by the spontaneous method in an instant.

Later when these brahmas started eating the cream on the water surface and other foods; slowly their bodies started to be coarser and coarser. With time sinful thoughts which generate bad karmas; aroused in their minds.

Slowly they lost their supernatural abilities one by one. Final y, they lost the body aura light too. After a very long time, they became humans. Also because they ate coarse foods they got holes to eject excrement. In between these situations a very long time passed.

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And again there became female organs and male organs. Brahmas did not have any of those sexual organs. Brahmas had a body similar to a strong man without those organs. A brahma body looks like a man.

They are men but without the sexual organ. In brahma worlds there are no women. Even a woman receives a body of a man if she becomes a brahma. (then she is also a man)

Bodies became coarser and coarser. And when they got sexual organs, they did having sex by lust. And with that action; started humans to be born by a women’s womb.

And slowly bodies of humans became coarser and coarser til this level.

Animals first became spontaneously and from places like dead meat, dirt, piles of rubbish, and places that have enough fertility that provides a consciousness to form a body. By these 2 methods, the first animals on earth were born.

(This is how a being becomes spontaneously. When a birth-consciousness goes to a suitable environment due to the karma; in that area of universe, there always exist 4 elements which are earth element, liquid element, heat element and air element. Now birth consciousness, powered by karma, drags al elements around it and creates a form according to the karma. This is the way. And the form is created in an instant.)

Then animals, when they did having sex with each other, then started to be born from wombs and from eggs. Al 4 methods were completed on earth.

It is the sinful thoughts that occurred in fine-bodied brahmas' minds and eating foods that made them to evolve into the coarse human beings. This took an unthinkable amount of time. Today we are very coarse.

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This is the origin of species. This is the true origin of species. This is the true evolution. If anyone wants to see this truth; attain the 4th form plane meditative level which is the 6th concentration level and acquire the divine eye. The method for acquiring the divine eye is mentioned in this book.

Examination of elements:

What is an element? Elements are the foundation of everything. An element is something that cannot be divided anymore and al other things have been created by elements. The universe is created by elements. These elements are very fine things.

Student, pay your ful attention. Now begins the examination of elements. In the universe, there exist various things.

What is a thing? A thing is anything that can be known by the consciousness element. What can be known by the consciousness element is cal ed a thing.

If so, is the consciousness element a thing? Yes. The previous consciousness element knows the next consciousness element that becomes. That is how we think continuously.

(Student, read on to understand the nature of elements. Definitely, you wil understand eventual y. So read on.)

Everything that exists in the universe can be known by the consciousness element. Al things are knowable.

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Knowable things by the consciousness element can be divided into 2

categories. They are as;

1) Inferior things.

2) Elemental things.

Also, it can be shown by these names too. They are; 1) Distorted things. (For inferior things)

2) Base things. (For elemental things)

There are 4 characteristics of an inferior thing. They are; 1) An inferior thing can be divided again.

2) An inferior thing does not real y exist.

3) An inferior thing is not a base for the creation of other things.

4) When careful y checks again and again; an interior thing becomes invisible.

A simile: The nature of an inferior thing is like a great mist that can be seen from a far away distance by a man. When he goes closer and closer to find it or to touch it; he gets nothing.

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There are 4 characteristics of an element. They are; 1) An element cannot be divided anymore.

2) An element is a base for other things.

3) An element has the nature of true existence; it truly exists.

4) When careful y checks again and again; an element becomes visible.

A simile: The nature of an elemental thing is like a hotness of an iron rod that cannot be found from a far away distance by a man. When he goes closer and touches it; then only he finds it which now clearly shows its existence.

Student, in the universe there exist 4 categories of elements. They are; 1) Consciousness elements.

2) Attributes of consciousness element.

3) Forms.

4) Extinction of existence element.

Below is mentioned al elements. In the universe, there exist these elements. These are things that truly exist. There are no any other elements than these. It exist these elements only. Al other things are created or exist due to these elements. Al elements are;

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1) Consciousness element.

2) 52 attributes of consciousness element.

3) 28 forms.

4) Extinction of existence element.

In order to find out whether is it an elemental thing or an inferior thing; one should divide it.

When dividing things; sanity should be on these 2 natural laws. They are;

1) 1 is 1. One thing never becomes two things.

2) 2 is 2. Two things never become one thing.

If something can be divided into two things, it is because it was existing as 2 things previously. Those 2 things were very closer due to the attachment.

Two things may look like one thing due to the attachment. But because of attachment; 2 things never become 1 thing.

If something can be divided into 2, 3 or 20, 100, 1000, 10000 parts; it is due to it was created by the attachment of various things.

Modern science says everything is created by atoms. So is an atom an element? No. An atom can be divided into 3 parts. They are; 1) Electron.

2) Proton.

3) Neutron.

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Student, then you may think these electrons, protons, neutrons are elements. No. Because these can be divided into 4 parts. Let’s take an electron as an example.

An electron can be divided into 4 parts basical y. Those 4 parts are; 1) Earth element.

2) Water element.

3) Air element.

4) Heat element.

The same applies to protons and neutrons too.

Now let’s take a closer look at the earth element. Try to divide earth element. Can you do that? No matter how hard you try to divide it; it cannot be divided. Because it is an element that truly exists in the universe.

No man however wise can divide elements. Dividing elements is an impossible action.

The above 4 elements have synonyms. I wil teach you them below.

1) Solid element. (hard nature, earth nature) 2) Liquid element. (Fluid nature, water nature) 3) Gas element. (Wind nature, air nature) 4) Plasma element. (Heat nature, fire nature)

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Now let’s check a chair. Can you divide a chair? Yes, you can divide, break a chair may be into mil ion parts. So is a chair an element? No. A chair is not an element. The same applies to al other inferior things.

Check these things too by your intel igence. You should check; 1) Dog.

2) Girl.

3) Car.

4) Consciousness element.

5) Air element.

6) Chocolate.

7) Neutron.

8) Heat element.

9) North.

10) Cloth.

11) Moon.

12) Hydrogen gas.

13) Space element.

14) Leg.

Only what real y exists in the universe are elements. Al other things are not elements. Other inferior things are created by elemental things.

■ Therefore, know that; elements cannot be divided.

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There are 4 characteristics of an attribute of consciousness element.

They are;

1) It originates with the consciousness element.

2) It vanishes with the consciousness element.

3) It takes the objective that consciousness element takes.

4) It associates with the sense organ which the consciousness element associates with, at that moment. (Such as eye, ear, nose, etc) Al attributes of consciousness element do not always become in the consciousness element. Only 7 attributes of consciousness element become in the consciousness element always. Those 7 attributes of consciousness element always become in al living beings of universe.

Other attributes of consciousness element do not do that.

This is the examination of elements in brief. Complex information is not included here since this is not a dharma book. Those who like to know more about the subject of universe; should study distinctive nature category in dharma. (distinctive nature aka Abhidhamma) Ultimate truth:

■ Everything that truly exists; cannot be proved. It is very little that can be proved.

Modern science is childish. Scientists are weak in the subject of universe. Scientists are ordinary people.

■ Everything cannot be proved by logics. It is the fool who thinks everything can be proved by logic.

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None can compare a rishi who is supremely enlightened with any other ordinary man or woman.

■ In the world, there happen many unthinkable things. Unthinkable things that no one believes if they exist or happen.

There are 5 subjects that are unable to think or know completely by the ordinary human mind. They are;

1) The subject of worlds.

2) The subject of living beings.

3) The subject of supernatural powers.

4) The subject of karma.

5) The subject of Omniscient Buddhas.

These subjects are unable to think or know completely by an ordinary human mind. Only an Omniscient Buddha knows about these 5

subjects completely. If any other person tries to think about them without a limit; they come to insanity certainly.

■ The ultimate truth is the world is a woe. A great grief. In order to take a permanent pleasure, we have to stop the consciousness from taking various forms in the universe.

Sometimes consciousness element creates a form as a human king, again a cat, again a worm, again a serpent, again a god king, again a brahma, again a woman, again a goddess, again a man, again a ghost, again an elephant, again a tree god, again a demon, again a devil, again a hel world being, again a bird, again a caterpil ar, again a teacher, again a criminal, again a whore, again a butterfly, again a lion, again a poor man, again a rich man, etc. This is the nature of consciousness element.

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Because of the existence of dangerous worlds which are always fil ed with fire, extreme coldness, complete darkness, woe, blood, hatred, suffering, and various other dangers; it is indeed dangerous the universe.

Those who do not believe in reincarnation and karma should acquire the divine eye by practicing a meditation. Then his al doubts vanishes.

He changes his previous wrong views.

The divine eye makes him closer to the supreme liberation. The man who practices a concentration meditation (that gives the divine eye) with earnestness and steadiness; acquires the divine eye no doubt, within 3 months. This is the word of the noble rishis. Those munis who came to the perfection in virtue; speak the truth only.

To end the al woes and sorrows, one must stop this behaviour of consciousness element. In order to stop that behaviour of consciousness element, one should attain the supreme enlightenment.

In order to attain the supreme enlightenment; one should practice wisdom meditations. In order to practice wisdom meditations and attain the supreme enlightenment; one should build extreme concentration.

In order to develop extreme concentration; one should practice concentration meditations. In order to practice concentration meditations properly; one should be strong in virtue.

In order to be strong in virtue and merits; one should learn dharma with a good heart. This is the path and the ultimate truth. (This is the general method)

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How the Almighty God concept created:

■ The idea that says the “almighty god created al things, the almighty god created living beings and the world” is false.

This concept was created by people who searched for the origin of beings and the world and became extremely tired on finding that because they could not find any evidence for the genesis.

They found nothing for their searching and they became exhausted.

Then final y they gave it up to an invisible almighty god and said “there is nothing to worry about, everything was created by an almighty god”.

They thought “without an arrow-maker, there cannot exist an arrow”.

They thought “without a chariot-maker, there cannot exist a chariot”.

They thought “without a carpenter, there cannot exist a chair”. They thought “without an artist, there cannot exist a painting”. Then they making it their basic theory, searched for a visible creator and they found nothing.

Then they thought “universe, world, al beings were created by an invisible almighty god, he has the power to do anything, everything happens according to his wil ”.

And they stopped thinking more about this. Because this thinking was very tiresome to them.

Yet they never thought more about that super almighty god. If they brought their basic theory which is about the arrow-maker and arrow to their this almighty god; then there must be another almighty god to create this almighty god. Also, there should be another almighty god to create that almighty god. And again there should be another almighty god for the creation of that god. And also there should be another almighty god for creating that almighty god. . Like this; there wil be no end to the row of almighty gods. Theory is just a theory.

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Also if everything happens according to that almighty god’s wil , then he is a great sinner; he has the responsibility for al criminals and their crimes on earth. (And then those people are not sinners. Right?) Truly, truly such an almighty god does not exist. If he is almighty why he cannot stop those who talk against him, why he cannot make everyone on earth his fol owers?

Understand the truth; there is no almighty god. This is the pure evidence for the none existence of such an almighty god.

There is another thing I should mention. We see an artist creates a painting, if the artist decides he wil create the painting. If the artist does not want; he wil not create a painting. But we do not see an almighty god come and help him to create a painting. By this fact also, you understand that there is no almighty god.

■ Therefore, know that; the concept of an almighty god is false.

Wrongs of theory of evolution:

There are mil ions of apes. There are mil ions of human beings. But there are no semi-evolved apes and humans in the world. We do not see any of them. There exist no hominids. This fact alone clearly proves that the Darwin’s theory of evolution is false on the human evolution.

Evolution happened. But it is not as Darwin saw on mankind.

■ Therefore, know that; Darwin’s theory of evolution is false.

Things that scientists cannot prove:

There are many things science and scientists cannot explain. I can name a few; the divine mind light that occurs in the 2nd concentration level cannot be proven by the modern science. A particular thought in

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the mind cannot be proven by science and scientists. Reincarnation cannot be proven by science and scientists. Why the persons in the same family show completely opposite natures cannot be proven by science and scientists. The ghost world cannot be proven by science and scientists. Bal lightning, earthquake lights, rock ghosts aka moving rocks, geoglyphs, Saturn's north pole, dark matter, appearing dreams, and gravity are also unexplainable by the modern science. How the elements work cannot be proven by modern science and scientists.

Concentration cannot be proven by science and scientists. The existence of inhumans, gods, brahmas, and the divine eye cannot be proven by science and scientists. The existence of karma cannot be proven by science and scientists. How the karma works cannot be proven by science and scientists. There are many things science can neither prove nor explain.

Weaknesses of modern science:

A sage who has distinctive intel igences cannot be compared with ordinary scientists.

Modern science is very weak in front of distinctive intel igences like the divine eye.

Abandon the foolish mentality that thinks of scientists and modern science as almighty gods.

■ Therefore, know that; modern science and scientists are limited in knowing.

Therefore, know that; modern science and scientists are weak in front of the divine intel igences that can only be acquired through meditations.

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Therefore, know that; modern science and scientists are childish in front of metaphysics aka the subject of nature.

Path to enlightenment in brief:

What is meant by the ‘enlightenment’ word in metaphysics?

Enlightenment means realizing the universe the nature. Aka supreme enlightenment.

The path to supreme enlightenment is; a man first should learn essential dharma facts. Secondly should be strong in virtue. Thirdly he should develop concentration. With the superior concentration he should see the truth about the universe by using wisdom meditations.

Thus a man attains the supreme enlightenment.

The one who attained the supreme enlightenment is liberated.

Liberated from what? He is liberated from the existence. Therefore from al woes he is liberated.

Analysis of extinction of existence element: Existence is a woe. None-existence is a pleasure.

■ Nirvana is a synonym for that none-existence.

Except the Nirvana element, al other things viz wealth, beautiful women, lands, education, vehicles, power, tasty foods, beautiful worlds; are useless. In short; life is useless.

There is a thing in the universe that is invisible and untouchable and very fine, that can only be known by the wisdom, that can only be known by the mind. The earth element, liquid element, heat element, and air element which exist everywhere in the universe are not in that thing. It has no form. It is formless. There is no sun, there is no moon, there are no stars, and there are no planets in it.

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■ That nature is colorless. Supreme liberation is a synonym for this subtle nature.

There is no beginning. There is no ending. Al objects which are long, short, good, bad, smal , big which are everywhere; are not there.

When came to there; name-form comes to cessation without a remainder. It is a very fine nature.

It is not created by a cause. Because it is not created by a cause there is no change. And it exists permanently. By the destruction of al causes; a sage comes to that thing.

There is no birth. There is no decaying. There are no sicknesses. There are no woes. There is no death.

The eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, the body, the mind; do not exist there.

There is no colour. There is no scent. There is no flavour. There is no touch. There is no thought.

There is no form. There is no sensation. There is no perception. There are no formations. There is no consciousness element.

There is no past. There is no present. There is no future. As a fire, there is no special place for it in the universe. Entrance is everywhere.

Therefore, it is everywhere. It is beyond al worlds. Any grief is not mixed with it. Its pleasure is a certain thing. The man who stays in the place named virtue; takes it.

It is invisible like the air that exists. It is untouchable like space that exists. It is pure like the light that exists. Only by the mind can know it in the present life by the man who fol ows the correct path to it and who is pure from al defects.

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Even the highest pleasures that come from form and formless trances cannot be compared to the supreme pleasure of extinction of existence element.

■ It is the fearless place. It is the safe place. It is the eternal place. It is the healed place. It is the cool place. It is the pure place. It is the place that is free from al troubles.

It is void from desire. It is timeless. It is very fine. It is extremely delicious. It is the supreme dispassion. It is the highest pleasure.

Even if the extinction of existence element is formless; it has many good features. Extinction of existence element have; 1 quality of a lotus flower, 2 qualities of water, 3 qualities of a medicine, 4 qualities of the great ocean, 5 qualities of a food, 9 qualities of space, 3 qualities of a gem, 3 qualities of red sandalwood, 3 qualities of ghee and 5

qualities of a great stone mountain.

What is the 1 quality of a lotus flower that extinction of existence element has? As a lotus flower does not touch the water below; the extinction of existence element does not touch al defilements like passion, hatred, ignorance. It stays away from al cankers, sins.

What are the 2 qualities of water that extinction of existence element have? 1# As water has the coolness; the extinction of existence element has the coolness. 2# As water pacify the thirst of a being; the extinction of existence element pacifies al desires of beings.

What are the 3 qualities of a medicine that extinction of existence element has? 1# As a medicine gives refuge to a being who is attacked by a poison; the extinction of existence element gives refuge to beings who are attacked by al defilements, al sins. 2# As a medicine ends al sicknesses of beings; the extinction of existence element ends al woes of beings. 3# As a medicine stays against decaying and death and heals

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beings; the extinction of existence element stays against decaying and death.

What are the 4 qualities of great ocean that extinction of existence element have? 1# As great ocean is void from carcasses; the extinction of existence element is void from dead bodies. 2# As the great ocean never gets fil ed by the water coming from al the rivers; the extinction of existence element never gets fil ed no matter how many beings come into it. 3# As the great ocean is the residence for huge animals; the extinction of existence element is the residence for great rishis who came to the end of wisdom and supernatural powers. 4# As the great ocean has countless various waves; the extinction of existence element has countless various freedoms.

What are the 5 qualities of a food that extinction of existence element has? 1# As food gives life to beings; extinction of existence element gives life to beings as an abolishing of decaying and death. 2# As food gives power to the beings; extinction of existence element gives various powers to the rishis who attained it. 3# As food gives praiseworthy body colour to beings; the extinction of existence element gives praiseworthy virtue to al beings who attained it. 4# As food pacifies the grief of al beings that comes from hunger; the extinction of existence element pacifies the grief of al beings that comes from sins. 5# As food destroys the weakness of beings; the extinction of existence element destroys weaknesses of beings that occurs due to al woes.

What are the 9 qualities of space that extinction of existence element have? 1# As space do not be born, do not live, do not die, is incapable of defeating, cannot be stolen, do not associate, is behaved by birds, do not have any cover, 9# is infinite; the extinction of existence element does not be born, does not live, does not die, is incapable of

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defeating, cannot be stolen, does not associate, is behaved by Aryans, do not have any cover, is infinite.

What are the 3 qualities of a divine gem that extinction of existence element has? 1# As a wish yielding divine gem gives a thing someone wishes; the extinction of existence element gives a thing someone wishes. 2# As a divine gem gives happiness; the extinction of existence element gives happiness. 3# As a divine gem becomes useful in il uminating the wearer; the extinction of existence element becomes useful in il uminating the attained rishi.

What are the 3 qualities of red sandalwood that extinction of existence element has? 1# As the red sandalwood is rare to be found; the extinction of existence element is rare to be found. 2# As the red sandalwood has an incomparable fragrance; the extinction of existence element has the incomparable fragrance of virtue. 3# As the red sandalwood is praised by the wise men; the extinction of existence element is praised by the wise men.

What are the 3 qualities of ghee that extinction of existence element have? 1# As the ghee is very colourful; the extinction of existence element is very colourful by virtue. 2# As ghee gives a pleasant scent in al 10 directions; the extinction of existence element gives a pleasant scent of virtue in al 10 directions. 3# As the ghee is delicious; the extinction of existence element is delicious without a limit.

What are the 5 qualities of a great stone mountain that extinction of existence element have? 1# As a great stone mountain is very tal ; the extinction of existence element is very tal er beyond 3 worlds, cal ed as human, celestial, brahmic worlds. 2# As a great stone mountain is immovable; the extinction of existence element is immovable. 3# As it is very hard to climb to the top of a great stone mountain; it is very hard to climb to the extinction of existence element. 4# As a great

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stone mountain does not help to al seeds to beget; the extinction of existence element does not help al sins to beget. 5# As a great stone mountain has neither love nor hatred for anything; the extinction of existence element has neither love nor hatred for anything.

This extinction of existence element is supreme to al other elements.

There is no other way to know about this thing except by acquiring the intel igence of destroying cankers science. Only the rishis who acquired it; know about it. Except them who acquired it; there is none in the universe who knows this extinction of existence element ful y.

■ This subtle nature is unthinkable by the ordinary mind.

By fol owing the advises of the Buddha; one comes to the extinction of existence element. And then he knows it. By finding and knowing this supreme subtle nature by himself; he becomes exceedingly glad.

By using created things from earth element, liquid element, heat element, air element; none can know this extinction of existence element.

By discussion, one cannot know about this subtle nature. By arguments, one cannot know this thing. By logic, one cannot know this thing.

By attaining the supreme enlightenment; one comes to that position in this present life. By coming to that position; one ends al mental woes stil possessing the body. By the vanishment of final death-consciousness and body; one comes to that position ful y, in al aspects.

By coming to that position ful y; one ends al woes. Permanently.

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Abandonment of form, sensation, perception, formations, consciousness; causes the entering into the extinction of existence element.

This is the only fearless land. This is the only fearless city. This is the only fearless place. It is rare those who come to this subtle nature.

There is nothing in the universe that can be compared to this extinction of existence element. This extinction of existence element is supreme to al elements.

■ Coming to this supreme nature is the purpose of human life, god life, and brahma life. Because only in these 3 types of lives one can come to that supreme element.

Scenes saw by the divine eye segment:

A Buddhist monk whom we know wel , once sees a vision by the divine eye intel igence. There is an Indian Bol ywood actress who is very beautiful and who is alive to this date. She has eyes like a beautiful flower. She was born in Mangalore, Karnataka. She was the winner of the Miss World 1994 pageant. She has a very beautiful figure. She is excel ent in human woman’s beautifulness. Her beauty, her colour, her manners; these al , charm her fol owers. Special y the Bol ywood movie lovers. She is very famous around the world. Also, she is very rich and has everything she wants to have. Once a Buddhist monk who has the divine eye finds what is the karma behind al of her these good things.

He sees a past life of this beautiful Bol ywood actress. He sees a woman at age 40, wearing an orange colour garment. This time also she is an Indian, nevertheless; an ordinary woman. And she is wearing the orange colour garment; staying in holy places, cleans holy places, weaves flower garlands for holy places, cooks aromatic foods in holy places, and adores holy places by many aromatic beautiful flowers.

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Chapter 19: Truths and circles and

more. 卐

This chapter contains various truths that are good for a meditation practitioner to know.

Firstly explaining the reasons and their various fruits. However, keep in mind that the reasons and their fruits are explained only by one or a few modes. But there are more other fruits due to a smal change in karma – formations.

Reasons and results:

6 categories of attributes of consciousness element namely craving, hatred, ignorance, non-craving, loving-kindness, wisdom; generate a karma. Listen, I show you the reasons and results. These craving, hatred, ignorance categories are the 3 roots of sins.

O smal beings with ignorant minds! Karma is an unimaginable energy!

Luck is a synonym for karma.

He who attacks others in the back; gets back pain.

He who insults others, breaks promises, causes great disappointment to another, deprives other’s properties, disgraces others in public; gets mental agony and pain.

He who plugs up or blocks up the hole of a rat or a snake, who catches fish and causes them to die by suffocation, who stifles the life of any creature; gets asthma, lung diseases, pleurisy, severe bronchitis, pneumonia and similar things to these.

He who kil s or injures another by means of poisoned instruments; suffers from scorpion-sting and snake bite, dies by poisons.

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He who oppresses others and keeps them in permanent slavery by excessive vanity and pride; gets elephantiasis.

He who is a miser and a harsh money-lender, who ruins, impoverishes and drives his debtors to starvation through rack renting and abnormal interest; suffers from consumption.

He who indulges with prostitutes, commits adultery, leads an impure life; gets leprosy.

He who is proud of his physical strength and misuses his power in oppressing and fighting with others; suffers from epilepsy.

Husbands who beat their wives and parents who beat their children without understanding, people who do not show mercy to children; get angina pectoris (heart-pains), chronic tooth pain and nephritis.

He who loves the ocean but has many merits becomes a god who lives in the ocean.

He who loves rain but has many merits becomes a god who lives in the rain clouds.

He who loves the sun but has many merits becomes a god who lives in the sun.

He who loves the moon but has many merits becomes a god who lives in the moon.

He who loves trees but has many merits becomes a god who lives in a tree.

He who loves mountains but has many merits becomes a god who lives in a mountain.

He who casts lustful look on women, who eyes others’ property, whose heart burns at others’ wel -being, who is jealous when sees

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good things happened to others, who does sins by eye, who watches others nakedness by lust, who visits abominable parties and sexy dancing shows; gets permanent eye-diseases.

He who sets fire to a house and causes others’ death; gets erysipelas and fatal hot boils, dies by fire.

He who poisons others with irritating, fiery and corrosive foods, who adds impure things in rice and serves in hotels, who adds water to milk and sel s it for a high price passing it for pure milk; gets colic and gastritis.

He who is a hypocritic, who under the guise of goodness and virtue continuously torments others with petty tyranny, who constantly il -

treats, beats and deals harshly with little children, who is not merciful; gets bad itches and skin diseases.

He who indulges in gossip, who likes to hear talks about abusing others, sardonics and insulting others and similar things, who listens obscene songs in dancing shows, etc; gets ear-sore and painful humming sound in the ears, and suffers from ear-inflammation.

Children who disobey their fathers or drag them to court; get leukoderma or loss of vision.

Lawyers and advocates who twist truth and falsehood in court-cases; get colour-blindness, saint vitus’s dance, squint-eye and cataract; are born with a deformed body and afflicted with loss of memory.

Scientists who invent destructive weapons, fire-bombs and also those who use/drop them on people; get multiplicity of dangerous incurable diseases, being born as insects wil live in the hol ow of trees and when the trees are cut and logs used for firewood wil be cruel y burnt to ashes in successive rebirths.

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Cruel doctors who il -treat patients, and give worthless medicines charging high rates, who inject aqua and charge high fees; are born as women and have womb-disease. Their conceptions and delivery wil be attended by severe complication, pain and wil mostly result in abortion.

Ascetics who falsely pose to be a supernatural power holder (siddha) and cheat the people of the world; wil be suddenly overcome by impotency in the prime of their youth in future lives and wil suffer terrible disappointment while eagerly hoping to enjoy pleasures.

He who drinks intoxicants and liquors, and indulges in immoral acts; wil be born as weaklings, underdeveloped or premature birth and suffer from neurasthenia and general debility.

He who deprives dumb animals of their food and drink, and beat innocent animals like bul s, dogs, cats, etc; gets pyorrhoea, loses al teeth and gets ulcers in the throat.

Those who torture people in prisons; wil be born cripples and paralytic and wil suffer from chronic nervous pains and rheumatic troubles.

Those who blaspheme the supreme Dharma, speak il of saints and scriptures; get cancer in the tongue and become dumb.

Dacoits who rob people of their possessions and shoot people; wil be victims of every visiting epidemic and wil suffer every time from severe relapses and complications.

He who burns sacred dharma books, holy scriptures and destroys spiritual literature; gets gastric ulcers and cancer.

People who extract forced labour from workers, and pay them very low salaries in factories, companies, business, or who do similar things; suffer from Asthma, great suffocation, and tumour in the brain with

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unbearable pain, and wil also become subject to gout, rheumatism, lumbago and hunch back.

Those who deceive the masses through bogus concerns; get chronic diarrhoea and dyspepsia, and diseases of spleen with anaemia and malnutrition. Have to go to the toilet often.

He who sel s stale vegetables and fruits, spoiled grains and rice for high price by making them appear fresh, who does businesses unrighteously; gets fal ing hair, leukoderma, carious teeth and cataract.

Profiteers and black-marketeers; get incurable obesity, elephantiasis and tumour in the stomach.

He who refuses food to hungry guests at the door; gets pyorrhoea and stomach ulcer.

Officers who oppress subordinates, clerks and peons by extracting il egal works from them and fining them unnecessarily; get chronic oppressive head-ache, high-blood pressure with acute giddiness.

Officers who misuse public money and produce false vouchers; get dropsy and septic fevers.

Servants who pretend to work and thus ruin their masters; get paralysis and trembling of limbs and palpitation.

Cunning people who deceive people as advisers in holy places of pilgrimage and as worshippers in renowned temples, by demanding money, clothing and food-materials in the name of dharma or in the name of any sacred thing; get extreme bilious diseases, vomiting and chronic diarrhoea, and blindness.

Parents who tyrannize and worry their children of a spiritual bent and force them to lead a worldly life, mother and father who disturb

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childrens’ dreams of becoming ascetics; get acute diseases of the respiratory system, diphtheria, pleurisy, pneumonia, or similar things.

Parents and elders who beat children cruel y, who hunt eggs of animals, who make troubles for innocent children, who are not merciful to children; receives no children.

Those who have merits for children but speak false, who deceive others, who are not honest; receive daughters. Those who gift crutches, who are upright; receive sons.

The child who mistreats parents; receives no parents, goes to hel worlds.

The man who hates women; receives no affection from a woman in successive births. The woman who hates men; receives no affection from a man in successive births. Becomes a female peacock. He who hates creatures; gets disgusted in many lives, becomes unfortunate.

Those who do having sex with other men’s wives, girlfriends, men except the husband, men except the boyfriend; receive many enemies, go to hel worlds.

He who lives with anger, who is not kind, who does not al ow loving-kindness; becomes a demon. Or a demon servant. Becomes a serpent.

He who kil s others by starvation; receives dryness, ugliness, aches, dry heart, faints, dies by not receiving foods, be born in hel worlds.

He who kil s others by not giving water; gets extreme dryness, aches, dry heart, faints, a body similar to a ghost, dies by not receiving water, be born in hel worlds.

He who kil s others by using serpents; becomes an animal and dies by mouths of cobras, vipers, pythons. Be born in hel worlds. Even he later be born as a human being; dies by a mouth of a serpent.

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He who kil s others by poisoning; becomes a painful ghost. His limbs are always ignited. When becomes a human, he gets a disgusting body that stinks. Gets extreme skin diseases. Dies by a poison. Goes to hel s.

He who kil s others by fire; goes to hel worlds and dies again and again by fire. Is born in the middle of a fire. Goes to ember hel worlds.

Becomes a ghost that has igniting limbs. When became a human, even he is in younger age or older age; dies only by fire.

He who kil s others by water; goes to hel worlds. Gets a weak body.

Gets an unstable mind. Gets various fears. Gets breathing problems.

Feels fear always. Dies only by fal ing into a wel , sinking in a pond, river or in the ocean.

He who kil s others by using weapons; goes to hel worlds. Becomes a demon. Gets attacked by weapons. Goes to wars and gets kil ed there.

Becomes a pig, deer, chicken, crab, goat, cow, lamb and becomes a prey to another being. Dies by destruction. Body gets destroyed. Dies only by a sword, knife, bul et, bomb etc.

The sinner first pay the weighty part of his karma in hel worlds for an uncountable amount of time, he recol ects his sin and cries aloud. But there is none to help him. Then comes to animal worlds and stays there for a very long time. Dies and is born again and again in the kingdoms of animals. After that, comes to various inhuman worlds and comes to pain for a very long time. Now when he has spent most of his sins and when his meritorious karmas come to an equal level, then he is born in a human world as a human being. Even then, high sinners have the marks of their sins.

The murderer of a man is born as a consumptive, the kil er of a cow becomes hump-backed and imbecile, the murderer of a virgin becomes leprous.

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Those who look at ascetics with suspicious minds come to various troubles and bad luck.

The man who rapes little girls and kil s them; is born as a woman and when she is a little girl wil be raped and kil ed in many lives.

The slayer of a woman and the destroyer of embryos becomes a savage ful of diseases. Who commits il icit sexual intercourse becomes eunuchs, who goes with his teacher’s wife is born diseased-skinned.

The greedy eater of flesh; becomes very red. The drinker of intoxicants is born with discoloured teeth. The person who, on account of greed, eats what should not be eaten; becomes big-bel ied.

He who eats sweet foods without giving to others; becomes swol en-necked. He who gives impure food to ascetics is born as a spotted leper.

The person, who, through pride, insults his teacher; becomes an epileptic. The person who despises the dharma and the holy scriptures becomes jaundiced.

He who bears false witness becomes dumb. He who takes meal separately from company-row; becomes one-eyed. One who upsets a marriage-match; becomes lipless. Who steals a book is born blind.

He who strikes a cow or a man with his foot is born lame and deformed. The person who speaks lies becomes a stammerer. The person who loves to listen to lies becomes deaf.

He who steals jewels is born in a low caste. He who steals gold gets diseased nails. Who steals becomes poverty-stricken.

He who steals foods becomes a rat. Who steals grains becomes a locust, who steals water becomes a Chataka bird that lives seasons

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without drinking water, who steals poison becomes a scorpion and becomes unable to eat properly, therefore takes animal juices only.

He who steals vegetables and leaves or similar things becomes a peacock, who steals perfumes becomes a musk-rat, who steals honey becomes a gad-fly, who steals flesh becomes a vulture, who steals salt becomes an ant.

Women who are in anger about men, women who are revengeful towards men; become a female peacock.

He who steals betel, tasty fruits and beautiful flowers and similar things becomes a forest-monkey, who steals shoes, grass and cotton and similar things is born in sheep’s womb.

Buddha the omniscient said the subject of karma is unthinkable by the ordinary minds and general people. Only an omniscient Buddha knows it ful y. But the divine eye wil show a large part of it. Omniscient intel igence uncovers the subject of karma ful y. Buddha and the Rishis are merciful to the universe. A human life is a rare thing. The chance of hearing the word of Buddha and the Rishis is even more rare. O my son who has both rare chances! Now listen careful y.

From al habits, worshiping saints is the highest habit, because it brings liberation one-day.

He who lives by violence, who robs caravans on the road, and who is fond of hunting; becomes a goat in a butcher’s house. And wil be put to death cruel y.

He who commits suicide by drinking poison; becomes a black serpent on a mountain. Whose nature is unrestrained; becomes an elephant in a desolate forest.

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People who do not make offerings to the saints and who eat al sorts of foods without hesitation and consideration; become wild tigers in a desolate forest.

The person who is inwardly wicked while outwardly pious; becomes a crane for many thousands of lives.

The priest who officiates for one who is unfit to perform sacrifices, prayers; becomes a vil age-dog, and by too many sacrifices, prayers; becomes an ass.

Al who do similar karmas receive similar results. And a karma wil not end in one life. The word karma signifies both sinful and meritorious karmas.

By eating foods without the thought of others; becomes a crow.

The learned man who does not impart learning to the deserving; becomes a bul after death. The pupil who does not serve or care his teacher; becomes an animal, an ass or a crow.

He who threatens and spits at his teacher, or browbeats a saint; is born as a great dreadful fiend in a waterless wilderness.

The person who disrespects his teacher; becomes stupid or unlearned.

Also never sees a teacher after death in many thousands of lives.

The person who is jealous at other people; never receives a leadership position. Even if he receives a leadership position due to another karma; there wil be another powerful person who is above him. He wil be second or wil be under a woman.

Those who disrespect saints; stay under a woman. He who disrespects or harasses saints be born in hel worlds that are fil ed with fire.

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He who does not give to a saint according to his promises; becomes a jackal. Who is not hospitable to the good people; becomes a howling fire-faced devil.

He who deceives a friend; becomes a mountain-vulture. Who cheats in sel ing; becomes an owl. Who speaks il of nature, dharma is born as a pigeon in a wood.

He who destroys hope and who destroys affection, who through dislike, abandons his good wife; becomes a ruddy goose for a long time.

Those who hate mother, father and teacher, who quarrel with sister and brother; are destroyed when being in embryo in the womb, even for a many thousand of births.

The woman who abuses her mother-in-law and father-in-law and causes constant quarrels; becomes a leech. The woman who scolds her husband; becomes a louse.

She who, abandoning her own husband, runs after another man due to lust; becomes a flying-fox (bat), a house-lizard or a female serpent.

The woman who disrespected, who did not care her husband; receives no husband in many lives. The woman who disrespected her husband a little; receives an old man, becomes unable to go to a marriage in her youth.

He who cuts off his lineage by embracing a woman of his own family due to lust, having become a hyena and a porcupine, is born from the womb of a bear.

The lustful man who goes with a female ascetic becomes a desert fiend.

Who consorts with an immature girl becomes a huge snake in a wood.

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He who covets his teacher’s wife; becomes a chameleon. Who tries to go with the king’s wives; becomes badly corrupt in character in many lives. Who goes with his friend’s wife; becomes a donkey.

He who commits unnatural vice; becomes a vil age pig. Who consorts with a woman with impure character; becomes an ox. Who is very passionate; becomes a horse.

He who eats the offerings to others; is born as a dog. The person who subsists upon the offerings made to an idol, which does not belong to him; is born from the womb of a hen.

He who demeans others, who is arrogant; becomes a monkey or a dog.

He who by arrogance does not bend to those who should be bent by others; receives a tough, inflexible body that does not work correctly.

There are 3 reasons for the birth of a woman. They are; the wil to be born as a woman, the high lust, the sinful karma. One of these causes to such a female birth.

Humans who attack other people or beings; receive various diseases or incurable diseases in many thousands of lives.

He who lives without greed but does various other sins; becomes a cat or a dog that lives in a comfortable wealthy house.

Humans who act like husbands of bitches and asses and other animals or find delight in chasing animals and kil ing them in violation of dharma are after death made the target and pierced with the arrows and bul ets of merciless beings. Their bodies wil be penetrated.

People who mercilessly slaughter animals are born as animals in the slaughterhouse, and are dealt with in a similar manner.

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People who do pig farms, chicken farms or similar farms; commit suicide or meet unfortunate deaths.

The wretch among the ascetics who worships the gods for the sake of wealth is destitute of peace and becomes a forest-bird.

The wretch among the ascetics who does not do the duty of an ascetic, who is unrighteous, who is sinful; receives no ascetic life in many mil ions of lives. No matter how hard he tries to wear the robe; he does not receive the robe again.

The wretch among the ascetics who does not do the duty of an ascetic, who is unrighteous, who is sinful; wears robes that are burning always with thick flames for a very long time as long as the sun and moon exist. His robes, begging bowl and whole body blazes with thick flames.

Can be seen in orange color with extreme pain.

He who takes away a plot of land which was given by himself or another; is born as a worm in excrement.

He who disturbs meditative saints; gets a life that is ful of troubles, a disturbing body, insomnia, mental sicknesses, a mind that is unable to concentrate, destruction of celibacy, high lust, bad luck, unsuccessfulness.

He who loved his name and fame and did selfish actions for the name and fame; destroys his name and fame, receives a bad name.

He who abandons the desire for tasty foods; receives great tastes, many various types of foods.

Who does actions with high lust; gets an abnormal irritation, itching feeling in genital area in every life thus becomes whores.

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He who has high lust is either born as a woman or a pig or a female monkey or as a worm in excrement. Even as animals; their gender is female.

Those who think lustful thoughts about saints are born as women for many mil ions of lives and receive impure lives.

Those who trouble others; receive troublesome lives also receive troubles wherever they go, become unlucky or receive a troublesome body.

Who had love, lust, craving becomes a ghost. If it was for special object, place or a person; becomes a ghost near there and stays as long as the sun and moon exist.

He who is ungrateful; gets skin diseases, is born in hel worlds.

As milk does not clot instantly; the karma does not give its result instantly. It is the nature of the karma.

Those who give what they like most to others; get what they like.

Those who give what is hard to give; get what they like.

He who abandons the craving for things that he arose most craving; gets what he likes.

And also, those who give what others like, to other people; get what they like. The above mentioned 4 types of people wil get anything what they want.

Those who give bad things such as liquor; receives bad things.

In the age of Kali, due to the greatness of sins, great distortions happen in the world.

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A poisoner becomes insane. An incendiary or an attacker by fire becomes bald, hair does not grow. Who sel s flesh by kil ing beings becomes the most unfortunate and unlucky. Who eats the flesh of other beings greedily becomes a diseased person.

Back-biters, tale-bearers and treacherous people; get boil on the head and shoulders, and internal abscess, eczema on back and similar things to these.

Those who had hatred are disliked and disgraced in many thousands of lives, receive an ugly face, receive no beauty, receive a dark or a black color skin.

Those who had loving-kindness are liked (desired) and honored in many thousands of lives, receive a beautiful face, receive beauty, receive a light color or a gold color skin.

Karma influences one’s thinking pattern. When karma changed; he wil change his thinking pattern. According to one’s karmas one may think, but if his bad karma is not much powerful, then by efforts he can acquire wisdom and be wise. Mind is created by karma. Karma manipulates feelings. Karma manipulates thoughts. Karma manipulates life. Foolish thinking and intel igence are gifts of karma. But perseverance is praised by the Buddha and the rishis.

When a group of beings’ lust becomes high; great destruction comes by the fire element. When a group of beings hatred becomes high; great destruction comes by the water element or by the fire element.

When a group of beings ignorance and wrong views becomes high; great destruction comes by the air element or by the earth element.

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Al the creatures of low-births, having come back from the hel worlds, are born again in the human kingdom amongst low outcastes, low families and even there, by the stains of their sins, become very miserable. They become men and women with oozing leprosy, born-blind, infested with grievous maladies, and bearing the marks of their sin.

He who, having become a king, does not give land to the saints, is reborn for many times as a beggar, without even a vil age-hut. The king who, through pride, does not make gifts of land to live for meditative saints, shal dwel in hel worlds a very long time as long as the sun and the moon exist.

Those who give a seat to a saint receive kingship, get high positions, or are born in high families for many mil ions of lives. Who belittles a rishi goes to a hel world for a very long time and later be a servant.

He who helps ascetics with honor becomes lucky. Who troubles ascetics becomes unlucky.

He who looks at an ascetic with angry eyes receives no eyes or eye sicknesses in many mil ions of lives. He who looks at an ascetic with pleasant eyes; receives sharp eyes or receives no eye diseases in many mil ions of lives.

He who limits others unrighteously; receives a cage, receives no freedom.

The sinful man who threatens a saint without saying a word by mere showing a weapon; goes to a hel world fil ed with fire and comes to pain for a very long time.

Women who arouse lustful desires of people; receives various pains.

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Those who give a lamp or a light to an ascetic; receive no darkness, become wise, receive sharp eyes, receive the divine eye.

Those who disgrace the teacher, who by arrogance disrespect ascetics, who by arrogance do not listen to the words of ascetics, who steal books, who do not give light, who disrespect Dharma; become fools.

Receive no understanding intel igence. Become unable to understand even an easy thing.

He who attacks other people’s ears or slaps damaging the ear; receives no divine ear no matter how hard he tries.

He who steals shoes, breaks legs, attacks legs of other beings, who shoots knee caps, destroys vehicles of other people or robs vehicles, breaks bridges, blocks roads; receives no supernatural powers no matter how hard he tries.

Those who give shoes, repair roads, heal broken legs, create bridges for public use, gift vehicles, help people to reach the desired destination; receive no sicknesses in legs, receive the ability of moving easily.

Those who give shoes, repair roads, heal broken legs, create bridges for public use, gift vehicles, help people to reach the desired destination; receive super-normal powers.

Those who help an ascetic who is at the road trying to travel somewhere; receive supernatural powers.

Those who praise the wisdom of saints; receive eyes, light, superior wisdom, learning and the ability to see past – present – future in many mil ions of lives.

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Those who gave something to a saint but later repented about his that good action done to the saint; become rich in many lives but become unable to use that money and live like a pauper.

He who has a high hatred in mind; gets cancer and leukemia.

He who goes to fighting tournaments and beats his opponent harshly; receives various pains and incurable diseases.

He who practiced high gifting, who was not a miser; gets victory easily in competitions, exams, businesses, games, wars.

He who practiced gifting a little; receives victory with difficulty in competitions, exams, businesses, games, wars.

He who did not give, who was a miser, who was jealous; receives defeat and loss in competitions, exams, businesses, games, wars.

He who gives life, beauty, pleasure, power, wisdom; gets life, beauty, pleasure, power and wisdom for a very long time.

He who does not give or takes away other’s life, beauty, pleasure, power, wisdom; receives none of life, beauty, pleasure, power and wisdom.

He who gives medicines, who heals others, who does not harm beings; receives no sicknesses, receives healing ability.

He who gives robes and a begging bowl to an ascetic; gets an ascetic life.

Those who are greedy and do not give up their money or other gifts lose it via numerous spending methods, such as diseases and hence medications.

He who has less merits receives old or used or broken things. He who has high merits receives new things and younger wives.

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The fake ascetic who is arrogant and sinful, who demeans other virtuous true ascetics; receives intractable pains, incurable diseases, becomes a hel world’s being.

Those who give lamps, foods, a place to meditate and live, water, robes, medicines to an ascetic; receives al human pleasures and divine pleasures in heaven worlds. His sins fade away.

He who practiced gifting, who was virtuous; becomes the first child son of a younger mother with soft breasts in a good family and receives many pleasures.

Who was a miser, who was not virtuous; becomes the last female child of an older mother in a poor family and gets less pleasures.

Who treats other creatures kindly; receives kindness wherever he goes, receives various pleasures. Becomes lucky.

Those who gave medicines; receive medicines.

He who gives passion; receives passion. He who gives dispassion; receives dispassion. He who practices wisdom meditations ends karmas, ends rebirth circle someday. He who practices meditations with enthusiasm receives faster meditation results.

If a group of men commits a sin; al have to face its results.

If a group of men commits a merit; al have to face its results.

He who recol ects their past meritorious actions; col ects merits again and again by the mind.

He who recol ects their previous sinful actions; col ects sins again and again by the mind.

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One who often recol ects his sinful actions did in the past increases his sins.

One who often recol ects his meritorious actions did in the past increases his merits.

Those who recol ect their previously did meritorious actions at his death becomes a god.

He who protects virtue precepts; gets divine pleasures, goes to heaven worlds.

He who practices a meditation up to the 2nd concentration level; becomes a powerful god in a heaven world.

He who practices concentration meditations and acquire form and formless meditative levels becomes a Brahma. He who protects celibacy, he who teaches Dharma, listens to Dharma; receives various heavenly and Brahmic pleasures and ambrosia the perfection.

Karma helps a person to realize the Nirvana element. Karma gives him 3 supportive things. With the support of those 3 things, he realizes the Nirvana element. They are; the path to Nirvana element, earnestness in practicing Dharma, distinctive intel igence of destroying cankers.

Thus, formations help a person to come into the formationless, unconditioned, unbirthed, unmanifest, immortal, eternal, non-created by a cause, the Nirvana element.

A karma does not come to an end in one life. According to the size of the karma, the lives to be spent are decided.

A creature cannot be in-charge in the existence.

It is not good to do a karma, that by doing it, if receives a result which has to feel with tears while crying.

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Hel Environments:

There are 136 hel worlds that a being has to experience in accordance with the Karmas which he does through hatred, ignorance or passion.

The Sanjiva hel world, the Kalasutra hel world, the Sangatha hel world, the Raurava hel world, the Maha Raurava hel world, the Thapana hel world, the Prathapana hel world and the Avichi hel world are the biggest 8 of al the hel worlds. These al hel worlds burns, destroys the creature who was born there, again and again for a very long time. Those hel worlds are fil ed with hatred, fil ed with lava, fil ed with fire, fil ed with embers, fil ed with hot water, fil ed with liquid iron, fil ed with poisonous chemicals, poisonous gases and impure things such as blood, excrement. These hel worlds are fearsome to behold, erect body hair if looks, extremely dangerous.

In every galaxy, these hel worlds exist. Those who acquire the divine eye, can see these worlds.

These hel worlds have 4 corners. And 4 doors. Above is covered by a hot metal cover. The land is created by hot iron and various other metals. The around is covered by lava and hot metals. The fire always blazes everywhere on the land. Very fearsome to see. The fire spreads more than 2575 kilometers. These hel worlds are created by none.

He who disrespects, blames the Rishis that have gone to the other side of virtue; goes to these hel worlds. And they come to extreme woe in those hel worlds for an immeasurable amount of time. Their inside and outside both are burning and they search a way to exit. They run toward north, east, south and west. But they cannot make it to a door.

If they get closer to any door after a very long time; that door closes due to their own sinful karma. The supreme rishis sees what is happening there by the divine eye while living in the human world.

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Creatures who are born as hel world beings come to extreme woe and cry aloud keeping their hands on heads as long as the sun and moon exist. If a creature looks angrily at a saint who has 15 natures and 8

sciences; that is enough for that creature to come to a great pain in a hel world for a very long time.

The king or president who harasses or destroys a country by unrighteousness; goes to Thapana hel world. He is covered by fire and receives pain only. Therefore his limbs and whole body blaze by fire.

Can be seen in ful orange color. And he cries aloud.

The child who kil s his father fal s to the Kalasutra hel world. And lives there an immeasurable amount of time. Also, he then fal s to Lokubu hel . The burning him who is without a skin is attacked by weapons.

And is destroyed. And again monsters pluck out his eyes. Then immerse blind him in a river that contains boiling hot water. And again monsters make him eat hot metal bal s. Also ghost dogs, ghost birds attacks him. They pluck his tongue, attack limbs, and eat while blood is being oozed by the sinful hel world being. And again monsters beat him. It is a game for monsters. These monsters feel extreme hatred towards the poor hel world being when they see the hel world being due to past sinful karmas of the hel world being.

The child who kil s his mother fal s to the Kalasutra hel world. And lives there an immeasurable amount of time. He receives burning only.

Strong monsters wrap him by iron fibres and beat him again and again.

It is a game for monsters. Blood is oozing from the hel world being.

And again monsters come to him who was a sinful child who kil ed his own mother and make him drink his own hot blood. Monsters again beat him to get down into a lake fil ed with refuse, urine, puss, blood, hair, nails, bones, marrow, flesh and fat. In that lake there live insects.

Those insects love blood and eat the hel world being alive. But he

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does not die. The extreme bad smel of that area spreads around more than 2575 kilometers. Due to that poisonous bad smel ; the eyes of hel world beings decay.

There is a place of suffering cal ed Tamisra. Those people who lay hands on another’s wealth, children and wives are born in this region.

The hel world being experiences there extreme pain being bound with mortal cords and violently hurled into the dark regions. He has neither food nor drinks. He is beaten with clubs, and by holding out threats and being brought to a state of weary affliction, the hel world being drops down in a swoon.

There is another region cal ed the Andha-tamisra. Here be born who deceive husbands and appropriate to themselves their wives and other property. Such beings are cast down into this hel to suffer torments where they lose al understanding and sense through excessive pain.

The hel world being suffers like a tree whose roots are cut.

Those who grossly identify themselves with this physical body and regard the wealth of the world as their own, fal into the hel cal ed Raurava. Those people who torment people here on earth become subject to the torment of poisonous worms cal ed Rurus in this dangerous region.

Maha Raurava hel world is of the same type. Those men who indulge in passions are eaten here by flesh-eating animals.

In the hel world cal ed Payasa hel worlds beings are born without skin and as meat-bal s. Their flesh is always burning by fire. The women and men who arouse lust in other people’s minds, who wear sexy dresses, who love to show body parts, who make other people blind in passions be born here.

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In the hel cal ed Kumbhipaka, dreadful fiends begin to boil in oil that cruel and merciless sinful person who kil s, cooks and eats living animals, birds and the like.

He is thrown into the hel world cal ed Kalasutra who insults spiritual men, saints. He is placed on the surface of burning copper, 64374

kilometers in extent, and constantly heated by fire below and the above, and being tormented by hunger and thirst, undergoes untold misery.

There is a hel cal ed Asipatravana. This is a forest ful of leaves made out of sharp daggers, sharp blades. The hel world being is made to run through this forest and is hunted like a beast. He who goes against the Dharma, who embraces wrong views, wrong philosophies is thrown here. A very pitiable sight! Indeed he runs this way and that way and has every part of his body torn up in those dreadful woods of sword.

Those hel world beings cry out, “Ah! I am undone!” and fal down in agony.

Kings, masters who inflict punishment on innocent men, or who inflict corporeal punishment to a virtuous man, fal into the hel cal ed Sukara-Mukha. There every part of the body of the sinner is crushed like sugarcanes! He shrieks in distress but there is none to help him.

Bad politicians or men who are having a good powerful position in society inflict pain upon other people fal into a hel cal ed Andhakupa.

The hel world being is tormented on al sides in darkness by varieties of terrible beasts, serpents, etc.

Those who are greedy, those who have an impure character, who do not share with others what they possess fal into a hel world where their food is worms. They are cast down into a vast ocean of worms where they begin to tease the hel world being from al sides. Hel world beings die and are reborn again and again.

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Who robs a virtuous or an innocent man and thus causes him to suffer without a reason, fal s into a hel where he is severely pinched by burning iron tongs and hit by red hot iron bal s.

Those men or women who abuse innocent poor servants, and coolies who are rather to be pitied and helped for their miserable condition, fal into a hel where they are severely thrashed and forced to embrace a burning image of iron like unto a man or woman. Those who abuse their marriage beds are received a similar punishment by their own sinful karma.

Whoever approaches under the extreme force of passion al kinds of beings, is placed in the Salmali Hel world with adamantine thorns and is dragged through the region of the hel world.

Kings who transgress the limits of righteousness, and administrative employees who discard the law of justice fal into the river Vaitarani after their death. This is a river that flows through a hel world. Here the hel worlds beings are bitten by aquatic monsters but are not separated from their body and are on the other hand supported by their vital breaths to be ever alive to the consequences of their Karma.

This river is flooded with refuse, urine, puss, blood, hair, nails, bones, marrow, flesh, excrement and fat.

The women who commit abortion dying here reborn in Khuradhara hel world and in river Vaitarnai. River Vaitarani flows through a forest that has trees similar to some kind of cactus trees but are like created by metal and that have 16 inches long thorns. The women and men who do having sex with other people’s wives, other men except husbands, girlfriends, other men except boyfriends be born in this forest area and climb these trees and come to pain. If sees by a distant those hel world beings can be seen as fire pil ars. The height of them is

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26 kilometers. Fire goes here and there as it goes by flame throwers.

They come to various pains for a very long time and are beaten by monsters fal heads downward. And again their bodies are pierced by monsters by sharp conical objects. They lay down stil for a very long time without a sleep. Like this, sinners eat the fruits of their actions after death.

There is another hel world cal ed Imbulvana. Those who cheated their husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends and husbands who didn’t care his good wife and liked other women and wives who didn’t care her good husband and liked other men goes to this world. The height of that world is 1545 kilometers. Width and deepness are equal to the height. It consists of a thorn forest. The height of a tree is 26

kilometers. Also, the size of a monster who lives there is 26 kilometers.

Fatness is 4 kilometers. Also, have a beard of 4 kilometers length. The size of an eye is equal to a tractor tyre. And they carry weapons in their hands. The height of sinful men and women who be born here as a hel world being is 13 kilometers. Monsters come to them and make them wear jewels that blaze by fire. When they are burning by the fire of jewels and cry, come the monsters and beat the women brutal y. And monsters make women climb on trees in the thorn forest. They climb and thorns pierce their bodies. With broken limbs, bones and oozing blood, they climb about 7 kilometers and says a sexy song by the power of their sinful karma with tears, while crying loudly. Then the men who are wearing jewels that are blazing by fire hear the sexy song and look up with love to her and cry. At that moment monsters come and beat the men very harshly and make them climb on the thorn forest. Then they climb and come to pain equal y like women. Hot blood comes out immeasurably. They try to come closer to women but

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they never make it. And when the bodies of men and women are completely destroyed they are reborn on the land and the dangerous process continues as long as they have sinful karma to pay. Beating hel world’s beings is a game for the monsters. These monsters also are in great anger due to harsh conditions in hel worlds. They also were born in such a place due to their own sinful karmas. Sometimes due to sinful karmas of hel worlds beings monsters who are not real are created magical y. Such is the power of karma. Karma manipulates al elements.

Who commits suicide by drinking poisons, chemicals, by hanging, by pul ing tongue, by cutting and who treated animals cruel y, who takes excessive works by his cows, bul s be born in a world named Kihiraguru hel world. And they come to burning for a very long time.

In order to see these natures of universe; one needs to have the divine eye. Otherwise, how can he know? Karma manipulates nature.

Those who tel slanders, those who separate friends, those who separate limbs of beings and kil them are born in a hel world named Paduma. The length of this hel world is 25749 Kilometers. Width and deepness are equal. This hel world is fil ed with hot liquid copper. The size of an insect who lives in this hel world is 2575 kilometers. They envelop hel world beings and attack and destroy.

Those men born of a higher caste who choose to be husbands of unchaste women belonging to a lower order of life and lead like brutes a life of shamelessness, fal after death into a pit of hel , a sea of pus, refuse, urine, phlegm and swal ow the same most detestable things.

Those sinful lustful men who were deluded by passion cause their wives to drink their semen, are thrown into a sea of semen and made to drink it. Women who do kinky things get similar results.

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The woman who does not care her husband, husband’s mother, husband’s father, husband’s elder brother, husband’s elder sister; her tongue is pul ed out by monsters by using curved weapons and strings.

That woman who is now a hel world being sees her own tongue which is 6 feet long and fil ed with worms. She wants to cry. But she can do nothing.

Women who without informing these are menses days did sexual intercourse with the husband, men who did sexual intercourse knowing wife is on menses, those who did abortions, those who helped abortions, those who gave medicines for abortions, those who kil children and who did similar sins go to a hel world named Alukubu.

This hel world is fil ed with burning ashes.

Those who do their businesses unrighteously, those who cheat in sel ing goods, those who sel worthless things for a higher price, those who deceive their customers, those who make their customers blind are born in a hel world named Dalakesmali. Fire moves here and there in this hel world by great winds. Those hel world beings burn from fire and also birds who are in size equal to an elephant on the earth attack from the sky and pluck out their eyes.

Those who set fire to others’ houses or administer poison to others or plunder vil ages and caravans; be they kings or kings’ employees, they fal after death into a hel world where they are voraciously munched by 720 hounds, with their dreadful teeth.

Who utters falsehood in giving evidence or in making gifts, fal s into a hel world cal ed Avichimat where there is no support to stand upon.

There the hel world being is hurled headlong from the summit of peaks of mountains 644 kilometers in height. In this hel even hard stony surface appears like water and thus the hel world being is made to delude himself evermore. Though his body is shattered to pieces he

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does not die, and he is repeatedly lifted up to the top and hurled down again and again.

If a man drinks wine and liquor he is made to drink molten iron in the regions of hel . Those who go against the prescribed rules of Dharma in the scriptures are received suitable punishments.

Those people who praise themselves as great personages, but do not respect those who are real y great by birth, honour, learning and virtue, are born in a hel world where they are thrown headforemost into a hel of salt water mire to undergo endless torments.

Those who worship gods by offering human victims or animal victims, are thrown into a hel where they are cut to slices and eaten by devils, but even then they do not die but only experience pain.

There is also another hel world cal ed Verala. The size of a leg of a ghost dog in this hel world is 6 kilometers. These dogs attack and kil hel world beings who were born here. They cry aloud and die in a blood pool. Those who treated cruel y to animals, gadflies, flies, fishes, ants, butterflies, insects and those who kil ed animals are born here.

Those wicked people who torment their refugees because they are under their control are made after death to suffer from extreme hunger and thirst and are on every side assailed by sharp instruments, and are made to recol ect their sins.

Those who are here on the earth cruel like snakes by nature and terrify other beings, fal , when they die, into a hel cal ed Dandasuka, where snakes of 5 or 7 hoods attack them and worry them to death even though they do not die.

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Those who here imprison people in dark holes and dungeons are in turn after their death imprisoned in a dark atmosphere fil ed with smoke.

Those householders who get angry with guests and look at them with cruel eyes, as if they would burn them, are plucked out their eyes after death by ghost vultures possessing bil s hard like an adamantine rock.

There is a hel world cal ed Sitha. This hel world is fil ed with an extremely cold acid ocean. The coolness of that acid ocean spreads more than 33448 kilometers. That chemical ocean is pure blue in colour. Big waves go here and there. Who attacks virtuous people, who steals, who takes other people’s properties by force is born in this ocean and comes to pain by trickling, oozing their muscles, nerves and bones. After their body was completely destroyed, they are born again in the same place. They come to pain for an immeasurable amount of time.

Hel worlds are fil ed with sinful creatures. Therefore cannot find an empty space. And they recol ect their sinful deeds and cry saying “Oh! I couldn’t do!”. Most human beings have come from hel worlds. But now they cannot remember the extreme woes they were uncovered to in their past lives. Hel worlds are natural environments in the vast universe. They were not created by someone.

Al hel worlds consist of either extreme unbearable hotness or coldness. Some hel worlds are completely dark and light cannot penetrate that world. The extreme sufferings that hel world beings receive are beyond the writing power of letters.

A sinner cannot hide from his karma because it is the karma that creates the birth-consciousness element and also gives sensations.

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Those who have fear and shame for doing sins go to 6 heaven worlds and beyond.

Pleasureful or painful or equanimity sensations wil be dragged to your mind by nature wherever you go. And you wil feel your own actions done in the past.

Therefore, knowing that karma is in charge; a wise man becomes careful and clever.

The light of the sun exists whether the owl accepts it or not. The electromagnetic waves exist whether a dog accepts it or not. Colors exist whether a born-blind man accepts them or not. Therefore; the nature works in its mechanisms even fools accept it or not.

Hel s and heavens are beyond the power of ordinary human thinking ability. As the pleasure of a trance is beyond the power of speech. As the pleasure of extinction of existence element is beyond the power of imagination.

“If something arises from a cause, if ceases that cause, due to the cessation of that cause; effect ceases.” This is the nature. This is the great natural law.

Therefore the wise thinks “I must control my mind. Otherwise mind wil control me and drag me to sins and pains”.

O my dear child! How can someone say things happen without a reason when there is always a reason behind it! In this world; random things are rare things.

Karma divides beings. Inequality in creatures is due to the karma.

These are the words of Rishis. Those who consider they have power over nature are fools. Worshiping the lotus feet of al rishis in the

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entire universe: compassionate rishi Brahmadeva wrote these Dharma words of sages for the benefit of humans, inhumans and gods.

A ritual for good-luck:

If you have an unlucky life, do this ritual every day. Luck means Karma.

Bad luck means Sinful Karma. Good luck means meritorious Karma. By changing the balance between your sins and merits; can have good luck. Even the most wicked sinner can change himself and find salvation. Write al the names of below 108 Munis and draw a meditating ascetic either by using a pen or pencil. However, the drawing is not essential. It wil just be an additional help to you. Muni is a synonym for an extremely pure, sinless saint. Have faith in these Munis. And hang the paper on your room’s wal . And worship them every day either by your mind or by speech or by body. The worshipful supreme munis are shown below. you can also do things like lighting a lamp etc.

108 Saints:

Here are the blameless and sinless 108 saints. These saints are extremely virtuous and merciful. They are equal y compassionate to their son, to their student, to their enemy, and to you. These persons do not differentiate as this is my son, this is my student, this is my enemy. They are equal to al creatures in the entire universe. These saints are fields of merits. In the world where there are inhumans, humans, gods, maras, brahmas; these saints are high. These saints stayed away from al sins. In the universe these persons were supreme.

They are worthy of honor. They had an extremely pure life. Therefore, they are cal ed “Saints”. Therefore, they are cal ed “Munis”. Therefore, they are cal ed “Rishis”. O, great saints! Worship you! O, supreme men!

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Now I wil write your supreme names. May your supreme names exist on earth for a very long time.

1) Gautama Omniscient Buddha.

2) Uparitta Alone Buddha.

3) Thagarasikhi Alone Buddha.

4) Yasassi Alone Buddha.

5) Sudarsana Alone Buddha.

6) Piyadassi Alone Buddha.

7) Gandara Alone Buddha.

8) Pindola Alone Buddha.

9) Upasabha Alone Buddha.

10) Nitha Alone Buddha.

11) Sutavantu Alone Buddha.

12) Bhavitatta Alone Buddha.

13) Sumbha Alone Buddha.

14) Subha Alone Buddha.

15) Sumegha Alone Buddha.

16) Jali Alone Buddha.

17) Kosala Alone Buddha.

18) Nemisa Alone Buddha.

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19) Sachcha Alone Buddha.

20) Pandita Alone Buddha.

21) Santacitta Alone Buddha.

22) Upakala Alone Buddha.

23) Anga Alone Buddha.

24) Vijitha Alone Buddha.

25) Sarabhanga Alone Buddha.

26) Lomahansa Alone Buddha.

27) Manomaya Alone Buddha.

28) Anasava Alone Buddha.

29) Uccangama Alone Buddha.

30) Duranna Alone Buddha.

31) Sumangala Alone Buddha.

32) Arya Alone Buddha.

33) Soratha Alone Buddha.

34) Ketumbaraga Alone Buddha.

35) Matanga Alone Buddha.

36) Bodhi Alone Buddha.

37) Mahanama Alone Buddha.

38) Uttara Alone Buddha.

39) Bharadvaja Alone Buddha.

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40) Uposatha Alone Buddha.

41) Jayanta Alone Buddha.

42) Uppala Alone Buddha.

43) Padumuttara Alone Buddha.

44) Rakkita Alone Buddha.

45) Vitharaga Alone Buddha.

46) Pabbata Alone Buddha.

47) Thissa Alone Buddha.

48) Kesi Alone Buddha.

49) Sariputta Arhant Monk.

50) Moggal ana Arhant Monk.

51) Kashyapa Arhant Monk.

52) Ananda Arhant Monk.

53) Kondanna Arhant Monk.

54) Anurudda Arhant Monk.

55) Bhaddiya Arhant Monk.

56) Kaccayana Arhant Monk.

57) Punna Arhant Monk.

58) Subhuti Arhant Monk.

59) Revata Arhant Monk.

60) Sivali Arhant Monk.

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61) Vakkali Arhant Monk.

62) Rahula Arhant Monk.

63) Rattapala Arhant Monk.

64) Upasena Arhant Monk.

65) Dabba Arhant Monk.

66) Kottitha Arhant Monk.

67) Bakkula Arhant Monk.

68) Kappina Arhant Monk.

69) Sagatha Arhant Monk.

70) Mogaraja Arhant Monk.

71) Marichi Rishi.

72) Atri Rishi.

73) Angiras Rishi.

74) Pulaha Rishi.

75) Kratu Rishi.

76) Pulastya Rishi.

77) Vashista Rishi.

78) Rishyasringa Rishi.

79) Stambha Rishi.

80) Prana Rishi.

81) Yajnavalkya Rishi.

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82) Milarepa Rishi.

83) Parivan Rishi.

84) Kaukundihi Rishi.

85) Kurundi Rishi.

86) Dalaya Rishi.

87) Sankha Rishi.

88) Pravahita Rishi.

89) Sammita Rishi.

90) Jyotirdhama Rishi.

91) Prithu Rishi.

92) Sanat Kumara Rishi.

93) Chaitra Rishi.

94) Agni Rishi.

95) Vanaka Rishi.

96) Pivara Rishi.

97) Hiranyaroma Rishi.

98) Vedasri Rishi.

99) Urdhabahu Rishi.

100) Parjanya Rishi.

101) Mahamuni Rishi.

102) Kaagapujandar Rishi.

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103) Havishman Rishi.

104) Sahishnu Rishi.

105) Atinama Rishi.

106) Jamadagni Rishi.

107) Vishwamitra Rishi.

108) Brigu Rishi.

Prayers and ritual:

“O, supreme saints! O supreme rishis! O great fields of merits! O those who went on the path of liberation! I worship you. For you are supreme in the universe.”

“O, supreme saints! Who lived in dispassion, who lived in coolness, who were righteous, who were merciful to al creatures! I worship you.

For you are supreme in the universe.”

Additional things:

In the names of the 108 saints, you can do the fol owing extra things too. Also, it doesn’t matter if you create your own prayers.

1> You can create a statue of a saint or several saints by using clay.

2> Also you can offer foods.

3> Also you can offer light by lighting a lamp or an electric bulb.

4> Also you can offer water.

5> Also you can offer nice aromas.

6> Also you can offer flowers.

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Special Note:

Read the below note first before studying suttas.

Note: Suttas or Sutras are discourses given by the Lord Buddha. The meaning of the word sutta is system or method. The Thathaagatha or Tathagata is another name for reverend Omniscient Ones. The meaning of that name is the one who shows the truth to others.

Kamma means karma. Bhikku means Buddhist monk. Devas or deities means gods.

Before the beginning of every sutta contains ‘thus I have heard’ it is due to the reverend Ananda thero the treasurer of Dharma uttered these suttas again at the first council of monks after the death of the prophet Buddha. Another thing I should mention is, that the term Brahmana or Brahmin has 3 definitions. They are; The person who was born in the Brahmin caste is cal ed a Brahmin, the ascetic is cal ed a Brahmin, the 5th level sage who destroyed al sins is cal ed the greatest Brahmin.

Some of these suttas mentioned here are in brief. There are more than 18000 suttas in the scriptures. For more information on explanations fol ow the commentary related to the particular sutta. And commentaries are not included in this meditation book.

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Kalama Sutta:

Kalama Sutta – To the Kalamas.

I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One, on a wandering tour among the Kosalans with a large community of monks, arrived at Kesaputta, a town of the Kalamas. The Kalamas of Kesaputta heard it said, “Gotama the contemplative — the son of the Sakyans, became an ascetic having gone forth from the Sakyan clan — has arrived at Kesaputta. And of that Master Gotama this fine reputation has spread:

‘He is indeed a Blessed One, worthy, & rightly self-awakened, consummate in knowledge & conduct, wel -gone, a knower of the cosmos, guide of men to be tamed, teacher of human & divine beings, awakened, blessed. He has made known — having realized it by himself — in this world with its gods, maras, & brahmas, its generations with their contemplatives & brahmans, their rulers & common people; has explained the Dhamma admirable in the beginning, admirable in the middle, admirable in the end; has expounded the holy life both in its particulars & in its essence, entirely perfect, surpassingly pure. It is good to see such a worthy one.’”

So the Kalamas of Kesaputta went to the Blessed One. On arrival, some of them bowed down to him, having worshipped him, sat by one side.

Some of them exchanged courteous greetings with him and, after an exchange of friendly greetings & courtesies, sat by one side. Some of them sat by one side having saluted him with their hands palm-to-palm over their hearts. Some of them sat to one side having announced their name & clan. Some of them sat by one side in silence.

As they sat there, the Kalamas of Kesaputta said to the Blessed One,

“Lord, there are some brahmans & contemplatives who come to Kesaputta town. They expound & glorify their own doctrines, but as for the doctrines of others, they deprecate them, revile them, show

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contempt for them, & disparage them. And then other brahmans & contemplatives come to Kesaputta. They expound & glorify their own doctrines, but as for the doctrines of others, they deprecate them, revile them, show contempt for them, & disparage them. They leave us in absolutely uncertain & in doubt: Which of these venerable brahmans & contemplatives are speaking the truth, and which ones are lying?” (Kalama vil agers asked)

“Of course you are uncertain, Kalamas. Of course you are in doubt.

When there are reasons for doubt, uncertainty is born. So in this case, Kalamas, don’t go by because others say so, by legends or traditions, by because said this happened like this, by books or scriptures, by because it fits the logic, by because it fits the famous method, by thinking vaguely perhaps this too can be true, by agreement through pondering views, by because it looks correct, or by the thought, ‘This is a respectable man’ or ‘This person is our teacher.’ When you know for yourselves that, ‘These qualities are unskil ful; these qualities are blameworthy; these qualities are criticized by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to harm & to suffering’ — then you should abandon them.”

“What do you think, Kalamas? When greed arises in a person, does it arise for welfare or for harm?”

“For harm, lord.”

“And this greedy person, overcome by greed, his mind possessed by greed, kil s living beings, takes what is not given, goes after another person’s wife, tel s lies, and induces others to do likewise, al of which is for long-term harm & suffering.”