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The Basics on How to Start Loving Yourself

In order to start loving yourself, there are various factors that you should consider to make sure that you will attain the personal power perfection that you deserve to receive. Here are some of the valuable factors that you should follow in order for you to start loving yourself:

Wash out the Anger and Grief

According to most researches, this is the first factor that you need to follow. In order for you to surpass the first step, you are required to make a journal that contains all the important lists such as:

  • Things that you don’t like admire about yourself
  • Things that you don’t admire to those individuals who are close to you particularly with those persons to whom you show and boast bitter feelings
  • Create a list for those things that you don’t admire about your life

In this way, you can easily wash out the anger and grief that you are feeling inside. This kind of process is also known as catharis. When you hear the term “catharis”, it simply means that you want to purify yourself until you are completely pure. It is a kind of cleansing process that is highly recommended to clean your soul’s dirt.


The next step that you should do is to forgive yourself for all the things that you have done wrong. When you completely forgive yourself, it is the perfect time to forgive other people for the things that they also done to you. In order for you to completely forgive yourself, you need to let go all the bad memories that hurts you in the past and continue a brighter life in the future.

Build Positive Experiences

To completely start loving yourself, every single day of your life, you are required to make use of your journal. However, at this point of time, you need to write positive things that you admire about yourself. You can also write down good things that you admire with those people who become part of your life. In this kind of journal, you don’t need to write down negative thoughts about yourself, only the positive one are allowed. Then, after you go to bed, try to read all the positive things that you admire about yourself as well as with those persons that you value most. In this way, you will feel peace, pure joy and grateful about your achievements.

These factors to keep in mind on how to love yourself will serve as your guide in order to obtain the real meaning of personal power perfection.