Saint Anthony's Guide to Great Joy by Anthony Sewell - HTML preview

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Lesson 5


The Importance of the Spiritual Realm

Ephesians 6:12- For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.


The spiritual realm is more important than the physical realm because the physical realm is temporary while the spiritual realm is permanent. Therefore, it is wise to focus on the spiritual realm since you will be experiencing it eternally. You must not worry about earthly things because they do not matter. Focus more on up above than here below. The physical world that you call reality is a cruel, unfair, tainted and blind fabrication by men. Humans have for centuries, explored many mysteries searching for truth and power. Humankind has dabbled in the occult, searching for esoteric truths and contacting spirits for inspiration to create earthly things and to perform miraculous wonders.

Those who find truths and receive inspiration from unholy sources, lead the rest of their fellow brothers and sisters astray. It is easy for these individuals to control the masses because the things and ideas they introduce in society, often times seem new. It is a fact that people like new things, which is why people will always gravitate towards new things even if they are suspicious at first. However, armed by this knowledge, you will not be led astray like the others, for you are now enlightened men and women. We, the Joy Movement, have escaped from the tight grip of the rulers of society and our minds are now free from mental slavery!

So remember that: There is an interconnectedness of all things, for your existence distends beyond your skins.