Real Faith that can Deeply Inspire You Forever by Godwin Ihagh - HTML preview

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1. Faith: the superpower that materializes desires & gives new life to dying ambitions

We live in a world that doesn’t give us too many ideas on how to face everyday challenges which come in a number and variety of forms, shapes, and sizes. Many people live through the day and sleep at night thinking about how they can make their living conditions better.

Every day we are haunted with questions about how we are going to handle this worrying thought, or approach that worrying problem. Good enough, one of the greatest businesses of life lies in thinking and having faith in one’s self and the future.

If we have sufficient faith in ourselves, we can control our thoughts to a great extent and be well on the way to controlling most of our circumstances. Faith is the superpower that helps people handle the positives and negatives of tomorrow’s gifts and challenges: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”—Hebrews 11:1 of the Christian Bible.

Just take a look around you and you will see men and women who, after years of hopelessly struggling, suddenly acquire untold wealth, or materialize their most cherished dreams. Faith turned their dreams into reality, gave new life to their dying ambitions, and put them on the road to success.

Faith—deep belief—is a superpower that is usually inspired by someone or something; it always inspires certain people to turn defeats into victories, or successes.

The shield of faith

Regardless of what people think regarding faith, one undeniable fact is that daily doses of positivity create a strong shield of faith against thoughts that tend to make us forget we have a hidden but strong dominant power lying asleep deep within us.

The universe has entitled us to every good thing. Therefore, we should learn how to get used to expecting good things regardless of any situation at hand—we should learn to expect nothing but good!

Victory doesn’t need to be followed by shaky thoughts of defeat: victory should follow victory. And how can we ensure that? By always feeding ourselves with positive thoughts, and having unshakeable faith in ourselves regardless of the prevailing circumstances that surround us.

Always remember that the shield of faith can halt the effects of the negative thoughts which develop limitations against us. Limitations are a result of accumulating and harboring negative thoughts for days, months, or even years.

We do not have to allow negative thinking to impose any limitation on our lives. Remember that once acquired, the shield of faith will always dispel negativity and attract every good thing for us—it will move mountains for us!

There is every reason for you to believe that you are entitled to the everlasting generosity of GOD. Every substance and product people have used or created out of nature’s supply of abundance depends on the purity of positive thought or positive thinking.

Developing the shield of faith

When it comes to developing the shield of faith, the problem most people have is that they are not mentally strong; in fact, many people are the direct opposite: they are mentally lazy. It is much easier for most people to follow the crowd rather than break away from them and follow a path that can truly benefit them on a long-term basis.

The greatest geniuses, discoverers, and inventors in all endeavors of life have been men and women who dared to break away from the traditional and normal routes of the common masses; they believed that there is no limit to what their minds can achieve; they stuck to their beliefs until they achieved their goals, even in the face of ridicule and criticism.

In addition, they never felt that they achieved everything after achieving just one success, or a few successes. Their first successes and continuous relentless persistence only made further successes materialize much more easily.

Continuously successful people know some things many people didn’t and don’t know: they have realized that they are part of a universe filled with abundance, and that the Earth as a part of it, shares the same properties as the whole universe from which they can acquire any right and good thing.

Successful people know that the only threatening limitation is the inability to think and work towards the things that are desire; because of their faith, each step they made—regardless of existing circumstances—propelled them forward and upward ever.

For instance, Thomas Edison didn’t just think about electric light, sit back/down and fold his arms; he nurtured his mind, thought about his ideas many times over, and took many steps before he finally invented the things that have helped humanity for hundreds of years.

William James, a famous psychologist, once stated: “The more mind does, the more it can do”—so we must keep looking and moving forward in order to continuously do more! Faith strengthens the ideas that release energy and makes people do much more than they ever did before. Actually, we can know and achieve more than we have ever known or achieved in the past.


Get up, stretch your mind beyond the usual extent; understand the superpower called faith; practice and get your own share of the unlimited supply which is available in nature.

There are unlimited ways through which the abundance of nature—GOD’s generosity—can get to you once you have sufficient faith. Don’t think that there are only one or few channels through which nature can send gifts to you; there are uncountable and unlimited channels.

Your job is to believe and have faith to the extent that your good desires are impressed on your whole mind—especially the subconscious mind. As you do this, you will develop the right mental attitude that will always expect and attract good things.

And the right mental attitude doesn’t fail; it only fails when we allow worry, fear, negativity, and laziness to overcome our minds. “According to your faith, be it done unto you”—the words of Jesus Christ.