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Chapter 80 Selling Skills.

Life is a continuous selling process and everyday we are offering our knowledge, skills and capabilities. Selling is a popular career, bringing freedom, flexible schedules, social contacts, challenges, personal growth and satisfaction. You are likely to involve in selling sometime, so let me impart to you here all that I know, condensed into 4 pages...

You must first get organised , before you meet your customers. Equip yourself with tools that promote successful habits and productivity. Their sophistication depends on the nature of your business, and could include a diary, organiser, computer and stationery. As soon as you are organised get into the right frame of mind, one burning with desire, along a route that spells: Aspirations Actions - Achievements.

Next, find your prospects in newspapers, congratulatory ads, phone books, offices, clubs and places related to your products and services. You can get more from social contacts and referrals. Qualify prospects first, before wasting time on them. Proximity and lack of competition help, so prosper in your own "acre of diamonds and pick tiny or deserted ponds with big fish! Knock on old doors too, repeat business is great. Before meeting prospects, you normally have to do coldcalling on the phone or doorsteps. Time your calls cleverly for best results as people have different lifestyle and schedules. In making an appointment always give alternative dates and times, which are more difficult to turn down. If you choose to do mail-outs first, make your letters and brochures catchy and easy to understand. If possible, show something new each time. If you are knowledgeable and experienced, it may be better to start prospecting at the top. This is where large budgets and big decisions are made, and you can make bigger sales!

Now we enter the Preparation phase. Groom yourself to be an experts and authority in your field. Rehearse regularly; visualise favourable response from your clients and yourself, right to the successful finale. Such imagery not only activates your powerful subconscious, it makes you sure and competent as you go "quietly quietly, to catch the monkey. Anticipation of success is a self-fulfilling prophecy, while negative expectation automatically floors you; so beware, believe in yourself and your products. Dont let traditions and hearsay hinder you - they say you need the right seasons, localities, establishments, time of the week or year to sell certain products!

Next, we come to Approach and Presentation. It pays to spend weeks mastering the art of relaxation, which is contagious and conducive to conversation, positive moods and buying. As you enter, give the best first impression. You could even earn a good image before you arrive, through the prospects friends or relatives. Speak clearly and calmly. Use a natural, pleasant, fresh opening sentence. A good beginning is half the battle and the simplest approach is always the best. Go along the creation of curiosity and interest, satisfaction of wants and reduction of risks. Assess your prospects character and lifestyle quickly to modify and strengthen your attack. Learn to probe in an imperceptible way and identify his needs, tastes and preference. Be well-prepared in every aspect of your business and dont be caught off guard. Remember, people are receptive to experts and consultants but resistant to salesmen. Your technique must vary with the type of products or services you sell. Anyway, maximise their attractiveness and exceed the customers expectation!

At this moment, the client is your most important person in the world; focus on the him, not you. Empathy and love attract and soften people and the caring approach is best. Make the information interesting, with visual aids if possible. Emanate energy, enthusiasm and humour, they are infectious. Smiles and laughter not only smother difficulties, they improve everyones mood too. They make the sale an occasion greatly enjoyed by all. Get excited about your products and make your obsession his obsession.

The worst sales people are the depressing ones; customers already have enough of their own troubles and they dont need yours. Be courteous and sympathetic. Do not exaggerate, boast or appear cleverer than your prospect, or you will be sorry! Other things to avoid at all costs are: Leaning on his desk or talking over him. Looking around with spying or roving eyes. Talking too much, and other bad manners. Never make empty promises either, be a person of integrity, and honesty is the best policy. Dont be afraid however, to stand out a little. The great entrepreneur Victor Kiam, when he was with Lever Brothers early in his career, brought a monkey to a very competitive sales presentation! Selling includes showmanship. Have some powerful marketing tools, it is good to outshine others!

The universal objection is that sales people are pushy, slick talkers, so be considerate. Study and sum up your clients personality quickly but prudently. Next, maintain good eye contact and use the miraculous pacing technique to harmonise with his posture, breathing, tempo of thoughts and speech. Pacing brings him to your side subconsciously. Ask cleverly-designed questions. Talk less, and listen more to what the prospect is asking you and imparting to you. What he wants may be more or deviated from what he tells you, so be very sharp and reflective. In this way you can identify the "hot button to satisfy his hunger and incite the purchase. The WIIFM - Whats In It For Me concept is very effective, it fuels the desire to buy. Sell them what they need, and focus on after-sale and longterm service too.

Do not get involved in technicalities that your prospect cannot understand, simplify instead, and make an offer he cant refuse. Suggest for example, that he can try now and pay later (provided your companys policies allow this). Get rid of negativism, hassles, and unnecessary rules, like no refund, no personal cheques, etc. Be ready to back-paddle too, or retreat to advance. If you are over-pushy, it may be time to relieve your customer by saying, "Lets look at better alternatives, or "Lets postpone this and see if theres something else we can do. Counter objections graciously and gently; they may be wrong but will they buy if you offend or belittle them? Friendship is important for your long term business.

Finally we come to the Close. Ask for the order, and do it as soon as possible! Assume you will get it and do trial closes along the way, it works! Therere of course many ways of closing: The "summary close where you summarise all the benefits as you get his signature. The "minor close where the client picks his favourite pattern or package. The "evidence close where you cite incidents of clients satisfaction. The "possessive close where you consider the close pre-destined!

An important skill in selling is the ability to meet disappointment and dejection happily, this is priceless. Tell yourself that every 9 rejections go with 1 sale, so more rejections bring more sales! They are normal and plentiful, let them prod and motivate you instead. Use my powerful "Next, next, and next" formula in prospecting, presenting and clinching your sales, then rejections are trivial and become part of your numbers game. Our dreams are nothing without efforts and perseverance, and the successful salesman does what theaverage person doesnt like to do. Learn to control your moods; they affect performance. Instead of dwelling on past misfortune, live each day preciously and fully as your last. Clean up your lives. Good habits are imperative in a sales career. Go to bed early and rise early. Reduce idling and cafeteria time and spend more time calling; more calls mean more sales. Invest in yourself, in books and seminars, and join the Toastmasters Club. Get your spending right, and save 10% of what you earn!

Analyse and use the best ways to advertise and promote products. Give something away. People love free samples and incentives work wonders. Offer telephone order-taking, fast deliveries, free installations, easy financing, guarantee, interest-free ownership, business reciprocity (you scratch my back, I scratch yours), even government loans and subsidies. Christmas and other festive kickers, and special events like the Commonwealth Games and Americas Cup are excellent opportunities. You can also sponsor a prize-winning contest or community programme and host annual dinners for past and present clients. Dont forget cross-promotion, using an associate who is already successful in the market, it can bring interlocking benefits to all.

These days, products are so sophisticated that your human touch is invaluable. Knowledge and information are fast becoming outdated, stay ahead. With advance technology and new products popping up as fast as they become obsolete, marketing has accelerated. You need vision, not just reactive ways for future markets. Multiply your sales in novel, untried ways. Be different and creative. Increase your prospects, your size and frequency of sales. After-sale service is very important. Arthur Sheldons motto for Rotary Club International was: "He profits most who serves best. Look constantly for opportunities to serve, and to multiply values for yourself and your customers. Be the sales champion who not only succeeds but teaches his customers to succeed!