Secrets of Solomon: Wisdom & Success
Daniel de Oliveira
1st Edition
December 2016
All rights reserved
© 2016 Daniel de Oliveira
All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any means,
without the express consent of the author is prohibited. Violation
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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the
Good News Translation in Today’s English Version - Second
Edition Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by
Riches of Solomon
Secret 1 - The obstacle of wealth
Secret 2 - The foundation for success
Secret 3 - The cause of failure
Secret 4 - The key to glory
Secret 5 - The origin of ruin
Secret 6 - Way to abundance
Secret 7 - The trap of poverty
Secret 8 - The seed for growth
Secret 9 - Prosperity enemies
Secret 10 - Guide to greatness
Secret 11 - The reason for the fall
Secret 12 - The source of all things
The richest man in the world
Be like Solomon
The winner's profile
Thousand words
Comments from Readers
"An incredible book... I will re-read it again and again, to
fix the ideas." Marllos S.
"I loved reading the book Secrets of Solomon... is a bedside
book." Rogerio A.
"Much of what I teach to my students is written in the book
Secrets of Solomon. It is an excellent reading for valuing
the good things in life." Marcelino
"I do not have the habit of reading, but your book has
awakened me in an inexplicable way!" Paula C.
"It's a book on my list of favorites... brought me an inner
peace and a fabulous energy to succeed in life, but this time
without haste, and with great humility." Nelson A.
"This wonderful book has created a stunning effect on my
life." Nelson J.
"I was charmed with this reading, I confess that I have little
wisdom, but after reading this book I feel a better person, or
wiser." Luciana F.
Wisdom is the secret key
for have riches and glory.
She has enormous prosperity
and a very lasting plenty!
She loves those who love her,
the one that seeks for her, finds.
Is Wisdom who brings us hope,
a future and a long life...
Her mission is help to thrive,
the knowledge gives power.
He who correction despises
has poverty, and disaster.
You want to better your life,
you want invest in tomorrow?
You only have to seek Wisdom,
and simply, success will follow.
Daniel de Oliveira
(in "Poetics IV")
"If you live according to nature,
you will never be poor;
If you live according to opinion,
you will never be rich."
What is the secret of one of the most powerful men
who ever lived?
Solomon, son of King David, was the third king of
Israel and lived during the tenth century BC. He became
famous because of his great wisdom and wealth, higher than
any other king on earth who lived before and after him. His
reign was long (about 40 years), full of peace and
prosperity. And even without war, he received the voluntary
tribute of all neighboring kingdoms (according to some
chronologies, 971-931 BC).
Today, we studied the route and the history of all
those who achieve success, regardless of their area of
expertise. And we can learn about their methods and
strategies that led them to achieve success. However, I
consider fundamental: study the life and work of one of the
most successful men ever.
Harv Eker in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire
Mind" reveals that when he was in a particularly difficult
time, received the following advice that changed his life: "If
you thought the way rich people do and did what rich
people do, do you believe you could become rich too? All
you have to do is copy how rich people think".
Well, I believe that if we think and act like Solomon,
we will experience great results. Because he was not only
rich, but the richest of all! So, it was established as a great
example for us. However, I warn you since now: the wealth
that Solomon offers goes far beyond material wealth. It has
to do with prosperity in every way of life.
All you will find in this book is not original. In fact,
if you have any hope of finding some "novelty", regret to
inform you but will be disappointed. As Jim Rohn said:
"Everything you need for your better future and success has
already been written".
Personally, I have no merit by any statement in this
book. Everything I learned was through others. And even
the statements of Solomon, are not unique. They were
taught by many sages throughout History.
This proves precisely the universality and truth of
these principles. Many things change from generation to
generation but in essence, the human being remains the
same. So it makes sense, learn from those who have gone
before us. "Yet, they are not secrets but truths which every
man must first learn and then follow" (George S. Clason).
More than a book to be read, "Secrets of Solomon"
is a manual to reflect and digest slowly. Each section
functions as a small daily meditation. Where, you will learn
truths that can change your life, if you put them into
practice. Welcome to this journey.
Daniel de Oliveira
"King Solomon was richer and wiser than any other king"
"Solomon was wiser than the wise men of the East
or the wise men of Egypt.
He was the wisest of all men"
I Kings 10:23, 4:30-31
"Even the heartiest skeptic must admit what wise
men and kings and queens the world over once
acknowledged - that Solomon was the wisest man who ever
lived" (Steven K. Scott). In human History, the word
"Wisdom" will always be associated with the name
"Solomon". It is impossible to disassociate both. Probably,
Solomon is the father of all personal development literature.
So it is essential for us: return to the source.
The fact that Solomon was very rich and also very
wise, can lead us to question whether there is any
relationship between wealth and wisdom? Does the wisdom
and wealth are associated? Does wisdom is the natural path
to wealth? If we are wiser, richer we will be?
Solomon thought so. He said there was a close
relationship between true wisdom and true wealth.
However, he warns that it is possible to be "rich" without
being wise. But for anyone who becomes wise, wealth will
be a natural consequence.
The prosperity that Solomon promises to those who
follow the path of wisdom, involves all aspects of life:
spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical, family,
professional, social and material. According to the
dictionary, "prosperity" means "quality or state that is
prosperous, happiness, progress, wealth". This is the fate of
those who follow the wisdom, or in the words of Steven K.
Scott: "True success is a natural byproduct of Solomon's
And for our benefit, Solomon wrote a real treaty of
wisdom for all those who want to live a prosperous life in
all areas: the Book of Proverbs. A book that is part of the
Bible, the best-selling book of all time! "A vast amount of
leadership wisdom lies within the 31 chapters of Proverbs",
contains "excellent principles for guiding one's life" (John
C. Maxwell). And who better than the wisest man in the
world to be our mentor?
"Keep company with the wise and you will become wise."
Proverbs 13:20
If you absorb the truths in this book, and put into
practice in your day-to-day, you will walk toward success.
Listen to what it says John C. Maxwell, the leading expert
in today's leadership: "Embrace the disciplines and the
character that Solomon suggests, and you will be on your
way to transforming your leadership".
Your real focus should not be to reach the "goal",
but take pleasure in walking. If you concentrate on practice
wisdom, success will be just a consequence. But if you're
"obsessed" with success, will seek "shortcuts" to reach
"faster" and will hurt yourself. In fact, there are no
"shortcuts" to the true, full and lasting success. The only
feasible and safe way, is what Solomon calls "way of
wisdom". Focus on walking this path, and you will reap the
good fruits of that. Deviate from this path, and the fruit will
be bitter.
The reality is that all problems are wisdom
problems. If you seek wisdom in all things, you will find
the solution to all problems. And not just today, people look
for the solution of their problems. In the time of Solomon,
all the people came to be with him to learn to be successful.
And they became prosperous. Do the same, learning from
Solomon, and you will prosper.
"And the whole world wanted to come
and listen to the wisdom that God had given him.
Everyone who came brought him a gift:
articles of silver and gold,
robes, weapons, spices, horses, and mules.
This continued year after year."
I Kings 10:24-25
In this passage, you may notice the following
principle: The more wisdom you have, the more wisdom
you can share. And the more wisdom you share, the more
wisdom you may have. In fact it's a cycle: If you sow
wisdom - in yourself or in others - more wisdom you will
We can also observe the relationship between
wisdom and wealth of Solomon. People were not only
happy to hear the wisdom of Solomon, but they were also
grateful: Expressing its deep appreciation through valuable
offers, including gold. We can see the value of wisdom in
people's lives: they exchanged gold for wisdom!
George S. Clason, in the book "The Richest Man in
Babylon", asks the question: "A bag heavy with gold or a
clay tablet carved with words of wisdom; if thou hadst thy
choice, which wouldst thou choose?" Do you know the
answer of most people? "Ignore the wisdom and waste the
gold. On the morrow they wail because they have no more
gold" (George S. Clason).
What good would, if we understood the importance
of wisdom, as in Solomon's time. Wisdom can transform
our lives. In fact, wisdom is far more valuable than gold.
"Yes, beg for knowledge; plead for insight. Look for it
as hard as you would for silver or some hidden treasure."
Proverbs 2:3-4
Most of us have had this childish dream: Find a
hidden treasure! Find something valuable that transform our
lives! Something to fill our existence of sense! Something
to fill our empty... Wisdom is this treasure that speaks
Solomon. We need to take a real journey in search of this
Solomon has found this treasure, and wants to give
us clues to get there. We can consider the book "Proverbs of
Solomon" as a treasure map! Dear reader, let yourself be
guided by Solomon while reading this book. Let him help
you find the real treasure of your life! But do not forget:
"Never has there been a map, however carefully executed to
detail and scale, which carried its owner over even one inch
of ground" (Og Mandino). Solomon only shows us the way,
but we who have to walk! "Whatever aid I give thee will be
as a grain of sand compared to the mountains you must
move for yourself" (Og Mandino).
"Every year King Solomon received
over twenty-five tons of gold,
in addition to the taxes paid by merchants,
the profits from trade, and tribute paid by the Arabian kings
and the governors of the Israelite districts."
I Kings 10:14-15
The wealth of Solomon was really huge! "In terms
of wealth, some have suggested that in today's dollars, he
may well have been a trillionaire" (Steven K. Scott). How
could a king be as rich and prosperous without war or
violence? While many today are "rich" because of
corruption, Solomon built all his great prosperity based on
justice! According to him, this is the only solid foundation.
By analyzing its Manual of Success (Book of
Proverbs), we see that their secrets have nothing to do with
"methods or techniques" to achieve wealth, but are mainly
based on the character. "It is a book about improving the
way we think and therefore act" (John C. Maxwell). It is
quite different from the current mentality.
No wonder today, in the age of information (in 21
century AD), that human beings experience great crises at
all levels, including in financial terms (despite all the
available knowledge). Today we are better educated, and we
have more resources than people had in Solomon's time.
However, these people had more prosperity. Certainly they
have something to teach us. Today we seek to improve
"methods", Solomon sought to improve people! The
Solomon's methods have been tested and proven by
"During his reign silver and gold became
as common in Jerusalem as stone,
and cedar was as plentiful
as ordinary sycamore in the foothills of Judah."
II Chronicles 1:15
How many stones you have stored in your home?
You do not value the stones? Well, in Solomon's time, silver
and gold were as common as stones! Can you even imagine
this scenario? Would you like to live in those golden days?
Solomon says it is possible to live those times, at any time
or place!
According to him, the problem is not the people or
the circumstances or place where we live, the problem is
within us. And this problem is a problem of wisdom. "You
must change is the soul, not climate... Walking from one
side to the other will not help you because you walk always
with yourself" (Seneca). I remember that once I tried to
change the world, now I try to change myself. Everything
changes when we change!
Do you want to change the world around you? Start
with yourself. It is inside, where it all begins. You know
when our life will improve? When we improve! "The only
way things are going to change for me is when I change"
(Jim Rohn). In fact, all our outer world is simply a
reflection of our inner. "We must travel on the inside before
we can travel on the outside, because the journey of growth
and success is first an internal one" (John C. Maxwell).
Note that all the prosperous reign of Solomon was just a
mirror of himself.
"The people of Judah and Israel
were as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore;
they ate and drank, and were happy."
I Kings 4:20
It pleases me the fact that Solomon was not only
rich, but also he made rich all the people around him.
People lived happily in his reign, and had all things in
abundance! So were so numerous "as the grains of sand on
the seashore". They had no need to migrate to improve their
lives. I believe that many foreigners emigrated from their
country, to live in the country of Solomon. Because in
Israel, they were prosperous and happy!
How many are concerned today, to enrich others? By
nature, we tend to be selfish. We tend to think only in our
happiness and well-being. However, our prosperity
increases as we help others prosper. Our happiness also
increases as we help others to be happy.
So, we should not only have the purpose to thrive
and be happy. Let us follow the example of Solomon, enrich
and make other people happy! This will be the greatest joy
of our life.
"Solomon's kingdom included all the nations from
the Euphrates River to Philistia and the Egyptian border.
They paid him taxes and were subject to him all his life."
I Kings 4:21
Isn't it strange, he dominated other kingdoms but not
by force? Throughout History, whenever a king wanted to
extend his kingdom would have to do it through wars.
However, Solomon did it through wisdom! He claimed that
a wise could conquer a city of heroes! (Proverbs 21:22).
You may think: "I'm no king like Solomon,
therefore, I can't be successful like him". However, it is
good to remember that throughout History, many had the
opportunity to reign, and destroyed their reigns. The
important thing is not where you are, but where you are
Solomon began as a king, but greatly improved his
kingdom and the prosperity of its inhabitants. No matter
where you are: If you follow the path of wisdom, you will
grow and will extend your influence. And you will improve
not only your life, but also of all those around you!
"The greater the hurry, the farther the distance."
Who doesn't like to be successful? Having all their
needs met, and live in abundance? Who doesn't like to
contribute to a better world, and help those in need? It
would be almost an "hypocrisy" a person doesn't answer yes
to these questions.
In fact, there is a natural desire in man for plenty.
Human beings aren't born to live in poverty (whether
material, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual). Therefore, we
seek to combat poverty in all possible ways, either through
thoughts or actions. It is a constant struggle, and can
become even an obsession. However, we need to keep in
mind that often it is precisely this "obsession" that prevents
us to thrive. And the larger the obsession, the greater the
obstacle. "If you have too much hurry, you will harm
yourself" (Tosi 1581).
Hurry means "anguish, anxiety, urgency, speed,
difficulty" (Dictionary). That is, a person with too much
"hurry" feels "anguish" because of a problem, and have
"anxiety" and "urgency" to find the solution, therefore acts
with great "speed", but in the end, he'll find only a bigger
"Be wise enough not to wear yourself out trying to get rich.
Your money can be gone in a flash,
as if it had grown wings and flown away like an eagle."
Proverbs 23:4-5
Wealth must be a consequence and not an obsession.
You might have noticed: When we are obsessed with
something, it seems more difficult to achieve it. And on the
other hand, there are things we do not aspire, and come to
us. "How many things happen to us and we do not expect!
And how many things we hope and never happen!"
How Come? There seems to be a law that says:
When you covet something, it runs away from you. And
when you despise something, it will reach you. We can have
this certainty: When we expect something, we will be
disappointed; but when we do not expect, we will be
surprised! This looks amazing: How often, we hear phrases
like "Wanting is power" or "Who waits, always achieve".
But how many times it happens that "He who hopes,
This teaching of Solomon isn't very easy to explain,
but the truth is that always works. It's something so
intangible and real at the same time! You want to be
successful? So please, do not run after it. "Ambition makes
us go after the coveted goods and lose the goods we
possess" (Marquês de Maricá).
The ambition puts our happiness in the future, and
says: "Tomorrow, you will be happy". And the next day,
says again: "Tomorrow, you will be happy"... We should
never postpone our happiness! Remember: The secret of
happiness is within us. Happiness is the ability to enjoy
every moment, and the only time we can be happy is now!
Today is the best day of our lives: let us be thankful on this
day. Gratitude is a door to happiness.
If the ambition of being rich makes people become
rich, everyone would be rich. Have you noticed how many
millions and millions of people run after riches every week
playing in games of chance? The truth is that the riches flee!
Someone will say: "If others make money, why not me?",
But is this the best way? "Everyone wants to win a lottery.
Everyone wants to get rich with as little effort as possible.
But... For every winner, there are millions of losers" (Steven
K. Scott).
There will be a path with higher probability of
success than to be one among millions? We should not lay
eyes on the money. Money loves those who reject him, and
despises those who love him. Remember the famous phrase
of Paul: "The love of money is the root of all evil" (1
Timothy 6:10). The love of money will only bring harm to
your life. Amazingly, "the shortest path to wealth is
contempt of wealth" (Seneca). If you despise the riches,
wealth will reach you!