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Chapter 39 Enthusiasm.

I am excited about this lesson, which I looked forward so much to write, knowing well that enthusiasm is everything in life. It is the very act of eyeing all the beauties, wonders and abundance around us, and moving in to  enjoy them all. Wouldnt you like to have all the nicest things in the world, and to share them with everyone? I have always wanted a black Yamaha or Steinway piano, the mostpopular Fender Stratocaster electric guitar, a keyboard that plays like a real saxophone or orchestra, and a hi-fi set that brings a concert right into the house! I am planning large fresh-water and marine aquariums in my house, filled with seahorses, lobsters, and colourful fishes. Not forgetting the most fascinating flowers, the funniest-looking pets in my own little zoo, and serenades from the loveliest song-birds!

I shall revel regularly around the globe with my wife and kids. Rio in Brazil, Cape Town in Africa, the Bahamas, Galapagos Islands, Switzerland and all the 4 Disney playgrounds! I know well my family can have all these in 10 years, or sooner! If we advance every minute of the day for 10 years, with 5,256,000 minutes multiplied by 5 of us, think of the grounds we would cover, the progress we would make! With dreams and earth-shaking enthusiasm, who can stop us? Wouldnt you do the same too?

Charles Buxt on said, „Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul. The rich and famous stressed that enthusiasm and success always go together, because human impetus can do wonders. Emerson declared, „Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it. Thomas Watson, the creator of the giant IBM computer company advised us: „The great accomplishments of man have resulted from the transmission of ideas and enthusiasm.

Oprah Winfrey, perhaps the biggest TV success in recent years, revealed it all: „I am where I am not because money was ever... my motivation. If you want to accomplish the goals of life, you have to begin with the spirit. Alexander Bogomoletz commented, „One must not lose desires. They are mighty stimulants to creativeness, to love and to long life. John Rockefeller, American industrialist, financier, and founder of the Standard oilCompany commented: „Do you know anyone who is zealous in his work? He is the equal of kings.

The word enthusiasm was derived from the Greek words En theos, which mean  With God, inspired by God, and  with the energy of God. „You can do anything if you have enthusiasm, said Henry Ford, who started and built the superlative Ford Company, „Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress. With it there is achievement. Without it, there are only alibis. In one study, 200 executives were asked what leads to success, and 80% listed enthusiasm as the most important quality. Can we ignore the combined views of 200 discerning executives?

Normally, enthusiasm coupled with other average human qualities, is enough to help a person to rebound from failure to success. It also helps to drown shyness, uncertainty or even depression. H. W. Arnold said: „The worst bankruptcy in the world is the man who has lost his enthusiasm. Let a man lose everything else in the world but his enthusiasm and he will come through again to success. Many people label enthusiasm as the Number One Asset. The loss of a zest for living is probably the worst thing that can happen to a human being, it is almost the loss of his life.

At work in the corporate environment, our enthusiasm boosts our performance remarkably. It leads to profitability and well-being, for ourselves, our co-workers and the company as a whole. Furthermore, this state of mind draws delight and co-operation from others. Harold Geneen, of the giant AT & T Corporation commented, „We wanted people who were intelligent, knowledgeable and experienced, but in choosing among candidates who had those attributes, I wanted men around me who shared my enthusiasm for work. Everywhere, excitement is extremely infectious, so is the lack of it. Even in communication, an enthusiastic speaker invigorates us, while a dull delivery puts us to sleep. If Hitlers passion and oration could send a nation against the world, and start the 2nd World War, you can imagine the power of such obsession. The same impetus propelled the Japanese to do likewise in 1939, with tragic and horrific consequences.

Another wonder of enthusiasm is that it gives rise to a host of other blessings and assets, like optimism, a pleasing personality, radiance, energy, confidence, diligence, endurance, initiative, teamwork, creativity, inspiration, and many other positive attributes that lead to success and happiness. The distinguished Conrad Hilton had this to say: „As far back as I can remember, I was marked with the sign of enthusiasm... Inevitably, with such attributes, it is difficult not to lead a full, active life.

We tend to forget that enthusiasm is already happiness in itself! After all, our well-being is a manner of progressing, not a destination. We simply function more smoothly and joyfully when we are stimulated and treasure-seeking. Kingsley said rightly, „We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. Benjamin Disraeli, the former British prime minister, took us beyond the normal qualities of enthusiasm when he declared, „Every production of genius must be the product of enthusiasm.

There is also much beauty in enthusiasm. Which is prettier, a toad or a hummingbird? ‘Zest is the secret of all beauty.’ There is no beauty that is attractive without zest. Said Christian Dior, the prominent and celebrated creator of beautiful products. For this reason, it is sad to note that a conceited and spiritless adult loses not only his attractiveness, but suppresses enthusiasm in his children, when they run to him and are responded with a careless, I-know-itall, thats- nothing-new attitude. Excitement and fervour are not only beautiful, they are extremely rejuvenating and curative. It is now proven that the eager, lively, and happy-go-lucky type not only combats illness, but blocks it in the first place. Fun and joy can truly immune or heal.

We can easily cultivate our enthusiasm by mixing with enthusiastic people, reading motivational materials and thinking enthusiastic thoughts. Then we set our desired goals, „dance merrily towards them, and enjoy every minute of the way. There is so much in the world to see and do, people to meet, adventures to enjoy, great abundance to cherish and to give. There is more than enough, to keep us amused every hour of the day, every day of the year. Life is wonderful.