Reaching Out by Stephen Tan - HTML preview

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Chapter 25 The Consciousness for Abundance and Prosperity.

Have you ever wondered why some people remained poor all their lives? The answer is: They dreamed of nothing, saw no possibility of finding anything, and ended up with nothing. Numerous people remain in their low-paid jobs for most of their lives and appear likely to remain that way. There are many with an awareness no richer than that of a church-mouse. Their poverty consciousness is truly stifling and crippling. They see no tunnel, let alone the light at the end of it. Some Asian taxi-drivers who spend most of the days napping in their cars, waiting for passengers, are in danger of approaching this paupers camp. I often thought, if I were one of them, I would have read law books and got a law degree in 10 years. Several people have earned their degrees in jail, believe me.

Like most other things in life, poverty started first in the mind; a mind oblivious of all our internal potentials and external possibilities. This mentality grew out of sheer ignorance of our splendid powers, and is often self-imposed. It puts a freeze on many things, creating a very sad situation. The poverty-stricken ones are blinded slaves, toiling under the hardship and darkness of life. They remain poor, if they remain unaware of their inner and outer resources, of Godgiven bounties and lavishness in the world.

When you say things like: „Theres no chance...its so competitive...its really difficult...Theres not enough to go around... Watch out! Poverty consciousness is creeping into you. We know well that whatever is created in the mind becomes reality, so we must first conquer mental poverty before we can change external conditions. Intelligence, knowledge, thinking process, wisdom, discoveries of ourselves and our abilities, and using resources in the right directions, etc, are all vital. If you have nothing but an eye for scarcity, your financial future is doomed.

Let us run out of the little mouse-hole, leave this barren plot, and jump over the fence into a land of plenty! We have seen the wonder in nature, the limitless flora, fauna and minerals, the countless hobbies and career paths; we have learned to find good everywhere. We are now poised to clinch all the opulence around us, and we can do it most naturally. There is abundance for all of us if we open our eyes, minds and hearts to it. We are then more inclined to see opportunities and to capitalise on them. Powerful ideas exist in our minds, even though they are invisible. The potency of these thoughts is phenomena; they can rule the world!

It is vital that we constantly fill our minds with feelings of plenty and prosperity. Your subconscious mind is like a bank account, it grows with whatever you put into it. Let the feeling of riches well up and swell up within you, then you become compatible with wealth, and with wealthy people too. All successful people are deeply convinced in their subconscious that they are worth millions. Keep your mind focused on abundance, seeing and counting your blessing wherever you go, and I can assure you, fortune will develop and unfold around you. Your thoughts are magnetic and magical, someday you will be amazed by their results. Even from a practical standpoint, if you always wake up with expectation of plenty, you have made a good start. You are more enthusiastic and vibrant, your work is easier, and your actions follow your dreams. These dispositions invariably help you along the road to success. Can you dispute that?

Fifty years ago there were 10,000 millionaires in the U.S. Now there are over 600,000 of them, an increase of 60 times when the population only doubled! For every baby born, 60 people had grown into a millionaire! Besides, every year some 750,000 new businesses opened up in U.S. alone. Jobs, opportunities, and profits are everywhere. With the support of science and technology, wealth is multiplying at an accelerated rate.

Look at Malaysia on the map, it is a little bigger than New Zealand, but it is now producing 650,000 barrels of oil a day, worth US$10 million! Timber production is US$5 million daily, and is now managed for perpetual yield. Gas production is also in millions of dollars everyday, and there are still 76 trillion cubic feet of gas reserve in the country! Even in the neighbouring countries of Australia and Indonesia, timber, minerals, crops, fisheries, oil and gas abound. This is only a part of the big earth. Looking at all these, should you be contented with being just a drain-digger? Even in the most isolated corners of the globe, you will see Eskimos catching fat seafood through the ice, and Aborigines spearing fishes for dinner.

For your well-being and your bright future, Please embrace and believe deeply in the following points:

1. This is a lavish and bountiful universe, with diverse and endless oppurtunities everywhere.

2. Life is full of fun and fortune when I have a positive outlook and a go-getting and adventurous nature.

3. It is my divine right to be successful, my duty to enrich myself and others. My success helps people, my failure helps no one.

A Chinese proverb says, „With money, a dragon; without it, a worm. So go on, discover and nurse the vast wealth in your mind, then release it. This, coupled with profuse opportunities in the world, and your formidable knowledge, talents, interpersonal and practical skills, you will go like an unstoppable train, and lead the race. Remember always: Think poor and you stay poor, think wealthy and you grow wealthy.

 "We find only the world we look for." - Thoreau.

"When big money begins to come it comes so quickly and in such large amounts that you wonder where it was hiding during those lean years." - Napoleon Hill.

"The only advantage of being poor is that it doesn't cost much, and the salesmen leave you alone." - Anonymous.

"God never meant man to be a purely spiritual creature, He likes matter. He invented it." - C. S. Lewis.

"I am come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly." - Jesus Christ.

"Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened." - The Bible.

"The person who asks for little deserves nothing." - Mexican proverb.