Principles of the Kingdom: God's Success Principles by James M. Becher - HTML preview

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“…Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap...."

----Paul (Galatians 6:7)


Do you remember our formula?: Formula for Dynamic Living?


dynamic living =

(God Given Equipment [potential]

+God's Principles of Success)

X Proper Self Image


In this chapter, I would like to concentrate specifically on one principle which I alluded to a few chapters ago, but didn‘t deal deeply with. It is the principle of giving and receiving. I have no examples from my novel in this chapter.

Jesus said it in Luke 6:38: "give and it shall be given unto you..." and Paul picked it up in Galatians.6:7, saying, “Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.” Put plainly, whatever you give, that‘s what you receive. But, let me give you some basic assumptions.

First, you never get something for nothing. I remember my dad telling me, "Son, there‘s no such thing as a free lunch." There‘s always a price to pay. It‘s built into our makeup. Your subconscious mind can‘t accept something for nothing.

Second, you always have something to give. You say, "But, you don‘t know my situation." Yes, no matter how poor you are, or think you are, you always have something to give. If nothing else, you can give a smile and a word of praise. Think about it: how many times in the last month have you criticized the person closest to you, and how many times have you praised them? Try the 30 day challenge. For the next 30 days, eliminate all criticism of your spouse or whoever is closest to you. Instead, find the good and praise it.

Thirdly, you always give with the expectation of receiving. The receiving may not necessarily be from the person we gave to. But if we don‘t give with the expectation of receiving, we may not recognize it, when it comes back to us. For example, if you give someone a word of praise, don‘t be surprised to receive one yourself. Learn how to accept compliments gracefully and thankfully so it can flow through you to someone else. When you‘re giving you‘re planting a seed, you have to expect a harvest. If you want a friend, be a friend. If you want someone to co-operate with you, first help them get what they want. Mothers are a prime example of this principle. They usually give everything they have to raise a child in the right way, and hopefully, they receive the fruit of their labor.

When God made the world, He set in motion the changing of the seasons (Genesis.1:14.) Then, after the global flood in which only Noah and his family were saved, God promised to Noah that “while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest...summer and winter...shall not cease….” (Genesis.8:22), and the writer of Ecclesiastes said, in chapter 3, that “there is a season to everything.” Notice the two parallel phrases in Genesis: “seedtime and harvest” and “summer and winter.” Winter is usually seedtime, while summer is harvest time. The phrase “seedtime and harvest” further recalls to mind the idea of sowing and reaping which Paul refers to in Galatians 6:7-8. Paul is applying here the natural law of sowing and reaping to the spiritual realm. While you are going through your winter of trouble, don‘t forget that it‘s also seedtime. So don‘t forget to sow some good seeds, because the harvest time is coming. Don‘t sow out of your present situation, but sow in faith, believing that what you sow will produce the harvest.








1) "Plant the right seed to get the right plant"



2) “The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose”

      ---Heda Bejar


3) "If you want to keep your memories, you first have to live them."

      ---Bob Dylan, singer and songwriter


4) "One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears--by listening to them."

      ---Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State


5) “If you hold your hand shut tight, nothing can get in. In order to receive, you must open your hand.”



6 ) “The gift of caring attention, affection, appreciation & love are the most precious gift you can give & they don‘t cost anything, When you meet someone you can silently give him a smile, a little happiness, joy & laughter. This kind of silent giving is very powerful.



7) “Seedtime and harvest...shall not fail from the earth.”

      ---God (Gen.8:22)


8) “Give and it will be given unto you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use it shall be measured to you.

      ---Jesus (Luke 6:38)


9) "Remember this, a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop.

      ---Paul (2 Corinthians 9-6)


10) "...whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap...."

      ---Paul (Galatians 6:7)