Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 3 - The Dynamics of Self-Motivation

Unlike raw motivation, self-motivation is a propellant, a catapult, and a manifestation of inspirational human forces. Self-motivated individuals focus on growth, development, and forward movements. They strive to thrive, require less management, and overall, less motivational inspiration.


Because they are “self-motivated”, though as positive as this sounds, please bear in mind that self-motivation is not a natural state of being. It is where the energy of motivation has been internally harnessed, and transformed to operate from either a fear, or desire. Oops, that fear word came up again!

Are you puzzled? After all has been outlined, are you perplexed as to how and why fear could become a self-motivator? Please relax and allow an explanation;

Remember you already know that the energy of motivation is just that, raw motivation of E=MC2, and when operating from negatively perceived or fearful experiences, it can and will go on to create de-motivation. De-motivation in a sense whereby the individual will actively feel sad, or depressed by the fear, but with self-motivated individuals, they don’t experience the same thing.

Self-motivated people internalize the same fears as a de-motivated individual with one exception. They have no negative experience attached to the fear. That is, there is no negative mental thoughts, negative emotional, and no real life physically associated event. It is a fear, but a healthy one.

Here’s a quick example:

1 - You may fear losing your job.

2 - You may have lost a previous job.

3 - You may have already lost a job and suffered from the consequences.

There is a difference in all three, though for the first two, there is unlikely to be an associated “negatively attached fear”. Whereby with number three, if there has been a loss of job and a suffering in the process, then there is likely to be mental, emotional and physical baggage.

For examples one and two above, they may go on to create healthy fears, whereas for example number three, where they physically suffered, and if the experience is perceived as a negative, it will most certainly create or contribute to “a core de-motivating energy”.

Only with digging around and uncovering the inner self can one engage with, identify, uncover and dissolve the culprit of de-motivation.

However, for self-motivated individuals who are operating from desires, the process is exactly the same. That is, the energy of desire acts as a stimulant, creating an associated “desirable associated, positive experience”, which propels the individual forward. Please allow it to be strengthened that neither fear, nor desire alone are self-motivators. To become a human dynamic that propels, they must first attach to a mental, emotional or physical real life outcome. Not only that, whatever the outcome is, i.e. a real life event. Then the energy of motivation is obliged to select either fear, or love. Did you notice the deliberate shift and transition from the word desire, to love?