Quit Talking, Start Doing! Motivate Yourself When No One Else Can by K. Collins - HTML preview

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#14 Generously reward yourself.

A positive reinforcement or reward for getting things done is considered to be a more effective way to reduce procrastination than a punishment for getting it done late. It creates a feeling of doing something you want to do, not just what you’re forcing yourself to do. 

If you have trouble motivating yourself to do a job, consider rewarding yourself with something that you enjoy for every task you complete. Who does not want rewards? We all need little rewards in our lives to keep us motivated. You need to also celebrate each milestones you take to keep you going. Maybe you can buy yourself a present, or take a day off, or do something else that will motivate you. If you’re motivated by pleasure, rewards helps you be more productive on your projects.

Have some fun either after the work or during the work. The fun element is a motivating factor to keep you going without getting bored. When you’re having fun in whatever you do, you want to do more.

Find ways to use regular rewards to pat yourself on the back and give a word of encouragement. Instead of focusing on what you do wrong, try paying more attention to what you do right. Concentrate on your good points. Compliment yourself. Write down what you would say to anyone else who accomplished what you did. And if you have accomplishments written on papers, medals or plaque, put them somewhere you can see them. It will boost your confidence to do better.