Quit Talking, Start Doing! Motivate Yourself When No One Else Can by K. Collins - HTML preview

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Chapter 3: The Damage of Procrastination

As a procrastinator, you may lose the trust and respect of others for you may be unable to maintain your self-image in a good manner among your peers.  A regular practice of making delays cannot give you the required time and energy to your friends and family. Tendencies to be unpunctual, even to those who know you best, are damaging to your reputation.

You may also face problems in your personal life and lose many chances, such as, promotions or rewards etc. in your employment. As you procrastinate, you often present as the person unwilling to make decisions, late to complete tasks or slow to respond to questions. Since you are struggling to put persistent and timely efforts, you’re unable to set the objectives and achieve something that is planned. There is no progress in terms of gaining good experience as well. You may avoid future situations where you would have to take responsibility.

Leaving everything to the last minute does not just harm the commitments you’ve made to others. A “due tomorrow, do tomorrow” attitude also increases stress on yourself and leaves you open to missing out on a lot of stuff that “self-discipline” would have sorted on time.

Now that we understand why we are doing things that we should not be doing and what may happen if we keep doing it, it is easier to take action against procrastination. Breaking a bad habit of putting things off might be hard at first but with proper motivation, it will be easier to do each time.