Saint Anthony's Guide to Great Joy by Anthony Sewell - HTML preview

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Daily Prayer


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for what I have accomplished thus far. As I open my heart and look deeply within myself, may I meditate upon the lesson read so that it may serve as a catalyst to positively and pleasingly move me and those around me forward and cause me to advance and see the desired growth in all the respective areas of my life.

Please may you send Archangels: Ariel, Azrael, Jophiel, Raphael and Raziel to entirely protect, comfort and support my loved ones and I. Help me to have consistent positive thoughts and feelings of great joy as I practice to become perfect like you and ensure all my needs and desires are met every day, including today. Thank you God for always being there for me. This I pray in the name of the Light of the World, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.