Saint Anthony's Guide to Great Joy by Anthony Sewell - HTML preview

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Lesson 8


Love thy Neighbour

Leviticus 19:18- Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbour as yourself. I am the LORD.


You must first find peace with and within yourself before you may truly love and forgive others. It is undeniable that technology has in some way or form, isolated us from society and one another. No longer do we know our neighbours, nor the people closest to us. Technology was created to make lives easier but it also unintentionally serves to destroy lives by causing an unhealthy dependence on its various types. This results in a noticeable obsession with technology throughout a vast range of social structures. Laws made by man, many types of careers and promoted social interactions online, fuel this dependence.

As this obsession is fed on a daily basis, time is greatly misused and countless opportunities in real-life are missed. Misused time cannot be regained. In order to miss fewer opportunities, we must therefore spend more time interacting with others in real-life than electronically as well as find time to relax and enjoy the peaceful nature of things. Technology is also associated with invisible signals that transmit information among electronic devices. These signals interfere with our brains’ signals, inadvertently supressing our true mental abilities and potential for explosive spiritual awakenings.

So remember that: It is easier to love, than to hate.