O rganise your thinking – Develop a Plan
C ontrol your focus – master the law of cause and effect
K now your self – the secret to having a high self-esteem
E xperience follows action follows words, follows thought
Take personal initiative – Act as if it all depends on you
M oney – learn to budget your time, energy and finances
E nthusiasm – is contagious, enjoy yourself
No is a sentence. No is a two letter word.
Today, not tomorrow
O nward by objectives
R eal change comes from “beginnings” and “endings”
My name is Fraser Hay, creator of Pocket Mentor, the personal life coach, diary and success system in one. I am also owner of www.pocketmentor.co.uk and normally at this stage in my workshops and seminars I’d introduce myself and give you a bit more about me and my background, but instead I cover that in greater detail on the link on the home page entitled “more facts about Pocket Mentor”. Please feel free to visit the link, after you read and apply the techniques, concepts, exercises and ideas outlined in this e-book.
In this book, I’d like to explain the acronym P.O.C.K.E.T. M.E.N.T.O.R, - It is a simple acronym and formula for achieving success in life, and is the basis on which the Pocket Mentor self improvement and achievement system is based.
This e-book also contains numerous little known, but highly effective concepts, techniques and exercises for you to apply and start generating many positive results in all areas of your life.This e-book is designed so that you can re-read it daily as a stand alone lesson on how to master your thoughts and create the future you want and also to mentally prepare you for purchasing your own version of the Pocket Mentor self improvement and achievement system in order to achieve even greater results.
One final thing, in order to get maximum benefit, please ensure you write down your answers to the questions, and perform the exercises contained throughout. That said, now lets begin…P icture your dreams – create a positive vision for the future
3 questions rule my life, and they should rule yours too. Got a pen?
You should ask yourself these 3 simple short, powerful and positive life altering questions, to transform your self as an unlimited being with the unlimited potential to prosper in the world. It’s time to examine your present circumstances, and think about how serious you are about wanting to achieve the things you really desire in your life today.
For if you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get what you’ve always had.As you ask yourself and reflect on these 3 simple questions, you will identify areas of change in your life, things you love to do, but probably haven’t done for a while, and will identify certain goals that you want to achieve and will be surprised that they perhaps hadn’t become obvious to you before now. The immediate value of the proven P.O.C.K.E.T.M.E.N.T.O.R system depends on what you apply these ideas to and how well you apply them.
You can reflect on your notes at the end of this document and introduction to the Pocket mentor system. Don’t forget, the basis of this system is the realization that reading, reflecting and applying the information contained in this e-book produces real value and real learning, but that it must be read or listened to over and over to master the simple principles, and when you combine the knowledge contained here and inside your Pocket mentor, positive, long lasting results will manifest in your life faster than you even dreamt possible.
Q1. What do you enjoy doing?
Come on think. What past time, leisure or work activity, hobby, sport, act or service, do you really enjoy doing? Go on write it down. It could be reading, watching TV, making something, doing something, it might be the thing you love to do on your day off, or the weekend, it may be something you love to do every single day of the week, or when you are on your own or spending quality time with your partner or loved ones. It may be something you haven’t done in a long time, or don’t do often enough. Write it down, it might one thing, 3 things, half a dozen – write them down.
I enjoy _____________________________________________________Q2. What are you good at?
What is it people ask your opinion about? Or input for? What is it that you have a talent for, or really excel at? Write it down. What is you can do, that your boss can’t? Or your partner can’t? Or your customers can’t?
what is you do really well, that people pay you to do it? It may be writing, public speaking, working with people; it may be languages, a sport, or hobby, take time to consider what you are really good at.
Q.3 If you had no chance of failure, what would you do?
What do you really want to do with your life? What’s your life long ambition? What have you always wanted to do? Write it down. Be honest, express yourself, and tell me and yourself what it is that you really, really want to do if you had no chance of failure.
F.E.A.R is what stops us from doing the things we would really like to do. But there is nothing to fear, for fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. F.E.A.R. Fear doesn’t exist, it is self imposed upon yourself by you. One survey revealed that:
Things that never happen 40%Things in the past that cannot be changed or altered 30%
Unnecessary worries about our health 12%
Miscellaneous worries 10%
Legitimate worries are only 8% It is False Evidence Appearing Real. Stop thinking about the things you don’t want, and start thinking about the things you do want. Remember 92% of what we worry about or dwell upon are un-necessary. So, if you had no chance of failure what would you do…write it down.
If I had no chance of failure, I would like to _________________________P could also stand for Prosperity Consciousness - your natural state of unity with spirit, nature, humanity and your inner self. It knows that the abundant riches of the universe are there for you to have. Let Pocket mentor help you to picture in your mind or visualise, what it is you really want to be, do or have and let pocket mentor reinforce it every single day, continually helping you to picture and achieve the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals that you set.
O rganise your thinking – Develop a PlanStart monitoring your thoughts closely, you will notice that you often daydream thousands of negative, worrisome, attacking and petty thoughts that very closely mirror what you experience. Scientists estimate that 90%+ of the 50,000 thoughts we have a day, are repetitive or negative thoughts. The life you have created for yourself is literally arising from your thoughts and beliefs. There is no such thing as an idle thought. Every thought is a cause that has an effect at some level. Here is an important formula for life: - Write it down…
E + R = OWhatever external experience we have, enjoy, or endure, it is our reaction or response to that experience that determines the outcome. In other words, we have the ability through choice to respond differently to any situation.
I’ll repeat that –Whatever external experience we have, enjoy, or endure, it is our reaction or response to that experience that determines the outcome. In other words, we have the ability through choice to respond differently to any situation.
Your ideas, visions and dreams, whatever they may be, are the prophecies of what you shall one day become and achieve. You can predict your outer life tomorrow by looking at your inner self today. You can change your tomorrow by changing your thoughts today, and how you respond to events, and circumstances today.
We should give thought how you are going to respond to current or new challenges, and what you need to respond in a positive and timely manner to generate the positive outcome you desire. If you think about it, if we don’t like a particular circumstance or event in our life, then we must have a better idea, thought or inkling as to how we could improve it or make it better for our self. If you are unhappy about your salary level, weight, amount of debt, quality of relationship, then you must have an idea of what your ideal solution or scenario is. Therefore, all we have to do is give due consideration to that fact which in real terms becomes our goal, and what we need to achieve it and by when.
You need to take your master goal, and break down into smaller achievable goals. When would you like to achieve your goal? What date? Yes, you know what you want, but do you know how you can get what you want? Would you need any kind of special training, or new skills to achieve your goals? Or maybe further educational studies? Do you have a set plan of action that will lead to the achievement of your goals? What things, both tangible and intangible, do you need that will aid you in implementing your plan of action?
Take a moment to sit down and list the things you would need and make your plan of action. This is a good time to break them down into small, realistic steps and consider what it is you need it may be finances, equipment, time, assistance, or advice. Until you identify what it is you need to achieve your plan, you won’t be able to start implementing it. Remember and give consideration by when you want to achieve your goal, and plan of action.
Things you need for your plan of action:______________________________________________________________________
Remember, Pocket Mentor will help you identify where you are in your life now, and help you create a plan of action to help you get where you want to be.
C ontrol your focus - master the law of cause and effect
Your thoughts are the cause of everything that’s happened to you in the past, and that will happen to you in the future. Change your thoughts (the cause), and the effects (your experiences) will change accordingly. Scientists have recently proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in a fraction of a second, over and over again. Nothing is solid. Scientists have proven that thoughts are what put together and hold together this ever-changing energy field into the ‘objects’ that we see.
Consider this. You have 5 physical senses (touch, sound, smell, sight and taste). Each of those senses operate at a particular frequency (for example, a dog hears a different range of sound than you do; a snake sees a different spectrum of light than you do; and so on). In other words, your limited set of senses perceives the sea of energy from a certain limited standpoint and makes up an image from that. It is not complete, nor is it accurate. It is just an interpretation. Our thoughts are linked to this energy and they determine what the energy forms. This helps to explain many things such as positive thinking, prayer, faith, creativity, goal-setting, disease, and much more in a very scientific way. Your thoughts literally mould the universe on a particle-byparticle basis to create your physical life.
Look around you right now. Everything you see in the room you are in NOW started as an idea, a picture or thought in the mind of the person who created it. Look around you and identify that statement with the objects around you…. The seat you are sitting on, the computer you are using, the desk, the pen, the cup, the light – all began as an idea or thought in the person who created them. That person’s original thought resonated at a particular frequency and the more it was shared and expressed, grew stronger and stronger attracting other thoughts, and ideas, until it transformed into a physical object via a very simple PROCESS….which we will cover later on in this document.
In short, you literally become what you think about most. Your life becomes what you have imagined and believed in most. But it also true to say, that the predominant thought that occupies your mind the most, is quite often the one thing that you deny yourself of, or do not have or have not accomplished or attained. For example, answer the following question truthfully….What is the one thing you have been continually thinking about or has been the predominant thought in your mind today, yesterday or for this past week, or month.
Take a minute to acknowledge the one thing you have been thinking about the most, and write it down. It may be anything at all. Go on write it down.______________________________________________________________________
Whether you work for yourself or someone else, are a student or a parent, there are times that you might feel overwhelmed by obstacles or the “effects” around you, and become so preoccupied with other things that you tend to give up on doing the things that lead you towards your goals. You become unsuccessful and don't achieve your goals simply because you have lost focus on them, or are concentrating too much on the “effects” and not the “cause” of the experience.
Ever noticed how certain situations in your life keep repeating themselves until you undergo a major breakthrough? For example, some people are always having relationship problems. They go from one bad relationship to another. Others might have money problems. When they get one bill finally paid, suddenly another lands on the door mat. Some people have weight problems. You could be asking yourself why? All problems arise from believing in a false thought (or cause). Until it is changed, the effects of that thought (or cause) will keep coming back in different forms.
The law of cause and effect is the number one universal law. Throughout history, every spiritual and scientific teacher has reinforced the importance of this one law. They may have taught that you get what you give, you reap what you sow, or what goes around comes around, or every action has an equal and opposite reaction etc etc, but one thing is certain. Things improve in your life, when you improve. They get worse when you get worse. Whether its health, wealth or happiness - the principle remains the same. You are the “cause” of everything that happens in your life, whether you were conscious of it or not. To be happy, cause another person to be happy. Becoming aware of and mastering the principle of Cause and Effect is vital to your future success because your world mirrors your thoughts and beliefs. Whatever you consider to be true or real in your mind will affect you someday in someway unless you change your belief in it.
Here are 4 questions to ask yourself to control your focus, and get right back on track to achieving your goals and ultimately, success!1. Are my goals achievable?
By achievable, I mean realistic and attainable. You might unconsciously have set a goal that anyone will really have a hard time achieving, even if they had the means and the time to do so. The important thing is to make your goals as realistic and as achievable as you can. Remember what we said earlier – organise your thinking into smaller achievable steps. With the pocket mentor self improvement and achievement system, we will show you how to do this every week of the year.
2. Do you really believe in your abilities?
It is true that the only person whom your success hugely depends on is yourself. So, do you believe enough in yourself and in what you can do to achieve your goals? Self-doubt is your biggest adversity and the biggest obstacle you will come across on your way to your success. Remember F.E.A.R, Could it be that you have lost focus of your goals because you unconsciously set aside having to deal with your self-doubts? With the diary based Pocket Mentor self improvement and achievement system, you stay on track every single day, and let you prove to yourself that there is nothing you cannot be, do or have.
3. Are you doing more than you can currently cope with?Sometimes, it's better to work on one goal at a time, rather than doing and shooting for so many goals all at the same time. For one, doing so will hinder you from achieving each goal faster, and for another thing, you will not be able to focus your full energy on one goal. You will constantly be running and trying to achieve one goal after another and this usually results to you not being able to achieve any one of those. Prioritise your goals and then start with either your top priority or the most realistic goal. You'll discover for yourself that you are able to do more and achieve more using this approach. Decide what the most important thing is that you be focussing on today – and do it. What is the best use of your time NOW? Pocket mentor ensures you get maximum return on investment for the time you spend on working to achieve your goals.
4. Do you give up easily?Along with asking if you believe in your ability to achieve your goals, this is the second most important question you should ask yourself. Yes, you do the steps necessary to achieving your goals, but after one or two failures, do you give up and not try again? Persistence and patience are the keys to achieving your goals and eventual success. Always remember that it is very rare that a person achieves total success or attains his goals in his first try. If people did, there would be no need to build self-confidence, patience and persistence in oneself. Pocket mentor, offers a simple system to help recharge the mental batteries, pick yourself up, and ensures you stay focussed on your goals, and create the best thoughts or causes, and thus generate the best results or effects.
K now your self – the secret to having a high self-esteemEven though within each of us, is an unlimited potential, our experience of this world is often one of limitation. Many people often live in a delusional world of isolation, scarcity, low self esteem, living a life that's patterned after the expectations and limited ideas of others, choosing to ignore the special gifts they have to share with the world and the special opportunities for growth and learning in their particular life situations.
“No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” It’s what you say to yourself after they stop talking that’s important.I’ll repeat that – “No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” It’s what you say to yourself after they stop talking that’s important.
Remember, people cannot hurt your feelings. Your own self doubt hurts your feelings.These experiences of limitation are often reflections of our basic beliefs about us and our universe. These negative attitudes were formed by many hundreds and thousands of experiences in our life including parental disapproval and expectation, and social conditioning. Negative beliefs pattern our thoughts, feelings and actions, creating our experienced reality, which is the reality we then use to justify the negative beliefs. For example: "I know I'm a poor person, because I don't have any money." While we may think that our belief that the world is a hostile and uncaring place is caused by our experience of other people not supporting us, in actuality the reverse is most often true.
There are many limiting beliefs that can reinforce poverty consciousness. Many people have such low self-esteem, such guilt and self-hatred, that they feel they don't deserve prosperity. Others fear that if they are too successful they won't be loved because that was their experience with their parents. Often people fail as an expression of anger or resentment or even as a way of asking for help and support. We can easily add our own examples from our own experiences.
However limited our past patterns were, we do have the power of choice in the present. By changing our beliefs, we change our reality. We give practical expression to our new consciousness by changing our actions and how respond to different situations and circumstances.
Many people want to have different things. They want to HAVE happiness, they want to HAVE more money, they want to HAVE less debt, they want to HAVE less weight, better health etc etc. Many people think that if they have these things, they will then be happy or content, or be at peace with themselves. Ironically, the actual process is much simpler than that. Millions of people go through life, chasing their dreams, but never actually achieving them because they think HAVE DO BE, instead of BE DO HAVE. They think that to HAVE happiness they need to DO happy things and they will become or BE happy.
Interestingly enough, if there is anything that you wish to be, simply be that state first.It’s that simple.
The formula for a successful life is BE DO HAVE, not HAVE DO BE.
I have a little poem to help you remember this…
Many people have a rule for life, but it certainly doesn’t work for ME But I found that its really BE DO HAVE, and not the opposite; HAVE DO BE.
Being is closely related to believing.
For example, say you have a weight problem that is troubling you. You wonder, ‘why is it that no matter what I do and affirm and think I can never seem to lose weight or have the ideal body I want’ the answer lies in your root belief. Do you deeply believe that you have the will power to lose weight or not? The question is not whether you believe you shall have or get the will power to lose weight, it is whether you believe you have it now or not. The same applies to your financial situation, or health etc…and do you believe in scarcity or in abundance? Remember, what we said about a prosperity consciousness earlier. The universe will give you exactly what you think about and attract it to you, but you have to be specific.
If you believe you will lose weight or reduce your level of debt, or have a large amount of money one day, it will suspend your wish, dream or goal till ‘one day’. And when that ‘one day’ arrives and you start doubting, thinking ‘what if I don’t have it’, then it will respond likewise. Be specific, about what you want to attract into your life…And you will. That includes confidence about your self.
Napoleon Hill once said “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it will achieve”.Have faith in yourself. Believe. Know with certainty.
Try this exercise.
Touch your nose.
Go on, touch your nose. Then, touch it again.
When you start to raise your hand, you know without a shred of doubt that you will not fail to raise your hand and touch your nose. The thought does not even occur to you that you may not be able to touch your nose. You do it with certainty.
That is the level of faith, belief and certainty you should have in yourself. It is the certainty you should have about your having received even before you asked, and in the guarantee that you have it all. If you think you do not have something, decide, now, that you have it, and you will. Do not say ‘but I don’t have it’. Substitute all negative thoughts with new positive thoughts about yourself.
Try this ExerciseThe next time you feel low, awkward, bad or start having negative thoughts or emotions as a result someone making a negative statement to you, or putting you down, simply recall a previous positive experience from earlier in your life and the positive emotions and feelings associated with that experience, and replay it in your mind….You will instantly substitute any negative thoughts you may experience as a result of the comments or actions of that other person, with your new “implanted” or “recalled” positive thoughts.
Something else for you to think about….Has anyone ever put you down, by saying something to you like “You’re fat”, “you’re stupid”, “don’t do it like that”, “You’re hopeless”, “I don’t like the way you’ve done that”. etc
Try this, the next time someone puts you down…. Say to yourself….
“No matter what you say or do to me, I’m still a worthwhile person”
Write it down, and say it to your self, the next time someone tries to put you down…
“No matter what you say or do to me, I’m still a worthwhile person”
Remember, no-one can make you feel inferior without your consent. It’s what you say to yourself after they stop speaking that creates the outcome. Remember E + R = 0. Other people cannot hurt your feelings; it is your own self doubt which hurts your feelings. You can always choose how you will react to a particular situation, event, condition or person. By owning your own copy of pocket mentor, you are making a powerful decision to adopt a Prosperity Consciousness, and deciding that you will respond and react positively to the circumstances and challenges that life throws at you. Owning your own version of Pocket Mentor will help you to start being the person you want to be, and do the things you want to do, enabling you to have and experience the outcomes and goals you want.
E xperience follows action follows words, follows thoughtThe creation of ideal outcomes, goals, scenarios and circumstances occur in the following 4 step process: Being, Thought, Words and Action. In your life, although you may not be aware of it, you create your experiences first in your Self, spirit, being, then in your mind, then by your words, finally by your actions. It starts at being then moves on to thinking then to speaking then to acting. In fact, acting only puts into place the system necessary to receive and experience what you create in being, thinking and speaking. Most people are simply not conscious of or aware of the first three steps of being, thinking and speaking – all they do is “drift” through life on auto-pilot, living by habit, reacting unconsciously to people and events around them.
When you think, you formulate ideas and that causes the universe to act in a particular manner, and start to attract other thoughts, ideas and people to you. For example, your thoughts and ideas may activate the inspiration in many others to act in certain ways that support your thoughts at the same time fulfilling their own desires. Next, after you think, you speak of your thoughts. This shares them physically with other people and also intensifies the attraction of other ideas, and people to you. Then you act on your thoughts and words, bringing into place the physical systems that help ‘manifest’ your thoughts into experiences on the physical plane. The physical objects you see, the events, and circumstances you experience are all effects of thoughts. They are not the cause and can never be the cause. As much as you may think that a physical object can be a cause, it cannot. Thought is the only cause. Thoughts, Words, Action are tools of creation.
Scientists have now explained to us that the world is not the hard and unchangeable thing it may appear to be. Instead, it is a very fluid place continuous